People are full of pirates

Chapter 133 William's Defeat [13]

Chapter 133 William's Defeat [13]

The night is like ink, and the full moon is in the sky.

More than ten hours have passed since the battle between William and Nuo Xia broke out.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert area is huge, the scorching heat of the day completely dissipates, and the wind at night penetrates into the skin, even a little cold.

In the valley below, many tents were pitched in the open space, brightly lit.

The navy soldiers hurried through it to help the doctors who went out with the army, and tried their best to treat the children rescued from the ice coffin.

Major General Buma had already woken up.

After figuring out the situation, she wanted to help at first, but was forcibly stopped by Huang Yuan. At this moment, she was weakly leaning halfway against the entrance of the giant rock, holding a bowl of hot porridge in her hand, and looking up at the cliff above quietly.

The whistling sword energy and the flying petals were still clearly visible even hundreds of meters away from the bottom of the valley.

"It's not over yet."

Worry appeared in her eyes, and she murmured softly, "Time is running out, Nuo Xia, you must win..."

The battle that took place on the top of the cliff was so shocking that it could be seen throughout the Jewo Peninsula. Reporters and intelligence dealers had already arrived, like sewer rats smelling the smell.

Maybe wait until tomorrow morning, the newspaper that published this news will be taken by the news birds and fly around the world like snowflakes.

And at that time, before the public opinion ferments, the orders from the headquarters and the pressure from the royal families of the two countries will come like a tide...

"Don't worry too much, Boulma."

A familiar voice came from the side, and Boulma looked sideways, and found the weary yellow ape, squatting down on the huge rock beside her, and said with a smile:
"Give that kid some more confidence, I assure you, soon, soon there will be results..."


Boulma hesitated for a while, but still nodded slightly, and then wondered: "Why are you so tired?"


Huang Yuan rolled his eyes, "Where do you think the tents and medical supplies came from, did they fall from the sky? Isn't it because the old man went to the warship and went back and forth with the town many times, and it took a lot of effort to get them here. "

Is this considered overtime?Absolutely.

If I don't double my salary this month, I can't justify it...

Seeing the angry expression of the yellow ape, Buma laughed dumbly, took a sip of the hot porridge, then raised his head again, and continued to quietly watch the battle on the top of the cliff.


In the flickering of the sword shadow, countless tough pale pink petals were cut into pieces, floating all over the sky under the clear moonlight, which was too beautiful to behold.

Among the scattered petal fragments, a tall figure covered in blood was forced to retreat more than ten meters, stepped on a huge rock on the top of the mountain, and appeared in a state of embarrassment.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

William clutched his chest and coughed violently. His face was pale, and his blue eyes were bloodshot.

"How is it possible! How is it possible..."

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at the black-haired figure in the sky. The originally handsome facial features were almost distorted at the moment, and his tone was full of disbelief, "This guy, doesn't he feel tired!"

Obviously, in terms of hard power, I still have to steadily overwhelm the opponent. Throughout the day, I almost always hold the initiative of attack firmly in my hands.

But what about that nasty black-haired brat in terms of physical strength, how could he be so strong and perverted!

After more than ten hours of high-intensity fighting, he was covered in scars and exhausted, and his condition declined sharply in all aspects.

Although the other party was also covered in injuries, he was still full of energy, and even became more courageous as he fought, and gradually began to reverse the slightly worse situation...

It must not be delayed any longer!

Otherwise, in the end, I will definitely be exhausted by this guy because of exhausted physical strength, and lose in shame!
With this in mind.

A cold look appeared in William's eyes, he stomped his heels suddenly, and his body rushed to the sky again, and at the same time exhausted all his strength to activate the killer trump card that he had rarely used for so many years!

"Sura Flower Prison!"

Accompanied by a gloomy scream, countless huge pink flower buds suddenly burst out of the sandy soil on the top of the cliff, soaring in the wind, becoming tens of meters high in an instant, and blooming at the same time, revealing the endless black flower stamens inside.

Each stamen is as sharp as a needle, and the edges of the surrounding petals are also quickly curled to accumulate energy, and in the next moment, together with the endless stamens, all of them are shot out!

The overwhelming huge petals, and the invisible black stamens mixed in them, under the cover of the night, one big and one small, one bright and one dark, are all turbulent murderous intentions that make people chill!
At this moment, it seemed that the entire top of the cliff had been turned into a dangerous dark hell!
"Finally can't help but fight to the death..."

In the sky, Nuo Xia hung his sword in the air, covered in blood, and his shirt had been torn to pieces, revealing his muscular upper body covered in scars.

He looked at the endless flower stamens that were coming, his eyes were calm, "It seems that he is exhausted, it is almost time."

That being the case...

He closed his eyes and clenched the hilt of the sword, holding the Wind Sword and the Yazakana Sword with one hand horizontally in front and the other hand behind his back, took a deep breath, and made a classic double-knife movement.


With a low shout, he suddenly opened his eyes!

"Double-knife style...wrong jade cut!"

Following the slash of this sword, two bright and dazzling white sword qi roared alternately, spreading mightily towards the distance, setting off a wave of terrifying qi.

The sky under the night seemed to be illuminated at this moment.

That majestic sword qi cut off the huge petals, cut off the endless black stamens, and cut the way like a mountain torrent erupting, raging and unstoppable!
The top of the cliff collapsed, and countless huge stones, like meteorites, fell to the town of Rewo below.

And William, who was standing on the top of the boulder, had no way to avoid it, he could only watch in horror at this terrifying sword, which completely disintegrated his offensive, and enveloped him head-on.

The deafening explosion sounded at the top of the cliff at this moment.

Under the pressure of the huge sword energy, William, who was already at the end of his strength, finally couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes went dark, and he spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

He fell backwards, his whole body was like a kite with broken strings, and the gravels he followed fell off the cliff, falling straight down from hundreds of heights in the air!

There was a burst of dust on the ground, and a huge pothole with a diameter of several meters was smashed out of the rough masonry ground directly below the cliff.

In the center of the cracks that were densely covered like spider webs, William's body was lying there, blood was all over his body, and his eyes were staring blankly at the sky.

His joints and viscera were all severely injured, and it was difficult to struggle to get up for a while, and he could only watch helplessly as a black shadow continued to enlarge in his sight, and the tip of the sword pointed at him...

 In the first update, deletions, deletions and changes were made to minimize the fighting scenes.

  PS: Thank you for the endless rewards, and I will add another one if I owe more!
  Thank you Zhang Heheng for 4800 coins, 3000 coins for the abbot who loves meat, 500 coins for the darkness of nothingness, falling stars, ticket summoning, Drunken Cantonese Layman, and Spirit of Immortal Feather;
  And the soul of Qiang, Doris_king, meow with big orange as the most important, frozen heart dust, o novel madman, black heart second shopkeeper, a hundred years of twilight, apricot core, shrimp who like to read books, the ocean is water, books Friends 20200909171253766 and book friends 20210323092324653 are rewarded and supported!
  (The author can only get a quarter of the reward subscription on the Apple side, and the settlement will be delayed for three months. Please try not to use the IOS system for rewards)

(End of this chapter)

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