People are full of pirates

Chapter 250 Become a Rabbit Again

Chapter 250 Become a Rabbit Again

"Title Page Serialization Shiliu of the Rain Chapter 1 "Promotion and Marriage, Double Happiness""

"Since the morning, there has been an endless stream of people visiting the door, and finally sent away a group of colleagues who came to congratulate, Shiliu of the Rain lay wearily on the sofa, lit a cigar, and looked out the window leisurely, feeling comfortable smoke ring

"From today onwards, I'm the colonel of the headquarters. It's funny, these idiots think it's great to be promoted to colonel just over a year after graduation? You haven't seen a real monster..."

"Compared to that bastard Nuo Xia, what is my achievement?"

"Shiliu shook his head, and was about to put out the smoke ring, when suddenly someone knocked on the door, he got up and opened the door quickly, the person who came was the postman who delivered the letter, he opened the letter and saw that it was from his girlfriend who was returning home to visit relatives, In the letter, she said excitedly that her parents had approved their marriage, and she planned to come to the G6 branch with her this time to preside over their wedding ceremony.”

"Hahaha, that's great! Shiryu of the Rain couldn't help but burst out laughing. When she was excited, she couldn't help hugging the postman and kissed him heavily on the face. Then she thanked him and closed the door, leaving behind the young postman. Boy, you just stood there with a dazed face..."


After pushing open the door, Nuo Xia made a shush gesture to Shia behind him, then cautiously poked half of his head in, and glanced left and right in the living room.

I saw that the dining table was empty, and the table was full of sumptuous breakfast. It was almost cold, and no one touched their chopsticks.

In the corner of the sofa, Bermer hugged his knees like a kitten, curled up there without saying a word, and his parents were moving from left to right, trying their best to comfort them, while angrily scolding some irresponsible bastard.


As soon as he heard the sound of turning the key and pushing the door open, two murderous gazes instantly converged.

"You still know how to come back? Huh?"

"I've been on the phone for so long, and I'm only coming home now! It's outrageous, why don't you hurry up and explain to Bermel what's going on!"

Mom and Dad sang together, their faces were filled with righteous indignation, but secretly they were winking wildly.

"..." The girl with the maroon ponytail in the corner of the sofa naturally knew who was back, but she didn't look up from the beginning to the end. She just bit her lower lip and hugged her knees tighter.

Is this still Belmer...

Noticing the girl's movements, Nuo Xia sighed softly in her heart.

The Belmer in his impression has always been the one who has a strong character and refuses to admit defeat, and always fights with himself to understand everything. How has he ever shown such aggrieved look?
Is the blow too big?

Nuo Xia pursed her lips, and looked at her parents with a reassuring look, indicating that the two of them are almost done, and they don't need to be so involved in acting anymore.

Then he took off his coat and hung it by the wall, and strode towards the sofa.

And "Shia of the Rain", who came in right after, reported himself to the Tulip couple and greeted him politely. Then he was able to find an empty seat by the dining table and quietly looked at Bermer from the side. Come.

She has been curious about this Nuo Xia's childhood sweetheart for a long time.

of course.

At the same time, there has always been a little bit of subtle jealousy in my heart... I am so lucky that I have known Nuo Xia since I was a child, and have grown up and lived together for more than ten years.

Damn it, why didn't such an opportunity come to him?
Has this woman saved the world in her previous life?

at the same time.

"what happened?"

Nuo Xia sat down next to the girl, smiled and stretched out her hands to wrap her arms around her slender waist, "Didn't you be fine last night, why didn't you see me in the morning, and you cried like a little cat? How embarrassing!" ..."

Bermer's mood was too low, and his personality became abnormal. It was not easy to communicate like this, so he had to use words to stimulate her a little bit, so as to bring the girl's state back on track.

"Who is crying!"

Sure enough, at what he said, Bermel, who had bowed his head on his knees and said nothing, immediately wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then raised his head violently, and slapped off his extended right arm, his silver teeth were angry. Bite:

"You... You bastard, you still have the nerve to ask me?!"

Well, that's much more normal.

Only then did Nuo Xia officially get to the point, lowered her head slightly, met Bermer's staring gaze, and sighed softly, "Is it because of the Gion matter?"

"..." The girl with the maroon ponytail gritted her teeth, "Ask knowingly... tell me! What is your relationship with her! Why do people in the headquarters say that you two are a couple?"

"Couple relationship?"

Nuo Xia was taken aback, and wondered, "Huh? Have you been misunderstood to this extent?"

"Misunderstanding?" The girl was taken aback, looked up at him suspiciously, and frowned her pretty eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Well, that's a long story."

He smiled and said:
"Do you still remember the first actual combat assessment that I told you about the experience of the elite camp when I returned to Donghai the year before last?"

"...Well, I remember."

Bermer nodded, "But what does it have to do with this?"

"The actual combat assessment was when Major General Gion and I... No, she was still a Brigadier General at that time, when we met for the first time."

Nuo Xia said: "Because of some coincidences at the time, I helped her a little, and we got to know each other after going back and forth, and it was probably from then on that the two of us began to gradually establish a friendship..."

"Then you're with her?"

Belmer sneered.

"of course not."

Nuo Xia shook her head and said helplessly:
"Where are you thinking, we just became good friends, and she and I are both swordsmen, so sometimes we often exchange swordsmanship together, and it is inevitable to be misunderstood by others..."


Belmer obviously didn't believe it. "What about the confession at the awarding ceremony? Is that also a misunderstanding?"

"In that case..."

Nuo Xia said softly: "I mentioned to you that because of the great significance of the conferring ceremony, every session is very grand, and many people come to visit, including many elderly seniors, right?"

"..." The girl nodded without saying anything, just quietly waiting for his explanation.

"Among these seniors, there is Major General Gion's grandma."

"The old man is getting old and his health is not good. Before leaving, his only wish is to see Major General Gion, who has been alone all this time, and find a suitable companion..."

Nuo Xia suddenly fell silent, unable to speak further.


On that sunny winter day back then, the image of Gion standing up under the surprised eyes of countless people, striding to the rostrum, and declaring his love with a smile came to mind again.

He will never forget the shock and touch of that day.

But now...he is fabricating these unnecessary lies to Bermer, even if it is just a temporary plan, is he worthy of Gion?
"You mean to say..."

Bermel came to understand a little bit, "That confession was actually a play you performed with Major General Gion in order to satisfy the old man's wish?"

It seems to be too...

Bermel held his chin in thought and remained silent. Although the reasons given by Nuo Xia were a bit old-fashioned, they were logical and reasonable.

If it was replaced by the current Lieutenant General Nuo Xia of the headquarters, Major General Gion would have confessed in public. How could he be so proactive when Nuo Xia was still a subordinate a year and a half ago?
She raised her head slightly and glanced at Nuo Xia who had a helpless expression, feeling a little embarrassed.

——It seems that I really misunderstood Nuo Xia?

After all, she just heard the female major casually mentioning a few words, and she became suspicious of Nuo Xia, and made troubles unreasonably. She was sullen all morning, which made Aunt Tulip unable to eat, so she only cared about comforting herself...

"I'm sorry, Nuo Xia..."

The girl bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and apologized, "I didn't understand the situation on the spur of the moment, and I blamed you..."

"It's okay." Nuo Xia was silent for a while, and then said: "Just clear up the misunderstanding, breakfast is cold, you haven't eaten yet, right? Go and eat quickly."


After all, there were parents present and an outsider "Shiliu of the Rain". The girl was a little embarrassed to be hugged by him, so she gently pushed him away, went to the table to pick up the food, and went back to the kitchen to reheat it.

Tulip and the old captain looked at each other with strange expressions.

Taking advantage of Bermer's inattention, Tulip kicked Nuo Xia with a grim expression.

——The meaning is obvious, what are you doing?Co-author This is the speech your kid prepared?

It's too nonsense!

Originally, I saw that you have been quite calm these few days. I thought you had a plan and thought of a perfect countermeasure long ago, but this is the result?

only friends?

Confession is acting?
Just to satisfy the wish of the old man before he passed away?
For a while, maybe he can really fool Bermer, but as long as Bermer goes to find someone to find out about this kind of unreliable matter, wouldn't he be able to find a bunch of loopholes casually?

not to mention.

In a few days, Gion will also be returning to the headquarters. If the two of them meet at that time, won't this set of rhetoric push you back into the pit of fire?
The old couple were heartbroken and stared at him with hatred, but Nuo Xia quietly made a hand gesture to signal the two of them to be at ease.

This, of course, is just his expedient measure.

Just to satisfy the wish of the old man before he passed away?
Of course, he never expected that the relationship between the harem could be stabilized by relying on this kind of rhetoric against his will.

Since he dared to let Bermel come to the headquarters to meet Momotu, he was prepared to confess to the three women from the very beginning.


In the original plan, he had to wait until Taotu's return and the three women met in the same room, and then he would have a complete showdown, sincerely apologize to the two wives, and use the talent of craftsmanship to erase all worries in one fell swoop.

but now……

Nuo Xia shook his head, feeling that he still couldn't get past the threshold in his heart. He had only used the artisan spirit on the Tianlong people, and it was supposed to be specially used on the enemy. It was too much to use it on his wife...

Should I reveal my heart now and be sincere, no matter how serious the consequences are, or continue to maintain the original plan that can't be called a plan?


Nuo Xia suddenly noticed from the corner of her eye that Shia, who was on the side just now, had disappeared at some point.

He hurriedly walked out of the living room and looked around, only to realize that Shia had quietly come to the baby's room at some point, squatting beside the bed, quietly watching little Nami who was sleeping soundly.

She was so absorbed that she didn't even realize that Nuo Xia was walking beside her, her eyes were shining like little stars.

Have you also been cute by Xiao Nami?
Nuo Xia laughed for a while, and watched quietly for a while, still hesitating between the two options in her mind, but the guilt in her heart quickly tipped the balance towards the former option.

never mind!

Men, you should still have your own responsibilities!
He didn't hesitate anymore, strode out of the door, and headed straight for Bermer, who was still busy in the kitchen.

But, right now.

Nuo Xia only heard a soft reminder sound in his mind, and immediately, a faint blue reminder box appeared in front of him.

[You have reached the triggering condition of the temporary task, do you want to accept the temporary task? 】

[Remarks: This task is a special type of random task. Compared with ordinary branch tasks, this task will trigger unpredictable random events after acceptance. The rewards obtained after completion will be more generous, and there will be no penalty for failure]


What's happening here?
Nuo Xia looked at the prompt box in front of him in surprise. It's not like he hasn't received a task that was triggered suddenly before, but it seems that the system prompt box came out by itself, is this the first time?
Is it a special random mission...

He looked carefully at the notes again, but there was no information disclosed. It seems that the specific task description and reward content can only be known after the task is confirmed to be accepted.

"Take it."

There was nothing to hesitate, Nuo Xia directly chose to accept, after all, it was stated in the remarks that even if this temporary task was not completed, there would be no penalty, so there was no need to worry about being tricked.

【You have accepted this temporary task】

【Event has been triggered】

A brand-new text box emerged, and before Nuo Xia could take a closer look, he suddenly felt the world spinning before his eyes, and then everything around him was completely plunged into darkness.

I do not know how long it has been.

It seemed like a deep sleep, and it seemed that time had only jumped for a moment. When she opened her eyes again, Nuo Xia was shocked to find that she was standing beside the crib, but at some point, she was in the middle of a crib. on a warship.

In all directions, as far as the eye can see is the endless blue sea, the sky is a bit gloomy, with light rain falling, and the vision in the distance is hazy.

The patrolling sailors were trotting past the edge of the deck.


"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

There was a hasty shout, coming from the watchtower above his head, it seemed to be calling himself:

"Major Admiral Gion! At three o'clock, we saw a pirate ship approaching us at full speed!"

(End of this chapter)

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