People are full of pirates

Chapter 129 Frozen Purgatory [23]

Chapter 129 Icy Purgatory [23]

Hearing this, William turned his head and glanced at the half-kneeling cabbage, "Where's the person?"

"All alive, Your Highness."

Only then did Gan Lan dare to raise his head, and said respectfully, "It's all in the No. [-] cold storage. It hasn't been processed in time, and the warship is basically intact."

"Then let's go." William ordered lightly, "Take this group of marines and let them go."

"Take them there?"

Cabbage's eyes were stunned, "But in this way, the location of the cold storage is not just..."

"The stronghold on the Jevo Peninsula has been exposed."

William didn't have any scruples about the fact that the navy was nearby, and smiled and said:
"After this incident is over, this place will be abandoned. The territory of Alabasta is very vast, and there is nothing to regret. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, Your Highness."

Cabbage glanced at the yellow ape and nodded.

Huang Yuan and Gu Mier looked at each other, narrowed their eyes slightly, and remained silent.


Behind the cliff, in the deep valley.

Kalan, who led the yellow ape and his party to this place, suddenly stopped in front of a huge rock with a height of seven or eight meters.

This huge rock is no different from the rest of the rocks in the valley. It is integrated with the mountains, and there is nothing strange about it from the outside.

But after the cabbage stood still, an iron pipe like a microphone suddenly protruded from the top of the giant rock, and a muffled voice came from inside: "A secret signal?"

"The secret signal is your size, it's my mother!" Gan Lan snorted coldly, "His Royal Highness William is also here, open the door!"


The voice in the iron pipe suddenly became more honest, and the speaking tube was retracted. After a while, the huge rock suddenly split from the middle, revealing the tall iron gate inside.

A strong man with a height of four meters stood at the door with a simple and honest face. When he saw William, he scratched his head and said with a smirk:
"I thought Kalan was making fun of me, but I didn't expect you, His Highness William, to come. You haven't come to see Babu for a long time."

"I've been busy recently, so I really don't have time."

Facing this subordinate who seemed to be out of his mind, William showed that refreshing smile again, and said softly:

"Open the door, Babu, and take me to see the marines that were locked in last night."

"Oh, good."

The strong man named Babu nodded his head, then turned around, rolled up his sleeves, and suddenly shouted angrily. With his arm strength, he pulled open the two huge iron gates.

This strength is really astonishing, Nuo Xia glanced at him in amazement, only then noticed that the other party's two arms were unusually thick and strong, not at all what a person with a height of four meters should have, and even comparable to Major General Buma. of giants.

Been transformed?Or a devil fruit power user?
He frowned slightly, guessing in his heart.

After the iron gate was fully opened, a group of people followed the strong man through the narrow corridor and came to a huge room with a thousand square meters.

The room was extraordinarily empty, and there was an icy aura spreading from nowhere, and the overall temperature was around zero degrees.

There are iron walls on all sides, and near the wall, there are hundreds of snow sculptures that can vaguely see the outline of human figures.

It was the group of naval soldiers under Boomer.

Having just been frozen overnight, these strong and strong soldiers will naturally not lose their vitality because of this, and each of them can still see signs of life.

Some of the school lieutenants even opened their eyes, and when they saw the yellow ape appearing in front of them, their eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"It's all here."

Cabbage glanced at the yellow ape, and said coldly, "At that time, I froze them and asked my subordinates to carry them to the icehouse. Not even one was injured."

"Only your subordinate named Boulma has some strength and was not completely frozen by me. During the transportation, he took the opportunity to resist the sneak attack. I had no choice but to subdue her. The injury on her body is a bit serious, but I can't blame me for that."

Huang Yuan didn't bother to look at her, and kept scanning back and forth among the ice sculptures. When he was sure that no one died from the ice, he looked at William and said with a smile:
"Let this Miss Snowman thaw out. Since there are indeed no casualties, I will ignore the previous incidents and just follow your Highness's wishes."

"Very well, I like dealing with smart people."

William smiled slightly and snapped his fingers. The cabbage behind him immediately understood, turned around and walked to a certain place on the iron wall, and lifted the outer glass cover to reveal the console inside.

After a few simple operations with her fingertips, she returned to William's side. At this time, everyone could clearly feel that the temperature in the room was rising rapidly.

It was still below zero not long ago, and within a few minutes, it was in the early twenties.

The snow melted and the water flowed all over the place. The marine soldiers who were frozen in ice also gradually regained control of their bodies and moved their hands and feet.

"Let's go."

After waiting for a while, seeing that everyone was out of trouble, Huang Yuan glanced at a certain direction deep in the room intentionally or unintentionally, and finally turned around and took a deep look at William, "I will see you in the future, Your Highness."

"Goodbye, Mr. Polusalino."

William smiled and put on his top hat again, "Kale, see off the guests for me."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Kale bowed respectfully.

She was about to go out with Huang Yuan and the others, when she suddenly noticed that the black-haired kid who had spoken rudely to her highness before, stood in front of the console at some point, looking at the button above and pinching his chin thoughtfully.

"What are you doing, brat?" She frowned, "Your chief is about to go out, why don't you follow?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about this kind of equipment that can freely control the temperature of the room..."

Nuo Xia dealt with it half-truthfully, but looked at the iron wall in the innermost part of the room, and said in a low tone:

"And I don't know if it's an illusion. The temperature in the room has already risen, but I can still faintly feel a gust of air-conditioning coming from there..."

While saying this, his hand was already on a button on the top of the console.


Cabbage's face suddenly changed, and the simple and strong man named Babu also roared and charged like a bull, knocking Nuo Xia away.

But he was one step too late, and the button had already been pressed.

When Nuo Xia was knocked back a few meters, there was a rumbling sound, and immediately under the stunned eyes of the naval soldiers, the inner iron wall, which was no different from the other walls, suddenly and slowly separated from the middle .

The icy breath blows towards the face, so cold that everyone can't help shivering.

And when the marines took a few steps closer to the inside curiously, and when they probed their heads, they found that behind the iron wall was a huge secret room that was wider and more open than the room they were in now!

"I, my God..."

A young second lieutenant suddenly noticed something, his pupils constricted, his face changed drastically, and he stretched out his trembling fingers: "Then, what are those!"

The rest of the people looked in the direction he was pointing at, and their expressions changed dramatically the next moment, showing unbelievable shock.

ice coffin.

There are thousands of ice coffins, densely arranged like a honeycomb, hanging on the cold iron wall, making one's scalp numb.

And through the foggy glass coffin, one can vaguely see that all the ice coffins are full of half-grown teenagers and girls lying inside with their eyes closed, not knowing whether they are alive or dead.



The second update, and one more stay up late to continue coding!

PS: It has started to restore the third update, and the fourth update from time to time. If you still feel that it is not enough to read, and you are planning to raise books, please open the automatic subscription, otherwise it is really possible to raise the dead.

(End of this chapter)

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