People are full of pirates

Chapter 252 Changes in the New World

Chapter 252 Changes in the New World

The sea is foggy and the rain is pattering.

The snow-white sword light pierced the gloomy rain curtain. When the rain became heavier and the sky began to flash and thunder, the three pirate ships had already been chopped into several pieces.

After the sea surface returned to calm, fragments of ship planks were floating everywhere. The pirates who were showing off their might not long ago had all turned into floating corpses.


Nuo Xia floated down from the sky, and stepped on the deck expressionlessly while the sea soldiers looked up dumbfounded.

"Divide into a group of people, simply clean up the battlefield, and continue to head towards the headquarters at full speed within half an hour."

After giving the order, he strode into the cabin.

"Yes, Major General!"

Only then did the subordinates recover from the shock of the scene just now, and immediately responded in unison.

When Nuo Xia's back disappeared at the door of the cabin, the sailors looked at each other in dismay, always feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with the scene just now.

When did she, the base manager of Gion, act so decisively and viciously?

Before the two sides fired their guns, they flew up into the air on moon steps, and killed all the pirates with one sword, leaving no one alive.

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like Major General Gion's previous style.


It was exactly the same as Lieutenant General Nuo Xia, their departed deputy base chief.

really weird.

Nuo Xia, who had already entered the cabin, naturally had no way of knowing the mutterings of his subordinates.

He was walking through the corridor at the moment, looking at the dark blue system panel in front of him, his expression was even uglier than before.

Because in the inventory column, the item "Special Life Card" is currently in a state of dimmed icon.

And when the eyes fell on the top.

A prompt box will pop up that says "The physical condition of the life card binding is abnormal and cannot be used temporarily".

"It means... because it is my body that maintains the link between the main card and the secondary card of the life card, not the soul consciousness, so I am not in my body now, so I can't use this item?"

The reason is easy to guess, and the mechanism seems to be very reasonable. After all, the raw material for making the life card is the holder's nails and hair.


Reasonable and reasonable, isn't this cheating!

There is no way for me to rush back to the headquarters in the first time, and this warship is at least two days and two nights away from Marin Fando.

When he returns home at that time, he is afraid that what he will face is no longer the Shura field, but the unbroken hell...

"To die..."

Nuo Xia sighed, and scratched her hair in distress. If she had known this would happen, why would she have the mentality of being temporarily fooled, and made up that kind of lie to Bermer?
He glanced at the taskbar again.

"Want to rely on cheats to pass the test? It's too low, boy! The real Neptune, even if he faces the cruelest Shura field, he should be open and aboveboard, and face his own mistakes calmly!"

The title of Neptune is just nonsense. He still doesn't think that he has fallen to this level.


In other words, there is nothing wrong with it.

Looking at the note, Nuo Xia was stunned for a while.

The source of this matter was his own fault, but he only wanted to rely on his perverted charismatic talent skills to solve the problem in the simplest and rudest way.

——Since when did I start to become such a person who is extremely irresponsible for feelings?
In the past two years, he has always stuck to the bottom line, whether it is "grinning" or "craftsman spirit", and has never used it on the people around him who he cares about...

Now, seeing the potentially tragic outbreak of the Asura field, in order to avoid trouble, throw this kind of mind control skills on the person you love, what is it?

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that a reminder message had been swiped, and he looked along, just in time to see the attribute bar that had changed into another look:

[It is detected that your current body is in an abnormal state, and the corresponding data will be displayed based on the current body]

【Name: Gion】

【Age: 26 years old】

【Strength: 27】

[Agility: 28]

[Endurance: 19]

【Intelligence: 10】

【Charm: 13】

[Skills: Navy Six Styles (Advanced), One Sword Style Swordsmanship (Advanced), Gun Shooting (Intermediate), Knowledge-colored Domineering (Advanced), Armed-colored Domineering (Advanced), Family Cooking (Advanced)]


It has completely become a template for a bunny.

I haven't seen him for a few months, but Taotu's basic attributes haven't changed much. It's just that in the skill column, this suddenly becomes an advanced family cooking. What's the matter?

He clearly remembered that Taotu's skill was only judged as elementary.

Could it be that……

Is it because after the little rabbit left, with the vision of living in the headquarters together for a long time in the future, he secretly worked hard and secretly practiced for a long time, just to give himself a surprise after the reunion?

Just in front of the captain's office, Nuo Xia stopped and pursed his lips with a complicated expression.

After a long time.

He turned off the system panel, his eyes gradually became firm, and he pushed open the door of the office.

After searching the house for a while, he quickly found the phone bug hiding in the drawer of the desk and sleeping there. Then he took a deep breath and dialed the phone number at home.

The sun is getting higher and higher, and the sun is getting warmer.

But at this moment, in the huge living room, the temperature has dropped to freezing point.

Bermel clutched the corners of his clothes with both hands, and sat on the sofa a little at a loss.

On the other side of the coffee table, "Nuo Xia" crossed his legs and drank black tea expressionlessly, staring at the tea foam floating and swirling in the cup, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tulip and the old captain sat far away in the corner of the sofa at the other end.

It took a long time to digest the fact that the two of them exchanged bodies in the air. At this moment, they looked at Bermel to the left and "Nuo Xia" to the right...

It was like sitting on pins and needles.


In the end, it was "Shileu of the Rain" who was pacing back and forth beside him, and couldn't help it, breaking the deadly silence, "What happened to the beaver cat happened again inexplicably? Is Nuo Xia in your body now? "

"pretty close."

Taotu spoke coldly, she was still holding the teacup, her eyes never leaving:
"I didn't expect you to be so clear about our affairs, but I never expected that Nuo Xia's sexual orientation is so colorful..."


"Shileu of the Rain" suddenly twitched the corners of his eyes. After hesitating again and again, he rubbed his forehead in distress:
"Forget it, it's come to this kind of situation. If I take off my disguise, Nuo Xia shouldn't blame me. You really misunderstood him, Major General Gion..."

While speaking, her body changed for a while, and in just two or three seconds, she changed back to her original appearance.

——His Royal Highness, dressed in a court dress, with long blue hair reaching to her waist, has an elegant and noble demeanor.

Ah, it's her!Tulip, who had seen the photo, was startled.

As for the other two women sitting opposite each other across the sofa, they both stared blankly and looked at Shia in a daze.

"Give birth to a daughter..."

The whispered words he heard at the dining table just now flashed through his mind, and Taotu suddenly understood, and sneered:
"No wonder you say that, so it turns out that guy is not the only one over there..."

"What do you mean by hiding from you?"

This majestic demeanor immediately angered Bermel, who was still in a daze. The girl with the maroon ponytail suddenly raised her head and said angrily:

"Don't say it as if you have a lot of reason! This should be said by me, right, you two... When did you come together with that bastard behind my back?"

"A year and a half."

"Quick, almost two years..."

Almost time to speak.

Momotu was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Shia, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Xiyan couldn't speak, she didn't dare to look her in the eyes, so she had to lower her head to avoid it, biting her lower lip with her white teeth, her slender fingers as white as jade were tangled and intertwined on her thigh.

Do not know why.

She is as cold as an iceberg in front of outsiders, whether she is facing Momotu, the "official couple" known to the entire navy, or Bermel, a childhood sweetheart who grew up with Nuo Xia...

She always has a kind of humbleness engraved in her bones, like an underground lover, after being suddenly exposed, she has a guilty conscience that can't hold her head up.

"That is to say, you all knew Nuo Xia after he arrived at the Navy Headquarters. It's only been a year or two..."

Bellmel gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "Obviously I did it first... He had already engaged me in a marriage contract more than ten years ago... You two are the latecomers who destroyed our relationship! "

Childhood sweetheart?
Looking at the annoyed and unwilling maroon girl, Taotu was completely stunned this time. She didn't make a sound for a long time, but when she lowered her head to sip tea, her right hand holding the handle of the cup trembled slightly.

In a trance.

She remembered the winter of the year before last, she had worked so hard and asked Sister He to assign her and Nuo Xia to Xihai together.

But in the end, he went to the post alone. After waiting for more than a month at the base of the first branch in Xihai, Nuo Xia, who returned to Donghai to visit relatives, finally came late.

Visiting relatives?What kind of pro are you looking for?

From the very beginning of our acquaintance, that guy has been deceiving himself...

An inexplicable sour feeling came to my heart, Momotu sniffed lightly, and brought the teacup closer to her face, concealing the slightly red eye sockets.

And at this time.

"Dad, Daddy!"

There was a thumping sound from the stairs, and Nuo Qigao, who was tossing toys upstairs, giggled, rushed down quickly, and brought the phone bug in his hand to Taotu:
"Hey, I have a call for you!"

Behind the captain's desk.

Nuo Xia sat on the spacious sofa chair, listening nervously to the sound of going downstairs from the microphone.

Nuo Qigao didn't seem to know what happened, and smiled happily. Maybe the situation over there is not as bad as he thought?
next moment.

The phone bug on the table suddenly rang "KOCHA" and closed his eyes lazily.

What's the situation, was hung up directly?

Nuo Xia was taken aback, and immediately woke up the phone bug. Under the dissatisfied eyes of the little snail, she turned the dial again and dialed it.

blu blu~

As soon as it was connected, it was immediately hung up again.

He didn't believe in evil, so he called several times in a row, and he also called Bermer's number alternately in the middle, but without exception, all of them were hung up at the moment of connection.

It's really broken...

Nuo Xia finally gave up on torturing the phone bug, and lay back on the sofa back a little weakly, with a bitter taste in her mouth.

Damn it, he didn't even give him a chance to confess his mistakes.

It seems that I was too optimistic just now. The situation over there is probably heading in an unpredictable direction.

Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and it is not something that can be explained clearly in a sentence or two on the phone, so let's talk face to face after returning to the headquarters...

Tuk Tuk.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door, and Nuo Xia immediately returned from her thoughts to reality, straightened her clothes and expression, and then said lightly:

With a creak, the wooden door was pushed open, and the figure that appeared at the door made Nuo Xia stunned for an instant.

——It was a beautiful girl with pink hair who was wearing pajamas, was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, and was yawning all the time.

Tina? ? ?

Wasn't she taken by Lieutenant General Zhizi to the G1 branch base in the second half of last year?How could it be on this warship coming from the West Sea?
"What are you up to, Gion-san?"

Little Tina didn't notice Nuo Xia's surprised gaze, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and walked over muttering:
"Didn't you agree to come and sleep with Tina before? Why haven't I seen you come over after taking a bath for so long..."

As he spoke, he had already come to Nuo Xia's side, and pulled his arm, "I'll take care of it tomorrow, hurry up, there's so much thunder outside, Tina can't sleep alone..."

Nuo Xia's expression froze suddenly.

the reason is simple……

A year has passed.

Tina, who is already fifteen years old, has not lost any part of her growth, her figure is curvy and slim, so close to her, it is inevitable that there will be friction between the skin.

Even wave collisions.


Nuo Xia closed her eyes slightly and took a breath.

Although his status allows him to take the opportunity to play, even unscrupulous.

But he held back.


He opened his eyes, resisted the itching from his chest, gently pushed away the soft body that had been pressed into his arms, and said seriously under Tina's blank gaze:

"Stop messing around, it's me."

Tina obviously hasn't woken up yet, she tilted her head and looked at him with big clear eyes, which were filled with big question marks.

"What happened at Gul Island has happened again."

Nuo Xia looked at Tina, "You should understand what I mean, right?"


Tina was stunned for a full two or three seconds before reacting abruptly, covering her mouth and screaming in shock: "Ehhh??? Brother Nuo Xia?"


Nuo Xia sighed helplessly, "Although I don't know what's going on, I obviously haven't met that beaver cat again... Anyway, I'm here now, and Gion is already in the headquarters gone."

"Forget it, don't talk about that."

Nuo Xia had a headache when she thought about the situation at the headquarters, so she simply changed the subject, "Why are you on Gion's boat? Where is Lieutenant Admiral Shiba?"

"Grandma Zhizi is still at the G1 branch."

Talking about business, Tina replied obediently: "Recently, the situation over there is a bit tense. Grandma said that a big war is about to break out. It is not safe for me to stay there. It happened that Sister Gion's ship passed by there to supply supplies, so I simply entrusted She sent me back to headquarters."

passing by?

Nuo Xia was stunned.

That's right, the West Sea is not connected to the first half of the Great Route. If you want to go to the Navy headquarters through the Red Earth Continent, you must first detour to the New World. It is normal to choose to rest and replenish at the G1 branch halfway.

It's just... the situation is tense, what is going on with a big war?

 The series of plots in the Shura field were set up by me a long time ago, and there is also a foreshadowing in front of it. It will only solve the problem of the harem in one go. I don’t know how to use knives, and I don’t have stomach medicine. Please be patient and eat with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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