People are full of pirates

Chapter 191 The world is still shaking [4444 words]

Chapter 191 The world is still shaking [4444 words]

Great Route, Kingdom of Alabasta.

In a small town near Rape Flower Port, a tall man was surrounded by a group of people.

"Lord Crocodile!"

A hunchbacked white-haired old man held the hands of the tall figure tightly, full of gratitude, "If you hadn't taken action to solve the Bread Pirates, our family of more than [-] people probably would have died a long time ago." Turned into a corpse!"


The bald old man next to him also echoed, "Originally I was already desperate, but thanks to you... Sigh, I really don't know how to express our gratitude!"

"You don't need to do this."

The tall figure combed his hair back, and there was a thick scar running through his face on the bridge of his nose. It was Crocodile who had just become King Shichibukai last year.

Facing the gratitude of a bunch of people at this moment, he spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Alabasta is a member country of the world government, and I am the Shichibukai who cooperates with the government. It is my job to clean up the nearby pirates. It really doesn't need to be like this."

"How can you say that!"

The rickety old man who spoke earlier became excited immediately:

"It's only been three or four months since you came to our Rapeseed Port? In the past few months, you have eliminated more than a dozen pirates, and you have saved at least a few thousand people. The rest Shichibukai, who can be as selfless and great as you?"

"that is!"

The bald old man followed suit, "Don't be humble. If anyone dares to say that you are not a hero of our Alabasta kingdom, the old man, I will be the first to go up and smash his head!"


Crocodile scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Since you all said that, then I'll admit it embarrassedly!"


He turned his head, glanced at the purses held in everyone's hands, and quickly waved his hands, "You guys should take these, I don't need this!"

"How can that be done, Lord Crocodile, this is our wish, so please accept it!" the grizzled old man hurriedly urged.

"Hey, there's really no need."

Crocodile shook his head resolutely, but couldn't shirk the enthusiasm of the crowd. Looking around, he suddenly stepped forward a few steps and came to the end of the line, in front of a thin girl of seven or eight years old.

"K...Master Crocodile!"

The little girl was holding the rice ball she had made by herself, and when she saw her benefactor coming in front of her, she raised her hands excitedly, her eyes full of hope.

Crocodile touched her head lightly, then picked up the rice ball, stuffed it carefully into his arms, and smiled at the people around him:
"If I really want to accept any thank you gifts, I'll take these rice balls. Compared with money, this is a more precious thing."

Everyone stared at him blankly.

"Then let's go, everyone, see you later when you are free~"

The voice just fell.

The yellow sand rose, Crocodile waved towards them, and the figure disappeared into the alley without a trace.

Watching his leaving back, the people at the street fell into silence.

"Lord Crocodile is indeed a good man who punishes evil and promotes good, as the rumors say, without asking for anything in return."

After a long time, the hunched old man couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yes." The rest of the people also agreed, "Alabasta is really lucky to have such a hero!"

And what they don't know is.

Outside, Crocodile, who had left the street and turned into a dark alley, suddenly withdrew the smile on his face and became expressionless.


He glanced coldly at the rice ball in his hand, crushed it into pieces, and threw it into the nearby stinking ditch, then looked up at the sky.

There just happened to be a few newsbirds flying by.

He stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and immediately a news bird flew over.

Crocodile bought a newspaper, spread it out and swept it casually.


As soon as he glanced at the news on the front page, his eyes suddenly froze and his brows were tightly knit together.

"Drought Du Galileo, was defeated by that Nuo Xia in the West Sea?!"

It's only been a few days since I didn't pay attention to the newspapers, but did such amazing news break out?
"This guy……"

Looking at the photo on the headline on the front page, Crocodile narrowed his eyes and murmured in a low voice:
"At the age of less than [-] years old, even the big pirates of the new world are no match. The Navy headquarters has found a treasure again..."

He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and felt an inexplicable sense of frustration.

A year ago, he also stepped into the new world with high spirits. First, he had a close fight with Douglas Barrett, and then he was recruited by the world government to become Shichibukai. He was in the limelight for a while.

But in the next few months, he was first easily defeated by Whitebeard, and then within a few days, he crashed into the ship of the Beast Pirates, was beaten by Drought Galileo, and almost died on the spot...

It was that battle that made Crocodile completely disheartened about the new world and retreated to Paradise.

But he never expected that less than a year had passed, and that drought, which was overwhelming in front of him, had already been arrested by the navy boy in the photo and made him a prisoner.

Compared with this guy, what is he?

Looking at the handsome young man's face in the photo, Sand Crocodile could not help but quietly clenched the hands holding the newspaper.

Since Roger's death, the world has changed a bit too fast. Powerful juniors and newcomers are constantly emerging. Life is like sailing against the current. If you don't pay attention, you will be overtaken and thrown away.

I can't go on like this anymore.

A stern look flashed across Crocodile's eyes, and he remembered the secrets hidden in history about this mysterious ancient desert country that he had inadvertently obtained before.

Originally, he just stopped by with a skeptical attitude to check things out.

but now.

I absolutely can't let go of this opportunity, no matter how slim the hope is, I have to start immediately and make a reliable and long-lasting plan...


Great route.

A snow-covered winter island.

The cold wind howled, and the two figures who had just fought fiercely were sitting in the snow panting, staring at each other with big eyes.

For a while, there was some sympathy for each other.

"Hey, you guy, your sword skills are really good!"

The red-haired boy in a straw hat threw a can of beer over, grinned loudly and said:
"It's called Mihawk, right... It's a bit stronger than I expected, and it's qualified to be on my boat! How about it, I still need a rower on my boat, do you want to think about it?"

"No need."

The young swordsman with eyes as sharp as an eagle took a sip of the beer and said calmly, "I like to be alone, I don't have the habit of being someone else's subordinate, and..."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, "I've only heard of a helmsman, what is a rower?"

"Ahahaha, because my boat is still very small, and there is no rudder at all!"

The straw hat boy scratched his head and laughed loudly:

"However, if you join, I believe that it will not be slower than those big ships. After all, Jesus and the others have seen it before the collision. You guy, but just holding a sword, you can kill The boat is going fast..."

Was it actually seen? Hawkeye froze slightly with his right hand holding the beer can, squinted his eyes and raised his head to look at Shanks, and suddenly... made another murderous attempt.

But at this moment, the fat man Lagilu in a green and white striped vest hurried over, waving a newspaper in his hand, his face was full of excitement,
"Hey! Shanks! The latest newspaper just came out, and I got it!"

"Good job, Lackey!" Shanks eyes lit up, jumped up from the snow with joy, and snatched the newspaper from the fat man's hand.

"Newspapers are published every day..." Hawkeye looked at him puzzled, "Why are you so excited?"

"You don't understand!"

Jesus Bu on the side also came over, winked at Hawkeye, and said with a chuckle, "Hey Shanks, he just defeated Moonlight Moriah, one of the King's Seven Martial Seas yesterday!"

"So today's newspaper headline must be Shanks' photo!"

Lagilu was also on the sidelines, laughing happily, "I rushed over as soon as I bought the newspaper, and I didn't even have time to read it first, so that Shanks could be the first to enjoy this joy!"

"You are so sure..."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, the key here is that you don't make trouble!"

Jesus Bu directly interrupted Hawkeye's words, and urged Shanks to quickly open the front page of the newspaper. The three impatiently stretched their necks at the same time, and buried their heads in reading.

Results the next moment.

The three of them were dumbfounded when they saw the incomparably conspicuous black-haired photo on the front page.


The red-haired Shanks' excited expression froze on his face, and he said in disbelief, "Huh? Why is it this guy again?"

Wait, why did I say again?
"The headline has been robbed, boss."

Lagilu was the first to react. He gnawed on the chicken leg, rubbed his belly and said, "But it seems to be a matter of course. What this guy defeated was one of the three disasters in the new world..."

"The defeat of the pirate who offered a reward of [-] million Baileys is indeed more powerful than Moria's guy who is only [-] million."

Jesus patted Shanks on the shoulder, with a sympathetic look on his face, "And this guy is much more handsome than you, Shanks, if I were the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, I would definitely take this news first Version of..."

no?Are you two consoling, or are you here to make up for the knife?
Shanks was itching his teeth in anger, and was about to beat up his two partners, when Hawkeye suddenly came over, stretched his neck to look at it, and frowned:
"It can't be said that he is much more handsome..."

Has someone finally spoken out with justice?Shanks turned his head with tears in his eyes, the more he looked at Mihawk, the more pleasing to his eyes... No, I have to find a way to lure this guy into the boat later, so that he can perform rowing skills with one hand!

"It can only be said that humans and monkeys are not a species at all, and there is no comparison."

Hawkeye calmly completed the second half of the sentence.

Shanks: "?"


The South China Sea, the Kingdom of Solbey.

"Father, hug!"

Little Bonnie, who had just passed her fourth birthday, stumbled over, jumped onto the throne, hugged her father's soft, fleshy belly, and slammed it hard...

According to common sense, at this time, the father who dotes on him will leave the matter at hand and play with him.

But this time, little Bonnie didn't wait for any response. When she looked up, her father was holding a thick newspaper, frowning slightly, and was concentrating on reading it.

What are you looking at?

Little Bonnie tiptoed curiously to look, she couldn't read, so she just looked at the photos.

On the front page, there was an unbelievably handsome black-haired boy, under the cold moonlight, showing half of his unbelievably handsome side face, staring lightly at the shattered pier in the distance.

"What a handsome big brother..."

All of Little Bonnie's attention was instantly attracted by this photo, and she didn't even notice that after reading the report, her father's expression was a little sad.

"The new branch major general from Xihai is actually such a terrifying monster..."

The king of the Sorbe Kingdom, Bartholomew Bear, tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the throne, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear:
"It's not the right choice for you to choose to do it at this time, Long..."


The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Drought Galileo, as a long-established veteran big pirate, is almost under one person and above ten thousand in the Beast Pirates.

Countless people would be terrified and run away just by hearing this name.

But in the past few days, Nuo Xia's name has directly stepped on the name of the Beast Pirates, stepped on the head of Drought Galileo, directly attracted the attention of countless forces, and became the focus of public opinion in the entire world !
Even though they have never been to the second half, they have already caused a huge commotion in the New World.

Some people have even vaguely begun to rank him with the commander of the G1 branch, Sakaski, the commander of the G2 branch, Polusalino, and others, and regard him as the most outstanding leader among the younger generation of the Navy headquarters!

And at this time, in response to that sentence, the more the eye of the storm, the calmer it is.

After staying with Taotu for two days, Nuo Xia temporarily bid farewell to him, quietly left the West Sea, crossed the windless belt all the way, passed the Red Earth Continent towards the New World, and embarked on a voyage to the Kingdom of Paja.


On the warship.

Nuo Xia sat cross-legged in the training room, his eyes moved slightly, scanning the system panel in front of him emitting a faint blue light.

In the task bar, there is such a line of prompt box:

"Submission "Save the Girl", the first phase has been completed"

"Task stage reward: 20 points, random attribute point*1"

"Are these points contributed by Robin..."

Nuo Xia was silent. When he punished Vito Corleone and rescued Robin twice, he couldn't see it at all, and he really didn't think so much when he took action.

The sudden distribution of rewards for this side quest was a surprise.

A scumbag may not be killed by a hatchet, but good people will be rewarded after all.

Nuo Xia turned her gaze to the attribute list.

It's been a while since he checked the system panel, only now did he realize that his current point balance has reached a rather terrifying amount.

Even in comparison, the [-] points credited to the account is nothing.

【Name: Romanov Norsha】

【Age: 20 years old】

[Strength: 29 (200000 points/point at the current stage)]

[Agility: 28 (+2) (current stage 200000 points/point)]

[Endurance: 28 (200000 points/point at the current stage)]

[Intelligence: 10 (200000 points/point at the current stage)]

[Charm: 17 (current stage 500000 points/point)]

【Current points: 823000】

[Regular skills: double-knife swordsmanship (advanced), six styles (intermediate), gun shooting (advanced), fighting and fighting (advanced), self-discipline (master level), armed domineering (intermediate), knowledge-colored domineering (intermediate), Painting (Advanced), Fishing (Master)]

[Talent Skills: Grinning, Craftsmanship, Wind Barrier (Intermediate), Thick Skin (Intermediate), Steel Head (Intermediate), Rebirth of Severed Limbs, Amphibious Breathing]

[Currently equipped: Boots of Lightness, Armor of Thorns]


That's right, a total of [-] points!
This is Nuo Xia's account balance today, and it is also an unprecedented peak he has reached.

Before that, his points on hand had been in a state of saving enough and using them, and he hadn't even crossed the threshold of [-].

 Good night everyone, have a good dream accompanied by a girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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