People are full of pirates

Chapter 280 Fat Tiger 1 Smile

Chapter 280 The Fat Tiger Smiles 【Update】

On the streets of Spring Queen City, a commotion suddenly broke out.

The crowd on the street pushed and retreated one after another, but couldn't help standing on tiptoe, looking at the one man and three women walking from the intersection with curiosity and awe.

"Hey, hey, have you heard that the Demon Hunter Pirates were wiped out at the port not long ago..."

"It seems that those people did it!"

"Huh? How did I hear that it's their pet dog..."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, who knows if these guys are bounty hunters or pirates, don't offend them!"


"The news has spread."

Nuo Xia bit the popsicle she just bought from a small shop on the street, and skillfully tore open her mouth, "It was obvious that it wasn't so eye-catching when I first entered the city an hour ago."

There are too many lines of sight and it's kind of annoying.

Just as he was about to take a sip of the popsicle, he suddenly noticed that the three girls were staring straight at the lower half of the popsicle in his hand at the moment. Seeing his gaze, they all looked away as if nothing had happened.

Oh, this feeling is familiar to him.

Nuo Xia glanced at the popsicle in her hand. This thing can be broken into two from the middle. When I was young in my previous life, only the best friends would share the other half.

Is this a secret contest to see who can get the second half of the popsicle in his hand?

"Why bother."

He shrugged his shoulders and pointed lightly on the popsicle. The breeze whizzed by, and it was instantly divided into four even sections. He threw it casually, and the other three sections accurately fell into the hands of the three women.

"Here, we have everything, let's eat together."

Tch, it's boring, Taotu and the others were spotted, and glared at him in shame and annoyance.

Nuo Xia smiled and held a popsicle in her mouth, with her arms resting behind her head, and she quickened her pace in the sunlight.


The spread of the port incident attracted a lot of attention, but at the same time, it also saved a lot of unnecessary trouble for Nuo Xia and others.

From musical fountains, wax museums, ancient museums, statues of the Queen of Spring...

Then they went to various bustling and bustling food streets, and the group had a great time visiting. They passed by some remote alleys in the middle, but they didn't meet any unreasonable guys during the whole process.

Even when queuing up to buy tickets at the Wax Museum, there was a four-meter-tall strong man who squeezed over domineeringly and prepared to jump in line;

As a result, when they saw Nuo Xia and the others in front of them, they broke out in cold sweat immediately, and shrank back decisively like a quail.

"Look, even if I don't reveal my identity, just putting my aura here can maintain and improve the security situation."

When stepping into the suddenly quiet clothing store, Nuo Xia turned her head and spread her hands, saying this to the three women.

The City of the Queen of Spring has a somewhat bohemian style, but at the same time has a bit of wild tropical style.

Nuo Xia walked around excitedly for a long time, and when she finally came out with the three girls, she was all changed into bright local-style clothes, and her sunglasses changed into exaggerated brown sunglasses.

"It's noon."

Back on the street, looking up at the sky, Nuo Xia made a suggestion, "Go to eat?"

"Not hungry at all."

"I tried too many snacks in the food street just now."

"Let's eat together after dinner."

The three women agreed, and Nuo Xia was actually not hungry, so she just continued to take them for a walk, and before she knew it, she came to the central city area.

Several casinos with extremely luxurious exterior decorations were lined up, blocking their way at the busiest intersection.

"Almost forgot."

Nuo Xia looked up at these luxurious casinos and murmured with a chuckle, "Besides tourism, one of the biggest economic pillars of this city is the gaming industry."

The entrance of the casino is like a microcosm of society.

Among the gamblers who came out from here, some were crying, some were laughing, the winners proudly threw a lot of banknotes to beggars on the street with cigars in their mouths, and some were ashen-faced, looking back every step, with no luster in their numb eyes...

There were even a few who were full of fear, knelt down on the side of the road and cried loudly, begging passers-by to lend him a little more, as long as a little is enough, and when they go to find the book and come back, they will definitely return it twice...

Nuo Xia glanced at these people, stood there too lazy to move, and had no intention of extending a helping hand.

Gambling with dogs is hopeless and unworthy of sympathy. What's more, although gambling does not violate the regulations of the world government, as a traveler with three views and integrity, he is inseparable from gambling and drugs.

"Go in and take a stroll?"

He actually wanted to take a detour to leave, but he still asked his wives casually, which is a kind of respect.

"Have you ever played with this kind of thing?" Taotu gave him a sideways look, with a half-smile, "Don't go in and out, Mr. Nuo Xia, a well-known rich man in the navy, is about to become a poor beggar on the street."

"If you don't count the fried golden flowers for fifty cents, then you really haven't played it."

Nuo Xia shrugged, but he also knew what the three women were thinking. Obviously, the women were not too cold about this drunken and dreamy gold-selling cave, and even a little disgusted, and just wanted to leave early.

"Let's go."

Several people turned around and were about to make a detour from the alley on the right when suddenly there was a loud bang behind them.

Nuo Xia subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw that the gate of the easternmost casino was suddenly pushed open, and a few thugs in floral shirts pushed the two of them out with a bad expression.

Both of them seemed to be blind, and the one who was pushed staggered a few times on the stairs and nearly fell down.

The skinny white-haired old man on the left, even though he was stared at viciously by the thugs, still held the black cash box in his arms tightly and refused to let go, with a stubborn expression.

The other blind man was a fat uncle in a purple robe and clogs. He watched with a smile as the thugs turned and left after yelling and cursing. Then he bent down and whispered something to the skinny old man.

The latter's eyes lit up immediately, and he got up excitedly from the ground, holding the cash box, and followed the blind man in purple robe into another nearby casino named Big Bird Spinning.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bellmel felt faintly that before stepping into the gate of the casino, the blind man in the purple robe seemed to turn his head and "look" at them from a distance.

Blind people also come to gamble?And won a lot of money from that casino?
Feeling surprised, Bermer clicked his tongue twice, but turned around and found that Nuo Xia and Taotu were staring at the back behind the gate, thoughtful.

"What a strong guy..." Taotu murmured softly, his eyes a little dignified.

Her knowledgeable color, even among the lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, can be ranked in the forefront, not much different from Nuo Xia.

From this distance, one can clearly feel the terrifying power hidden in the body of that seemingly ordinary fat blind man...

"It is indeed an out-and-out monster."

Nuo Xia stared at the back of the purple-robed blind swordsman, gradually disappearing into the resplendent corridor of the hall, and suddenly snapped his fingers and laughed:
"I've changed my mind, wives, come on, follow me into the house, and walk around as you like."

 I was a little dizzy after the vaccination last night, and I forgot to make up the update. Sorry, I woke up early this morning and remembered it, so I will make up for everyone.

  There will be an update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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