People are full of pirates

Chapter 222 The West Sea Shakes

Chapter 222 The West Sea Shakes
"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

"I still have it here, don't worry, there is enough fresh water."

"Golden retriever kid, go to the kitchen and get some more bread."

Even with Abu Salom's willingness to step forward to help, Nuo Xia spent more than ten minutes finally distributing food and drinking water to these poor people.

The slaves devoured the sweets. Nuo Xia watched quietly for a while, and when she turned around, she was surprised to find that Moria was chatting happily with a pink-haired little girl by the railing.

From time to time, he made a funny face and made the little guy laugh happily.

This guy still has such a side?
...Wait, does this laughter sound familiar from time to time?

Nuo Xia suddenly seemed to realize something, carefully observed the side face of the pink-haired little girl again, hey, no mistake, it really is her...

"Princess Mononoke", Perona.

In the original timeline, Moria's top cadre, one of the three monsters of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

The timeline is also correct. He vaguely remembers that both Perona and Moria were born in Xihai, and they were picked up by the latter since they were young, and they have been raised as baby daughters until adulthood.

Was it such a coincidence that the time when the two met happened to happen to me?
He suddenly seemed to think of something, and with a thought, a system panel emitting a faint blue light emerged.

Looking at the taskbar, as expected, there is a prompt box like this:

"Submission "Save the Girl", the second phase has been completed"

"Task stage reward: 20 points, random attribute point*1"

"Currently there is only the last phase of the task left. After completing all the tasks, you will get extra massive rewards. Please continue to work hard."


"Is it really finished..."

Nuo Xia pinched her chin, but she wasn't too surprised. The description of this mission was to save three important girls who had appeared in the original novel.

In addition to Little Robin, Perona, who is quite popular, obviously also has this qualification.

The [-] points have been credited to the account, and most importantly, Nuo Xia received the long-lost random attribute point reward.

Taking advantage of the fact that the future father and daughter were talking happily and had nothing to do with himself for the time being, he simply sat back on the back of the zombie—this guy didn't get Moria's order, and had been kneeling on the ground with difficulty. There dare not get up.

Then open the backpack bar, choose to open the random ROLL point.

The blue dice appeared out of thin air, and immediately began to spin rapidly under Nuo Xia's gaze.

[End of ROLL point]

[Your strength attribute has been +1]


Are you strong?
Nuo Xia was a little surprised. In the past, every time I rolled an attribute point, because of my luck, the most expensive charm or intelligence popped out every time.

This is the first time he rolled to the attribute points of the basic measurements.

However, at the current stage, adding a little bit to the strength attribute is also scary, and the situation is completely different from the initial stage.

So, this time it's 50 points for nothing?
Still very cool.

Good intentions are rewarded... I didn't expect that there would be such a big harvest in tracking down the thief and rescuing the slaves along the way.

Nuo Xia was a little dumbfounded. To be honest, at this point, shouldn't I have to thank those few navy moths who didn't open their eyes in the morning?
Turning off the attribute panel, Nuo Xia clenched his fists and closed his eyes slightly to feel it. The [-]% increase in strength made his physical melee ability increase again.

Perhaps it is not obvious from the point of view of statistics, but at his level, when fighting against a strong player of the same strength, this change in power is completely enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"I want to fight Katakuri again."

Nuo Xia had some expectations in her heart, "The next time we meet, that guy won't be able to rely on his fruit ability to take the initiative to attack..."

Regardless of the confrontation between the navy and the pirates, he still admires Kaji very much.

In the previous battle, even in the face of pressure from BIGMOM, he had to refuse the help of Smoothie and others, and singled out with himself to the end.

It can be said that he is the only real man among the unreliable children of the Charlotte family.

How great would it be if such a man could be brought to the navy camp?
A bold idea suddenly rose in Nuo Xia's heart.

His current charm value is quite terrifying, especially when facing women, many times, he can even attack face to face, turning enemies into friends...

Then when the charm value is higher in the future, maybe it can really turn a guy like Katakuri from a strong enemy of the navy into a top-level combat force that can be relied on.


After withdrawing her thoughts, Nuo Xia's eyes moved slightly, and she looked at the tall and thin man who was still talking and laughing with Perona. The latter was shocked, and immediately turned around:

"I have to go to branch 233 to clean up some moths."

Nuo Xia stared into Moria's eyes, "So, can I ask you to do something for me?"

"……no problem."

Obviously he was several meters taller than this guy, but being stared at by this guy, Moriamo felt that he was a dwarf, and he wiped his cold sweat:
"Scared me, I thought what you were going to do... Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Help me send these poor women and children back to their hometown." Nuo Xia said calmly, "If there are no relatives at home and you don't want to go back, let them disembark in a safe and prosperous town along the way."

"By the way, give them some money, not too much, or you will harm them instead."

Nuo Xia touched his pocket, but it was empty, so he shrugged helplessly, "Remember the exact number, and when we meet again next time, I will return it together..."

"No need to pay it back!"

Moria immediately said, "What is this small amount of money? Don't worry, Major General Nuo Xia. It just so happens that I have to go shopping in the West Sea for a while, so let me take care of this!"

"Well, it's troublesome."

Nuo Xia nodded, he was quite relieved of his promise to Moria.

First of all, he had a "bad name" and had a precedent of beheading Shichibukai, so Moria didn't dare to offend him at all.

Secondly, compared to the other Qiwuhais, this guy is more concerned about this Zhaoan position, otherwise he wouldn't be the Qiwuhai for so many years, like the sand crocodile who is good at pretending.

Soon, it will be time to part.

Nuo Xia stood up and came to the bow. The kneeling zombie soldiers, who were almost numb, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and scrambled back to the team.

And those slaves crowded to the railing one after another, reluctantly waving goodbye to the benefactor who saved them from the fire and water.

"Master Nuo Xia, thank you!"

"If we can meet again in the future, please be sure to come to our house as a guest!"

Perona, who was held by Moria, was holding the dirty bear doll and tiptoeing on the spot.

After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth, ran over boldly, and stuffed a silver bracelet tightly in his hand into Nuo Xia's hand.

"What is this for?"

Nuo Xia was a little surprised, shook the small bracelet in her hand, and said with a smile, "Little girl?"

"My name is Perona!"

Little Princess Mononoke raised her neck and smiled, "Here, my mother gave it to me, and now I'm handing it over to you, Uncle Navy, I don't have anything else, only this can be used as a thank you gift!"


The corners of Nuo Xia's eyes twitched slightly. He had just turned twenty years old this year, so he could barely be called a teenager.
"I can't have such a precious thing."

He smiled and shook his head, pulled Perona's little hand away, and put the bracelet back, "Keep it, after all, it's the last memorial left by your family, isn't it?"

"As for the words of thanks..."

He glanced at Moria who was standing there honestly in the distance, and said with a smile, "As long as you can grow up well, I'm satisfied enough, you are only five years old now?"


"Then what gift do you want to give? In the future, when you grow up and have a chance to meet, you can give it to me."

Nuo Xia bent down, touched the little girl's head, and said warmly, "I'll give you thirteen years of preparation time, little guy, in these ten years, you'll grow up happily while thinking about what to prepare for." A gift."

Perona blinked, looked at the small bracelet in her hand, looked at Nuo Xia's deep and gentle eyes, and finally nodded vigorously:

A few minutes later, Nuo Xia stood at the stern of the ship, silently watching Moonlight Moria's pirate ship leave. Even though they were far away, the slaves were still trying to wave their hands.

And little Perona was also standing behind the railing with the bear in her arms, looking at this side without blinking.

What a cute little girl, well-behaved and obedient, how did she become a full-fledged tsundere when she grew up?

Nuo Xia looked back with a smile, and when she turned around, she raised the right hand that touched little Perona just now, and remembered the scene where Moria and the little girl made funny faces at each other just now...

For some reason, I have an inexplicable idea of ​​wanting to raise a daughter.

"Before that, at least get the wedding mission done..."

He patted his head, sighed quietly, what was he thinking, obviously he was only twenty years old, did he already have the mentality of wanting to be an old father?
It's all Moriah's fault...

Nuo Xia roughly imagined in her mind that she will enter middle age in the future, basking in the sun in the square of Marin Fando, surrounded by children playing and playing, and the scene where the peach rabbit Siabelmeier and the others are watching with a smile on their faces ...

Gan, it's so wonderful, suddenly I'm looking forward to it!

Shaking his head to bring his thoughts back to reality, Nuo Xia turned his head and looked at the distant sea in the dark night, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

All the family happiness is a matter of the future, before that, the important thing is, Major Heike and this ship of sailors are hateful, but they are only accomplices after all.

A complete scumbag, he is still sitting on the luxurious leather chair in the branch office, enjoying coffee and desserts leisurely.

With this in mind.

There was a sudden sound of breaking wind, and the figure standing on the deck disappeared in situ, escaping into the sea, like a silver swimming dragon, speeding away towards the distance in the moonlight...

Five days later.

A shocking news came out from Kanser Island, where Branch 223 was located, and quickly swept through the entire underground world, causing public opinion in the entire West Sea to be in an uproar!
As the major general of the first branch of Xihai, Nuo Xia suddenly landed in the 223 branch three days ago.

Facing the enthusiastic welcome of the branch colonel Bajir with a smiling face, this young strong man who had made a name for himself in the New World turned his back on him face to face and beheaded him in full view.

Immediately afterwards, the base was controlled by means of thunder, and the entire branch was cleaned from top to bottom.

A large number of sailors, including several lieutenants, were killed, almost half of the entire branch base.

Most of the remaining sea soldiers who were not guilty of death were also imprisoned and sent to military courts, waiting for the fate of the trial.

After the inside story was announced, many nearby pirates who heard the news gloated and ridiculed the navy, saying things like "This is the virtue of the navy", "justice? It's just a joke after all!" .

But what they didn't expect was.

Soon, the butcher's knife of bad luck came to him.

Speaking of it, because Nuo Xia was not in the West Sea for half a year, the first branch couldn't see all the sea areas.

Shocked by Nuo Xia's prestige a year ago, some quiet and honest pirates have become active again in the past half a year. The number of pirate groups has increased sharply, wreaking havoc everywhere.

But from the second day after the 233 branch incident, people began to discover that many pirate novas who were arrogant and evil a few days ago suddenly disappeared.

And in some remote sea areas, one pirate ship after another began to be discovered by the passing fleet. When they boarded, they often only saw blood on the deck and rotten and smelly pirate corpses all over the place...

A bounty of 5900 million Baileys was offered, the "Sea Butcher" Jalko who attacked many villages and killed countless people;

With a reward of 7000 million Baileys and a fleet of more than [-] people under his command, "West Sea Pirate Admiral" Rondoyat;
In just half a year at sea, he has defeated many naval fleets that came to encircle and suppress him, and the "No. [-] Swordsman" Aize who is famous throughout the West Sea...

No matter how terrifying your bounty is, the pirates who are comparable to the great route, no matter how many troops you have under your command, how fierce the ship's artillery fire is...

Those who didn't have any resistance left were understated and cleaned up.

In the hands of those who kill them, these vicious pirates seem to be no different from the villagers who were slaughtered wantonly by them as pigs and sheep...

There are more and more such incidents, and as time goes by, after being exposed in the news, all the pirates, as well as the rest of the underground forces in the dark world, realized one thing.

That is, they didn't want to understand what the sudden return of Nuo Xia, who was stronger than when he left, meant to Xi Hai!
for a while.

Nuo Xia, who came back from the new world, once again spread her bad name throughout the West Sea, causing countless dark forces to shrink back and dare not show up again, and it also caused countless pirate groups to fall into panic, keeping silent like cicadas!

(End of this chapter)

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