People are full of pirates

Chapter 19 Under the Shower

Chapter 19 Under the Shower
"So the headquarters had no choice but to send me to the West Sea to make the last effort."

Peach Rabbit picked up a tuft of hair with her fingers and tangled it back and forth.

"As for the reason, it's probably because Major General Zhizi is my sister's close friend, and he has also watched me grow up since childhood. Maybe if it's me, the success rate of persuasion will be higher."

Hearing this, Nuo Xia finally understood what Taotu said before, that this mission does not depend on strength, but only on the meaning of "her face".

"But I've never been in contact with Major General Zhizi before. Wouldn't it be obvious..." Nuoxia looked tangled, "And I'm not good at persuading people like this with words."

"Don't worry, Major General Zhizi and I haven't seen each other for many years, and I will explain everything clearly before you leave."

Taotu said in disapproval, "Besides, the chances of success in this task are not high. If you can complete it, it will count as a great achievement for you. If you don't do it well, there is no punishment. What are you afraid of?"

"...Well, that's all for your sake."

After thinking for a moment, Nuoxia nodded in agreement.

In fact, he felt as if the current situation did not allow him to refuse, "When shall I leave?"

"About three days later."

Aokiji said at the side, "If the voyage goes smoothly, the warship will stop at Gur Island for supplies in the morning three days later. The base of the 329 branch in the West Sea is there. After you go to the island, you can find Major General Zhizi's information through the information channel of the branch. specific address."

"After that, regardless of whether the mission is completed or not, you just need to stay at the branch base and wait for about three or four days. Our warship will return, pick you up on the ship, and return to the headquarters together."


The process is very simple and everyone can understand it.

After Nuoxia figured it out, seeing that Qingzhi and Taotu had nothing else to explain, he gave them a military salute and prepared to leave.


Before he could open the door and go out, he was stopped by a fierce voice. When he turned around subconsciously, he saw Taotu staring at him angrily:

"Running there, are you going to go back to your room?"

"No...or else?"

Nuoxia looked at her blankly and pointed to the sky outside the window, "It's already late at night, Brigadier General Gion, if I don't rest, I won't be able to get up early tomorrow."

"Get your head up!"

There was a rare expression of shame on Taotu's face, "Don't forget that you are in my body now, and you are going to live with a group of male soldiers, what is it like!"

"..." Nuo Xia woke up like a dream, and her head was a little big for a while, "Then what should I do?"

"Just sleep here!"

Taotu said with a firm attitude and would never allow him to refuse:
"Not only tonight, but for the next three days, until you go on a mission, you must live in my room!"

"Okay..." Nuo Xia was taken aback by her suddenly strong attitude, and it took a while to think of a key thing, "Then Brigadier General Gion, how did my friend explain it, I saw us on the deck before. There are quite a few people who fainted, do they know now that we exchanged bodies?"

"have no idea for now."

Taotu shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then sighed, "But I will tell them about this later, there is no need to hide this kind of thing, and you can't participate in the actual combat test this time, you must let them know the reason. "

This is a reasonable way to deal with it, and Nuoxia immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Peach Rabbit would be ashamed to reveal such a thing to the public, so for the next three days, he had to play the role of Peach Rabbit carefully in front of a group of acquaintances.

——Thinking about that kind of thing makes me tiring.

"Okay, since you've made arrangements for Gion, it's almost time for me to leave."

The green pheasant stood up at this time, still holding the little civet cat, raised its small paws, and waved to the two with a smile, "Come on, little guy, talk to these two unlucky bastards who have been tricked by you, say Goodbye and good night."

"Go to hell!"

The next moment, he was smashed by the angry Taotu, smashing his head with a few books, and hurriedly opened the door and escaped.

After Aokiji's back disappeared outside the door, the room returned to silence.


Seeing Taotu, who was sitting back in front of the desk slowly, Nuo Xia was thinking about it. The other party didn't mean to leave the room at all. After struggling for a long time, he still asked tentatively: "Comrade Gion, you tonight. Do you sleep here too?"


Taotu glanced at him sideways, and let out a light hum, "Don't worry, you can continue to sleep in your bed with peace of mind, I'll just make a bunk and make do with it."

"How about that!" Nuoxia quickly stood up, "This is your room, why should I come to sleep on the floor..."

"This is an order, little guy, I'm not discussing it with you."

Taotu seemed a little sleepy, stretched out her right hand, covered her mouth, yawned, and muttered, "It's my willful way to tell you to stay here, and I'm letting you sleep on the floor? I haven't gone that far... …”

"What?" Nuoxia didn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing." Taotu didn't bother to repeat it again. She got up from the desk and paced back and forth in the same place. After hesitating for a long time, she still said, "Come with me."


Nuoxia didn't ask any more questions this time, and followed Taotu honestly through a door on the right wall.

When he came to the door, he realized that Taotu's room was still a suite, and next to the bedroom was the bathroom with separate wet and dry.

Taotu took him and stopped in front of the shower.

Watching Taotu take off the shower head and start to lower his head silently to adjust the water temperature, Nuoxia suddenly realized something.

He was at a loss for a while, and just when he didn't know how to face it, Taotu, who had adjusted the water temperature, suddenly turned around and pulled out a strip of cloth from nowhere, covering Nuoxia's eyes.

"I'm a bit of a cleanliness freak. Unless it's a war emergency, I take a shower every day."

It was pitch black in front of him, and Nuoxia could only hear his own voice, which sounded faintly in his ears, "Even if I switch bodies, I can't see myself going to bed without taking a bath, do you understand?"


There was no response, and after a long silence, Taotu said again, "I will wash you for the next three days, wait until Gul Island, if possible, I hope you can bear with it for a few days, and after returning home Before getting on the warship, for the time being... don't take a bath."

Although the line of sight is blocked by the cloth strip, nothing can be seen.

But I don't know if it was an illusion, but Nuo Xia could vaguely feel that Taotu's mood was a little depressed and uneasy, and her tone also brought a hint of untraceable prayer.

When Aokiji was there just now, he smiled and didn't care.Almost like two people.

Nuoxia was silent.

"Hahaha, what do I think, is this kind of thing?"

The next second, he suddenly grinned and laughed, "I can't wait to do this, Brigadier General Gion, don't you know, the thing that bothers me the most is taking a shower. I'm usually busy with training, and it's common to not take a bath for a week or two. What does it mean to not wash for three or four days?"

"Mr. Zefa also taught us, hey, that's what the sentence says, oh right, as long as you enter the recruit camp of the headquarters, a navy soldier who has extra energy to think about taking a shower before going to bed every day, even if he doesn't Good soldier!"

"A real man, you should make the bed and pillow smell like sweat!"

"It's disgusting."

Taotu flicked his head hard with his fingers, and said angrily, "Why didn't I hear Mr. Zefa say such a thing, he learned to make up at a young age, and it's not honest at all."

"The teacher really said this, I swear to God."

"After that time, I went to ask Mr. Xia Zefa?"

"...I was wrong, Commodore."

"Hmph, just know... Okay, stop talking nonsense! Raise your arms and I'll undress you."

"Oh, good."

Seeing that his words took effect, someone instantly returned to normal.

After taking off his clothes, Taotu turned on the shower and began to wash his body.

The feeling of the gurgling water flowing over his skin was completely different from the previous one, and when Taotu helped him apply shampoo and body lotion and started to wash with his hands, Nuoxia had a profound understanding of what true pain and happiness coexist.

No matter how hard the hell training was in the past, the torment he suffered in his heart was not as good as it was at this time.

As expected, he was still at a low level before, Nuoxia was drenching the shower silently, and the bag of rice could not be carried to the top floor after all.

 For the last paragraph, see Chapter 4

(End of this chapter)

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