People are full of pirates

Chapter 27 "Portkas"

Chapter 27 "Portkas"

A brand-new interface of faint blue appeared, and as Nuoxia's eyes moved down, the words were like flowing water, gurgling in the silent summer night.

Ryoma's comprehension notes did not disappoint Nuoxia, and most of the content was related to kendo.

Not only is there a lot of Ryoma's views on swordsmanship, but also a detailed description of the various difficulties he encountered on the way to becoming a great swordsman, as well as the mental journey of breaking the epiphany.

Xia Nuo was like a treasure. After only reading a page or two, he was completely addicted to it.

The only regret may be the style of writing and sentences, with the ancient style of Wano country hundreds of years ago, and there are many waka and gossip sentences of unknown meaning in the middle.

It's obscure and difficult to read.

"Although the content in the back is incomplete, even if it is in the front, if you want to fully understand it, it will take a lot of time, and you need to take it slowly..."

Nuoxia was lying on the bed, staring at the contents of the document with a dark gaze.

He knows the truth that one bite cannot make him fat, but he has a solid enough foundation in swordsmanship. With this "Kendo True Explanation", as long as he continues to train diligently, it is not difficult for him to rapidly improve his swordsmanship.

The realm of swordsmen is just around the corner.


The next day.

When the genius was slightly bright, Nuoxia got up early to wash up and went out to run around the village.

Then in a secluded place, using Taotu's big quick sword Jinpira, he had more than an hour of swordsmanship training, and after practicing some newly learned swordsmanship skills last night, he returned to Zhizi's house.

Nuoxia did not dare to practice in the small courtyard.

First, the place is small, and he is afraid of affecting the carefully trimmed flowers and plants. Second, he is also worried that the swordsmanship is shallow, so that Major General Zhizi can see the flaws.

This was the second day he came to Gul Island.

During the whole day, Nuoxia played the role of Taotu perfectly, as if she really came to visit Major General Zhizi, and accompanied the old lady to cut flowers and grass, and bask in the sun;

He chatted and joked with the little Tina who was pestering him, and played some small games such as hide and seek and catching pirates with her.

The small courtyard is full of happy scenes, and laughter can be heard from time to time.

For the task, Nuoxia was very patient.

In order to prevent the atmosphere from falling into embarrassment again, he even put aside the plan of knocking on the side of Major General Zhizi, and changed the target to Tina, hoping to get from the mouth of this child who has been with Major General Zhizi for three years. Some clues of what happened back then.

However, unfortunately, little Tina did not know when she asked three questions. As for this little grandniece she loves, the old lady seemed to seldom tell her the story of her time in this department in advance.

Even for Karp, Tina is just like the rest of the ordinary children in this world, knowing that this is a great naval hero who once defeated Gol Roger, the pirate king, and nothing else is clear.

This made Nuo Xia a little disappointed.

However, he was not in a hurry. When he had nothing to do, he silently opened the Jianhao Longma's comprehension notes, and then continued to nibble on the content of last night.

At the end of the day, I read it for five or six hours, but I learned a lot, and the progress of the whole book has been pushed forward a lot.

After dinner, the old lady went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Nuoxia couldn't get in on the action. She originally planned to go to the garden to find a place to sit down and continue reading, but she couldn't stand Tina's warm invitation, so she had to follow her to the little guy's room for the first time as a guest.

Plush dolls, dolls...

In this warm little nest with pink as the main tone, these things are naturally indispensable. Tina, like a museum tour guide, enthusiastically introduced her collection to Nuoxia one by one.

It's a pity that Nuoxia is not a real Taotu, no matter how childish she is, she still has no interest in these things.

While dealing with Tina in a perfunctory manner, he looked at the closet in the room, and finally his eyes fell on a stack of photo frames stored in the corner.

This stack of photo frames was placed on the top floor of the closet. The little girl was [-] meters tall and could not reach on her tiptoes, and it was covered with dust. .

Nuoxia's heart moved, and she walked quickly to the closet, took out the stack of photo frames, brushed off the dust on it, and then started from the first one and carefully read it back.

The inside of the photo frame is as he expected, it is obviously old photos from many years ago, and most of them are group photos.

Major General Zhizi inside looks very young and has no wrinkles on her face. In most of the photos, she is snuggled in the arms of a tall man with a shaggy beard, holding a bouquet of roses in her hands, with a sweet and happy smile on her face.

This is... Major General Zhizi's husband?

Nuo Xia remembered that when she was still on the warship, Taotu mentioned to herself that Major General Zhizi once had a very successful marriage, and her lover was a rose planter from the South China Sea.


As early as more than [-] years ago, the plantation owner who was just an ordinary person died at the hands of the pirates. In addition to the different circles, even Taotu had never seen each other, and he did not know the man's name. .

I only know that Major General Zhizi has a deep relationship with him. Even if he failed to have children after marriage, he has been a widow for the plantation owner since then and never married.

"If you don't have children..."

Nuoxia turned to the photo at the back and frowned, "Then who is this little girl?"

In the bottom group photos, in addition to the couple, Major General Zhizi, who embraced each other passionately, there is also a little girl with long flaxen hair.

Sandwiched between the two, she gestured toward the camera in a "V" shape, smiling brightly.

There are several photos of her in a row, and the background and location are different, obviously not a passerby to join in the fun.

"Sister Gion, what are you looking at?"

Tina also noticed his movements at this time, and looked over curiously, but unfortunately the height difference was too large, no matter how hard she tried, she could only reach Nuoxia's navel at most.

Nuoxia glanced at her, found a chair and sat down, pointed at the little girl in the photo, and asked softly, "Little Tina, do you know the little girl in the photo?"

"……do not know."

Tina looked at it carefully for a long time, and at first she shook her head blankly, but soon she seemed to remember something, her eyes lit up, her hips were crossed, and she said proudly:

"It's the first time I've seen Tina in these photos, but it's easy to guess that this little girl must be Mr. Portgas' niece!"


"Mr. Portgas, the husband of Grandma Shiba, I think I should call... um, what's going on, auntie?"

Tina tilted her head, thought for a while, then shook her head and gave up the idea of ​​figuring out the title.

"Anyway, Tina didn't get to meet each other, but I heard from Grandma Zhizi that before they got married, Mr. Portgas had a niece on his side. Because both parents died, he adopted her and took care of her as her own daughter. Several years."

"So this little girl is the niece who was adopted for a few years, isn't she..."

Nuo Xia took a deep breath, realizing that she seemed to be inadvertently interfering with willows and willows, and found something incredible, "Little Tina, do you know this little girl's name?"

"I don't remember clearly, but Grandma Zhizi mentioned it once."

Tina grimaced, racked her brains for a long time, and finally dug up the information that was forgotten in the corner from the depths of her memory.

"Let Tina think about it, uh... It seems to be Luna, or Lu Jiu?"

She scratched her hair, a little confused.

 The first update and the second update are in the evening. Weak and weak are asking for votes. In addition, the fan list is only about [-] short, which is enough for [-]. Thank you for your support these two days~!

(End of this chapter)

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