People are full of pirates

Chapter 139 Points skyrocketing [1X]

Chapter 139 Points Skyrocket【1X】

The sky is gorgeous at sunset, and the burning clouds are wantonly rolling.

The speedboat is sailing in front of the sea, and the silvery white waves pass by the side of the ship, splashing ripples, and merged into one place at the stern, in the twilight, it is like a shining water belt.

Nuo Xia was lying on the wicker chair, her legs crossed, her eyes were gazing at the sunset.

It seems to be wandering in the sky.

In fact, he was staring blankly at his own property panel.

[Milan Cirno has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Gugalas has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Yallita has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Makino has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]


Information like this keeps appearing in the information bar, at a speed that is almost like swiping the screen.

Occasionally, there were a few familiar names. Before Nuo Xia had time to look carefully, the news had already been pushed to the top, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched, so he had no choice but to give up this idea.

This is obviously the effect of newspapers.

Although the photo was not clear, there is no doubt that a man like him is like a firefly in the night, even if his vision is dim, he can still shine brightly.

The vast majority of the girls who were raided provided meager points, ranging from dozens to dozens, but they couldn't stand the large number, and they had the effect of gathering sand into a tower in a short time.

Massive points just keep coming.

【Current remaining points: 323900 points】

Looking at the balance of points, Nuo Xia fell into deep thought. He remembered that before killing William, the remaining points seemed to be only [-] to [-].

All of a sudden, it directly increased by more than [-]?
It's amazing...

If the system sends out another task of "slaying thousands of people", I'm afraid he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, and he can just complete it on the spot, right?

"It seems that I can add some more."

This week's item store didn't find anything good, Nuo Xia scratched his head, and decided to spend [-] points first, adding a little each to strength and agility.

Right now, it costs [-] yuan to add points once, which is really ridiculously expensive. He was reluctant to add points before, but this time he can finally be arrogant.

Physical fitness is always the most important part of hard power, just like the foundation of a nine-story pagoda, if he could have so many points for adding points two days ago, then his battle with William might not be so strenuous.

speak up.

William's hard power is actually higher than him.

I was able to defeat the opponent after more than ten hours of hard fighting. In addition to relying on my strong and durable physical strength, those passive skills for reducing damage and the damage increasing effect of Yazakana's sword "Demon's Fear" also played a huge role.

If William is not a Devil Fruit user and is proficient in swordsmanship, he may not be able to win this battle with a high probability.

"It's getting stronger again..."

After adding points, Nuo Xia clenched his fists and raised them in front of him, feeling that his strength was about [-]% stronger than before, and he was in a good mood, "Now, in terms of strength, I am completely qualified for the position of lieutenant general in the headquarters, right? "

The dream of letting the little rabbit confess in public is one step closer!

He was thinking cheerfully here, but he didn't notice that Spandain was staring at him all the time. After holding back for a long time, he finally said in a low voice: "Hey, brat!"


He turned his head sideways, looking at the CP9 commander for no reason.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, that wicker chair is my seat!" Spandain gritted his teeth, "You've been leaning on it since you got on the boat, and I can only squat on the deck. I'm getting out!"

"Ah, ah, ah, I won't snatch you, for the sake of my cooperation, so what if I let you lie down for a few days."

Nuo Xia yawned, and said lazily, "When we get to Judiciary Island, this thing is still yours."

"Is it a question of whether to borrow or not!"

Spandain was startled, and roared: "I am the commander of the CP department, you are just a prisoner, why should you lie down and squat while I squat, you bastard!"

"It's so noisy, you guy, you are just like your son, it's annoying..."

Nuo Xia mumbled and turned his body around, resting his arms under his head, closing his eyes - within a few seconds, snoring sounded, and he fell asleep like that.


Spandain looked dumbfounded.

No, how big is this guy's heart, that he can sleep like this?

"Belinda, Shaka, go!"

He turned his head abruptly, and ordered the two female agents in suits under him, "Wake this guy up, if he still pretends to be asleep, just drag him down and immerse his head in the sea to wake him up, I dare to occupy my chair, It's outrageous!"

"No, it's not good...Commander."

The female agent on the left had a flushed face, she couldn't bear to blink, she kept secretly looking at Nuo Xia's face, "He must be very tired after a long fight, let him have a good sleep..."

"Yes, boss."

The female agent on the right nodded approvingly, "He's the navy, we're agents, we're all half colleagues, don't be so unkind."

What the hell is this?
"Fart! You're still a colleague, this brat will be in prison for the rest of his life..." Spandain reacted suddenly, looked suspiciously at the two female agents, and then turned his head to look at the brat's side. Face.

Well, even he has to admit that this kid is really ridiculously handsome...

But this is not the reason for his subordinates to rebel on the spot and think of each other in everything!
"Two useless things."

Gritting his teeth, Spandain waved his hands at the other three accompanying male agents, and said angrily, "You two, go! Wake him up and give him a good lesson."

Female subordinates can't shout, but men are always fine, right?

The three strong men in suits looked at each other, and after hesitating for a while, they also shook their heads in embarrassment.

"It's not suitable, boss."

The leading man in sunglasses said in a low voice, "It's just a wicker chair. It's okay to let people lie down for a few days. You just feel wronged and sit on this boat for a few days."

"There is also a small horse in the cabin, you can still use that..." another man in sunglasses echoed.

Pony prick your head!
Spandain almost wanted to punch each of these bastards, but he reckoned that with his own strength, after beating up these subordinates, they would be fine, and he might suffer a sore wrist and fracture.

Simply give up this idea, angrily came to the side of the wicker chair, wrapped both hands around Nuo Xia's arms, and kicked his legs on the boards on both sides to borrow strength, gritted his teeth and roared, and exerted all his strength——

Nothing happened, Nuo Xia was still sleeping there motionless, and there was a snot bubble that slowly grew bigger under his gaze, and after it burst with a "pop", he continued to create the next one...

Mr. Nuo Xia's snot bubbles are so beautiful... The agents behind him were fascinated by it, and couldn't help swallowing.

I still can't believe it!

It was useless to pull and pull. Spandain was ashamed and annoyed. After rolling his eyes, he simply took a few steps back, used his strength to run, and then stretched out his hands suddenly, pushing Nuo Xia to the outside.

As a result, Nuo Xia, who was sleeping soundly, turned over by coincidence at this time, and put down her legs.

Before Spandain rushed forward, he felt his feet tripping, his whole body was unstable, and then...

With a plop, he screamed and fell into the sea.

 Today may be the second shift, or it may be the third shift, it is unknown for the time being, it depends on whether I can survive the night...

(End of this chapter)

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