People are full of pirates

Chapter 147 Record Ranking Announcement [13]

Chapter 147 Announcement of Record Ranking 【13】

The next morning.

At dawn, the final ranking of the internship assessment has been officially announced and posted on the barbed wire wall of the training ground.

Recruits who got the news kept coming, wanting to see the summary of their record data and ranking.

In front of the barbed wire fence, a large group of people gathered, shoulder to shoulder, and many of them had to stand on tiptoes to barely read the words on the list.

Fortunately, Shiliu and Rossindi are not among them.

The two of them came quite late, but the absolute advantage in height is there, so there is no need to squeeze in, just stand on the outermost edge.

"Rosie, Rosie, Rosie... found it! Tenth place..."

After struggling for a long time, Rossindi finally found his ranking, "Participated in 12 combat missions in total, defeated 375 pirates, and offered a cumulative reward of 1 million Baileys..."

He grinned happily, "It's not bad, it's better than I expected, Shiliu, how about you?"


Xiliu withdrew his gaze, his face was calm, as if he had expected it long ago, "All the results of the second month's monthly assessment have been deducted, otherwise the data should be better."

The statistics shown above show that he defeated 764 pirates, and the accumulated bounty is as high as 2 million Baileys.

It was an astonishing statistic, even if one-third was deducted, it still held steady against Kesha, who was third, and Shia, who was fourth.

"As expected of you, Shiliu, you are already very strong."

Luo Xindi looked at the top of the list again, "The number one... well, is it really Brother Nuoxia? He has participated in dozens of combat missions, and the pirates he defeated are all in four figures. That's 3 million peles."

"No, it seems that William's reward was not included?"

Luo Xiliu looked at Xiliu suspiciously, "I thought it would start with at least [-] to [-] million, why is it only [-] million Berries higher than you, Xiliu?"

What does it mean to be only [-] million taller than me...

The corner of Shiliu's eyes twitched, he lit a cigar, and said lightly, "I guess so, after all, once you become Qibuhai, the bounties for pirates will be cancelled, and it's normal if they don't count in it."

Speaking of this, he recalled the shock he felt when he learned the news that Nuo Xia defeated Qi Wuhai through the newspaper not long ago... That guy has not yet graduated, and he is already so strong.

After all, the gap with myself and others has been completely widened, and they are no longer at the same level...

He exhaled a puff of smoke, and suddenly noticed that Kesha beside him was looking at them sideways, with strange eyes, as if holding back something.

Shiliu raised his eyebrows slightly, and said displeasedly, "Why, what's the matter?"

"Both of you... aren't near-sighted, are you?" Keisha said constipatedly, "If there's nothing wrong with your eyes, I suggest you two take a closer look at the record data of that guy Nuo Xia."

What do you mean?
Shiliu frowned, and subconsciously scanned it again—that's right, it's 3 million Baileys, what is this guy talking about...huh?Doesn't seem right?

He carefully counted the number of zeros behind the string of numbers, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face showed disbelief.

At the same time, Rossindi beside him finally found out that something was wrong.

"31 billion Baileys?!!!!"

His eyes widened and he cried out in shock.

Between me and Brother Nuo Xia, there is actually a missing zero?The cumulative record data shown on the list is not [-] billion at all, but a full [-] billion Pele?
This is too exaggerated...

With his exclamation, many new recruits who hadn't noticed it before, or who had just arrived, also looked up at the top of the list. After counting the digits of the large string of numbers, there was an instant uproar in the entire training ground!
"Hey, hey, are you kidding me, Nuo Xia... the pirates he defeated...there is a bounty of more than [-] million?"

"Don't I even have a fraction of his? Damn... the top twenty don't seem to have this number, do they?"

"Be confident, remove the appearance." A tall and burly recruit swallowed, "It's a monster... no, monster can no longer describe that guy..."

——It has been 1490 years since the establishment of the Elite Camp in [-] of the Haiyuan calendar. Looking at the previous years, has there ever been such a horrible record?

Even Lieutenant General Sakaski and Lieutenant General Polusalino, the combined record of the two during their apprenticeships was not so terrible, right?

"So I'm just a fraction..."

Shiliu took another deep breath of the cigarette, and looked up at the sky with a vicissitudes of life.

"Who isn't..."

Keisha next to her also raised her head and said quietly.

There was a long and short sigh in front of the barbed wire, and many people who were deeply shocked followed the two of them, raised their heads sadly and looked up at the sky without saying a word.

With the previous two assessment results ahead, they had already accepted the gap between themselves and Nuo Xia, but this time, it was too outrageous...


When Nuo Xia, who was drenched in sweat, was a step late and finally rushed to the training ground, what he saw was such a scene of collectively looking at the sky.

"What, Zigera is on the stage?"

He then looked at the sky and wondered, "What are you looking at? Why is everyone in this posture?"

The voice just fell.

Brush brush!
Countless gazes focused instantly, everyone raised their eyes in vain, and the expressions on their faces were complicated...

Click!Rosinindi and Xiliu stood on the left and on the right, once again holding Nuo Xia, and said viciously: "Hey, you guy, how did you do it? A bounty criminal with more than three billion Baileys?"

"The record is so exaggerated, how dare you say that you are not necessarily the number one on the warship before?!"

"Excessive modesty is very embarrassing, understand, but I actually believed it, bastard Nuo Xia!"

Nuo Xia's head was dizzy from being shaken, and it took him a long time to recover. He spread his hands innocently at the two:

"Is it the first place? I was really not sure before. After all, killing Shichibukai is a serious violation. I was worried that Teacher Zefa would deduct all my data and become the last one..."

"As for how I did it..."

He looked around and sighed, "Time is like water in a sponge, there is always a squeeze, everyone, I just use your sleeping time to catch pirates."

The arena fell silent.

The next moment, everyone looked at each other, reached a tacit understanding, rushed up, surrounded him, gave him a fat beating, and gritted his teeth: "You are still humble, you bastard!"

"Why do you guys need more and more beatings, hey!"

After a while.

Everyone lay on the ground exhausted, out of breath, rubbing their sore and numb wrists.

And Nuo Xia stood in the middle blankly like a normal person, her body intact.

What is this, massage yourself...

"Did you train all night again, and you were covered in sweat when you came here?"

After playing around, Shiliu noticed that his coat was damaged and covered with sword marks, so he couldn't help asking strangely, "And did you practice duel?"

"Basically, I was dragged and played with her all night." Nuo Xia rubbed her cheeks and said with a bitter face, "I haven't decided the winner in the morning. I conceded defeat on the spot..."

He was talking nonsense, because after a night of hard fighting with Taotu, the little rabbit's physical strength has gradually run out, and he is already at a clear disadvantage. At most, at noon, he will be completely defeated.

But there was no other way, the proud little rabbit had to save some face. Seeing that the situation was not good, he found an excuse to admit defeat on the spot, and then ran away under the angry eyes of the latter.

This seems to be his first defeat this year?
That's it.

It's not shameful to lose to my wife!
"In the entire elite camp, who can fight with you all night..." Shiliu was even more surprised, and squinted at him with a cigar in his mouth, "You bastard, you are not going to find Teacher Zefa Have you sparred and practiced?"

"It's not what you think... Hey, forget it, let's not talk about this."

Nuo Xia looked embarrassed, chose to change the subject, and coughed lightly, "I'm going to apply for the graduation assessment next week, and I'll graduate with the people from the previous class. What about you two, do you have any plans?"

 There was something I couldn’t get rid of last night and I didn’t update it. I took the time to fish today. Let’s make up more...

(End of this chapter)

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