People are full of pirates

Chapter 186 Alarming the Headquarters

Chapter 186 Alarming the Headquarters
"Title Page Serialization East China Sea Chapter 3 "Unpalatable Oranges""

"Water...I want water...Bermel, who woke up thirsty in the middle of the night, groped around in the bedroom but found nothing, so he simply replaced it with an orange, peeled it in a daze, and threw it in his mouth. After chewing a few mouthfuls, he felt disgusted almost spit it out

"How can it be so unpalatable?! Is it rotten? The sleepy girl threw the bad orange into the trash can with disgust and went to get other oranges. She didn't notice the garbage touched by her fingertips." The barrel, and even the ground below, are rapidly corroding and rusting..."

The sword light was shining brightly, illuminating half of the street. Under the slash at such a close range, even though his body was as strong as Dugalileo's, there was also a huge scar on his chest, and a large stream of blood spattered out.

"Little devil!"

Unconsciously suffering from pain, he suddenly fell into a rage, and slammed his backhand at Nuo Xia who was in mid-air, roaring, "You want me to pay the price? If you only have this ability, it's far from it!"

Before the sledgehammer fell, Nuo Xia's sense of knowledge had already noticed it first. With a flash of figure, he easily dodged and came to the back of Du Galileo.

next second.

Taking advantage of the time when Du Galileo had not had time to retract the giant hammer, he slashed at the opponent's neck with a sword from top to bottom, and blatantly pierced into the back where the heart was facing.

This time, Du Galileo noticed.

The dark armed domineering, instantly wrapped the vitals of the neck, and forcibly blocked the slashed wind sword on the outer layer of the skin.

However, the Yazakana sword that pierced his back suddenly changed its direction, turning the stab into a horizontal cut. The long and narrow dark red blade slashed across the side of his shoulder, and the blood spattered again in an instant.

After a successful blow, Nuo Xia didn't intend to stop at all.

He turned around, switched directions and angles again, and slammed into the right side of Dugalileo, his two swords staggered towards the latter's waist and ribs at the same time.

However this time.

Before he could drop his sword blade, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and suddenly there was an extremely thick and colorful wall in front of him.

Being hit by this huge wall suddenly, Nuo Xia suddenly felt a terrifying force like a mountain torrent sweeping towards him.

The whole person was like a kite with a broken string on the spot, being sent flying high.


After flying [-] to [-] meters, the rest of his strength was finally released, and Nuo Xia's back slammed into a corner of the street, on a pile of wine barrels piled up.

The wine gushed out and sawdust flew across. He suddenly twisted his waist, a carp straightened up, and his feet landed on the ground in an instant, standing firm.

His eyes narrowed, and he glanced in the direction he was in just now.

The ground there has completely collapsed, and Du Galileo's burly figure no longer exists.

Instead, it was a giant saber-toothed tiger with a height of six or seven floors and a body with colorful patterns of yellow and black.

And the huge wall he just bumped into was exactly this ancient saber-toothed tiger with its protruding front legs!

"Tsk, as expected of the three disasters..."

Nuo Xia narrowed her eyes slightly, licked the dry corners of her lips, and murmured to herself in a low voice, "It's a little outrageous to transform into Kaido's painting style."

The last time I fought an enemy of such a huge size was nearly a year ago, during the recruit assessment period, and during the fierce battle with the giant bear Sano.

But compared with Du Galileo, who had transformed into a saber-toothed tiger, even the giant black bear that had left a deep impression on him was nothing compared to the big black bear.

Whether it is the size or the sense of oppression, they are far from the former, and they are not of the same magnitude at all.


Du Galileo activated his devil fruit ability so quickly and transformed into a giant beast.

It seems that the incumbent Drought has started a real fire, and finally began to face up to his strength, and knew that he could not take himself down with his human body alone...

At this moment, the saber-toothed tiger moved violently. It roared ferociously, ran on all fours, and rushed to the front in an instant. Its towering front legs suddenly lifted up, and stepped on Nuo Xia who was shrouded in shadow below!

The huge difference in body size made this scene, from a distance, look like a human being accidentally stretched out his foot to trample an ant to death.

But Nuo Xia is naturally not an ant.

The saber-toothed tiger's speed was terrifying, but his movements were one step faster. In the flash, he had already fully charged, drew his sword and slashed out, and headed towards the terrifying giant claws that shone with cold light, head-on!

The howling sword light collided with the powerful body, and the deafening explosion resounded through the entire street in an instant.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Nuo Xia's body was shaken and suddenly retreated, and his feet plowed two deep ravines more than ten meters long on the ground.

On the other hand, on the side of the saber-toothed tiger, there were only a few shallow sword marks on the tiger's claws, not even a decent wound left.

The saber-toothed tiger, which was as huge as a city wall, landed on its legs, looked down at Nuo Xia, who was like a small black spot below, and its dark yellow pupils shone with a murderous light that wanted to devour people.

"How about it, brat..."

The saber-toothed tiger stared at Nuo Xia with a cold expression, and said, "Now do you still think that you have the ability to avenge that female navy named Gion!"

After transforming, the physical strength and defense power have been greatly improved.

Nuo Xia raised her head, her gaze flickered slightly.

But that's kind of interesting.

"No ability? Big man, say such things now..."

Looking at the aloof Sen Han, Nuo Xia not only showed no sign of shrinking in fear, but instead grinned, his fighting spirit became more and more high, and he tightly grasped the two swords of Yong En!
With the sound of breaking wind, he suddenly turned into an afterimage, charging towards the giant saber-toothed tiger like a mayfly shaking a tree!

"—Isn't it too early!"

As the battle between the two gradually intensified.

The houses and buildings around the square continued to collapse and sink, and the smoke and dust diffused and spread, which was affected by the aftermath of the battle, and the area of ​​the cracked ground became wider and wider.

The huge movement spread almost throughout Rhodes Island, causing many sailors from other regions to rush over after hearing the news.

"Oh my God……"

"Then, what kind of monster is that...?"

Across the street, looking at the terrifying giant tiger that could almost cover the moonlight, these sailors belonging to the first branch of the West Sea suddenly trembled and their eyes showed fear.

"Is it Major General Nuo Xia who is fighting this monster?"

"How come... Even the major general seems to be at a disadvantage..."

"Rhodes Island, how could there be such a thing!"

Whispering voices sounded in the crowd. Many of them have never stepped out of the West Sea in their lives, and they don't have much experience. They don't know Du Galileo, and they don't know about the three plagues of beasts.

But they knew exactly how powerful their own Major General Nuo Xia was.

That's enough to single-handedly sweep all the pirate groups in the West Sea, and they can't find any opponents!

but now.

There was nothing he could do about that giant tiger, and it was even suppressed in reverse, as if he couldn't open the situation at all...

The trouble is big.

Several school-level officers who accompanied the warship looked at each other solemnly, and reached a consensus in an instant——

They can't intervene in this level of battle, and they can't help at all.

You must immediately report to the branch, or even the headquarters, and apply for support!


The base of the first branch of Xihai.

The lights were still on in the office on the top floor of the fortress building. Taotu was wearing a coat and frowning slightly, processing a batch of newly submitted documents.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from outside the corridor, and then a figure rushed in without even knocking on the door.

"It's not good, major general!"

 Great!I'm still the trash I used to be, nothing has changed~
(End of this chapter)

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