People are full of pirates

Chapter 207 Nuoxia VS Katakuri! 【5500 words】

Chapter 207 Nuoxia VS Katakuri! 【5500 words】

"Title Page Serialization: Momonosuke Chapter 12 "Huh? Has anyone peed here too?""

"Damn it, I lost to Kuina again, damn it, damn it! It was early in the morning, and Sauron hadn't recovered from the painful memory of yesterday's defeat, and ran angrily along the morning exercise road. When he stopped, he found What is in front of you is not the Frost Moon Dojo at all, but a wilderness that has never been there before.”

"Damn! Lost again, Sauron was about to turn back annoyed, but the urge to urinate suddenly came rushing in. He looked around and found no one, and quickly found a small mound, and opened the gate to release the water. Because it's wet, it doesn't fit in with the surrounding ground..."

Katakuri's voice was calm and indifferent, without any emotion.

Obviously, for him who has always been arrogant, the title "Father" is more of a joking name, and does not mean any respect.

On the other hand, Nuo Xia was still in a daze.

Hey, hey, hey... Did you hear me right?
The reason why the Charlotte family sent out such a big team is because BIGMOM has taken a fancy to him and wants to marry him?
What a joke!
——He Romanov Norshar, twenty years old this year, holds the high position of Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, in his prime, with a promising future.

Only when your brain is in the water will you become a little face of a rich pirate!
Not to mention the appearance of this rich woman...Suddenly recalling the appearance of BIGMOM in her mind, Nuo Xia couldn't help twitching her eyes and shivering.

"It seems that you are a little unwilling to..."

Katakuri saw Nuoxia's reaction, and his expression was indifferent, as if he had expected this long ago, and said lightly:
"But it doesn't matter, as long as I take you back to Cake Island, after seeing your mother, I believe you will be overwhelmed by her beauty and marry her sincerely..."

"Katakuri, why are you talking so much nonsense with this kid!"

Before he finished speaking, the grumpy brother Owen, who was behind him, couldn't bear it any longer. He grinned and slapped his fists heavily on his chest:
"After all, it's still a navy. It's useless to talk more about the lackeys of this government. Just scuttle this warship, deal with the sailors, and then knock this guy out and take him back. That's fine!"

The moment the voice fell.

His pupils suddenly lit up with crimson flames, and his two thick and powerful arms clenched into fists in an instant. Standing on the edge of the dark clouds, they slammed down towards the sea below them.

“Atami Onsen!”

The waves on the sea suddenly swelled, and the moment Owen's fist sank into the sea, the water temperature in the nearby sea suddenly soared wildly, and it rose to an extremely terrifying height in just a few seconds.

Even the sea water began to glow red!


The surface of the sea began to boil violently, and dead fish and shrimps that were roasted to the point of suffocation kept floating up.

And tens of meters away, all the sailors on the entire warship began to gradually feel the high-temperature steam rising from the vicinity, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, their expressions slightly changing.

"Aha, I knew it. As expected, brother Owen would be the first to act impatiently..."

On the pirate ship in the distance, the other cadres and children of the Charlotte family laughed and pointed.

"Brother Owen is a powerful hot fruit capable person. The bounty has been increased to [-] million Baileys a while ago, and his strength is only a little bit worse than that of the four generals."

"I'm afraid Brother Katakuri doesn't need to do anything, he can solve this ship's navy, right?"

However, at this moment.

A majestic white sword energy shot out like a frightened bird, and the sea water along the way was like encountering a natural enemy, and they frantically rolled back to both sides!

And hundreds of meters away, Owen, who was leaning over to heat the entire sea with his arms, suddenly felt his hair stand on end, and subconsciously raised his arms to protect his chest.

Before he had time to react, he was hit by the sword energy and flew high with a scream.

above the clouds.

Katakuri, who witnessed this scene, frowned slightly, but did not make a move.

He just whispered a command to Zeus at his feet, and the latter immediately understood, separated a small dark cloud from the body, flew out happily, and rescued Owen who was about to fall into the sea.

"Huh, it's dangerous..."

Owen looked sideways at the sea water close at hand, subconsciously took a breath, then quickly turned over and got up, stood up straight and looked towards the deck of the warship.

But he couldn't find Nuo Xia's figure, because the latter had already left the deck on moon steps at this time, floating in the air less than [-] meters in front of him, looking at himself strangely.

"I don't understand..."

"Katakuri still knows how to be polite before fighting. How can you have the guts to attack my boat directly?"


Owen was startled for a moment, and then flew into a rage. As the fourth son of BIGMOM and the undisputed top cadre of the Charlotte family, when was he ever called that?

"Bastard brat..."

Owen's eyes were cold, and he said in a cold voice:
"It's just a rear admiral who dares to show such an attitude in front of me. Why, you don't think that you can be here in the new world, in front of our Charlotte family... "

Having said that, he suddenly rose from above the dark clouds, and with his crimson fist wrapped in high-temperature air waves, he slammed head-on at Nuo Xia who was in mid-air!
"Let's pretend!"

Fist of heat!

Nuo Xia didn't intend to dodge, and with the dull impact, Owen's fist landed firmly on the latter's chest.

However, to Owen's astonishment, the latter's chest didn't even have a slight dent, let alone a wound.

On the contrary, the fist he retracted felt sore and numb, as if he had punched some extremely hard metal.


Nuo Xia looked down at her chest, and then glanced at him again, with a faintly strange look in her eyes, which made Owen's face darken immediately.

"What a strong body."

Owen gritted his teeth. It's not that he didn't expect that his attack would be dodged, or the opponent would use swordsmanship to counteract his moves.

But what I never expected was that the other party just stood there motionless, not even showing any intention of dodging, while I didn't even leave any scars.

It's like an adult, letting a baby who has not been weaned beat and cry in his arms...

It's so embarrassing!
Thinking that Katakuri was still watching from above, and his younger sister Smoothie was also watching here, Owen's face turned blue and white.

His chest was burning with anger, and he didn't hold back any more, and launched his strongest method.

"Atami Wanlai!"

Amid the roar, Owen slammed his fist into the sea.

The sea surface, which had already been dropping in temperature, suddenly boiled and heated up again, and separated several magnificent columns of hot water thick and thin like giant trees, like a dragon flying out of the sea, attacking Nuo Xia in the air alternately!
"Have you been forced to make a killing move so soon..."

Seeing this scene, Nuo Xia didn't stay still anymore, he put his hands on the hilts of Yong En's swords, and looked down at Owen who was manipulating the sea to sweep towards him:
"Of course the Charlotte family is very strong..."

"However, a small character like you wants to represent the Charlotte family and tell me these bullshit..."

With a flash of sword light, the Wind Sword and the Yazakana Sword, which had been quietly sleeping in the scabbard, finally showed their sharpness at this moment, and suddenly slashed down towards the crimson water column below!

"But it's not enough!"


The moment the sword blade slashed, a majestic hurricane rushed out, and the rough sea surface suddenly became quiet as if it was deterred by some terrifying existence.

And the menacing crimson hot water columns were chopped into several pieces in an instant, turning into fine red rain all over the sky, falling one after another.

However, this is not the end.

After cutting through the hot sea, the aftermath of the sword energy was still extremely penetrating, and went straight to Owen below.

The latter's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly pulled back and retreated, trying to avoid it, but before he could back a few steps, he felt a shock in his back, as if he had hit something.

"It's too slow to respond."

There was a sigh behind him, and Owen was terrified. He turned his head subconsciously, only to find that Nuo Xia had arrived behind him at some point, and the dark red blade of Yazakana's sword had already rested on his shoulder.


The icy cold feeling of the blade spread from the neck to the whole body. Owen swallowed, his body froze in place, and there were many beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"No one really thinks that if they have a reward of more than [-] million Baileys, they are very powerful?"

Nuo Xia smiled lightly and opened his mouth. He glanced at the dark cloud, but Katakuri still didn't move, "A mere hotpot fruit capable person really takes himself seriously..."

Hot pot fruit?

Owen, who was strangled by the throat, suddenly blushed, feeling a burst of embarrassment in his heart. The hot fruit has always been an ability he is proud of. How could it become so unbearable in the other party's mouth?

Think about the fact that he was easily killed by the opponent in three or two rounds just now.

Owen's face became gloomy again. This guy is really qualified to say that. Today's battle really hit him too hard...


At this moment, there was finally movement from the dark clouds above.

Katakuri fell from the clouds, stepped on the top of the waves, and stared coldly at Nuo Xia:

"It's true that Owen acted recklessly, but your strength has really started to surprise me, so that's good..."

"Come on, Nuo Xia! Bring out your full strength and have a man-to-man battle with me!"

He suddenly clenched his trident tightly, and without anger, he shouted awe-inspiringly, "Everyone, don't intervene for now! I want to see if there is a man worthy of her that my mother wants to get at all costs." Qualifications!"


In an instant, the calm surrounding sea suddenly turned into several huge dark glutinous balls, which stood up high and roared towards the surrounded Nuo Xia head-on!
"Wu Shuang · Strange Power Rice Cake!"

The domineering glutinous ball wrapped in a rich armed color slapped heavily on the sea surface, and Nuo Xia, who was originally at that position, had already let go of Owen, and with a flash of figure, he stepped on moon steps to a position hundreds of meters high.

"It turns out that at this point in time, the fruit ability can be awakened..."

Looking at the surface of the sea below, which was shattered and splashed by the strange glutinous rice balls, Nuo Xia was refreshed, his expression was obviously much more excited than before, and he grinned:
"That's strong enough. He is indeed the strongest general of the Charlotte family."

Since the battle with Du Galileo in the West Sea, he has never stopped practicing hard.

However, it's a pity that in the next few months, I didn't meet any decent opponents. By now, my hands were already a little itchy.

Until today, after Irving was barely used as a warm-up exercise and cleaned up, can you finally let go of your hands and feet and have a good fight?
at the same time.

Katakuri, who was shot in the air, showed no surprise on his face. He didn't even look at the sea, but raised his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Nuo Xia who was hundreds of meters away.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the news in the intelligence. Relying on the advantage of speed, it forcibly killed the drought Du Galileo..."

Katakuri squinted his eyes.


If it's just that, let alone win, it doesn't even arouse the desire to go all out.

After all, at the age of nearly thirty, he already possesses the most top-notch knowledge, but he is a man who can predict the future in battle.

in other words.

Even if the opponent has a great advantage in speed, in his eyes, there is still nothing to hide!

At the same time, on the warship hundreds of meters away.

As early as the moment Nuo Xia left the deck and started fighting with Owen, a colonel in the position of captain, seeing that the situation was not good, had already retreated to the communication room and dialed the number of the G1 branch.


In the commander's office at the highest level, Akainu listened to the voice coming from the microphone, and his usually calm face showed a rare hint of anger:
"You mean, on the way to escort the mission back, the BGIMOM Pirates suddenly dispatched half of their cadres and surrounded you?"

"Yes, Mr. Sakalski!"

The colonel's voice was hurried and flustered, "It's aimed at Major General Nuo Xia. Major General has already started a fight with that Katakuri, and I don't know how long it will last... In short, please send troops to support him as soon as possible! "

"rest assured."

Akainu said in a low voice, "It's just a group of pirates, do you really regard the new world as your own chassis?"

"How dare you do anything to Nuo Xia, since that's the case."

He hung up the phone gently, got up suddenly, walked out of the window, looked at the far end of the horizon, his eyes were full of cold killing intent, "Then I will take this trip myself... "


On the other side, the sea.

After using the trident earth dragon to force back Nuoxia's head-on slashing sword, Katakuri was also shocked to take a few steps back again and again, making a series of ripples on the sea.


He gasped for a while, then quickly adjusted his breathing rhythm, got up again and looked at Nuo Xia opposite him, with serious eyes and a serious tone:
"It seems that I underestimated you. It turns out that not only your speed, but also your swordsmanship, strength, and physical skills are all extraordinary. In other words, compared to the time when you defeated the drought Du Galileo, have you become much stronger..."

"Is that a compliment?"

Nuo Xia on the opposite side was still breathing steadily, raised his head and grinned, and accepted the praise calmly, "Look, just based on these words, in my eyes, you are much more pleasing to the eye than that trash fish next to you ..."

Owen, who was taken back to the main body of the dark cloud by Zeus, blushed again when he heard the words.

Katakuri narrowed his eyes, but didn't answer.

At this moment, he had already fought against Nuo Xia for about half an hour. With his strong fruit development ability, coupled with the advantage of crushing level of knowledge, he barely gained the upper hand in the confrontation.

But that's all there is to it.

Until now, no matter whether he used the trident earth dragon or the ability of Nuo Nuo fruit, he failed to inflict any serious injuries on Nuo Xia.

And the other party's physical strength is more like a dark bottomless pit, so he can't test the limit at all.

"It's not a compliment, but frankly speaking, you are indeed very strong. It can even be said that the enemies I have fought before are not as strong as you."

Katakuri clenched the earth dragon in his hand, stood up straight and said, "So from now on, I will not keep my strength, today's battle will be another battle I will go all out after a few months. "

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

Nuo Xia smiled, glanced at the warship hundreds of meters away, and suddenly said:

"In order to prevent others from being affected, I suggest changing to a farther place, what do you think?"

"Very reasonable advice."

Katakuri's eyes flashed, without much hesitation, he nodded slightly and said.

After reaching this consensus, the two walked through the air at the same time, quickly retreated to the distance, and arrived several kilometers away in a short while.

After opening up so much distance, the two ships, which were not too far away, suddenly became a small black spot in sight.


After a reminder, Nuo Xia also clenched the hilts of the Yongen twin swords around his waist again, and his eyes gradually became sharper——

After all.

The confrontation between the two of them just now seemed to be a lively fight, but after all, it was just a trial. The real fierce fighting will only start now!
At the next moment, his figure suddenly moved.

After leaving an afterimage that was hard to discern with the naked eye, he suddenly appeared behind Katakuri, slashing across the opponent's neck with a sword.

The dull sound of metal clashing sounded, but Katakuri had turned the direction of the trident at some point, and the bar was in front of his vitals.

And his left hand turned into a fist at the same time, clenched suddenly!

The surrounding sea suddenly roared.

Numerous bullet-sized glutinous rice balls broke away like water droplets rising from the ground in a rainstorm, and shot at Nuo Xia from all directions.

After the awakening of this devil fruit, it can affect the characteristics of everything around it, and it is brought into full play in his hands.

Chi Chi!

The glutinous rice bullets kept falling on Nuo Xia's body like rain hitting plantains.

However, the expression of the latter did not change at all, nor did he make any evasive actions.

He just kept staring at Katakuri's eyes, concentrated his strength on the two sword blades in his hand, and pressed down the trident against them inch by inch.

The body is stronger than I expected before, has it reached this level...

Katakuri couldn't help but shudder when he saw that his Wusou rice cake bullet hit the opponent's body without leaving even a trace.

"In that case..."

Katakuri's eyes were full of fighting intent, and he suddenly poured all his strength into parrying the two knives that Nuo Xia was approaching.

Immediately when both of them were backed up again and again by the backlash, they suddenly lifted their right foot and stepped heavily on the sea!
"Flowing glutinous balls!"

In an instant, the sea surface under his feet, as if given life, began to spread and flow around, turning the surrounding sea surface into reddish-brown glutinous rice balls.

And just when Nuo Xia stabilized his figure and was about to launch an offensive again.

The flowing glutinous balls that had spread to a radius of hundreds of meters suddenly rose from under the waves, and shot towards Nuo Xia head-on!

The momentum of the glutinous ball, which is more than hundreds of meters high, is really amazing.

Looking from a distance, Nuo Xia is like a boat struggling in a storm, it seems that it will be torn into pieces at any time...


On the ship of the BIGMOM Pirates, many members of the Charlotte family who witnessed this scene clicked their tongues and showed unexpected expressions.

"I'm going to win, as expected of Katakuri-san."

"No one can withstand this move. Hey, hey, I said, that guy, wouldn't he just die in it?"

"Haha, don't worry, Brother Katakuri has always been very stable in his work. He knows how important that kid is to his mother, so he will definitely hold back his strength."

 Ah, is my new title worse than the old one? I think that is hopeless, woo woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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