People are full of pirates

Chapter 209 Raiders Charlotte Lingling

Chapter 209 Raiders Charlotte Lingling

"Title Page Serialization Momonosuke Arc Ending "Tears""

"It's a brand new day in Shuangyue Village. When I woke up, half of the pillow was wet. The boy with the green algae head looked dazed, and subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth. Did I dream about something delicious last night? I actually drool so much ..."

"It's time to eat breakfast, brat! There was a shout, and the screen was pushed away. An angry Kuina appeared at the door, and looked at Zoro. She was slightly taken aback, hey, why are you crying?"

"Is there? Zoro blinked, only to realize that his eyelashes still had teardrops... How embarrassing! Under Kuina's narrow gaze, he blushed and turned his head away."

"—Damn it, what dream did I have last night!"

"this problem……"

Nuo Xia on the opposite side was also shaken back hundreds of meters. After stabilizing his figure, he looked at Katakuri and shrugged.

"... To be honest, I don't know either."

At this moment, at first glance, he seems to be worse than Katakuri.

The clothes had long been turned into rags and drifted away, revealing a strong chest full of scars, and even half of the flowing black hair had been cut off in half.

But if you look closely, you can see that the scars on his body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the hair is growing slowly, if the battle is stopped, maybe it only takes a short meal, and the body can be restored to its original state.

Even more terrifying.

Compared with Katakuri, who was panting, Nuoxia still seemed to be a normal person in terms of physical strength, with a steady and long breathing rhythm.

It seemed that he was not the one who had just experienced the all-night battle.

"Hmph, what a confident and arrogant speech..."

Katakuri's eyes flashed red, "Then I want to see if I can take you down before sunset today, or if you can kill me here like Dugalileo!"

before sunset.

This was the deadline he had set in his mind for this battle. After this time, reinforcements from the G1 branch could arrive at any time, and they would be in danger by then.

With this thought in mind, Katakuri finally stopped sparing physical strength, exhausted all his strength, and activated one of his strongest trump cards!

"Wu Shuang Nuo Tuan sings!"

He let out a violent shout, all the muscles all over his body twitched, and the veins on his forehead popped out. He pushed his strength to the extreme in an instant.

Numerous donut-shaped glutinous balls appeared in the surroundings out of thin air, and then suddenly stretched out a thick arm like a giant pillar, and smashed towards Nuoxia above the sea with a force of covering the sky and the sun!
"You're only under [-] years old, and you've developed fruit abilities to this level, what a scary guy..."

Nuo Xia looked at the whistling torrential rain, and murmured in a low voice, the fighting intent in his eyes became more intense, "But..."

"It came just right!"

Without fear, he stepped out suddenly, and the "Barrier Breaking Edge" was activated instantly.

While avoiding the deadliest first round of attack, relying on [-]% of the attached damage to the devil fruit ability user, he slashed head-on with a sword!
The sea trembled, and the storm was raging. With the place where the two collided as the center, countless torrents were opened up in an instant, like a giant white python, engulfing and spreading around.

Even the warship, which had pulled away several kilometers in advance, was in a violent shaking situation at this moment, like a rootless duckweed in a rainstorm.


Shia, who hadn't slept all night, still stood at the bow of the ship and stared at the center of the battlefield in the midst of the turbulent sea. The knuckles of her slender hands clutching the railing were already faintly white due to too much force.

Definitely... to win!

I don't know how long it took.

The terrifying storm like the end of the world finally dissipated and stopped, and after the two figures alternated and fell, both of them were in a more tragic state than before.

Katakuri still faintly had the upper hand, but for a while, it was still impossible to tell the winner.

"This bastard..."

Katakuri panted violently, raised his head and looked at each other with Nuoxia.

monster!monster!Total monster!

He, Katakuri, has been fighting with his mother in the new world for more than ten years since he was a teenager, and he has never met an opponent who is so difficult to deal with!
Filled with resignation, he gritted his teeth again, yelled again, brandished the trident earth dragon and rushed out, and fiercely confronted Nuo Xia, who had been on guard for a long time.

This dozen, more than ten hours passed, and with the passage of time, the original scene of the rising sun was unconsciously replaced by the brilliant fire clouds.


The sun is about to set.

I still haven't been able to win...

Thinking of the naval reinforcements that might arrive at any moment, Katakuri became more impetuous, and his shots became more violent, and he even began to use the injury-for-injury style of play.

But all these efforts are like sinking into the sea.

Nuo Xia on the opposite side was like a humanoid beast that never knew how to get tired, receiving his attacks wave after wave without seeing where the limit of his physical strength was at all.

A few kilometers away, on a pirate ship shaped like a cake.

"I can't stand it anymore, lick~"

Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, was more anxious than his younger brother at the moment. He paced back and forth on the deck, suddenly stopped, turned his head and gritted his teeth and said:
"Hey! Smoothie! Owen! Let's do it together, we must not drag on like this anymore, lick~, I have to help Katakuri take that guy down, lick!"


Smoothie raised his head in astonishment, and stammered, "But, but... Brother Katakuri said that we don't want us to intervene. If we go there together, he will be angry..."

"If you don't pass, it will be your mother who is angry."

Perospero glared at her with an ugly expression on his face, "Katakuri is an idiot, he has been like this since he was a child, he has always insisted on some kind of man's pride... It's okay, it's not up to him now when!"

"Besides, whether he gets angry and the consequences are serious, or is it more serious on the mother's side, you should know it in your own mind?"

"..." Smoothie and Owen looked at each other.

Thinking of their mother's usual angry appearance, the two of them couldn't help shivering, so after hesitating for a moment, they still chose to follow Perospero's order.

"Sorry, Katakuri."

Owen sighed, and waved to Zeus who was hovering on the mast, "Let's go, hey! Zeus, come down and pick us up!"

"In the past? No need!"

But Zeus ignored him, and instead continued to circle the deck, shouting cheerfully, "I've already felt... the breath, that breath is approaching!"

"What breath, why are you going crazy..."

Perospero frowned, but the next moment he was shocked, as if he had realized something, he turned around and looked in the direction they came from in shock:

"No way……"

At the other end of the sea, a huge black shadow could be faintly seen at this time, riding the wind and waves, and heading towards this side at high speed in the twilight of the setting sun.

It was a huge ship, a hundred times larger than the cake ship they were in. The pink skull on the black sail grinned grinningly, and the sunflower on the head was singing happily...

Looking from a distance, it looks like a gigantic beast crawling on the sea.

Queen chants!
"It's mom!"

Owen also recognized the huge black shadow at the first sight, and couldn't help but screamed, "How could it be... Isn't Mom at Cake Island, why did she follow her!"

"And we didn't contact us in advance on the way..."

Perospero thought a little more, and suddenly felt a chill down his spine, dripping with cold sweat, "Mom, she is not worried about our actions at all..."

At the same time, the center of the battlefield.

The two people who had just staggered apart also noticed the black shadow almost at the same time, and subconsciously stopped what they were doing.


Katakuri murmured with a complicated expression.

"The main ship of BIGMOM?"

Nuo Xia's pupils shrank, and his face instantly became extremely serious. He squinted at the shadow of the black sailboat that was getting closer, and couldn't help but tighten his grip on the hilt of his sword.

"Damn it, it's been delayed until this time, why did this monster come here one step ahead of Akainu..."

The scene in front of him was not what he expected at all.

After all, the Wan Guo Sea is nearly ten thousand miles away from here, more than twice as far away as the G1 branch.

According to the original plan, as long as he continues to procrastinate like this and fight Katakuri to the end, the reinforcements led by Akainu must be the first to arrive.

But now...


At this moment, some hoarse and deep voices suddenly sounded from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge and huge figure leaping out from the deck of the "Queen's Chanting", stepping on the dark clouds and coming quickly, his tone was full of disappointment and annoyance that could not be concealed:

"What the hell is going on! Why haven't you..."


The originally clear sky, at this moment, radiated with anger,
Dark clouds piled up, thunder rolled, and in this harsh sky, BIGMOM suddenly descended from a high place and landed in the middle of the two:
"I haven't even brought my Nuo Xia to me yet!"


A terrifying gigantic lightning happened to flash across the sky, illuminating BHIGMOM's slightly distorted and terrifying face!

"It's BIGMOM!"

"One of the Three Emperors, the woman who offered a bounty of more than four billion Baileys..."

On the warship in the distance, after seeing clearly the true face of this figure, the entire deck was in an uproar.

Countless sailors subconsciously stepped back a few steps, showing expressions of shock and fear.


The colonel, who was the captain, was also pale at this moment, his eyes were full of despair, and he murmured in a daze, "How could this happen, how could this happen...why even this monster came out personally..."


Looking at BIGMOM who came to him, Katakuri bowed his head slightly, but remained silent without explaining anything.

He couldn't answer.

Based on the distance from Cake Island to here, it will take at least half a month on the road, and mother is only two days later than them.

In other words, not long after they set off, Mom impatiently followed up. No matter what the outcome of the battle between him and Nuo Xia was, it would not affect her appearance here at this time.

This hysterical questioning, rather than blaming him, might as well be that her mother was too eager to see Nuo Xia, and she broke out with symptoms similar to "eating addiction".

He knows mom all too well.

Sure enough, after seeing his second son lower his head, BIGMOM stopped thinking about it, turned his head, and set his eyes on Nuo Xia on the other side.

She looked up and down, and the fury on her face quickly faded, replaced by a greedy desire like seeing a wedding cake.


Nuo Xia felt terrified at the sight, and then recalled what BGIMOM said just now, and suddenly felt a pain in the balls and felt uncomfortable all over.

This was the first time he had seen a big pirate of the Four Emperors level with his own eyes since he traveled to this world for twenty years.

When she was young, Charlotte Lingling was undoubtedly a gorgeous and hot beauty.

But corresponding to it, the ugly and fat appearance after old age is enough to rank among the top in the world in terms of unappetizing, second only to the ladyboys on the ladyboy island.

And at this point in time, the 48-year-old BIGMOM.I am middle-aged.

Therefore, the appearance is probably just in between the two, so that the fat on the face will not make people sick, but the beauty of youth has disappeared after all.

That fat and out-of-shape figure also has a bit of the shadow of that lump of meat later.

"It's great, it's really great..."

BIGMOM saw Nuo Xia from head to toe, and then from foot to head, and suddenly looked like a little girl, holding her cheeks and muttering happily:
"Mama Mama, the real person is more than [-] times more handsome than the photos, Romanov Nuoxia, you really deserve me to travel so far..."

With this expression and demeanor, there was an inexplicably familiar sense of sight. Nuo Xia shuddered, as if he had a premonition, pulled out the system panel silently, and glanced at the message bar.

Sure enough, such a message just popped up in the message box:
[Charlotte Lingling has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 150000 points]

[The relationship has not yet been established, please make persistent efforts, complete the final strategy as soon as possible, and get the second reward]

Just the reward for the first level of strategy is as high as 15 points.

Although he was in a dangerous situation, Nuo Xia couldn't help but twitched his eyes slightly when he saw this.

It's really inexplicable to pick up a large amount of points for nothing. It's an exaggeration. It not only surpassed Momotu's original reward, but even far surpassed Karp...

He sighed, ready for a desperate fight, and was about to turn off the system panel.


Suddenly, I was surprised to see that in the message box, following the previous one, there was another message like this:
"The new side mission "Strike the World's Strongest Woman" has been triggered, please check it in the task bar"

"Sub-quest Name: Capture the World's Strongest Woman"

"After all, this is a world where the weak prey on the strong. The comparison of personal strength is far more important than everything else, and now the title of the world's strongest woman is firmly occupied by Ms. Charlotte Lingling in front of you."

"Such a peak stands in front of you, how can you not try to climb it?"

"Then, boy, go and attack her bravely! Capture her heart, and walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand with her!"

"Mission content: within 30 days, complete the final strategy for Charlotte Lingling, and walk into the wedding hall with her."

"Mission reward: 60 points, S-level gift box*1, mall 2% discount coupon*1"

 Continue to weakly ask for monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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