People are full of pirates

Chapter 225 Promotion to Lieutenant General

Chapter 225 Promotion to Lieutenant General
"...Major General Romanov Nuoxia, although he has not been promoted to major general for a year, he has made great military achievements during his tenure and his reputation has spread far and wide..."

"Therefore, it was discussed and approved by the highest meeting of the headquarters, and Marshal Sora of the headquarters approved 2"

"We hereby appoint Major General Romanov Nuoxia, who was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general of the headquarters, and transferred back to Marin Fando, and rejoined the combat sequence of the headquarters. The specific position will be arranged separately at that time."

"This appointment will take effect from the date of issuance of the document"

"Sea Yuan Calendar May 1502, 10"

"Marshal Sora (Seal)"


Is this promoted to lieutenant general?

After reading the last paragraph, Nuo Xia put the document back on the table, sat down on the sofa chair, raised her legs, and looked a little hesitant.


Looking at his appearance, Taotu gave a half-smile, "Obviously the bottom of my heart is already full of joy. If you want to laugh, you can grin as much as you want, and don't hold it back in front of me."

This nasty little bastard!

When Mingming first met, she was just a recruit, but she was already a brigadier general at that time.

But now, in just one and a half years, this guy actually climbed onto his head and became his boss?
The arrogant little rabbit gritted his teeth angrily, eating it for a while.

But I don't want to admit that in the deepest part of her heart, there is not much jealousy, some are full of pride for this paper transfer order-the lieutenant general of the headquarters who is only [-] years old!This is my wife's man!
"It was indeed an unexpected surprise."

Nuo Xia looked at her, and after thinking about it, she still said, "But after thinking about it, I don't really want to accept the promotion. Maybe I should contact the headquarters and ask them to take back this..."


Taotu was startled, and immediately leaned out his upper body, pinching his face angrily:
"What nonsense! Do you know what a remarkable achievement it is to become a lieutenant general at the age of twenty? Throughout the history of the navy, there has never been a precedent for you being so young!"

"Oh, of course I know that."

Nuo Xia let Taotu knead her cheeks, and said helplessly:

"It's just... Brigadier General, I've been in that ghostly place in the New World for almost half a year, and finally came back to West Sea. I've only stayed here for a few days? I really don't want to leave you..."

The facial massage stopped suddenly, and Nuo Xia looked up strangely, only to see the little rabbit turned her face away, the sides of her white and clear face were stained with a blush at some point...

After a long time, she heard her muffled voice:
"Just... just because of this?"

"What is just, Brigadier General?"

Nuo Xia cut her lips and curled her lips, "Isn't it a certainty that I will be promoted to lieutenant general in the headquarters in the future? One year earlier, one year later, I will compete for the youngest lieutenant general in history..."

"It doesn't make any sense to me. If I have such leisure, I'd rather stay here at the first branch of Xihai, spend more time with you, ski and climb mountains with you, and cook breakfast for you every day..."

"The last one is unnecessary."

Taotu finally turned his face back, his expression had returned to normal and natural, "I want to live a few more years."


Nuo Xia still felt a little reconciled, and tentatively said, "Actually, my cooking skills have really improved a lot in the past six months. At least I won't have diarrhea after eating... How about you let me try again?"

"Try you big-headed ghost!"

Taotu couldn't help kicking him, then sat back on the sofa, looked at the innocent black-haired boy, pinched his chin and muttered:

"There is no need to discuss this matter. The exceptional promotion from the headquarters is an affirmation of you. Just accept it."

"As for me..."

She flipped through the documents in her hand, "After a few years, the headquarters will let me go back for a job review. At that time, another position should be arranged. I will try my best to fight for it. There is still a good chance that I can continue to be assigned to a place... ..."

"Eh? Can this be done? What about the first branch?"

"Don't worry, there are plenty of successors. We were temporarily sent to Xihai last year because of the unstable situation in Xihai."

Momotu raised his head and chuckled, "Now you have hired all the pirates out in the West Sea, and there won't be any up-and-comers in a short time, and there is no need to continue stationing such a high-level combat force." It's..."

This is true.

Nuo Xia deeply agrees with this, his strength is naturally needless to say, and Tao Tutu is also far stronger than the general major general of the headquarters.

The new world and the great sea route are where she should go. Staying in the West Sea for a long time is really a bit of an overkill, and the headquarters will not do this.

"That's good. I'll go ahead and wait for you at the headquarters, Brigadier General."

Nuo Xia calculated the date, "Well... today is the 13th, and the headquarters didn't give a specific time limit for departure, so that's good, I'll leave on the last day before the end of the month, so that I can free up more than half a month and spend more time with you You..."

"It's been dawdling, and I will be blamed by Marshal Kong again at that time, why, I look... like someone who needs your company so much?"

Tao Tutu wrinkled the tip of her pretty nose and snorted slightly.

"Then I'm leaving now?"

Nuo Xia glanced at the port outside the window, "Major General Jia Ji set off early this morning, and he hasn't gone far. If I chase him with moon steps, I should be able to catch him... um, huh? "

The words were not finished after all.

Because the little rabbit who became angry from embarrassment had already pounced on him and bit his mouth with his cold and soft lips.

And Nuo Xia secretly glanced at Taotu's tiptoes, and then she was satisfied. She hugged her delicate body tightly with her arms, turned from defense to offense, and kissed back forcefully...

In mid-October 1502 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The news that the [-]-year-old Nuo Xia became the lieutenant general of the headquarters first spread like wildfire within the naval system.

Immediately, it spread rapidly, making headlines of major newspapers one after another, causing another outcry in public opinion around the world.

Numerous people talked about this matter with relish. Romanov Nuoxia, the youngest lieutenant general in the headquarters in history, graduated from the elite camp less than two years ago. They lost their souls...

The combination of various factors made this news the most lively gossip topic in the streets and alleys for a long time to come.

"It's so noisy..."

On Chaili Island in the East China Sea, the old Captain Romanov finally sent out another group of colleagues who came to congratulate him.

After returning to the living room, he lit a cigar and sat down at the dining table, and began to complain:
"A group of idiots who have never seen the world. Isn't it just that kid Nuo Xia who became a lieutenant general? I thought it was a big deal. It doesn't make people feel safe in the early morning, and even if you want to sleep late..."

"Oh? Who saw the newspaper last night and almost fell off the balcony on the second floor?"

Sneering sarcasm came from the kitchen. Tulip, who had just washed the dishes and hadn't had time to untie her apron, immediately turned dark when she saw the lingering smoke.

"'s a cigar, not a cigarette..."

The old captain Romanov swallowed, speaking weakly.

"Bring it."

icy voice.

"...This is a congratulatory gift from Colonel Summer. I couldn't afford it myself before. This is the first time I smoke..." The old captain felt aggrieved like a child weighing two hundred pounds.

"three two……"

"One! What's the matter, you've been scaring me with these three numbers for more than twenty years!"

The old captain suddenly puffed up his chest, and said viciously, "Now that the child has grown up and gone out, he has become a lieutenant general in the headquarters. I am happy and proud to be a father. What's the matter with smoking one to celebrate?"

"Really don't bring it?"

The old man took a deep breath on his cigar and shook his head proudly, "There is absolutely no such possibility!"

After a minute.

The old captain Romanov was obediently kneeling on the flintlock, with three layers of swelling on the top of his head, and thick smoke was blowing upwards.

Tulip sat gracefully in front of the sofa, flipping through the newspaper she had read yesterday.

"Ah, as expected of my son, he is much more handsome."

She didn't seem to care about Nuo Xia's promotion. She just looked at the photo and said with a smile, "If Bermel sees the news, he will be happy for a few more days..."

"Yeah, it's a pity that Bermer went out to perform a mission."

The old captain kneeling on the gun sighed, a little regretful, "That task is quite difficult and time-consuming, no matter how smooth it is, when she comes back, at least it will be December... Ah! Why are you kicking me?" ?”

"Did I allow you to interrupt me?"

Ignoring the old man's screams, Tu Jinxiang slowly withdrew her feet, raised her legs again, snorted, her face became much less interested, "Just say something bad."

New World, G1 branch.

"Already a lieutenant general?"

Quietly looking at the notification document sent from the headquarters in the early morning, after a long time, Akainu raised his brows and smiled, with a somewhat relieved look on his face, "What a terrible junior..."

At his age, he has never even stepped into the gate of the Navy Headquarters, and he has not yet become a disciple of Teacher Zefa.

Twenty-year-old lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters.

In the past more than a year, he has successively defeated Shichibukai William, Drought Dugalileo, and tied with Katakuri...

Akainu shook his head suddenly and sighed.

If the navy can have a few more guys like this, why are the pirates in this sea so rampant and arrogant? Why should their navy be exhausted and stretched out in this era of great pirates...


Maybe one is enough?

Akainu narrowed his eyes, and turned his eyes back to the document. Nuo Xia in the ID photo smiled gently at the camera.

But he knew that this seemingly approachable black-haired boy was actually a ruthless character like him in his heart, and he had never been soft-hearted towards pirates...

As long as he is given enough time to grow up, who can predict how much this guy who has just turned twenty can achieve in the future?

"I'm looking forward to that day..."

He murmured to himself, "I hope you don't let me down, Romanov Nuoxia..."

Paradise, G2 branch.

"what happened?"

When Major General Buma finished his breakfast and went out, he saw his deputy, Ghost Spider, who had just been promoted to Brigadier General, squatting there numbly, holding a newspaper in his hand, his eyes were dull, and he had a suspicious expression on his life.

"After reading the news that Mr. Nuo Xia was promoted to lieutenant general, it became like this."

Another female brigadier general couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, "It should be too badly hit, it seems that when Lieutenant General Nuo Xia was still in the elite camp, Ghost Spider was already a colonel, and the two of them even discussed each other. , Originally, he had been working hard these days, thinking he could catch up, but he didn't expect that the gap is getting bigger and bigger..."

"Oh? And this?" Major Bulma became interested, "Who won?"

"It goes without saying..." The female brigade general shrugged, "It must be Mr. Nuo Xia."

"..." Ghost Spider raised his head and glared at her fiercely.

"Ah? Did I accidentally hit you again?"

The female brigadier general pretended to be shocked, then looked at Major General Buma with a suppressed smile, and begged:

"Hey, I'm so bad...Major General Boulma, you are his immediate boss, please say something and comfort him..."

"Well, don't worry, this is what I should do."

Boulma nodded, came to the ghost spider, reached out and patted his shoulder lightly, and said in relief:

"Don't take it too seriously, the gap between people is inherently doomed, think more about the good, don't forget, you also have something to be proud of."

The ghost spider looked at her blankly, and the slack pupils gradually became brighter.

Before he could show his gratitude in the future, Boulma said quietly again:
"For example, when others talk about Nuo Xia in the future, you can at least straighten your chest proudly and say that you were personally defeated by him..."

The ghost spider was so angry that he almost lost his life on the spot.

At the same time, hundreds of meters away, in the office on the top floor of the fortress.

The wretched old man in a yellow-striped suit was leaning on the railing with his legs crossed, worrying about the newspaper in his hand.

"It's really scary..."

Huang Yuan rubbed his temples, and said distressedly, "You are only twenty years old, just like the old man, you have become a lieutenant general in the headquarters, are you on an equal footing..."


Doesn't this mean that he will never have the chance to bring Nuo Xia to the G2 branch and make him his subordinate?

Huang Yuan regretted for a while.

If I had known that when the awarding ceremony was held in the headquarters, I should have run over to watch the ceremony, and by the way, I had to talk to Teacher Zefa and Marshal Kong, so I had to let this guy be assigned...
look back.

A large stack of documents stacked on the desk was being flipped slightly by the sea breeze. Huang Yuan struggled for a long time, and finally sat back behind the desk with a constipated face...

The news continued to fly everywhere.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of October.

Nuo Xia, who had been delayed for more than ten days, finally had no choice but to leave after the third urging call from the headquarters, and bid farewell to Tao Tutu at the port reluctantly. "Goodbye, Commodore!"

After the last hug, Nuo Xia showed her face and laughed, "Don't be too sad, it's only been two months since we parted. We'll see you at Marin Vanduo at the beginning of next year!"


Taotu pursed her lips, and also nodded and smiled.

The two waved goodbye, and Nuo Xia finally boarded the warship and went away in the twilight of the setting sun amidst countless naval soldiers who came to see him off spontaneously and the people saw him off.

In this way, he left Xihai, who had been working for just one year, and embarked on his way back to the headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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