People are full of pirates

Chapter 24 Still That Meow Negara

Chapter 24 Still That Meow Negara

Of course, adding points must not be added now.

Nuoxia was not carried away by this surprise.

He knew very well that after adding some points, the physical change of the body would take effect immediately, and it was impossible for Taotu to not notice the huge change between before and after.

I still have to endure it for a few days, and after I return to my body, I can finish it in one breath.

He closed the attribute panel happily, hummed the minor tune of the Showa era in his memory, and continued to walk along this country trail.

Passing through a small town, I remembered what Taotu had mentioned on the boat. Although Major General Zhizi is old, his favorite food is strawberries, and the bigger he is, the more he likes it.

In the headquarters, the old lady often held a bowl of strawberries in her hand and fed them to her mouth while working, just like Karp eating senbei, she could eat several kilograms in one day.

And when you come to visit by yourself, you always have to bring some greetings.

So Nuoxia stopped in front of the fruit stand and bought a large bag of creamy strawberries. These strawberries were huge, almost catching up with oranges, and the price was not cheap, costing a total of [-] Baileys.

Nuoxia's current monthly salary subsidy is only [-] Baileys. He looked at the strawberry in his hand and felt a little sick. After returning to the warship, he should ask Taotu to reimburse him in the name of funds.

After leaving the town, he increased his speed a little, and just when the sun was about to set, he arrived at the village where Major General Zhizi was.

When you enter your eyes, the smoke from the cooking is curled up, it is quiet and peaceful, and it is like a paradise-like scene.

"Is this the home of Major General Zhizi..."

Nuoxia stopped in front of a two-story building with a small courtyard, looked up at the gate, and the white fence surrounded by roses, "It's more ordinary than expected."

The only special feature is that it is very clean and tidy, and through the gaps in the fence, you can vaguely see that the small courtyard is full of all kinds of carefully trimmed flowers and plants.

He took a deep breath and went through all the relevant information that Taotu had revealed to him in his mind.

Then he stepped forward and gently knocked on the courtyard door.

"Come on, come on!"

There were hurried footsteps coming from far and near, and at the same time, a crisp and lovely voice sounded, "Is that Gong Jie?"

With a "squeak", the wooden door was opened from the inside, and a pink-haired little girl showed her head, her face full of joy and surprise, "Sister Gong, what's the matter? Why is it so late..."

Her voice suddenly stopped, and she stared blankly at the two slender thighs that were almost flush with her head.

Then she raised her head blankly, only to see a tall figure like a giant to her, blocking the front of her courtyard.

The pink-haired little girl was startled and subconsciously took two steps back. She looked panicked. Just as she was about to close the courtyard door, the "giant" suddenly bent down and asked softly:

"Excuse me, is this the home of Sister Zhizi?"

With a gentle voice, delicate appearance, and a heroic and sassy temperament, the slight smile on the corner of his mouth when he speaks is even more contagious.

When the pink-haired little girl saw the appearance of the person who came, she felt a lot of peace in her heart. She looked at Nuoxia hesitantly, "Yes, you... Who are you?"

"Gion, Commodore Gion of the Navy Headquarters."

Nuoxia looked at the pretty and cute little girl with short mid-length hair in front of her, and felt a little familiar, "I haven't seen Sister Zhizi for several years, this time I came here to visit her."

"Ah, is that so?"

The pink-haired little girl tilted her head, looked at Nuoxia secretly, and saw the white navy uniform on him and the cloak of justice fluttering behind him, she finally felt completely at ease.

"Please come in!"

She quickly gave way, and after Nuoxia carefully rubbed her scalp and entered the courtyard, she closed the door and shouted into the house, "Grandma Zhizi, come out quickly, there are guests!"

"Don't shout, I'll just go in and visit."

Nuoxia smiled and rubbed the top of the little girl's head. While walking into the house along the pebble path in the yard, she asked casually:

"By the way, little guy, why did I hear you call Major General Zhizi's grandmother? I've never heard of it, sister Zhizi and your granddaughter."

"In a few months, Tina will be thirteen years old, so she's not a little guy!"

The pink-haired little girl pushed away Nuoxia's hand in dissatisfaction. After humming, she muttered and explained:
"It's my aunt, Tina's grandmother, and the sister of Grandma Zhizi, but she died when Tina was very young, so Tina has been living at Grandma Zhizi's house for the past few years."


Nuoxia didn't care about the little girl's rebellious behavior, his attention was completely attracted by her self-proclaimed, and he was stunned for a moment, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

No wonder I felt a little familiar before, and the little girl who came to open the door for her turned out to be the famous and beautiful brigadier general of the future naval headquarters, "Black Threshold" Tina?
It's quite a coincidence...

He thought silently in his heart, then turned his head to look carefully at the pink-haired little girl.

Sure enough, after I got the number, I felt that compared with Tina [-] years later, it was carved out of the same mold.

With fair skin and delicate facial features, she is already a beauty at a young age, but her hair is not that long, and she doesn't have that sassy heroic spirit.

After taking another look, Nuoxia withdrew her gaze.

He had no idea about Tina, let alone a lolicon. He was just a little surprised to see the "acquaintance" of the Navy in such a remote village.


The yard is not big.

After walking along the cobblestone path, passing through the flowers, and turning around the atrium, Nuoxia saw a thin, white-haired old lady in a large home uniform standing at the entrance of the entrance, looking at herself with a smile.

Guys, it's time to put your acting skills to the test!
"Sister Zhizi!"

Nuoxia showed surprise just right, and then rushed forward without hesitation, gave the old lady a warm hug, and cheered:
"You really live here, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

"Long time no see, Gion."

Zhizi patted Nuoxia on the back dotingly, with a wrinkled face, smiling quite happily, "I miss you too, I heard from Tina just now that there are guests, I thought it was from the village. , I didn't expect to come out and take a look, hey, it's actually you little guy."

"Hee hee, you were taken aback by me."

Nuoxia let go of the zhizi and handed over the bag full of strawberries, "Well, this is a gift I bought on the way for you."

Then he said with some resentment: "So you still know that you miss me, so why did you not say a word when you left Malin Fando three years ago, and you didn't even write a letter to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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