People are full of pirates

Chapter 22 Peach Rabbit Kills Crazy

Chapter 22 Peach Rabbit Kills Crazy
Goul Island.

This is an island with four seasons in Changchun, with a mild climate and suitable for living.

The 329th branch of the Navy, built right next to the port, is a tall white building complex that is quite conspicuous from a distance.

When Nuoxia expressed her intentions, she was as low-key as possible.

He originally just wanted to let the branch cooperate and help him find out the residence information of Major General Zhizi, but who would have thought that not long after entering the door, the entire branch base became a sensation.

Many soldiers who were originally training, moved after hearing the news, and rushed to join in the fun, wanting to see Nuoxia's style with their own eyes.

For a while, a dense wall of people was formed inside the gate of the base.

Nuo Xia's head froze for a while, and then he realized that Taotu's reputation in the hearts of the younger generation of the Navy was much louder than he thought, and it was simply an idol-level existence.

Thinking about it, he became a brigadier general in his early twenties, and at the same time he was also the number one beauty in the navy, a swordsman with a promising future, and so on. How could such a person not be enthusiastically sought after?
That is the true "Flower of the High Mountains".

Fortunately, at this time, the top commander of the base, a colonel named Bako, appeared in time to rescue Nuoxia.

He was stern, and in a few words he dispersed the soldiers who came to watch, and then personally led Nuoxia to the living room and took a seat on the large sofa in front of the coffee table.

Without outsiders, Colonel Bako immediately showed another face.

"Brigadier General Gion, I have asked someone to find the address information you want, and there will be news in ten minutes at most."

"You see what else you need, even if you are instructed, I will do my best to get things done for you!"

He bent over and rubbed his hands, looking like a fly, and the flattering smile on his face made Nuoxia frown slightly and felt a little physical discomfort.

He is not an unreasonable person, and he has no thoughts of criticizing and hating official flattery, but the navy is not a world government after all.

Soldiers should always have the backbone of a soldier.

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble."

Nuoxia nodded politely, and then silently bowed her head and sipped the tea, no more words.

This kind of estranged and polite attitude made Colonel Bako, who had wanted to continue to be close, sullen.

He is also a good man, knowing that he is not welcome, and after giving a military salute, he retired to the door and acted as a doorman, not daring to continue to disturb this big guy from the headquarters.

After a while, the specific address of Major General Zhizi was sent to the living room.

Nuoxia thanked again, and did not stay in the 329 branch. After being sent off by Colonel Bako, he walked out of the gate of the base and walked in the direction marked by the address.

"Do you actually live in a small village outside the city..."

Nuoxia flipped through the address information on the road, thinking silently in her heart, "It seems that, as Gion said, this Major General Shiba doesn't like to be lively, and is an old lady with a naturally cool and quiet personality."

Such old people often have another characteristic, that is, they are more stubborn, and it is difficult to change their inherent views.

Kind of tricky.

In short, after meeting, you must first figure out why the other party suddenly left without saying goodbye and left the Navy headquarters three years ago.

Find the reason, and then prescribe the right medicine.

Nuoxia's thoughts are very clear.

He didn't realize that after a few days of getting along privately, the name Taotu in his heart had quietly changed from "Gion Brigadier General" to "Gion".

"Speaking of which, don't stare at me anymore and wipe my ass for the trouble I caused. Gion finally has a few days of leisure."

Nuoxia looked up at the sky, "Well, it's almost noon, I should have finished sleeping, in the big training room, teaching those girls?"

At the entrance of the big training room before, he also told Ronan Di with a certain attitude that Taotu's one-on-one mentoring had too much physical contact, and it was not their turn to be male recruits.

In the end, I didn't expect that I would become the first special case, and it took three whole days for a single instruction.

There is nothing more marvelous in life than this.

He suddenly remembered the side quest called "Confessions from Superiors" that had been swiped this week, and his mind suddenly moved, and he had a crooked mind.

In the mission description, it's just asking Taotu to say "Nuoxia, I like you", right?

There is no other requirement, nor does he need to complete the preliminary strategy, establish an ambiguous relationship or something.

Then... I am Taotu now, can I say this sentence with Taotu's mouth, can it be directly judged as completing the task?
Looking around, there were few pedestrians on the path outside the city, but Nuoxia still deliberately lowered the volume and said softly:

"Noxia, I like you."

Listening to Taotu's voice saying such words, why does it feel seems a little itchy?

He calmed down, suppressed the inexplicable throbbing in his heart, opened the system panel, and looked at the task bar. Behind the title of this side task, there was still a dim yellow question mark, which did not indicate that the task was completed.

Sure enough, it's not feasible.

Nuoxia sighed, and was just about to close the system panel when she suddenly noticed that a strange new message appeared in the message prompt above the taskbar.

[Bella Mia has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 900 points]

[The relationship has not yet been established, please make persistent efforts, complete the final strategy as soon as possible, and get the second reward]


Nuoxia was immediately stunned.

He did know Mia, the blue-haired girl recruit at the same time, had a few conversations two or three times, but he was not very familiar with her, and he had mixed her up with Shia, who had boldly confessed to him.

Why did you suddenly complete the preliminary strategy now?

Nuoxia's first reaction was that the system was really unreliable, and there was a bug before he left the novice village, but soon, a series of new information emerged again, leaving him no time to think about it, and his attention was once again attracted. past.

[Shuriya has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 500 points]

[Mirando·Huaru has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 600 points]

[Monica has completed the preliminary strategy, the ambiguous relationship has been established]


New message reminders are constantly being refreshed, and the speed of information changes is getting faster and faster, just like a bullet screen.

"Three, four, five..."

At first, Nuoxia could still count the number of people who completed the preliminary strategy, but soon he couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and could only stare blankly at the information bar and continue to swipe the screen frantically.

After a few seconds, the information bar finally returned to calm, and Nuoxia flipped it up and counted it, and was immediately taken aback - well, a total of twenty-six!

And without exception, all of them are elite girls from the same period as him.

"No, it's not a bug..."

After realizing this, Nuoxia frowned and suddenly wanted to understand something.

——The system information suddenly flashed on the screen. Could it be related to Taotu, who is still using his body and staying on the warship at this moment?

(End of this chapter)

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