People are full of pirates

Chapter 184 Hit the ground [13]

Chapter 184 Hitting Right [13]

"Title Page Serialization East China Sea Chapter 1 "Should I eat it or not?""

"The peel of the orange peeled off, and every time a petal was thrown into her mouth, the girl with long chestnut red hair would murmur repeatedly, "Eat? Do you want to eat? In a blink of an eye, the whole orange was in her belly. She still couldn't make up her mind and turned her head to stare at the window sill." That spiral-shaped fruit can't help but feel sad..."

The gust of wind blown by the sword energy instantly destroyed the entire luxurious mansion.

More than a dozen bodyguards in black, without any resistance, flew out screaming, lying on the ground either dead or injured.

And Vito, who was protected behind, just turned around in embarrassment and was about to escape, when a strong and powerful hand pinched his neck from behind and slammed it to the ground.

Immediately, a fist slammed into the chest.


There was the sound of bones breaking, and a huge crack several meters wide was smashed into the ground.

In the center of the pit, Vito spewed a mouthful of blood, feeling as if his bones were falling apart, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up for a while.

He could only watch helplessly as the tall figure approached him step by step.

"You... you dare to kill me?"

With the threat of death approaching, Vito leaned back on the ground with his elbows, gritted his teeth and hissed:

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, brat! We, the Corleone family, are partners of the Beasts Pirates. They dared to attack us and angered Lord Kaido. You can't afford his revenge..."

This is naturally pulling up the tiger's skin as a banner.

Although right now, the Corleone family has only just hooked up with the Beasts Pirates, and even Vito has never met Kaido himself, but the threat of death is imminent, so that's all he can say.


Nuo Xia didn't even bother to speak, and held Vito's suit shirt collar, ignoring the latter's curses, and threw him in front of Robin like dragging a dead dog.

in just a few seconds.

Except for a few maids who ran away screaming, the entire huge house was cleared by thunderbolts, leaving the little black-haired girl with her mouth slightly open, immersed in shock.

Only now did he finally wake up.


She looked down at the embarrassed Vito, then raised her head in a daze, looking at Nuo Xia puzzled.

"My subordinates have landed on the island and started a full-scale attack. I have to go over there to take charge of the overall situation. I don't have time to stay here for long."

Nuo Xia rubbed Robin's head and said with a smile, "There is a wronged person and a debtor, I will leave this guy to you to deal with, after your relatives are rescued, take them away from this island as soon as possible. "

"If you're still here after dawn, if my subordinates catch you, I won't fish you out again, understand?"

He took off his suit jacket and put it on little Robin. Before the latter could react, he waved his hand, turned and walked out of the courtyard.


Swallowing the words that were about to come out, the thin little black-haired girl was wrapped in a suit jacket, staring blankly at the tall figure going away.

It was freezing cold in the north at night, but wrapped tightly in a suit jacket, she suddenly felt that it wasn't that cold anymore.

It's just the tear stains remaining in the corners of the eyes, which seemed to have frozen before they dried up. When she reached out to wipe her skin, the skin was a little painful, and then she wiped it, and the tears seemed to burst out of the embankment. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help it , fell crazily...

"Thank you!"

She rushed out of the courtyard door, bowed deeply towards the distance, and cried loudly, mixed with the whimpering cold wind, spreading far away in the dark night.

"Thank... thank you, thank you! Mr. Nuo Xia!"

The walking figure paused, but did not look back. With two fingers waved lightly on the side of the forehead, it continued to stride forward, gradually walking away in the dark night...


The first branch of the West Sea dispatched a total of three warships this time, with more than a thousand combat personnel, all of whom were carefully selected elites.

In addition, it was a night raid, and the entire Corleone family was leaderless, unable to organize a large-scale and orderly resistance.


After Nuo Xia stepped into the frontal battlefield, in just one hour, most of the entire area of ​​Rhodes Island was already under the control of the navy.

As for the remaining underworld remnants, they could only rely on the complex terrain of the streets and alleys, fighting and retreating, retreating in embarrassment.

The raging flames illuminated half of the night sky, and as the control area expanded step by step, the dark scene hidden under the prosperous appearance of Rhodes Island was gradually exposed.

A large number of imprisoned slaves, a drunken lust cave, a bloody and cruel underground boxing ring... all kinds of traces of crime are shocking.

Some of them, even Nuo Xia was shocked and couldn't bear to look at them any more.

When he was in the headquarters, he had heard of the underground underworld forces in Xihai, which were more rampant than pirates, doing all kinds of evil, and causing disasters.

Now that I have personally landed on the island, the facts are even more shocking than the rumors.

It seems that this impromptu decision to clean up the underground forces in Xihai before carrying out the escort mission is really the right choice. Nuo Xia shook his head slightly and sighed softly in his heart.

As for the matter of saving Robin, it was entirely because he was the first to land on the island and went straight to Vito's mansion with the idea of ​​capturing the thief first, and then he discovered it by accident and did it smoothly.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance, awakening Nuo Xia's thoughts.

Um?He subconsciously turned his head to look, but saw a luxury hotel two streets away, the entire wall was blasted from the inside, and several naval soldiers who went in to search screamed and flew out of it.

At the same time, there was another roar of irrepressible anger:
"Go away! How can you be a bastard who dares to disturb my sleep!"

The voice was really astonishing, Nuo Xia frowned, and without hesitation stepped on the moon steps into the air, passed through hundreds of meters of sky, and landed on the street opposite the hotel.

Just at this time, a figure with a height of eight or nine meters, who looked like a wild demon, stepped out of the dust and smoke, and looked around with a ferocious expression.

And behind him, followed closely by a large group of strong men who looked fierce and dressed in the style of barbarians and aboriginals.

"It's gunfire and gunshots again, and it can't stop for a moment. It's really noisy...Huh?"

Dugalileo's eyes were bloodshot, and he had obviously just woken up from his sleep. After noticing Nuo Xia falling from the opposite side, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and stayed for a few seconds on the fluttering epaulets of the cloak of justice.

After scanning the surrounding sailors who were sent flying, he instantly understood the situation.

"I knew that these stupid pigs in Xihai were unreliable, and they were able to be touched by the navy to their lair, a bunch of trash..."

He took a sip, and his scarlet eyes fell on Nuo Xia's face again, with a ferocious expression on his face, he said sharply:
"The rank of major general is very rare in a small place like Xihai, kid, it seems that you are the supreme commander of this operation?"

 After being locked up for three days, I just released it, and I started to explode my liver to pay off my debts.

(End of this chapter)

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