People are full of pirates

Chapter 265 S-Class Treasure Chest Never Disappoints

Chapter 265 S-Class Treasure Chest Never Disappoints
Pupils of petrification...

Nuo Xia was slightly surprised, isn't this the male version of "Medusa's Eye", which is also similar to the sweet fruit ability of Empress Hancock.

21 points of charm, can you already achieve this level?
"Why do I feel like a male succubus..."

Nuo Xia looked left and right in the mirror, and felt that her facial features hadn't changed much, but her temperament seemed to be more secluded and charming than before.

Especially the pair of eyes that were as black as ink, after looking at them for a long time, he felt as if he was about to fall into them and feel suffocated.

Fortunately, there are no signs of petrification.

"No gender, no race..."

Nuo Xia repeated the skill description, suddenly seemed to remember something, slowly turned her head, and looked at the phone bug on the desk.

"Blue blue?"

The grass-green little phone bug is cute and loves to tilt its head and eyes full of doubts.


After a minute.

Nuo Xia looked left and right around the stone snail on the table, and from time to time stretched out her finger bones and tapped it lightly. It was hard and felt like a stone, cold to the touch.

What a terrifying skill...

Nuo Xia was amazed, and sat back on the sofa chair. She didn't have the heart to continue torturing the little guy, cut a shallow wound with a knife, and dripped two drops of blood on the snail shell.

Very quickly, less than ten seconds.

With the infiltration of blood, the petrification state was quickly lifted, and the little phone bug regained consciousness, tilting its head blankly, obviously not knowing what happened just now.

Before that, the wound on Nuo Xia's index finger had healed first.

"It is true that any race can be petrified."

Nuo Xia shook the head of the small phone with a smile, and pondered in his heart, "From the reaction of the phone bug, the target affected by the petrified pupil has no consciousness during the entire petrification state, and cannot perceive the passage of time... ..."

Very powerful control skills.

In addition, the petrification is activated almost instantaneously, silently, perhaps in some special occasions where death is not suitable, it has a magical effect.

Nuo Xia was quite satisfied with this, and turned to the last reward in the backpack.

"S-class gift box..."

This is the highlight of today's unboxing session.

Speaking of which, after the gift boxes have been opened in the past few years, the quality of the items in the A-level treasure box is often good or bad, and some tasteless until now he has never used them.

But the quality of the S-class treasure chest has always been rock solid and trustworthy.

With a little expectation, Nuo Xia clicked on the icon, watched the blue dice fly out, and began to spin rapidly.

[S-level gift box, opening, please wait]

【ROLL point】

【ROLL point has ended】

[This gift box reward type: defense supplies]

【You got a new item: Guardian Angel】



Nuo Xia was taken aback, before he had time to think about it, a golden light flashed, and a silver broadsword with two pairs of white angel wings appeared in front of his eyes:

【Guardian Angel】

[Type: Defense Supplies]

[Description: When you receive fatal damage and are on the verge of death, this piece of equipment will be destroyed to replace it. After resurrection, you will immediately recover [-]% of your physical strength]

【Remarks: You only have one life, so you can't remake it, but maybe you can add another chance for fault tolerance】

【"Brother Xinchun, get eternal life"】


What an old meme.

Remarks Nuo Xia is too lazy to complain, he has always been very confident in his luck, but at this moment, seeing this new item automatically added to the equipment column, there is still surprise in his eyes.

Guardian Angel, commonly known as Resurrection Armor.

This is an artifact that allows him to be resurrected in situ once, and instantly restore half of his state!It completely exceeded his original expectations. Sure enough, the S-class gift box never let him down.

"If this thing is found in the mall, it will cost at least a few million points, right?"

The feeling of whoring for nothing always makes people feel refreshed. Nuo Xia was happy for a while before calming down. After looking at the remaining 175 million points, after thinking about it, he spent 100 million to increase the strength attribute a little.

The rest is in accordance with the usual practice, as a reserve to deal with contingencies.

A familiar heat surged into his body, Nuo Xia squeezed his fists, only to feel that the strength of his limbs had improved significantly compared to before.

If there is another battle with BIGMOM, although they are still far from opponents, it will definitely be much easier than the last time when they collide head-on.

And his current attribute bar has become like this:
【Name: Romanov Norsha】

【Age: 21 years old】

[Strength: 34 (100 ​​million points/point at the current stage)]

[Agility: 31 (+3) (50 million points/point at the current stage)]

[Endurance: 36 (200 million points/point at the current stage)]

[Intelligence: 12 (50 points/point at the current stage)]

[Charm: 21 (500 points/point at the current stage)]

【Current points: 750000】

[General skills: double-knife swordsmanship (advanced), six styles (advanced), gun shooting (advanced), fighting and fighting (advanced), self-discipline (master level), armed domineering (advanced), knowledge-colored domineering (advanced), Painting (Advanced), Fishing (Master), Swimming (Master), Sweet Talk (Advanced)]

[Talent Skills: Overlord-like domineering, King Kong is not bad, listening to the voice of all things, petrified pupils, toothy smile, craftsman spirit, wind barrier (advanced), rough skin and flesh (advanced), steel head (advanced) , rebirth of severed limbs, amphibious breathing]

[Currently Equipped: Guardian Angel, Boots of Lightness, Armor of Thorns]


"Let's not talk about charm, it takes two million to add stamina..."

The progress is still quite huge, but the huge amount of points required for each addition makes Nuo Xia a little bit stunned.

In the future, it is obviously unrealistic to just think about adding points to quickly increase your strength.

After all, as his charm and status increased, the points he could get for capturing the hearts of ordinary girls were already very small.

And the point rewards given by temporary side missions have gradually become a little insufficient.

But well.

This was also something that could be expected when they were still in Xinshou Village.

The later the strength, the more difficult it is to improve.

Although combat mechanics is not very rigorous and reliable in Pirate World, there is no doubt about it.

——There are strong and weak points among the four emperors and generals, and there is a terrifying gap between the subversive powerhouses of this level and the so-called "emperor's deputy" and "quasi-general".

Nuo Xia's current strength is already among the best in the "Emperor's Deputy" level, but he wants to break through a big level and truly rank among the top combat power in the pirate world...

Then there is still a long way to go.

It requires a lot of practice effort, the sharpening of the will, and the accumulation of time.


I am only [-] years old this year, and I am still young, with a promising future.

Moreover, he has a strong personality since he was a child, and has grown up to this day. He has never stopped practicing in hell day after day, and he is not the kind of waste who will be panicked if he leaves the system.

"Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling..."

Nuo Xia looked at the harbor outside the window with deep eyes and whispered to herself.

Hold on, two old fellas!
Sooner or later, one day, my combat power will be raised to the top level, without the protection of Sengoku, without the assistance of Akainu, I can also face you one-on-one, and win the duel with complete shame!


and many more.

Although until now, it seems that he has no previous shame, and he will really feel ashamed and angry. It is the two emperors of the sea who should deal with it...

Time flies like a horse, and it will be more than a month in the blink of an eye.

During this month, the new world was full of turmoil and the situation changed. The consequences of the great war at the beginning of the year on the major forces are gradually being revealed.

For the Charlotte family, BIGMOM's plan to raid and retaliate against Nuo Xia failed, and there was no way to single-handedly break into the Navy Headquarters like the Golden Lion and do it again.

Full of resentment and unwillingness to vent, she can only hold back on the cake island and overeat all day long. It is rumored that her body is completely out of shape and her weight has nearly doubled.

At the same time, he also "married" six husbands in one breath, ranging from ordinary humans to the long-handed snake-headed fish-human tribe, everything that one expects to find.

It is estimated that before the end of the year, the miserable Katakuri will have another bunch of stupid Ododo.

On Kaido's side, the situation is much more bleak.

Most of the Beasts Pirates' organization was destroyed. One of the two major disasters was killed in battle, and the other was seriously injured and has become half useless.

The original plan to promote the expansion of the territory collapsed in an instant, and even adopted a shrinking strategy, and the strength to hold the current territory was no longer available.

A gossip spread that Kaido, who was so angry that he turned into a blue dragon, vented his anger on the island of ghosts for several days and nights, and almost burned his palaces into white walls.

After that, in the torrential rain, he went out to sea alone, and began to look for new subordinates who could support the beam.

The so-called accumulated property for more than ten years, returned to before liberation overnight.

...that's probably what happened.

I just don't know when he will be able to meet with his two future arms, Jhin and Quinn.

Naturally, the navy would not let go of this rare opportunity. Taking advantage of the fact that the sea emperors had no time to attend to them, the G1 branch and the G5 branch jointly launched a joint attack to continuously recover the surrounding islands controlled by pirates.

Completely stabilized the originally shaky foundation of the Navy in the New World, and expanded it several times.

The base of the G7 branch, which was originally destroyed, also moved back from the first half of the Great Airway, and quickly completed the reconstruction. So far, it echoes the other two branches and can support each other at all times, forming a stable triangular arch.

And at this turbulent time.

The most critical person who created this situation, student Nuo Xia, is currently in Marin Fando, and it is rare to live a peaceful and leisurely life.

For more than a month, there were no assignments.

In addition to the daily routine of swiping and clocking in at work, Nuo Xia discusses various tedious details of the wedding with the three wives and adults.

After all, this is the most important event in life, no one is willing to be hasty and perfunctory, not to mention that he married three people at once, and he just wanted to be perfect and leave no regrets.


The wedding date was finalized two months later, which was May [-]th.

At first, Nuo Xia didn't pay attention to it until one night after exercising with Shia, she realized it belatedly. Isn't this the birthday of the Destiny Son of Pirate World?
Calculating the timeline, it seems that Luffy happened to be born this year?

It was a coincidence that it happened to be on the same day as my wedding, but I didn't know who Lu Bao's mother was.

He was quite curious about this, and took an opportunity to ask Garp on the sidelines.

However, the old man knew less than he did, so no matter how he asked, he looked confused. He probably hadn't contacted Long for a long time, and he didn't even know when his son would get rid of his single status.

"Ham, maybe I have to wait until I meet Long someday and ask him face to face before I can figure it out."

Nuo Xia felt a little regretful, this was a mystery in the comics of his previous life that he hadn't solved until he crossed over and was reborn.

In those years, there were different opinions and various speculations. The most outrageous gossip was the claim that Luffy's mother was Im, and it was demonstrated with examples, with detailed pictures and texts, and the analysis was orderly.

Anyway, Nuo Xia scoffed at this.

Aside from the date, all preparations for the wedding were carried out in an orderly manner with the assistance of Tulip. At the same time, Nuo Xia did not miss the matter of cultivation.

He has already finished reading the "Elder Suma's Kendo Notes", and the rest is to ponder carefully, comprehend its mysteries, and integrate it into his own swordsmanship.

As for domineering and domineering, he also took the time to ask Warring States several times.

The old man has long regarded him as the successor of the future generation of the navy, so he naturally knows everything without hiding any secrets, which has benefited Nuo Xia a lot in many basic skills.

this day.

As usual, Nuo Xia finished his training in the training ground. Drenched in sweat, he was about to go home to take a shower and rest when he suddenly heard a soft beep from the system.

"At this point in time..."

He seemed to think of something, and immediately clicked on the prompt bar, and as expected, he saw a large section of newly refreshed messages:
【The devil fruit has been hatched】

[Azakana Sword skill CD cooldown period ends]

[Superman Piao Piao Fruit, it has been put in the backpack, please check it]


After waiting for three months, the hatching was finally completed!
Nuo Xia suddenly regained his energy, and turned his eyes to the backpack. In the bottom row, a light golden oval-shaped threaded banana was lying safely in the grid.

The fruit of the golden lion...

Freely hover and fly in the sky, control various objects up and down, and control mountains, seas, fog and clouds...

Nuo Xia couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion when thinking of all the gorgeous skills that Golden Lion had developed with this fruit.


When he came to a secluded corner, took Piao Piao Guo out of his backpack, and looked it upside down for a while, Nuo Xia got into trouble again...

Should I eat this devil fruit?

PS: In the current natural disaster, many Henan authors I know in the group have been forced to stop updating. There are also quite a few Henan book friends who read my book. I hope everyone will be safe and sound, and you must hold on...

(End of this chapter)

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