People are full of pirates

Chapter 195 Momonosuke's Disaster Begins

Chapter 195 Momonosuke's Disaster Begins

"Title Page Serialization Momonosuke Chapter 1. "There seems to be something wrong with this taste!""

"I don't know how long it took, Momonosuke woke up and turned around, the surrounding light was dim, he was in a swamp, luckily he didn't sink, he just rejoiced secretly, suddenly he felt the stench and couldn't help covering his nose , doesn’t seem right, does the swamp smell so bad?”

"Just as I was wondering, two full moons suddenly appeared above my head. Momonosuke was stunned for a moment, but before I recovered, I saw something falling down from the gap between the two snow-white full moons... ..."

Paja Kingdom, outside the temporary palace of the coastal city.

A blond young man wearing a crown and a red dress was squatting on the stone in front of the door in anger, followed by a large number of armored guards.

In front of him was a housekeeper who was about forty years old. Facing the young king of the neighboring country, she had a look of helplessness on her face:

"Your Majesty Galio, you should go back. Her Royal Highness the Princess has said that she will not step out of the palace before the arrival of the Navy's warships, let alone come out to see you."

"Cut, don't make things so absolute!"

The blond young man snorted, continued to squat on the ground and draw circles, and murmured, "The widow has made a decision. From today onwards, I will keep watch at the door, no matter it is windy or rainy, night or day Never move away!"

"When it rains heavily, or faints from the heat, Shia will definitely feel sorry for me, and will be moved by the widow, and will come out to pick me up..."

What do you dream of?

The housekeeper was speechless and didn't know how to reply for a while. Seeing the scorching sun at noon, she waved her hand and asked her maids to bring seats and parasols.

But as soon as it was laid, the blond young man noticed it, jumped up like a frightened rabbit, and immediately moved to another stone that was not covered by a sun umbrella and squatted down.

"Aha, I saw through, Ms. Butler!"

He yelled triumphantly, "You want me to lie on a rattan chair under a parasol and drink iced soda happily, right? Hmph, in that case, what's the difference from vacationing at the gate of the palace? How can you move Shia?"

That's up to you.

It's a fool who doesn't know good people. The housekeeper rolled her eyes and asked the maids to leave. She didn't bother to talk to this guy anymore, and turned back to the palace to prepare lunch.

It was probably because of lovesickness, she knew that His Highness Xi Ya had been losing her appetite these days, and she had lost a lot of weight.

Therefore, I have been worrying about it all the time. Every time the back kitchen prepares a meal, I will go to the scene to supervise and question it, and then hold it in front of Shia with my own hands, and persuade the princess to eat it, so that I can feel at ease.

As for His Majesty the idiot from the neighboring country outside.

The housekeeper sighed, but still couldn't bear it, and planned to have someone give away a copy later.

After all, this His Majesty has been His Royal Highness Shiya's follower since he was a child. Apart from being a bit talkative, which is unbearable, in other respects, he is quite a good person, and he can even be described as innocent and kind...


Time passed little by little.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was noon, and the sun was getting hotter and hotter.

His Majesty Galio, the current king of the Kingdom of Lot, was still squatting on the stone at the entrance of the palace without any image, sweating profusely from the heat, panting with his tongue out like a pug.

The guards behind him rushed over and wanted to shield him from the sun, but the former kept avoiding him in disgust, even though his thick royal red robe was soaked in sweat...

"If it gets hotter, if it gets hotter, the widow will pass out from heatstroke..."

He kept cheering himself up, and he was already a little confused. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from behind, accompanied by a faint laugh and discussion.

"Hey, Anji, did you see that, there is a fool over there, the Paja Kingdom is a summer island, and it's a hot day, and he's still wearing a thick robe..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, that guy is surrounded by a bunch of guards and is wearing a crown. I'm afraid his identity is not simple."

"Eh? Isn't His Majesty the King of the Paja Kingdom an old man, and he is sick in bed, so he can't leave at the capital? How can he be so young?"

"It seems to be the same, strange... Could it be the clowns of the repertory troupe? It seems that the building not far to the south of the palace is the theater. Are they here to participate in the performance?"

Bastard, how can you say that the widow is a clown!

His Majesty Galio turned his head angrily, trying to argue with these hateful foreigners.

Suddenly, I noticed that these people were all wearing white uniforms, and the tall figure in the head with a white hood had a cloak of justice fluttering in the wind behind him...

Is it the Navy?
The navy that came to pick them up for Marie Gioia has finally arrived!

Galio stood up in surprise, but he didn't know if he had been squatting in the sun for too long, his legs were numb and weak, he staggered and fell directly to the ground, and let out a scream.

at the same time.

In the palace, the housekeeper who saw this scene through the window shook her head slightly, turned around, bowed slightly to the luxuriously dressed blue-haired girl, and said softly:
"Your Highness, the people from the navy have already left the palace. I have already prepared the luggage. As long as you wish, we can set off now."

There was no response.

The housekeeper was slightly puzzled, she craned her neck and looked quietly, and found that the blue-haired girl behind the table was holding a stack of photos in a daze, obviously in a state of ecstasy, and didn't even notice what she was talking about.

Are you missing that Major General Nuo Xia again?

The housekeeper sighed, she was too familiar with this scene.

Ever since the photos of the conferring ceremony were sent back, Her Royal Highness often stared at these photos in a daze, often smiling silly.

Compared with the cold and withdrawn image that he usually shows to the outside world, he is a completely different person.

Now it's like this again, she knew she couldn't persuade her anymore, so she stood where she was, waited quietly for a while, and then gently reminded:

"Your Highness, it's time for us to leave."


The blue-haired girl turned her head in a daze, revealing a delicate and beautiful face. After seeing the white figure outside, she finally came back to her senses.

"The navy is here..." she murmured softly, "I'm going to Mary Gioia, have you attended the meeting..."

The holy land of Mariejoa is located at the highest point in the center of the Red Earth Continent, and the bottom goes southwest. It seems to be the West Sea?

"The navy outside will escort us all the way, right?"

Shia suddenly looked at the housekeeper, and asked with some expectation: "When the meeting is over, can I ask them to send me to the first branch of Xihai, and stay there for a while before coming back?"


The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, finally shook her head, and sighed, "I don't have the time, Your Highness, if you go to the first branch of Xihai, it will take at least a month longer to go back and forth."

"Your Majesty is already seriously ill. If you are going to attend the meeting this time, you must come back as soon as it is over. If you are unlucky, your Majesty will drive... when you are going to Xihai, and you are not on the sickbed. Before now, the domestic situation will inevitably be chaotic..."

Chaos, does it mean that his incompetent elder brothers will take the opportunity to seize the throne?
Shi Ya stood up with some disinterest, and walked to the window. If Nuo Xia hadn't persuaded her on the phone, she really wanted to take the opportunity to cause chaos in the country and hand over the throne to the dude.

Anyway, she doesn't care about this right, and she doesn't want to be a queen who rules over millions of subjects. Nothing makes her happier to be by Nuo Xia's side, even if it's just a small secretary and adjutant...

While feeling depressed, the blue-haired girl suddenly noticed the tall figure leading the navy soldiers in front of them...

Her delicate body froze suddenly, her beautiful eyes slowly opened wide.

- can't be wrong!
It's him!

Although the distance was far away, the sunlight was dazzling, and the figure was wearing a white hood, making it difficult to see the real face, but how could she fail to recognize the other party's true identity!

It's just, Nuo did he appear here...

Could it be that he came here specially to pick me up?

The huge sense of surprise exploded in her mind, making Shia feel a little dazed for a while. She took a deep breath, and could no longer suppress the emotions that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time. She turned around suddenly, lifted the corner of the court dress, and Running straight to the door,

run fast!Hurry up!At this moment, a bright smile bloomed on the girl's face, only the tall figure was left in her eyes, and she didn't even hear the exclamation of the housekeeper behind her...

Outside the palace.

"Hiss, it hurts, it hurts..."

The great His Majesty Galio, grinning from the fall, managed to stand up straight with the help of Nuo Xia, and quickly thanked the kind man who extended his helping hand:
"Thank you so much, Your Excellency! Unlike the guards of the widow, who don't have any vision, none of them came to help me. It's too disgusting. I will deduct their wages when I go back..."

The guards look at me innocently, and I look at you, their hearts are full of pain——

Your Majesty, isn't your words too heartless? Aren't we afraid that helping you up will affect your plan to gain sympathy...

"You're welcome, just do it as you please."

Nuo Xia waved her hand, looking at these guys, she was inexplicably amused.

He had a better understanding of the situation in the Paja Kingdom, and knew that not only the old king, but also Shia's elder brother had blue hair, and he didn't grow like this at all.

So at this moment, I agree with my subordinates, thinking that these guys are actors who came out of the theater and entered the play here ahead of time... huh?

He suddenly noticed that the gate of the palace was opened, and a familiar slim figure ran out of it, ran towards him, and waved his arms with a bright smile on his face...

Even though he was wearing a hood, he was recognized in advance?

Nuo Xia shrugged helplessly, originally thinking of being on the warship and giving Shia a sudden surprise.

But obviously, in front of Shia who is very familiar with him, the disguise artifact "Altaïr's Hooded Sweater" also lost its effectiveness in an instant...

And at the same time.

Galio, who was rubbing his buttocks, also noticed the blue-haired girl galloping towards him, and was immediately excited and ecstatic.

——Hey, it really works!Shia still cares about herself, no, when she sees that she has sunstroke and falls, she immediately goes out to see herself!

The blue-haired girl was getting closer and closer, and she was about to crash into her arms. Galio opened his arms happily, ready to hug.

But the next moment, Shia ignored her and passed by directly.

He turned around in astonishment, only to see the girl in the luxurious blue dress rushing into the arms of the navy who helped him up, beating her chest lightly, crying and laughing, her eyes filled with tears...

His Majesty Galio was stunned as if struck by lightning.

This... what's the situation?

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry..."

The girl in her arms cried into tears, Nuo Xia felt helpless, reached out and gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of Shia's eyes, and comforted her:

"I came here to give you a surprise, why didn't you smile, but cried like a little cat..."

"It's not all your fault..."

Only then did the girl wipe her eyes in embarrassment, and let out a soft snort from the tip of her nose, "Who wants such a surprise? It's been half a year, and we haven't seen each other for more than half a year. Do you know how much I miss you? If you want to pick me up, I won't call in advance..."

"All right, all right, I was wrong."

The familiar faint fragrance penetrated into the nostrils, making one feel like being at the lakeside in the depths of the forest in the early morning. Nuo Xia caressed her soft long hair and said in a low voice, "Has it been half a year..."

"Yes, it's been half a year..."

The girl raised her snow-white neck and fixedly looked at Nuo Xia's face, "It's been a long time, Nuo Xia, you've changed a lot, you've grown taller, and you're even better looking..."

"How can there be so many changes, beauty is only in the eye of the beholder." Nuo Xia pouted.

No, Shia doesn't understand this, so I should change it to a localized term, um... the red hair sees Luffy?

"Actually, you are the one who has changed more."

He looked up and down at Shia's luxurious court dress and the silver crown on his head, he couldn't help but be amazed, and sighed with a smile:

"Gap between classes, I haven't seen you cross like this before. I haven't seen you for half a year, and I realized that there is already a pathetic thick barrier between us..."

Shia was even more confused when she heard these words, but she didn't care, she only knew that Nuo Xia was praising her good-looking outfit, and she couldn't help but stick tightly to the latter's broad and powerful chest, showing a sweet smile... …

And this time.


The sound of a shutter being shot suddenly sounded out of place.

Nuo Xia was slightly stunned, turned her head at the same time as Shia in her arms, and looked aside suspiciously.

I saw the blond young man wearing a thick red robe on a hot day, carefully taking the photo out of the camera phone bug's mouth.

"what are you doing!"

Shia's face darkened suddenly, and she asked angrily, gritted her teeth.

"Eh? Was it discovered?"

The blond young man trembled in fright, and almost threw the phone bug out. Under the gaze of the blue-haired girl, he was nervous and at a loss, and said aggrievedly:
"No, it's nothing... I just feel that the scene in front of me is so beautiful that I'm almost moved to tears. It would be a pity if I didn't take a photo to commemorate it..."


PS: Everyone can guess which island Momonosuke went to. The timeline is ten years later. The title page of the next chapter will be serialized and the answer will be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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