People are full of pirates

Chapter 259 Rolling, rolling!

Chapter 259 Rolling, rolling!
This guy!
Compared with just now, the temperament is completely different?

"Killing Calamity" Arno was in a state of confusion, before he understood what was going on, he saw the black-haired young man below, his free right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and slammed into his chest hard.

A huge force, like a mountain torrent erupting, surged in an instant. Yanuo was caught off guard, and a large piece of his chest was sunken in an instant. He was also bombarded and flew backwards, falling heavily tens of meters away above the clearing!

He spat out a mouthful of green blood, and when he raised his head again, he looked at Nuo Xia with horror.

——The power of this guy, compared to just now, it seems like a different person, it has become so terrifying!

"Plague" Senna on the other side shrank her pupils slightly when she saw this, but she didn't hesitate in her movements. With a roar, she raised her two thick hind legs at the same time, and crushed Nuo Xia below!

A huge black shadow shrouded it, full of oppressive force, and the turbulent surrounding air trembled and buzzed like a rupture!
"It came just right!"

Nuo Xia's eyes were cold and stern, without dodging or evading, he stepped on the ground suddenly, and jumped into the air with his strength, two iron fists that were extremely hardened by the armed color, as dark as oil, faced the overwhelming black shadow!
Amidst the deafening roar, the two figures stood in a stalemate for a short time in midair, and then retreated violently, plowing a deep ravine hundreds of meters long on the ground.

"Hey, that guy..."

"how is this possible!"

Some members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates who happened to be around were stunned and showed disbelief after noticing the scene of the confrontation.

"Plague" Captain Senna, as a Triceratops fruit capable person, in terms of physical strength alone, he is the undisputed first person in their pirate group, starting from Lord Kaido!
But that Vice Admiral named Nuo Xia...

With pure human flesh, a punch against the body of the ancient tyrannosaurus head-on, is not at all inferior!

"Bastard brat..."

"Plague" Senna fell to the ground with a bang, and managed to stabilize her huge body. She was quite embarrassed, and she turned her head angrily and roared at the giant praying mantis:

"Have you been thrown stupidly, idiot, why don't you make a move together!"

"It's easy to say, the injury that Sakaski left for me hasn't healed yet..."

The giant praying mantis panted violently, wiped the green blood from the corner of its mouth, and struggled to get up from the ground. The emerald green pupils were full of coldness, "But you are right, although I don't know what happened to this kid..."

"But if you don't join forces, it seems that you really are not his opponent..."

In the torrential rain, the two looked at each other and quickly reached a tacit understanding. The giant praying mantis let out a low growl, urging all the remaining strength, and its figure suddenly swelled against the wind!

Five meters, eight meters, ten meters... twenty meters!

In just two or three seconds, Yano, whose body shape was far beyond that of ordinary people, suddenly reached a size similar to that of Triceratops.

Immediately, the two catastrophes let out a low roar, and stepped out from the cracks in the deep pit at the same time, a green mantis waving its arms, and a triangular head flickering with cold light, rushing towards Nuo Xia at the same time!

The latter stood in place, looked up at the two giant monsters with a sneer on his face, and the jet-black armed color covered his whole body without a sound.

The disproportionate physical collision erupted again, and the marble floor under Nuo Xia's feet shattered with a bang, cracking countless spider web-like cracks, spreading in all directions.

But the body remains motionless!

how is this possible? ! !

The pupils of the two disasters shrank at the same time, and they gritted their teeth. Just as they were about to increase their strength, Nuo Xia, who was below, disappeared without a trace.

Before he could react, a deep voice sounded from the sky:
"Where are you... looking?"

The expressions of the two catastrophes changed at the same time, and they looked at the sky, only to see that Nuo Xia, who was still under his feet just now, unexpectedly came to an altitude of [-] meters, and swept down with a fierce kick!

The speed was so fast that people couldn't see the afterimage clearly, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, it made the air along the way hum and explode!

Not only is this guy's strength, but his speed is also so terrifying!
The members of the Beasts Pirates nearby had their eyes rounded, and they were already dumbfounded. Seeing their two captains being kicked back again and again, it was difficult to fight back, and they even forgot that they were on the battlefield for a while.

Immediately, there were two or three unlucky ones, because they were distracted, they were defeated by the naval admirals who were fighting, and their hearts were pierced...

the other side.

Momotu, who was lying in the ruins, finally woke up slowly, and after looking down at his body, he immediately realized what had happened.

It's back...

That playful fool, is he still alive?
She stood up with difficulty, and looked around anxiously. Soon, in the northeast direction, through the rain curtain, she saw three figures that were completely out of proportion and fighting together.

Immediately, my heart was relieved, and the big stone fell to the ground.

How long has this been fighting?Tao Tu had no way of knowing, but she could clearly see that at this moment, Nuo Xia, facing the siege of the two major disasters, was still able to handle it with ease, and even had the upper hand by relying on physical strength alone.

...Is the gap that big?
Taotu's eyes were dazed. She could barely resist a disaster before, but now, Nuo Xia, who has regained control of her body, can actually crush two with one?
Although in the middle, it has to be considered that the "Killing Disaster" was seriously injured by the red dog before, and the other "Plague Disaster" was not in its prime.


Isn't it the same for that guy Nuo Xia, and as a swordsman, he hasn't even used a sword until now!

Wait... a sword?

As if thinking of something, she ignored the heart-piercing pain in all parts of her body, frantically searching left and right, and after spending a few minutes, she finally found Nuo Xia's body in the cracks of the broken floor tiles. Those two sabers.

Joy appeared on his face, Tao Tutu just pulled out the sword, and when he looked up, he happened to see the giant praying mantis that was repelled by Nuo Xia from the side, and suddenly disappeared completely invisible into the rain in midair.

In the next instant, Nuo Xia appeared behind Nuo Xia without a sound, biting the latter's head with his sharp and terrifying mouthparts.


Everything happened in a blink of an eye, Tao Tutu was anxious, but before he could say it, he watched the mantis mouthpart piercing the back of Nuo Xia's head.

And the latter, at this time, seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head slightly to look over.


The back of the head without armed protection, the fragile poop is no different from the meal on the plate!
Yano's eyes were cruel and tyrannical, as if he had seen the scene where Nuo Xia's head burst and his brains were sprayed—how do you think Lao Tzu got the name "Hungry Disaster"?

Isn't it because I don't know how many times, when I was extremely hungry, I swallowed countless people with this mouthpart that is far harder than steel!

So, the next moment.


Even though it was still raining heavily between heaven and earth, everyone around could still hear the sound like steel cracking.


Dark green blood dripped continuously from his mouth, and Yano, whose mouthparts were broken, stared blankly at the intact back of his head, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This level of sneak attack..."

On the other hand, Nuo Xia showed no surprise, her eyes were cold, and she suddenly punched Yano's face back, "Don't show it out to embarrass yourself!"

The huge body of the mantis fell from the sky and was smashed into the ground.

And Nuo Xia took advantage of the stunned opportunity of the Triceratops, suddenly retreated, landed on a boulder in the ruins, and laughed at the surprised Taotu who covered his mouth:
"Commander, come with the sword!"

This guy……

Tao Tutu met the black eyes, pursed his lips and smiled silently, exerted strength with his wrist, and threw the two sword blades at the same time.

"Take it!"

Patta, the sword blade was struck accurately, Nuo Xia lightly stroked the hilt of the sword, closed his eyes slightly, and the familiar feeling came back...

Suddenly there was the sound of flapping wings, Nuo Xia slowly opened his eyes and looked up.

It was a giant praying mantis with cracked mouthparts and blood flow, and suddenly two pairs of almost transparent wings grew from its back, and the two pairs of arthropods in the middle and back, like the front limbs at this moment, turned into sharp praying blades with a swish!

"Never, never has anyone pissed me off to this extent..."

The giant praying mantis sputtered out every word, its face was ferocious like a ghost, and it fell into a state of rage. At this moment, at the cost of overdrawing its life, it activated its strongest killer!

"Go to hell, kid!"

"Three hundred and sixty faces. Intermittent Hell Mantis Slash!"

Chi Chi!

The huge mantis arm turned into dark green, carrying a suffocating and terrifying wind, its power is astonishing, as if it wants to cut everything at the root and grind it to powder.

If a pirate who has just entered the great route, even with a bounty of nearly [-] million, it is difficult to parry this level of moves, and there is a high probability of being instantly killed on the spot.


At this moment, standing in front of him was Nuo Xia who had taken back her saber and gradually recovered her physical strength to its peak.

"It's time to stop..."

Facing the six mantis blades that were cut at the same time, Nuo Xia's eyes gathered coldness, he clenched the hilt of the sword bit by bit, and immediately rushed out amidst the clear sound of drawing the sword.

"Double Sword Brilliant Slash·Moon Brilliant Flare!"

Accompanied by Nuo Xia's deep voice, countless sword qi were slashed out like a torrential rain, each sword erupted with an incomparably dazzling brilliance like the moonlight jumping out of the sea on a full moon night!

The surrounding area was illuminated like daylight, and endless sword pressures burst out from the intertwined rain of sword energy at the same time, sending out a shocking and terrifying airflow towards the surroundings.

The body of the giant praying mantis that had been killed with a grinning grin was suddenly stopped in this brilliance.

Its face was almost distorted, and it screamed in pain. It flew upside down, drew a miserable arc in the sky, and fell heavily on the ground tens of meters away.

At the same time when his body fell to the ground, Nuo Xia's figure disappeared in a flash, and he continued to cut out mighty sword energy from the air, heading straight for the softest belly of the giant mantis.


More than a dozen thick cracks visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on the surface of the abdomen at the same time, and then quickly spread in all directions, forming countless dense cracks in an instant.

The next moment, there was a deafening explosion, and the giant praying mantis lying on the ground, dying, suddenly exploded from the inside out, sending up a rain of dark green blood all over the sky!
Large pieces of minced meat and various internal organs were first thrown high and then scattered all over the ground.

Part of it piled up into a mountain, and part of it was soaked in the surrounding broken brick and stone ground, soaked in black and green.

Half of the insect's face fell at Nuo Xia's feet.

The emerald green compound eyes were facing the sky, and in the out-of-focus pupils, one could vaguely see the complex expression of unwillingness and fear intertwined in the last moment of his life.

With a reward of one billion Baileys, the giant-winged praying mantis of the animal-type phantom beast, Arno, the "disaster", died!


The torrential rain poured down, and Nuo Xia floated down from the air, stepped on the wet ground, tilted his wrist, and let the remaining blood on the blade be washed away by the rain.

"Well, now."

He turned his head and looked at the giant triceratops with a dull and shocked expression. On his picturesque and handsome face, he had a mocking expression, and his tone was as cold as ice:

"Tell me again, do you still think that I have a false name?"

Almost at the moment when the giant praying mantis burst open.

The entire battlefield noticed the astonishing movement here, and turned their heads to follow the prestige.

Afterwards, no matter the ordinary pirates or the cadres and academies in the fierce battle, their minds will inevitably be shocked and shaken for a while.

Even the cyan dragon, which was beating in the dark, shrank its pupils, and the golden Buddha, both subconsciously paused for a short while, casting unbelievable gazes.

"Master Yanuo, did you just... die?"

"And it's still in the case of joining hands with Lord Pandemic..."

Several cadres of the "True Fighter" level Beast Pirates simply couldn't accept the reality in front of them, especially Arno's direct subordinates, who were struck by lightning, their eyes turned black, and they didn't recover for a long time.

On the navy side, after the shock, there was a sudden burst of cheers, and morale rose instantly!

after all.

That is the number two character of the Beasts Pirates, the first of the three major disasters, the importance to Kaido, converted to the navy, even surpasses the commander of the G1 branch, Sakaski.

Right now, dying on the battlefield within a few hours of the outbreak of the war is undoubtedly a fatal weakening of the top combat power of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and it is also a heavy blow to morale!

"Ah la la, it seems that it has been replaced."

Qingzhi squinted his eyes, looked away, and laughed lowly, "Are you completely irritated? You made such a big noise when you came up. It seems that I should work harder..."

Kaido, on the other hand, hit the golden Buddha with a roaring dragon's tail, retreated a distance, his face was gloomy and hard to see, and he turned his head and roared angrily at BIGMOM in the distance:

"Hey, Lingling! Aren't you looking for revenge on that brat? What are you doing now? You've been haunted by a lava brat for so long. Don't you think you didn't lose face in your own territory last time?"

 It's my birthday tomorrow, I don't think I'll be free in the evening, so I'll continue to code and save the draft, try to update it earlier during the day, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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