People are full of pirates

Chapter 276 The Perfect Devil Fruit Project [Part XNUMX]

Chapter 276 The Perfect Devil Fruit Project [Part [-]]

"Title Page Serialization "The Long-lost Shia's Diary""

"On May 05.24, I went to Chambord with Norsha, the warmest place in the world is on top of the ferris wheel. ""

""The haunted house is scary, but with Norsha there, it's not scary. ""

""Norsha is the best""

speak up.

When Aaron and his gang were young, they had longing for the human world.

Therefore, when he established the Dragon Empire, he also followed the design of the Chambord Islands Amusement Park, and made the headquarters of the Dragon Empire in the East China Sea very similar to an amusement park.

The towering Ferris wheel, like the heaven in the clouds, is the place he most yearns for.

And now.

Nuo Xia is in this heavenly kingdom.

The [-]-meter-high Ferris wheel has about [-] cockpits, and the outside is covered by huge soap bubbles.

Looking out through the foam, the various scenes among the mangroves of the Alchiman trees seem to have a fairy-tale filter, dreamlike.

"What are you looking at?"

Taotu leaned lazily on the side of the cockpit with his legs crossed, holding a cup of lychee panna cotta that he just bought at the door, seeing Nuo Xia's eyes fixed on a certain direction to the southeast, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked with a smile.


Nuo Xia pouted in front of a cafe, "Coincidentally, I saw that old man again."

Taotu followed his expectations, and could see a few kilometers away, a drunk gray long-haired old man stumbling out of an alley, with a few money bags in his hand.

The gangsters who were robbed by him behind him, with bruised noses and swollen faces, were lying on the ground looking at the old man's back, wanting to cry without tears.

"Pluto, Sirbazz Raleigh..."

Tao Tu took a look, then looked away, and shook his head slightly, "As a bounty offender, the only one who can swagger around on an island where the navy is stationed is Chambord."

"After all, it is the territory of the Tianlong people."

Shia poured a spoonful of vanilla ice cream from the cup to her mouth, and Nuo Xia swallowed it in one gulp, resting her arms behind her head, and said leisurely:
"This guy seems to be quite principled after retirement. When he is short of money, he only attacks pirates and bullies, and sometimes sells himself to the slave market. After I fought this guy last time, I reported it to the headquarters, Marshal Sora It seems that there is not much interest in dispatching combat forces to arrest him."

"After all, Pluto is alone. At least two generals have to surround him to have a chance to take it down. It is easy for him to escape. The gain outweighs the loss..."

Tao Tu turned his head and looked at Nuo Xia with a smile, "How did you feel when you fought him?"

"According to the proverb of my hometown in Donghai, a treasured sword is not old."

Nuo Xia shrugged, "There is still a big gap between me and the old man at present, and I am not interested in fighting him now on my honeymoon...Maybe it will take a few more years before I have a chance of winning."


Bellmel, who was quietly nestling in his arms on his right, suddenly raised his head in doubt, "Did you hear anything?"


"Crackling, it seems to be a bit."

Nuo Xia listened attentively, not quite sure, "The speed of the Ferris wheel has just sped up a bit, maybe it's the sound of bubbles rubbing against the mechanical arm..."

Before finishing speaking, the huge soap bubbles surrounding the outside suddenly burst, and a short-lived feeling of weightlessness came from the air, and it happened to come to the cockpit at the highest point of the Ferris wheel, and fell down rapidly in an instant!
"I'm going to fall, Nuo Xia!" Bermer's face turned pale, and he tightly clenched Nuo Xia's arm.

"Relax, it's fine."

Nuo Xia rubbed her hair, then looked up at Taotu who was opposite her.

There was a mutual understanding between husband and wife, and Taotu just happened to look up, the two looked at each other and smiled, the little rabbit calmly stretched out his right hand, and snapped his fingers lightly.


The feeling of weightlessness and falling suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Belmel sat up straight in shock, looked out of the cabin, and was surprised to find that the entire cockpit was suspended in the air tens of meters away, floating slowly downward like fallen leaves.


She was greatly surprised by the miraculous scene, and immediately seemed to remember something, and turned her head to look at Taotu with a surprised expression.

"Sister Gion, have you already eaten the fluttering fruit?"

It is no secret among the three women that Nuo Xia can deprive the Devil Fruit and give the Piao Piao Fruit to Tao Tu.

But at the same time, Bermer and Shia also knew that Momotu had been hesitating and struggling, and hadn't eaten it for a long time.


Taotu smiled and nodded, "I only ate it a few days before the wedding. I wanted to show off my skills on the honeymoon trip to scare you two, but I didn't expect to use it now..."

"It still scares us."

Shia looked at the ground below, and many people noticed the floating cockpit slowly descending, and exclaimed, she looked at Taotu blankly:
"Sister Gion, didn't you say before that it doesn't matter if you become a landlubber, the main reason is that you don't want to expose Nuo Xia's ability to deprive the fruit, but now, so many people see it..."

"Because the original owner of Piao Piao Fruit is no longer here."

Nuo Xia took a sip of Taotu's lychee milk tea, and when she handed it back, only the bottom thin layer was left, causing the little rabbit to kick him angrily:
"Before the wedding, Xiliu Magellan and I communicated two letters. The golden lion's physical condition has been deteriorating every day since the beginning of the year. This month finally failed, and a generation of heroes came to an end..."

No wonder...

Shia and Bermer suddenly realized.

Just at this moment, the cockpit landed firmly on the ground, making a soft bang.

Nuo Xia put down her crossed legs, and led the three girls out of the hatch.

The staff in charge of the Ferris wheel had already been waiting by the side, and when they saw this, they ran over immediately, bowed and apologized repeatedly, sweating profusely.

"It may be that the maintenance work has not been done well recently, and it was the rainy season some time ago, so there is something wrong with the equipment..."

This young man who was less than [-] years old was full of guilt and fear, "In short, our garden is responsible for such an accident! I will apply to the higher authorities. Except for this free ticket, I will definitely give it to you. Additional compensation..."

"Anyway, people are fine, so there is no need for compensation."

Everyone is a worker, and Nuo Xia didn't want to embarrass him, so he waved his hands and said, "Compared to this, after we go up, will there be any suspicious people coming in on the Ferris wheel?"

"Suspicious person?"

The young man froze for a moment, then thought hard, frowned and murmured:

"Speaking of which, more than half an hour ago, when I went to the bathroom, I did see a guy who had just come out of the control room when I came back. When he saw me, he apologized repeatedly, saying that he was urgently looking for the wrong place. I didn't take it seriously, and pointed out the way for her..."

"Control room?"

Taotu raised his eyebrows and sneered, "What does that guy look like, do you remember?"

"I just remember that she was a bald woman, what kind of face looks like, it's a bit strange..."

Before the young man finished speaking, Nuo Xia suddenly interrupted him with his hand, squinting his eyes and turned his head to look towards the southeast corner as if he had noticed something.

At the corner of the wall, which was more than a kilometer away, there was a shiny head sticking out, which suddenly retracted and disappeared.

"I just want to have a simple honeymoon, but there are always people who don't want me to worry..."

Nuo Xia sighed, and threw the warm black tea in her hand to Xi Ya, "Hold it for me, you guys wait here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go."


Shia nodded obediently.

The three women watched Nuo Xia's figure float away, like a ghost, and disappeared in that corner after a few ups and downs.

The staff member who watched was stunned for a while——what is the origin of this guest wearing big sunglasses? He has even received the supernova pirate with a reward of hundreds of millions, and he has never seen such an outrageous speed. ah?
Well known.

Nuo Xia has always been a good man who keeps his word and is honest and trustworthy.

So he said he would come when he went, so he really just came when he went, and he would never let the three wives and adults wait too long in vain.

In less than five minutes.

He floated back under the Ferris wheel again, took the cup from Shia's hand, the black tea in it was still warm.



Nuo Xia didn't want to talk about it in front of outsiders, so she signaled the three girls to follow, leaving the dazed staff member behind, and took the lead towards the periphery of the Ferris wheel area.

"It's a bald-headed woman in her thirties, and she has a few subordinates. If they use a little tricks, they will all be recruited."

After he got out, he sipped his black tea and said lightly, "She was responsible for the hands and feet of the Ferris wheel, and she was also responsible for the follow-up, but this guy can only be regarded as a small cadre, and there is another organization behind him."

"Is it related to that Princess Hathaway?" Shia frowned slightly.


Nuo Xia smiled and tapped her forehead with her fingers, and said leisurely:
"It's one of the three underworld families that belonged to that princess. The previous Arima family and the Babu family were taken over by me, and a family named Gusta escaped. The backer is gone. It's a miserable mess, it is estimated that when we landed, we were noticed by the family's spies, and came to seek revenge on us."

"Just relying on this kind of shady trick?"

Taotu couldn't help laughing, "It's so naive to expect a lieutenant general in the headquarters to die directly after falling from a height of [-] meters..."

"There are fools everywhere."

Nuo Xia glanced in the direction of the new world, "Some people think that blowing up the cake castle can take over the BIGMOM Pirates..."

He didn't explain this further, and the three girls didn't get to the bottom of it. Bermel clenched his fist and waved it fiercely in the air:
"This group of sewer bugs... are really disgusting! Nuo Xia, why don't we kill the door now, and take the Gusta family with it?"

It's been too long since I've had a fight...

Nuo Xia looked at the girl with the chestnut red ponytail speechlessly, and said lazily:
"Honeymoon time is precious. I'm not that interested in playing around with these people. I've already called Ghost Spider just now. I'll leave it to his people to clean things up. Let's continue to play on our own."

The ghost spider is now a real brigadier general of the headquarters, and has a brilliant record of defeating many big pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million Bailey.

It is a sure thing for him to lead an army to encircle and suppress this kind of underworld family without a backer, and the three daughters no longer care about it after hearing the words.

"There are quite a lot of interesting places in the Chambord playground, where should we go next?"

Nuo Xia threw away the finished black tea cup, and the empty cup crossed a high parabola, and fell into the trash can accurately [-] meters away. He snapped his fingers in satisfaction, and said cheerfully:

"Is it a trampoline, flying on the clouds, a big pendulum clock? Or a bubble bumper car? Bumper cars are the most interesting, and they are three-dimensional...huh?"

An itching sensation suddenly came from the wrist, and Nuo Xia looked down, and saw the almost solidified blood remaining on the surface of her skin, which was slowly detaching, condensed and pulled up like jelly;

Immediately, there was a snap, and it scattered in all directions, turning into countless blood-colored particles that were so fine that they were almost invisible, and slowly fell to the ground like floating dust in the sun...


Nuo Xia raised her eyebrows, and looked at Taotu in amazement, "Show off skills? This is it? Yes, Brigadier General, it's only been a few days, and he has been able to manipulate Piao Piao Guo's fruit to such a level, this development talent , in my opinion, before the end of the honeymoon, he will be able to overtake the Golden Lion."

"Overblown, fool."

Taotu originally looked proud and proud, but when she heard this, she couldn't hold back anymore, and snorted softly from the tip of her nose, "I have been busy with the wedding a while ago, and I only figured out some ideas in the past few days. I want to do it." It’s still too early to move mountains and fill seas like the Golden Lion.”

"I trust the Commodore."

Nuo Xia spoke uprightly, and immediately glanced at the bumper car not far away, and before she could speak, Taotu had already winked at the second daughter, grabbed his hand together, and pulled him towards the bubble car. The Bubble Car Garden strode away.

"Look at your virtue, like a child who hasn't grown up."

Hearing the angry words in his ears, Nuo Xia scratched his head: "Isn't it because I haven't sat down since I was a child? I've been greedy since decades ago..."

"You're still running the train with your mouth full. Besides, Chambord's Amusement Park was only built ten years ago."

Nuo Xia chuckled and remained silent.

Harm, this topic cannot be explained.

The Bubble Roller Coaster, Bubble Bumper Cars, Pirate Ship, and even horror haunted houses with various themes, Nuo Xia and his wives have left behind in various places in the Chambord playground.


When getting off the roller coaster, Nuo Xia couldn't help stretching his arms and laughing heartily, like a child who hasn't grown up, causing many passers-by to stare blankly.

As a result, after seeing clearly his side face covered by sunglasses, "Hinata" all turned into "stars".

Both Momotu and Bermel felt a little embarrassed, and moved a few steps away in disgust. Only Shia was pale and kept holding Nuo Xia's arm tightly.

——It wasn’t that she was scared by the roller coaster, but the sequelae of the haunted house from the previous project hadn’t dissipated. Growing up in the deep palace, she was terrified of ghosts since she was a child.

"Still not exciting enough."

Bellmel stretched his waist, looked at the darkened night sky and yawned, "The haunted house is kind of interesting, the roller coaster and the [-]D bumper car may be because your expectations are too high, so I'm a little disappointed..."

"But there are almost all items worth playing in the playground." Nuo Xia scratched his head, "What else can be more than a roller coaster..."

Taotu's eyes lit up, he snapped his fingers, and laughed maliciously:
"More exciting? Ah, I have some here..."

 What exactly is Nuo Xia's devil fruit, you can guess it haha, the next chapter or two chapters will reveal the secret~
(End of this chapter)

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