People are full of pirates

Chapter 272 Damn, let him pretend again

Chapter 272 Damn, let him pretend again

"Title Page Serialization: Straw Hats Chapter 4 "Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho...""

"On the decaying pirate ship, a few pirates sneaked up on the deck to hunt for treasure, fainted from fright, and the lonely skeleton undead squatted beside them, rummaging through their bags boredly, accidentally found the latest newspaper , the handsome man on the front page photo, one glance is enough to make people stare straight... Oh, although he has no eyes"

"What a beautiful person, Mr. Skeleton sighed, and suddenly felt that gender doesn't seem to matter. If I can see this underwear/pants, I can die without regret..."

The pirates who can come to the Chambord Islands basically have the qualifications to enter the new world, and the overall strength is naturally not too bad.

Hundreds of pirates and gang members rushed to kill them. The few leaders who rushed to the front were all pirate captains with considerable bounties.

The fifteen swordsman with a reward of 7800 million Baileys, "Endless Blade" Galtasso;
"Captain Devil" Fujimoto, who has the ability to saw fruit with a reward of 8200 million Baileys;
There is also a reward of 200 million Baileys, the fire crow known as the brightest supernova this year;

But it's a pity.

The person they besieged was named Romanov Norshar.

In front of Nuo Xia, no matter if it is an ordinary pirate or a captain with a reputation, there is only one ending.


The swordsman's offensive with fifteen knives was like a storm, leaving only light white marks on Nuo Xia's body, and his neck was wrung off as soon as he changed hands, and he was not even qualified to draw his sword;
Fujimoto grinned grimly and conjured up a terrifying giant saw, which was crushed into pieces by two fingers and pierced through his chest by the way;

The supernova with a reward of over [-] million couldn't hold on for a while, but finally made Nuo Xia a little more serious, drew his sword and chopped off his head, and the confused corpse fell back stiffly...

In addition to being second, it is still second.

The naval soldiers who were in charge of the containment outside didn't even have a chance to intervene. They watched the pirates rushing away like a tide, and fell down like a wave of wheat...

In just a minute.

In the entire auction house, none of the besieged pirates could stand still. They either turned into corpses on the ground, or completely lost the will to resist, dropped their weapons and knelt down tremblingly begging for mercy.

The Brigadier General, Ghost Spider, also stood there blankly, with his right hand still in the posture of drawing his sword.

For some reason, he always felt that the scene in front of him seemed a little familiar...

"so amazing……"

There was another tsk-tsk sound from the side, and the ghost spider turned to look. The boy in the straw hat was standing next to him, looking up at Nuo Xia's back, with a look of emotion on his face:
"What a terrifying power. Sure enough, what Uncle said before is correct. The gap between me and this guy is still very large..."

Do you also cooperate with Lieutenant General Nuo Xia?Ghost Spider rolled his eyes, and suddenly remembered what Nuo Xia said just now—this kid seems to be a pirate too?

He frowned, looked left and right, and felt more and more familiar with this guy.


A few seconds later, he finally realized something, his face changed suddenly, and he drew his sword and roared:

"The captain of the red-haired pirates with a bounty of 2 million Baileys, Shanks?!"


The boy in the straw hat was stunned, and turned his head to look at the ghost spider who was facing him with his sword drawn. He felt a pain in his stomach, and said with a bitter face, "Damn it, I was recognized..."

"Nonsense! As a navy, how could the big pirate who offered a reward of [-] million Baileys not know him!"

The ghost spider was startled, spat out its cigar, and gritted its teeth, "Hey! How dare you! You've been fighting until now, and you still dare to stand beside us like nothing happened?!"

Kakaka, the naval soldiers in the outer circle also turned their guns and aimed at Shanks in the middle of the corridor.

"Thought it wasn't discovered..."

The red hair helped the straw hat, and laughed loudly, "Hey, hey, there's no need to be so vicious, right? I have such a big posture when I come up, I don't have any malicious intentions..."

"Who cares if you are malicious or not!"

The ghost spider's fangs roared angrily, then held the sword in both hands, and slashed towards the red hair, "Catching pirates is the job of the navy! Give me the awareness to catch them without a fight!"

"Catch it without a fight? That's not okay..."

The red-haired grinned, drew the knife to hold the ghost spider's blade, and looked at the latter's angry pupils through the gap, "I, I want to take my friends to the new world to see it again!"

Speaking of the boy in the straw hat, he exerted all his strength, and the ghost spider felt a gust of torrent sweeping from the distance, the blade of the sword was directly blown away, and he took several steps back to stabilize his body, his hands went numb for a while.

What a lot of strength!
Is this the big pirate with a reward of [-] million? !
The ghost spider was startled for a while, and looked up, but the red-haired man on the opposite side was gone, and at the same time, there was a sound of breaking wind behind him.

When exactly... Ghost Spider's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously wanted to throw his fist behind him, but at that moment, a louder sound of breaking wind suddenly passed through his ears.

next moment.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the red hair screaming and flying high, and fell heavily on the wall behind the high platform.

When it fell, it was unbiased, and it just fell into the messy bird's nest-like hair of the giant slave who had just come out of the cage.


The giant boy only felt a little itching on his head, and subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab it. The straw hat boy was already covering his knees and bouncing on his head, grinning in pain:
"It hurts, hurts, hurts... It hurts to death! The knee is about to be shattered! Hey, can't you kick it in another place! It almost killed me!"

"Ah, sorry."

Nuo Xia smiled and slowly withdrew her right leg, her expression was very similar to that of a yellow ape who kicked a supernova seventeen years later:
"I have tried my best, but, as Commodore Ghost Spider said, as a navy, there is no way to let you go so easily..."

"Then seriously fight, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Shanks snorted, jumped from the giant's head to the ground, clenched his saber tightly, his eyes were full of fighting spirit:

"Even if my current strength is indeed not as good as yours, but since you insist on fighting, then I will accompany you to the end!"

"Have you become serious all of a sudden..."

Nuo Xia chuckled, and looked leisurely at the auction booth in the northeast corner, "However, I'm not interested in playing house with children, the monster worthy of my best shot is still pretending to be a drunk old man watching the show ..."

This guy actually discovered Uncle Rayleigh?
Shanks' complexion changed, and he subconsciously looked towards the northeast corner.


In the dim light, the gray-haired old man was struggling to shake the wine bottle, trying to pour out the last bit of residual wine hanging on the wall.

Seeing that everyone looked over, he scratched his head, "Ah, so I was recognized from the very beginning..."

"It's really impossible."

Shaking his head in distress, he threw the wine bottle away. The old man got up slowly, put his hands in his trouser pockets and left the seat. From the shadows, he came step by step to the corridor under the spotlight, muttering:
"But I drank a little too much today, so I don't really want to fight... Just like the boy Shanks said, we are here just to join in the fun, but there is no malice."

In the focus of countless gazes, the old man pushed his glasses and smiled slightly at Nuo Xia:
"So, Lieutenant General Nuo Xia, why don't you show the old man a face, let everything stop here, and let Shanks and the others leave, how about it?"

He stood casually under the light, calm and breezy, as if he didn't take the naval soldiers who were staring at him and the black muzzle of the guns seriously at all.

Who do you send it to, and give you some face?

Next to him, Qiwuhai Black Shark Tuke sneered. He folded his arms and took a step forward. He was about to sarcastically, when he suddenly heard Nuo Xia's calm voice:

What?Tuke stared round his eyes and turned his head in disbelief.

Oh oh oh, as expected of Uncle Rayleigh, so handsome!Shanks on the high platform has star eyes, this aura, this demeanor, if only he has such a big face in the future!
But before he recovered from the excitement, he heard Nuo Xia change the subject again, and said with a smile:

"However, I have a condition."

The words stop here, but the meaning is quite obvious.


Lei Li rubbed the space between his brows and sighed, "The old man probably understands that there are so many people here that he can't do it well, and it's easy to hurt innocent people. How about going to the open space by the stream outside?"

What do you understand?

Shanks became more and more confused, but the next moment, after seeing Nuo Xia and Lei Li looking at each other, they stepped up into the sky with tacit understanding, smashed the dome of the auction house, and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

"Follow out and have a look!"

Ghost Spider's expression changed, and he ordered some people to rescue the slaves and clean up the battlefield, while he led a group of sailors and rushed towards the gate in a hurry.

The three of Shanks finally came back to their senses, hurriedly followed, and ran parallel to the sailors. The ghost spider gave these guys a squinting look, but didn't make another move.

Wait until a group of people arrive outside the auction house.

After seeing the scene outside, he froze in place.

I saw this moment, looking around.

The original lush grass outside the auction site has been razed to the ground, and there are large exploding pits everywhere.

The ground trembled continuously, and the serene stream also surged violently.

And right in this open space, fierce sword energy howled continuously, and the two figures kept fighting and separated at a speed so fast that they couldn't see clearly, leaving behind afterimages, dizzying, and it was impossible to tell where the real body was .

For a while, there is no winner.

"So strong..."

The whole group gasped in unison.

The movement caused by the fight between the two was too great, and the violent vibration attracted some pirates from the surrounding area.

But these guys who came to join in the fun with curiosity, when they saw Nuo Xia in the sky, their faces turned pale with fright, and they turned around in a panic without looking back, and ran away.

Some unlucky ones didn't see clearly and wanted to get closer, but they were discovered by the marine soldiers near the auction site and detained on the spot.


This dozen, is a full half an hour.

The ordinary guests underground have been evacuated, and all the pirates and gangsters have been arrested.

And some of the slaves who were rescued returned to the ground with the support of the sea soldiers. When they saw the terrifying battle outside, they immediately turned into sculptures and looked dumbfounded like the ghost spider and others at the door.

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

At this moment, laughter suddenly came from midair, and the howling sword energy gradually dissipated:

"I still underestimate you, kid... If you continue to fight like this, you won't be able to tell the winner before dark. If you wait until Marin Fando sends Karp over, you will be in trouble..."

Laughter came from far to near, and everyone at the entrance of the auction house felt a blur before their eyes, and saw the gray-haired old man suddenly appearing in front of them.

He grabbed the three of Shanks who were in a dazed state, like a vigorous cheetah, led them to tap their toes a few times, and fled into the distant street without a trace.

And the next moment, Nuo Xia's figure floated to the ground from mid-air.

With a calm expression on his face, he put the sword in his hand back into its sheath.

"So, just let them go?"

The ghost spider looked at Lei Li's back, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Lieutenant General, don't you want to stop that old man?"

"if not?"

Nuo Xia watched those voices go away, looked away when he heard the words, smiled and said, "Stop? If I can stop him, what kind of lieutenant general, steel bone marshal, can I retire and give way to the virtuous."

Eh? ?

What does this mean?
Everyone was stunned, and the ghost spider thought of something at this time, and asked with a bit of surprise, "So Lieutenant General, who is that guy?"

Nuo Xia was a man who had defeated several of the Three Disasters in a row, and had even confronted the Emperor of the Sea head-on.

To be able to fight him so fiercely, regardless of the outcome, the opponent may have a lot of background.

"Just a retired old man."

Nuo Xia said leisurely, "But you may have heard of the name, Sirbazz Raleigh."

After leaving these words, he ignored the stunned crowd and walked straight into the auction house.

After such a long delay, the matter is over, and it is time to talk to Emily about Shiliu's affairs.

At the same time, I felt a little emotional in my heart.

As expected of "Pluto" Rayleigh.

In the confrontation just now, although both of them kept their hole cards and did not use all their strength, it could only be regarded as a rivalry at best.

But it was obvious that Rayleigh played more casually. In the case of severe flooding, he could only fight back and forth, barely maintaining the situation.

After all, it has only been a few years since he retired. The 59-year-old Rayleigh is not as old as when he met Luffy, and his strength is still at its peak.

I'm afraid that in reality, among the sea emperors in the world, only Whitebeard can hold a head. Whether Kaido and BIMGOM are the current opponents of Rayleigh is still unknown.

After all, it's not fun enough.

He shook his head, maybe he had to wait for his future strength to improve before he was qualified to have a real strong confrontation with Lei Li, forcing out all his cards, and had a hearty fight.

While pondering.

Outside the back door, a shocking exclamation suddenly broke out:
"Eeeeeeeeh??? Raleigh????"

"The right hand of the legendary One Piece King, Pluto Rayleigh???"

(End of this chapter)

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