People are full of pirates

Chapter 121 Devil Fruit, Unexpected News [44]

Chapter 121 Devil Fruit, Unexpected News [44]

"It feels a bit old..."

Shia looked at the small dilapidated wooden box and frowned slightly.

"Not necessarily, maybe it was washed by sea water."

Nuo Xia picked up the wooden box. It was not as heavy as he thought. Although it was locked, with his arm strength, he could easily break it with a little force.

He didn't mean to hide, and opened the wooden box directly.

Different from the system mall, the "Something Magical Fishing Rod" can only catch things from the local world, so there is no need to worry about something too shocking to appear when you open it, such as magic light sticks and the like.

"Wow, the golden legend..."

While opening the lid, he dubbed the voice with a flamboyant tone.

After Naihe opened it, there was no golden light blooming inside, only a few scattered gold coins, and a strange oval fruit covered with spiral patterns.

"This is……"

The yellow monkey on the side was taken aback, and couldn't help but move his head closer, "Hey, are you kidding, Devil Fruit?"

What's the matter with this kid?
Fishing with stinky socks, if you can really catch something, it’s nothing more than this kind of treasure inside...

Can luck really be that good?
Nuo Xia was also a little surprised, but his attention was quickly attracted by a prompt box that appeared above the treasure chest, which listed detailed item data information:

[Item: Superman Rust Rust Fruit]

[Type: Devil Fruit]

[Description: Give the eater the ability to rust metals. After further development, the range of target species that can be rusted will be further expanded]

[Judgment of fishing value: high]

Rust fruit?
Nuo Xia has a little impression, it seems that in the comics, this fruit will be obtained by the colonel of the headquarters, Xiu En, and Liu Suolong's saber "Xue Zou" was destroyed by this ability.

"I'm sorry, little brother."

Xiu En is also a disciple of Zefa, and maybe in a few years, he will be able to see him in the elite camp. Nuo Xia silently prayed for him in his heart, "I hope you can get a more convenient devil fruit in the future, anyway, this one is your return." I'm..."

"It should be a superhuman devil fruit..." Huang Yuan still pinched his chin, studied and observed, and muttered non-stop, "It's a pity that I haven't read the devil fruit illustration carefully, so I can't tell which one it is. Ah, headache, headache..."

"Then don't divide it, lieutenant general."

Nuo Xia put away the devil fruit, and winked at him innocently: "I caught this myself, it's not considered a capture, it should be my own, so it doesn't need to be confiscated, right?"

"Of course not." Huang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "Stingy, don't let me look at it for a while, open it quickly, do you think I will miss this kind of thing?"

"I won't come to G2 after graduation."

"...Well, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. There is really nothing to see. Let's go back to the cabin and rest. It's uncomfortable to be exposed to the rain outside the old station."


Step into the training room and close the door behind you.

The sound of the rain was immediately blocked out. The warm orange light and the howling wind and rain on the sea were all next to the transparent porthole glass, but it was like two worlds.

Nuo Xia took off her coat and hung it by the door, went to a secluded corner and sat down cross-legged, took out the rusty fruit again, stared at it and fell into thought.

This is not the first time he has gotten a devil fruit.

In the past two months, dozens of pirate groups have been wiped out by him. Naturally, there are occasional devil fruits among the seized materials, but he has handed over all of them and confiscated them. Like the heads of the pirates, they have been transformed into his The rich military exploits in the resume.

But this one is different, the right to own it is entirely with him, and he can dispose of it as he pleases.

"Remember that the price of a Devil Fruit in the black market starts at hundreds of millions of Baileys, right?"

Nuo Xia thought of this at first, but then shook her head, "Money is of no use to me..."

Although he is currently only a stipend of [-] to [-] Baileys a month because he is still a recruit of the elite battalion, it will be easy for him to multiply this number by a hundred times after graduation.

Not to mention that the accumulated military exploits are stored there. If he wants to buy something later, he can apply to the headquarters for priority exchange at any time...

He really has no interest in Bailey.

Even in the future, after he officially became an admiral of the navy, he, Lord Romanov Norsia, could sadly say to the interview camera that he was the happiest when he was a recruit and got 91 Baileys a month day……

eat by yourself?
That's even more impossible. Nuo Xia doesn't want to waste his excellent water quality and become a landlubber, not to mention that he doesn't like the rusty fruit. After eating it, in addition to multiple weaknesses, the increase in combat power is extremely high. limited……

"Keep it for now."

He muttered and scratched his head, "Go back to Donghai after graduation and ask your parents if they want it. If they're not interested, you can give it to Bermer..."


Nuo Xia woke up suddenly. It seems that since the last letter, he has not contacted the other party for four or five months...

I am not in the headquarters now, and I don't know if Bermer has sent another letter to Marin Fando during the period when he came out for an apprenticeship.

He felt guilty, and decided to wait until the internship period was over and check the letter as soon as he returned to the headquarters. Even if he didn't receive it, he had to take the initiative to contact him.

"At least in the morning of the day after tomorrow, you can reach the waters of Sentin Island."

Nuo Xia put away the devil fruit, looked at the sky outside the window, "Let's continue to practice first..."

Before starting the penance, he habitually opened the system panel and glanced at his current body data.

【Name: Romanov Norsha】

【Age: 19 years old】

【Strength: 23】

[Agility: 23 (+2)]

[Endurance: 25]

【Intelligence: 9】

【Charm: 14】

【Current points: 83900】

[Regular skills: double-knife swordsmanship (intermediate), six-style (intermediate), gun shooting (advanced), fighting and fighting (intermediate), self-discipline (master), armed domineering (intermediate), knowledge-color domineering (beginner), Painting (Advanced), Fishing (Master)]

[Talent Skills: Grinning Tooth, Thick Skin (Intermediate), Steel Head (Intermediate), Rebirth of Severed Limbs]

[Currently equipped: Boots of Lightness, Armor of Thorns]

Compared with a month ago, the strength has not improved much, but the agility and endurance have increased by [-] to [-]%, which is reflected in the data level, which is a real attribute point.

25 points of stamina... This is really a terrifying statistic.

Nuo Xia is not easy to quantify. She knows that the last time she fell asleep was twenty-seven days ago, and she was forced to fall asleep by Shia. Up to now, she is still full of energy and not sleepy at all.

"Let's practice swordsmanship for a while, and then meditate to exercise knowledge."

After thinking for a while, he drew up a practice plan for the next two days. As a swordsman, it's too embarrassing for him to be at the rudimentary level. He must focus on energy and spend more time on it.


Two days passed in a flash.

Soon it was the morning of the third day. Nuo Xia, who had finished a whole night of hard training, walked out of the training room filled with the smell of snail powder, went straight to the empty stern, sat down, and took out the "somewhat magical fishing rod" ".

There was an example of fishing a devil fruit before, and he has begun to force himself to gradually develop the good habit of catching fish once a day.

It's a pity that the luck of the two days was not good.

What was caught yesterday was a badly damaged good sharp knife, which was barely judged to be of medium value by the system, but today it was even more outrageous, what was caught was actually a fish.

A fat head fish that weighs [-] kilograms and looks very fresh and plump.

Nuo Xia was speechless for a while, and with the idea of ​​not wasting it, he carried the fish to the back kitchen, handed it to the cook, and then turned back to the deck with a depressed expression.

It seems that the decrement rule in the item introduction is quite strict. I am afraid that I will have to wait until I leave the large sea area near the G2 branch before I have a chance to catch good things.

As soon as he returned to the deck, he suddenly saw a communications soldier with the rank of second lieutenant rushing into the cabin from the other side of the deck in a panic.

And did not wait a moment.

The yellow ape, who had just been woken up from the bed, strode out from inside wearing a cloak of justice with an ugly face, and appeared at the bow of the ship.

 The fourth watch, I'm so sleepy, I'm asleep, everyone, good night.

  By the way, weakly ask for the next monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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