People are full of pirates

Chapter 152 Peach Rabbit: Do you dislike me? 【12】

Chapter 152 Peach Rabbit: Do You Dislike Me? 【12】

In the garden of Lieutenant General Zhizi.

In the deep path, with the fragrance of flowers, Nuo Xia was lying on Dingchun's soft belly, lazily basking in the sun.

A rare moment of quiet respite.

It's just that the two long legs next to it are dangling, which is a bit eye-catching.

"I heard that you ran all night last night and dragged down more than a dozen instructors?"

Taotu was sitting on the swing, swinging back and forth gently, and looked at him with a smile, "It directly caused the progress of the entire graduation assessment to be seriously behind?"

The original procedure was to conduct summary statistics of combat achievements today, and set off tomorrow for the third stage of assessment.

Now that there is such a release, the actual combat assessment will have to be delayed until the day after tomorrow.

"Neither do I, Commodore."

Nuo Xia leaned her arms behind her head and looked at the sky with long eyes.

"However, it's good to stay in the headquarters for one more day. Can I come and accompany you more, and wait to participate in the actual combat assessment. I come and go, and I won't be able to see you for at least half a month. In addition..."

He turned his head and glanced at Taotu's round buttocks - the squeaking swing board below.

"That was played by Tina, Commodore, you'd better take it easy, don't let it sit down, or Zhizizhong will be angry..."

Something flew over and hit Nuo Xia's face precisely. He groaned, covered his face and turned over to sit up, "It's just telling the truth, why did you hit me?"

"Why, you started to think I'm fat before you even chased me down?"

Momotu looked at him with a sneer.

"That's definitely not the case, but you are two hundred catties after all, and the swing did bear a weight it shouldn't have to bear..."

Nuo Xia explained with a bitter face, picked up the thing that was just thrown over, and was surprised, "Hey, senbei? Where did it come from?"

"Just came back from Marshal Kong's office, I was a little hungry on the way, Xiao Zhanguo gave it to me."

Tao Tutu didn't bother to care about her weight any more, and said lazily while swinging on the swing, "I don't like this taste very much, so I just took a bite, and you can eat the rest."


Nuo Xia glanced at the notch of the tooth marks on the senbei, habitually broke off the top part, and was about to throw it away, when suddenly an extremely dangerous feeling came to her heart, like a light on her back, as if she was being stared at by some ferocious beast. On the average.


Nuo Xia swallowed, looked at the smiling Taotu, and wisely threw the broken piece into her mouth.

"It's almost there."

The proud little rabbit snorted.

"The smell of seaweed is too strong, it's really not delicious." After taking a few bites, Nuo Xia lost the desire to chew on it, and held the senbei in his hand temporarily, "You said you just came back from Marshal Kong? What happened? Now, there won't be any urgent tasks that require you to go out?"

The last time Taotu went to the South China Sea to perform a mission, it took more than two months to come back. He didn't want the little rabbit to miss his awarding ceremony, which was a major event in life that had to be witnessed.

Besides, he is still counting on being awarded the position of lieutenant general, so that Taotu can confess his love to himself on the spot in public and complete the side mission!
"No, but five days ago, the headquarters intentionally asked me to transfer me to the G1 branch in the New World to supplement the garrison forces there."

When Taotu said this, he saw Nuo Xia frowned deeply, and couldn't help but chuckled, "But I don't know why, the transfer order was about to be issued, but Marshal Kong called me over again today, saying yes and canceling it." With this decision, let me temporarily stay in the headquarters and wait for orders, and I will make another transfer after a while."

"That's good."

Nuo Xia heaved a sigh of relief, and lay back on Dingchun's belly.

The latter happened to have just woken up from a nap, and looked curiously at the senbei in Nuo Xia's hand, leaned over his head and sniffed it, then vomited in disgust, and lay down back to the original place.

Seaweed-flavored senbei?Dogs don't even eat it!
Nuo Xia was speechless looking at the senbei in his hand, and didn't know how those two old men treated such an unpalatable snack as a treasure, and they often snatched it...

On the swing, Taotu looked at the black-haired boy with changing expressions and smiled without saying a word.

There was one thing she didn't tell Nuo Xiaming.

That was on the night when Nuo Xia returned, after Crane broke the relationship between the two, he personally went to find Marshal Kong,

Of course, she had no way of knowing what she said specifically. She only knew that her transfer order was canceled the next day...

Sister He is still the same as before, she always likes to interfere in her affairs, wishing to pave all the roads for the future for herself one by one.

It's just this time's arrangement, Taotu's cheeks were slightly flushed as he vaguely guessed, and he looked up at the blue sky - he seemed to be unprecedented, wasn't he very resistant?

Two days later.

The combat achievement statistics verification work was completed, and the warship carrying hundreds of graduation assessment elites also officially left the port in the early morning of this day, heading for the uninhabited deserted island that Zefa mentioned.

Zefa himself led the team.

In addition to the dozen or so instructors in charge of the assessment, Dauberman and Dalmesia, the two major generals of the headquarters, there were also ten brigadier generals of the headquarters who were not as good as they were.

They looked at the prospective graduates with a hint of playfulness and scrutiny, just like animal trainers in a circus staring at wild animals kept in cages.

This made many sailors feel uneasy.

"What is this for? Why are so many brigadier generals dispatched at once?"

"Our opponents in the actual combat assessment, no... can't they be them?"

"Ghost knows, if this is the case, it would be too exaggerated. With such a luxurious lineup, the graduation assessment in previous years was so difficult..."

Such whispers can often be heard on the road, only Nuo Xia is calm, living a two-point and one-line life between the training room and the restaurant every day.

Occasionally, he would take out a somewhat magical pole, and sit by the railing to be Mr. Jiang leisurely for a while.

It's a pity that the luck is not good, and I haven't been able to catch any good things.

About three or four days later, the warship arrived at its destination smoothly.

The size of the island is indeed small, but after landing on the shore, everyone found that this island is not like the kind of deserted island with no human habitation as they had imagined before.

On the contrary, there are many tall buildings, surrounded by thick walls made of steel, and checkpoints, which are heavily guarded and orderly.

"That is……"

Among the first group of sailors to disembark, some sharp-eyed people had already noticed the sign hanging beside the main entrance, and subconsciously read the words on it, "Headquarters Science Research Institute, the second test base?"

"This is actually the site of the Naval Science Force?"

After the rest of the people noticed it, they couldn't help being surprised, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Zefa who was coming up from behind.

"No way, Zefa shit! Is the annual graduation practical assessment held in this kind of place?"

"No, you are the first class."

Zefa shook his head, smiled authentically with a toothpick in his mouth, "Last year it was a real desert island, but this year it was rebuilt like this. How about it, as the first batch of guests who came to experience it, do you feel lucky?"

Experience, experience what?
Looking at the towering steel wall, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I can faintly hear the roar of a beast coming from inside.

The recruits felt a little nervous, wanting to get more information from Zefa, but the latter was already striding towards the gate. They looked at each other and had no choice but to follow.

The gate was also made of steel, and it was at least ten meters high. Standing below and looking up, everyone felt that they were as small as ants.

The two surveillance phone bugs were lying on the iron gate, their expressions were lazy, and their eyes were constantly patrolling the bottom of the wall.

There were two teams of sentries in navy uniforms beside the door. When they saw Zefa, they immediately stood upright and saluted solemnly:

"General Zefa!"

And a middle-aged man in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses hurried over, extended his hand towards Zefa in a friendly way, and said with a warm smile:

"Welcome, welcome! Mr. Zefa, I have been waiting since yesterday, and you are here!"

"Long time no see, Dr. Ent."

Zefa smiled awkwardly, turned his head and glanced at Nuo Xia behind the crowd, and coughed, "It was indeed supposed to arrive yesterday, but something happened, which delayed a day and kept you waiting Yes, sorry."

 The day after tomorrow, the editor-in-chief strongly recommended, and the editor asked me to save the manuscript for an explosive update.
  But everyone's investment can finally make some profit, it's really not easy
(End of this chapter)

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