People are full of pirates

Chapter 162 Title, confession

Chapter 162 Title, confession

This is the first time Nuo Xia has seen Sora.

This giant, who will become the commander-in-chief of the world government's armed forces in the future, is not as old as twenty years later. He is full of energy and muscles. He stands there with his arms folded, full of aura, and not angry.

As if aware of Nuo Xia's gaze, he smiled and nodded slightly to this side, without hiding the appreciation in his eyes.

On the other side, after giving a brief speech, Zefa took out a document, compared it with the list above, and officially started the reading of the title.

"Lorraine Anisa! Passed the physical fitness test, excellent military exploits, and passed the actual combat assessment. She is allowed to graduate and awarded the rank of major in the headquarters!"

A flaxen-colored long-haired female sailor stood up happily, and after hugging Zefa with a smile, she came to the center of the high platform to accept the title of Marshal Sora personally.

"Bastiyu! The physical fitness test is excellent, the military exploits are excellent, and the actual combat assessment is good. He is allowed to graduate and awarded the rank of colonel in the headquarters!"

Bastiyu, who looked like a red-haired ghost, looked a little disappointed, but he immediately cheered up and walked quickly to the stage.

"Eika! Physical fitness test..."



The process went quite smoothly. With the sound of Zefa's reading, hundreds of people soon completed the award, most of them were majors, and there were only a few dozen lieutenant colonels.

Bastiou was the only one who was directly awarded the rank of colonel from the beginning to the end.

Before you know it, all the fresh graduates have been awarded titles.

Only the last two were left, the special case recruits who took the graduation assessment two years in advance.

"Shiliu! The physical fitness test is excellent, the military exploits are excellent, and the actual combat assessment is excellent. Graduation is allowed and the rank of colonel of the headquarters is granted!"

"As expected..." Shiliu shook his head, stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, with a calm expression, he got up and walked towards the high platform.

The envious eyes of others are indispensable on the road.

After only one year in the camp, he participated in the graduation assessment, and performed very well in all aspects, and was directly awarded the rank of colonel. This is already an achievement that most sailors look up to.

"The last one."

When Shiliu finished conferring the title, Zefa looked at the document in his hand and couldn't help showing a smile, "Everyone should have expected who it is, and we've been waiting for him to appear—"

"Romanov Norshar!"

He put down the list and said in a loud voice, "The physical fitness test evaluation is perfect, the combat achievement evaluation is perfect, and the actual combat evaluation evaluation is perfect. Graduation is granted, and the rank of major general of the headquarters is granted!"

The voice just fell.

Countless gazes instantly gathered towards Nuo Xia behind the seat, envious, admiring, amazed, admiring... all kinds of gazes were different, and a whisper could be heard faintly.

"It turned out to be the rank of major general, my God!"

"It's been almost [-] years since the elite camp was established. Before that, there were only three examples of major generals who graduated, right?"

"That's right, what an incredible achievement..."

Different from the amazement and envy of others, Nuo Xia at this moment, the moment he heard De Zefa finished reading, a heart that raised his throat finally fell, and his mood was quite complicated.

Just Major General?
Sure enough, it would be too exaggerated to become a lieutenant general after graduation and become a senior member of the headquarters. After all, Marshal Kong did not choose to set the precedent.

He was slightly disappointed, but he was quickly infected by the warm atmosphere around him and disappeared without a trace. When he raised his head and stood up, a bright and warm smile was already blooming on his face.

There was a burst of heavy breathing among the girls around.

"Teacher Zefa."

He passed through the seats and the crowd, and under the gaze of fiery eyes, he came to the high platform and hugged Zefa who had already opened his arms and waited.

"Thanks to your teaching and care for more than a year, I won't be able to stay with you all year round in the future."

"Hahahaha, stop being sensational here, brat!"

Zefa laughed loudly: "Young eagles should spread their wings and fly to their heart's content when they grow up. It's no fun staying in a place like a new barracks. The vast sky outside is where you should go!"

The master and apprentice separated, Marshal Kong came to Nuo Xia, and personally put on the white cloak of justice and the sky blue major general epaulettes for him.

Looking at this talented junior who shines brilliantly, Sora couldn't help but smile:
"Come on, little guy, the future of the headquarters will hang in the hands of young people like you."

Saying these words as the admiral of the navy is almost the highest praise for Nuo Xia. The latter was slightly taken aback, then saluted a standard military salute, and said with a smile:
"You won't be disappointed, Marshal."

His smile seemed to be the fuse in the flammable environment. With a "bang", it instantly ignited the passionate atmosphere in the entire square.

"Nuo Xia! Nuo Xia!"

Shocking cheers sounded, wave after wave, wave higher than wave, one after another, and there was no way to stop for a while.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle.

Taotu sat quietly on the seat, stared at the high platform, smiled without saying a word, and was out of tune with the surrounding environment, as if in two worlds.

"Is he a major general as soon as he graduates? That guy is only nineteen years old. It's really scary."

Aokiji next to him scratched his hair and said with emotion, "At the beginning, he was just a firefly, but now, Gion, look at him, that kid is almost like the sun now, his whole body is exuding blazing fire. the light..."


Tao Tu still didn't speak, but looked at the high platform from a distance, the boy with a bright smile, really like the sun, a proud smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Of course it's shining.

That guy, but the man she fancyed, was moved by, and decided to spend the rest of her life with, and stay with each other inseparably...

on the high platform.

As if feeling Taotu's gaze, Nuo Xia looked at her from a distance, then turned her head with a smile, and looked at Zefa:

"Teacher, can I borrow the microphone and say a few words?"

"of course."

Zefa was not surprised at all, he gave up his position in front of the microphone, shrugged and said, "You don't even need to mention, the old man and Marshal Kong originally planned to let you express your thoughts as a representative of this year's graduating elite."

"Feelings? I don't have that kind of thing."

Nuo Xia shook her head with a smile, and came to the microphone, "It's just some agreement, we have to abide by it."


Zefa and Sora looked at each other, and they both saw the curiosity in each other's eyes.

——What on earth is this kid trying to do?

The noise below also gradually died down, and everyone's reactions were similar to those of the two old men, staring at Nuo Xia on the stage full of curiosity.

"Sorry, I have to waste everyone's time, let's talk about some personal matters."

Nuo Xia first bowed slightly, then raised her head, looked at the familiar or unfamiliar faces below, and showed a bright smile:
"But there's no way. As a man, you have to keep the promise you made at the beginning."

"Major General Gion."

He suddenly turned his eyes, looked at Taotu who was sitting in the back seat, and said with a smile, "May I ask you to come up?"


Countless gazes turned to Taotu in an instant, and even the green pheasant next to him was stunned, "No...what is this for?"

It's obvious, Kuzan the idiot.

Taotu glared at him, then looked at the black-haired boy on the stage, pursed her lips lightly, her expression was complicated, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"is it okay?"

Seeing that she didn't move, the polite inquiry sounded again.

This time, Taotu finally stood up, and under countless dazed or envious gazes, she came to the stage and stood opposite Nuo Xia.

"Sorry, Marshal Sora."

She didn't go to see Nuo Xia, but immediately apologized to Kong, "This guy is really messing around, it's obviously a title ceremony..."

"Is there?" Kong stood with arms folded, smiling, the creases on his face were squeezed together, "Where is the nonsense, the old man is looking forward to it."

Momotu was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Is this the Mr. Steel Gukong I know? How did he become so dishonest?

But she soon discovered that Sora's reaction was nothing at all. The two really unscrupulous old men behind the long table over there were already gnawing on the senbei and yelling towards this side at the same time:
"Hey, hurry up, Nuo Xia!"

"Say what should be said now, don't dawdle, kid!"

Nuo Xia reluctantly gestured "OK" to Sengoku Karp, then turned around and pulled the microphone stand closer.

"Now that Major General Gion has come to the stage, there is one thing that I should announce to everyone."

He took a deep breath, finally smiled and said:
"I, since the first time I saw Gion more than half a year ago, I have..."

The people below who were holding their breath and listening carefully were stunned at the same time—why there was no sound suddenly?

Looking carefully at the stage, he realized that at some point, the microphone stand that was originally standing directly in front of Nuo Xia had been snatched by Taotu and stood in front of him at some point.


Nuo Xia didn't react for a while, and then she turned her head and looked at Taotu in bewilderment, "...Brigadier General?"

"This guy has just finished conferring the title, and his mind may not be very clear, so let me repeat what he said just now."

Taotu ignored him, and smiled lightly at the microphone and the countless unexplained gazes below:
"Since the moment I first met this kid on a warship bound for the West Sea half a year ago, I have had a crush on him..."

"After experiencing some things together at the time, I thought, when this guy graduates and is considered a man, then it's about time for a thick-skinned big sister like me to take the initiative to confess."

"Waiting and waiting, obviously, today, this 'time', has finally come."

Taotu's voice paused slightly, and he smiled, and the brilliance that bloomed was like a bright moon reflecting the quiet silver light under the sun:
"I, Major General Gion of the Ministry, like the brat standing next to me the most. Here, under the witness of everyone, I officially confess to him. I hope that this guy will be with me forever for the rest of his life. —Well, do you agree?"

She turned her head and said the last sentence to Nuo Xia with a smile.


Nuo Xia stood there dumbfounded, looking at Taotu who was smiling like a flower in front of her.

The huge surprise was like thunder from the sky, hitting him hard on the head, causing him to be in a trance for a while;
It is also like a clear brook flowing through, flowing into the heart, flowing into the dream, warm and silent, but gradually flowing...


It took an unknown amount of time before he opened his mouth with difficulty, his voice was dry and unfamiliar.

"Didn't it be agreed that if I didn't become a lieutenant general, I... would take the initiative to confess my love to you?"

"This kind of thing..."

The little rabbit snorted, raised its snow-white neck, and was as proud and self-willed as ever:
"I'm happy, do you mind me?"

 The [-]-word chapter, I stayed up all night and finally finished writing it, I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I went to bed, fortunately I am on vacation tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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