People are full of pirates

Chapter 243 "Daughter is here"

Chapter 243 "Daughter is here"


After reading this introduction, Nuo Xia raised his eyes, and a big question mark slowly appeared above his head.

Is he right?
Is it more than [-] million?Four full zeros after it?
He was indeed a card guy, but with so many points, he would never even consider buying a real Blue-Eyes White Dragon, let alone a commemorative card?

"There's something wrong."

After muttering something, Nuo Xia didn't bother to take care of this prop any more, and looked down.


【Takeda Takeshi's Album CD】

[Type: Permanent Item]

[Description: Buy a CD and come with an old-fashioned radio player. After pressing the play button, it will play all the songs that Takeshi Takeda sang on the steel pipe in the open space in a loop, and put on pain masks for all creatures who hear the singing. And there is a chance to vomit on the spot]

[Remarks: No distinction between friend and foe, biochemical weapons, each use will reduce lifespan by one year, please use with caution]

【"Fat Tiger! Did you have to sing before you came in?"】


Another outrageous prop.

"It's fine if I want to hear Fat Tiger's singing, but I'm actually losing my lifespan..."

Nuo Xia supported his forehead speechlessly, "Which god designed this prop, did it come out to take revenge on the society..."

Without hesitation, just skip it.


【Meditation Incense】

【Type: Consumables】

[Description: Lighting this incense indoors will empty your mind, and it will be of great benefit to your Zen enlightenment and meditation practice]

[Remarks: The maximum duration of each incense stick is 24 hours, the number of currently available sticks (10/10)]

【"Teacher, when you sit in meditation, you should be calm and calm, and don't be affected by external objects, understand?" "It's too simple, master, I can do it a long time ago!"】

【"Okay, I'll try you as a teacher, just listen up! You love me, I love you, XXXX is sweet..."】


The remark is outrageous, but judging from the description, it is still a very practical item.

As a swordsman, it is indispensable to meditate when comprehending the way of the sword, and this incense, obviously, can be used as a BUFF bonus item like the "gravity field" in this respect.

"In addition to swordsmanship, it may also be useful to practice knowledge..."

Nuo Xia glanced at the price.

[-] points equals [-] per stick of incense. The price is a bit expensive, but not unacceptable.

In addition, after all, the family is rich now, after a moment of hesitation, Nuo Xia still added it to the shopping cart.


[Kendo Notes of Elder Soma]

[Type: Permanent Item]

[Description: As a well-known elder in Ionia, this notebook condenses all the painstaking efforts of Elder Soma as a swordsman during his lifetime, understand it!You will use it for life]

[Remarks: Yufeng swordsmanship notes, applicable to swordsmen with two swords]

【"Is there anyone more wronged than the old man's death?"】


"Wind-defying swordsmanship..."

Nuo Xia murmured softly, as expected, this item is just like the name, it is very precious to him, it can be said that it is the most valuable item among the items refreshed in the past few weeks.

He had obtained similar swordsmanship notes before, but it was from Ryoma, the great swordsman of Wano Country, one-sword style, and incomplete.

But even so, on the day of comprehending that notebook, his swordsmanship level improved by leaps and bounds, surpassing Shilieu of the Rain in one fell swoop, becoming the well-deserved number one swordsmanship among the recruits of the entire elite battalion.

And this book can be said to be a notebook that perfectly matches his compatibility...

Nuo Xia believed.

As long as you are willing to put in a lot of effort, show the enthusiasm you had when you were a recruit, and study hard.

Then, with the help of this notebook, my swordsmanship level, which has stagnated a little these days, can once again usher in a breakthrough in all aspects!
[-] points is a bit expensive, but compared to its value, it is not a big deal at all, buy it!


【King Kong is not bad】

[Type: Talent Skill Scroll]

[Description: When King Kong is not bad, the whole body will be as hard as iron, and the blade will not hurt the slightest. Indestructible]

[Note: Only effective for male humanoids]

【"Yes, sir, even the doomsday world after a nuclear explosion cannot be destroyed. It will last forever with the new civilization of mankind!"】


"Ah this..."

Nuo Xia had a delicate expression and looked down.

When he raised his head again, he curled his lips and made a cut.

It can only make such a small area indestructible, but the price is actually 20 points?The full version of King Kong is not bad talent, it is almost worth the price, right?
It's a scam, whoever buys it is stupid!

Nuo Xia snorted in disdain, and then added it to the shopping cart.

Finished picking, settlement!

Nuo Xia bought three of the six props refreshed this week, accumulatively costing 51 points, and the remaining points also happened to be around 51.

This addition is not enough to see. With the idea of ​​preparing for a rainy day, Nuo Xia temporarily postponed it, then turned off the system panel, excitedly grabbed the Yazakana sword beside the table, and rushed to the bathroom .

Halfway through, he suddenly hesitated again. After looking at the saber, he put it back in its original place and replaced it with an ordinary navy-standard long sword.

After a while.

Bang!There was the sound of the blade breaking and falling to the ground in the bathroom, followed by his incredible exclamation:
"Hey, King Kong is really not broken!"

Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed. During this period, Nuo Xia has basically maintained a dedicated attitude, reviewing documents in the office every day, and avoiding the heat and limelight after the Golden Lion incident.

When others are off work, he will stagger the time and go to the training room to practice alone, and he will learn time management to the extreme.

The stamina is amazing, and you don't need to sleep every day to be comfortable.

Elder Soma's kendo notes are quite esoteric and extremely long.

Even though Nuo Xia spends a lot of time reading and studying every day, his progress is still slow, and he only read about one-third of it in a month.

But impatient never eat hot tofu, not to mention the practice of swordsmanship.

Nuo Xia has been obsessed with swordsmanship since she was a child, and has been used to taking one step at a time for more than ten years, so her mentality has always been calm and calm.

In the coming day, I will dig through this notebook thoroughly, and with the help of meditation incense, it will not be too late to practice Zen and enlightenment.

Two other things happened during this time.

One is of course the New Year. Nuo Xia was already ready to spend the New Year's Eve alone, but he was dragged directly to his house by Garp just after dinner.

In the end, accompanied by two live treasures, one big and one small, they smiled and looked at the bright fireworks lit up in the night sky of the headquarters outside, and passed the threshold of the annual rings.

It also has a taste of home, very warm.

——If Garp hadn't been drunk that night, he would have laughed and wanted to share the bed with Nuo Xia, snorted, said something like "Dorag, it's time for you to go on stage to receive the award", and let it go all night Loud words.

When that tormenting night passed, Hai Yuanli also quietly came to 1503.

Another incident happened at the beginning of the new year. Another batch of recruits from the elite battalion of the headquarters completed the last step before graduation, the awarding ceremony, in the square of Marin Vanduo.

Nuo Xia was naturally among them. Many of the recruits graduating this year were his acquaintances and companions who had been with him day and night, and Luo Xindi was also among them.


Like him, it is extremely rare to be awarded the rank of major general by the headquarters as soon as he graduates. After all, it is extremely rare in previous awarding ceremonies. In this awarding ceremony, Maynard and Kesha, who rank the highest in strength, are only colonels of the headquarters. .

As for Rossindi...

After Nuoxia and Shiliu graduated ahead of schedule, Rosindi was stimulated, and his training intensity became more abnormal. In the next few daily assessments, his ranking also climbed all the way, almost firmly in the top five.

Therefore, in Nuo Xia's original prediction, Luo Xindi, who is stronger than himself at the same time in the original manga timeline, also has a great chance to become the colonel of the headquarters as soon as he graduates.

Last but not least, it had to be a lieutenant colonel.

But the result was somewhat unexpected.

Rosinindi was only awarded the rank of major. During the awarding ceremony, he became the green grass against the safflower.

So after the end, when he came to Nuo Xia, his mood was quite low, and his disappointment and frustration could not be concealed on his face.

"I don't understand, brother Nuo Xia..."

The two got together for a drink alone that night, Luo Xidi filled Nuo Xia's wine, and he drank it down with his head up, and said depressedly, "Why, I obviously did not perform abnormally in the actual graduation assessment. The previous outing The internship performance is also good, why only give me this rank..."

If Shiliu was also here, this scene would have a taste of the Northwest Iron Triangle.

"If you can't figure it out..." Nuo Xia shook his glass and said softly, "Why don't you go home and ask Mr. Zhan Guo?"

"I'm just a young recruit, how can I have the qualifications to go to the General of the Warring States Period..."

When Luo Xidi said this, he was suddenly taken aback, and raised his head with a look of astonishment, "Go home... Brother Nuo Xia, know I am..."

"I already guessed it."

Nuo Xia admitted frankly.

When he was in the elite camp, he didn't want to cause a gap in the friendship between the three because of Rosindi's special status, so he never broke it.

But now, everyone has graduated, and they will soon be separated.

And he has become a real high-level general in the headquarters, and the gap between him and the Warring States has long since disappeared, so it doesn't hurt to speak up in person.

"When..." Rossindi widened his eyes in a daze.

"You don't need to know that."

Nuo Xia smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Speaking of which, I was taken away by CP9, Mr. Garp, Mr. Zefa, and the others came out for me, I was not very surprised."

"But Mr. Zhan Guo actually joined. I didn't know him very well at that time. Thinking about it carefully, after all, you are the guy who worked hard behind the scenes, right?"

"Hey..." Luo Xidi scratched her head embarrassingly, "You know all of this, Brother Nuo Xia, it's really nothing, after all, it's all there, I'm going to find a way to do something... ..."

"Don't say it, I didn't come here to thank you specifically. The reason why I mentioned this is just to remind you that the fact that you were dismissed and your military rank was lowered by two ranks is probably related to Mr. Warring States."

Nuo Xia poured herself another glass of wine, and said lightly, "As for the reason, you can only find out by asking Mr. Zhan Guo in person."

"what the hell……"

Rossindi immediately showed dissatisfaction and complained:
"What is the old man doing? Is he playing the game of avoiding suspicion? But my grades are real, and I have never disclosed my identity to outsiders. As for being so cautious..."

Nuo Xia smiled without saying a word, looking at the bright moon above the sky leisurely, without answering.

He could roughly guess the intention of the Warring States Period.

After all, Luo Xindi is the blood of Tianlong people, and his status is beyond words. Although the Warring States Period allowed him to enter the elite camp, he learned and grew up with Zefa.

But in the bottom of my heart, I still want him to spend the rest of his life in a low-key and safe manner, rather than showing his sharpness and becoming the focus of existence, right?

If Rossindi had a smooth journey and became a high-level executive in the headquarters, if it attracted the attention of the Holy Land Marie Gioia, no one could predict the consequences.

The majestic Tianlong people turned out to be "running dogs" underneath?
Who knows if those Bubble Bobblers can tolerate it.

Also, count the time.

On the other side of the North Sea, Little Turkey's power has begun to show its scale, and it will start to stir up wind and rain in earnest soon, right?
Nuo Xia glanced at Rosindi who was still muttering, thoughtfully, if there were no accidents, at most another year or so, Rosinanti would be arranged to lurk into the Don Quixote family as a spy.

In this case, for the sake of confidentiality and personal safety, it is not necessarily a bad thing to lower the military rank by two levels.



Nuo Xia sneered.

A few years after the timeline of the original work, Luo Hui watched his Mr. Corazon die in front of him, escaped in the snowstorm and cried silently. The corpse of the adopted son, I can't help myself in grief...

But it's a pity.

Now, with him and the existence of the special life card, this scene is destined to never happen again.

Another week passed.

In the early morning of this day, Nuo Xia was at the port, waving and smiling goodbye to a warship full of graduated recruits.

These colleagues from the elite battalion will be scattered into stars, go to various branches, practice their way of justice, and grow into the mainstay of the new generation of the navy in the future.

Luo Xidi was also among them. He was sent to Xihai, and he would pass by the G6 branch on the way. Finally, he had the opportunity to reunite with Shiliu, who had been separated for a year and a half.

I just don't know when the next time I meet him will be...

Watching the warship go away, Nuo Xia turned his head and was about to leave. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a warship slowly sailing into the port of Marin Fando from the northeast.

And on the white sail above, there is the number "16".

(End of this chapter)

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