People are full of pirates

Chapter 288 News of the Thunder Fruit [XNUMX]

Chapter 288 News of the Thunder Fruit [[-]]

After two minutes.

Well-dressed young men and women walked out of the alley happily, ready to go to the gold-selling cave in the central city.

"Business is going well, you two, it's almost [-] Baileys this month."

"It's so-so. The main reason is that the old woman named Kuleha dumped [-] in one go last week. She's so fucking generous. It's enough for me to be chic for a while..."

The three leaders, one fat and two thin, were chatting happily. The fat man had sharp eyes, and suddenly saw a fat blind swordsman sitting cross-legged under the streetlight at the intersection, with a broken bowl in front of him.

In the dark night, quite lonely.

The fat man frowned, stepped forward, and was about to ask questions.

As a result, Fujitora suddenly raised his head first, and said in a weak voice, "All right, everyone, I just escaped from the casino, and I haven't eaten enough for several days..."

"You should do good deeds, even if you only give a hundred Baileys..."

Why is this line so familiar, copy it, right? Did you pay the copyright fee?

Fatty felt contempt for a while, but suddenly saw Fujitora's pupilless white eyes, and was stunned... This guy is really blind, so pitiful...

His heart was touched, and his right hand touched his bosom at some point, and poured all the tens of thousands of Queen's coins that he had saved in the past few days into the broken bowl...

"What are you doing, Fatty, are you playing with this guy?"

The companions behind noticed this scene, and followed up laughingly, thinking that he was teasing the blind man.

As a result, after approaching, the moment they saw Fujitora clearly, they were also stunned, and then they took out their wallets and frantically threw coins into the broken bowl...

Just a minute or two.

Under the street lights, gold coins and silver coins piled up into hills, and Fat Hu was drowned by the ocean of money.

This is too exaggerated. Fujitora, who is acting, feels a little speechless in his heart.

——When Nuo Xia handed her the broken bowl, she said mysteriously that it was made by an old witch she had saved, and that it had a special magical power attached to it, which could make people feel pity when they saw it, and would get twice the result with half the effort when begging .

But it’s not like doing twice the result with half the effort, is it?These guys are one by one, but they even took out all their wealth...

"It's really wicked."

On the pitch-black roof, Taotu chuckled and poked Nuo Xia quietly, "Since you have such a magical thing, why do you have to let Mr. Yixiao pass by? Why don't you pretend to be a beggar yourself?"

"What can I do?"

Nuo Xia spread her hands innocently, "You don't need to act as an uncle with a smile. When you sit cross-legged there, you will come out with the temperament of a beggar. With my thick eyebrows and big eyes in the past, no matter how you look at it, you are a noble son who came to experience life. You can't arouse their sympathy."

Bah, shameless...

The women gave him a blank look at the same time, but looking at this guy's profile, they had to admit in their hearts that it seemed to be true.


Seeing that all the money of these crooks has been emptied, and the eyes of the few guys in the front have begun to show signs of recovery.

Nuo Xia made a signal to Fujitora below, who immediately understood, nodded slightly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Fujitora appeared on the roof with a mountain of coins floating around him.

Under the street lamp, it was already empty.

"That's a lot..." Taotu glanced sideways at the pile of gold coins, and clicked his tongue, "If converted into Baileys, there must be at least tens of millions of Baileys, right?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that, it has to be doubled... Wait a minute, watch a show on it."

Nuo Xia took off her sunglasses, swayed them in circles in her hands, looked at the professional beggars who came back to their senses, and chuckled softly:
"Usually pretending to be beggars to deceive people every day, but today they were collectively wiped out by beggars. The expressions of these guys should be very exciting..."

as predicted.

After realizing that Fujitora had disappeared and their wallets were empty, these professional beggars immediately looked at each other in amazement.

"No? What happened to me just now, how could I give all the money to that blind man?"

"What about the blind man? He was still here just now, where did he go?"

"What the hell..."

This scene was really weird. Many people were annoyed at first, but they looked left and looked, but they didn't see the blind man.

It just so happened that the cold wind blew past at night, and I couldn't help shivering, and began to be suspicious, thinking that they were usually punished for cheating too much money, and were being followed by ghosts and ghosts...

A few people even looked at each other, wanting to cry without tears.

They lost everything at the casino a few days ago, and they planned to take the salary they received today, and they were full of interest to win it back.

Fortunately, I am really poor and no different from a beggar...

Fortunately, at this time, Captain Severn, the handsome blue-haired youth who got the news, strode out from the depths of the alley.

Many swindlers hurriedly gathered around and described the scary scene just now, which made the blue-haired young man frown.

"What ghosts, a bunch of fools!"

He punched the wall angrily, "It's obviously a bastard who came here to cheat! I guess he found out about our old lair from somewhere, and came here to block the door to cheat... No, this is simply stealing money! "

"Yes, but that guy disappeared so strangely..."

At the very beginning, the fat man spoke weakly, with fear in his eyes, "And we don't know why, but for some reason, we took the initiative to give him all the money..."

"What's so weird about this?"

The blue-haired young man said angrily: "[-]% is a devil fruit ability user. I have seen this kind of demagogic ability when I was still in the West Sea. What's more, this is a great route, and nothing is unusual!"

"Devil Fruit Ability?"

The subordinates were taken aback, and the fat man stammered, "Then, what should we do now, Captain can't afford to mess with people with devil fruit abilities..."

"What are you afraid of? That guy is obviously not very strong. He doesn't dare to deal with so many of us by himself, otherwise he wouldn't play such a trick, and he would rush away as soon as he got the money!"

The blue-haired young man looked ugly, and gritted his teeth, "We have always been the only ones who cheated money, and no one has been able to take the money from us. Let alone you, I can't swallow it..."

"Go! Call up all the people who are going to rest in the basement! Everyone disperses and search the whole city. I don't believe that a blind fat man can hide!"

"Yes! Captain Severn!"

This remark aroused the indignation of everyone, they rushed back to their lair, and when they came back, they all gritted their teeth, held sticks in their hands, and were aggressive.

There were also a lot more people, some of them were obviously just woken up from sleep in the basement, wearing pajamas, and there were a few little boys who hadn't been transformed back into their original form by the fruit of age...

"It's the first time I've seen such a united den of liars."

Bermel looked funny, and snorted, "But that's good too, it saves us from having to search the basement one by one, and they all came out, so we can clean them all together."

"It really is a group..."

Nuo Xia's whisper suddenly came from the side.

"What?" Bermer looked at him suspiciously.

"Here, over there."

Nuo Xia pursed her lips, and Bermel looked over, and saw a vaguely familiar face among the little boys who had not been transformed back...

"It's that little bunny... No, it's that bastard!"

Belmer recognized it immediately, rolled up his sleeves angrily, and was about to rush up and beat someone up.

"He's still wearing pajamas! I said why didn't I see him when they were in a meeting before, so he was hiding underground and sleeping! Lied to us, see if I don't beat him, he will kneel down and beg for mercy!"

As she said that, she rushed straight down. Nuo Xia subconsciously wanted to pull her back, but she didn't hold her back. She shrugged, and simply greeted the rest of the people, and jumped off the roof.

——Anyway, after the good show, now is indeed the time to show up. After a while, this group of people should disperse and search for people everywhere.

Bellmel landed first, and rushed straight to the familiar little boy with black hair and black eyes. The movement immediately aroused the alertness of several strong men who were close to here, and they gathered around and asked:


"Clean up your people!"

Bermel sneered, the thing she hates the most is cheating, and now she is holding back her stomach full of anger and has nowhere to vent, so she clenches her fists and rushes over.

Several strong men subconsciously wanted to resist, but they didn't even see the shadow of the fist clearly, they were smashed solidly, and fell to the ground screaming and wailing.

"Stop her!"

Seeing this, Severn in the distance changed his expression, waved his right hand and shouted orders, and suddenly more than [-] people rushed up, all of them with sticks in their hands, and they were full of momentum, but the ending did not change.

After all, Bermer was an officer of the headquarters who fought all the way up. Even with restraint, the ability to not use the rusty fruit is far from being able to match these ordinary people.

She looked like a god of war, and with a few bang bangs, she knocked down all the people who stood in her way. Under the astonished gaze of the black-haired and black-eyed boy, she rushed all the way to the front.

"Hey, little liar... remember us?"

Bermer picked him up by the collar, with a half-smile, "Oh, no, it doesn't seem to be called that. After all, your real age may be older than mine..."

Thinking of how pitiful and sympathetic he was for such a thing before, and that Sister Gion even took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, Bermel felt nauseated.


The black-haired boy struggled to say something, but his neck was tightened by the collar, and he had difficulty breathing for a while, and he couldn't even speak.

"Hey, that crazy woman! What are you doing!"

At this moment, an angry and anxious voice came from afar. Bermer squinted his eyes and turned his head, and saw Severn surrounded by several cadres under his hands, growling with an ugly face:

"Leave little Messi down to me! If you want to make trouble, I will accompany you, bullying children is nothing!"

Bermer was taken aback, and looked suspiciously at Messi, who was carrying him. The little boy's face was flushed, and even his breath was a little uneven. She hesitated for a while, but her heart softened, and she let go of her hand.

The black-haired boy fell to the ground, panting heavily, and the other boys and girls next to him immediately supported him, patting his back and rubbing his chest, looking at Bellemel, full of It is panic and fear.

This reaction doesn't seem to be pretending...

Bermer frowned, and was about to ask something, when Nuo Xia, Fujitora and others who happened to be one step late also came to him.

"That's him! Captain!"

One of his subordinates noticed Fujitora, and his expression changed immediately, "It was this blind man who took all our money just now!"

In fact, there is no need to remind, the blue-haired young man can also guess, he first dragged a few children behind him, looked up at Fujitora and Bermel:
"I said why a woman rushed in suddenly. It turned out to be a group. Hmph, with so many people, it seems that they have already made plans. Tell me, when did you start thinking about us!"

This is a bit ridiculous, Nuo Xia bent down slightly, looked down at him, and said with a chuckle: "You don't think that we came to the door because of your money?"

The height of more than three meters brought a sense of oppression, which made the blue-haired youth subconsciously take a step back, but he soon realized his gaffe, and took another step forward in shame, angrily said:
"Otherwise! The blind man behind you took away [-] million Baileys from us in one go!"

"Who cares about that little money!"

Bermel spat disdainfully, and sneered:
"We are just tourists who come to the Queen's City in Spring. Who will notice you liars? It's not because you dare to lie to us, and it's fine once, but you come to lie to us twice in one night, and you still have nothing to do. It’s the same rhetoric, and you won’t have to change it if you change it!”

Twice in the same night?
The blue-haired youth was taken aback.

No, he clearly emphasized many times during the "employee training" that you can't catch a cute one when you squeeze the wool. Anyway, there are so many tourists coming and going in this city every day.

Moreover, the same tragic script should not be used repeatedly in one area, so as to avoid being bumped into and exposed...

From last year to the present, this system has become extremely mature, and there has never been any trouble. Why did such a low-level mistake occur tonight?
Is it to say...

Thinking of Bermer's reaction just now, he looked down at the black-haired boy at his feet.

The little guy also just raised his head, with guilt and annoyance on his face:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Severn, I was bored alone at night, so I secretly ran out to play without telling you..."

(End of this chapter)

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