People are full of pirates

Chapter 296 The Gods of Water

Chapter 296 The Gods of Water
"Title Page Serialization Straw Hats Chapter 10 "That bastard, dare to call?""

"Marin Fando, Garp was soundly asleep when he was suddenly awakened by the blue sound of the phone bug. The old man frowned sleepily and picked up the phone. Just as he noticed the green hood growing from the top of the phone bug's head from the corner of the eye, he heard that A long-lost familiar voice came, and I suddenly woke up suddenly, and flew into a rage.”

"But the voice at the other end of the words was extremely low and tired, with a hint of pleading. After listening to Garp, he was stunned at first, and then he pinched his chin complicatedly and fell into deep thought..."


Bingshan's eyes were complicated, "I blamed you..."

He took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Murloc Tom, "Let's go, teacher, let's go back, the big man should be getting impatient waiting there, just as Flam said, his ship order, this I must take it next time..."

"No, no, no." Tom rubbed his stomach and laughed, "I don't want to go back, and I don't want to see that person."


Bingshan and Franky froze at the same time.

"Why?" Franky couldn't believe it, "Old man, this is the best opportunity..."

"Lieutenant Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, because of your recommendation, I choose to believe it. It is always very disturbing to follow this kind of garbage dump." Tom said with a smile, "If it is brought by the iceberg, That's not surprising..."

This is to say that he is acting like a punk, does it seem unbelievable?

Frankie was furious, unconvinced, and just about to defend himself, he saw Tom looking around, and after confirming that there was no one around the alley, he took out an old iron box from his arms, and handed it to Bingshan.

"What is this, teacher?" Bingshan took the tin box in surprise.

"Inside, it's something that can scare even the world government."

Tom smiled and said, "Although I'm not sure whether the lieutenant general of the headquarters followed Flam here because of this thing, but just in case, it's not very safe to keep it on me."

He waved at the two disciples, and they leaned over at the same time. After whispering a few words, Frankie immediately widened his eyes and looked at the iron box in disbelief.

And Rao's personality was as calm as an iceberg, and he couldn't help but look down at the iron box in his hands, his hands trembling slightly.

One of the three ancient weapons, the design of Pluto?
Is there such an astonishing secret hidden in Teacher Tom?

"Iceberg." Seeing the solemn atmosphere, Tom waved his hand with a smile, breaking the silence, "Be sure to keep it safe, if something happens to me and I'm gone..."

"What nonsense, old man!"

Franky was very dissatisfied, and muttered, "Why are you still cursing yourself... It's not like that, Lieutenant General Nuo Xia and I really just met by chance, and I don't think that guy should be that kind of person what?"

On the street before, he said that he was a Nuo Xia fan, and the admiration he showed was naturally pretended. Because of his background, Franky had never had a good impression of the navy.

But don't know why.

This road brought Nuo Xia along, and Franky somehow had a good impression of this overly handsome lieutenant general, and even subconsciously began to defend the latter...

"People's hearts are separated from each other, and you should always be careful in everything."

Bingshan shook his head, carefully put away the iron box, and then looked towards the direction of the studio in the distance, "Anyway, now we have to find a reason to get rid of this big man who is not easy to mess with..."


Tom's studio cabin.

Nuo Xia crossed his legs boredly, and waited for almost half an hour, but he didn't wait for Tom to come back.

He had already finished drinking the water in the glass, and he was a little thirsty again. He looked at the table, and there happened to be an unopened glass bottle of Coke.

After filling half of it, he put it down and frowned as he looked at the glass bottle he was holding in his hand.

It's really unpalatable, almost comparable to Pepsi's toilet cleaner.

Sure enough, the cola formula in this world still needs to be improved... As a staunch delicious party, Nuo Xia was trying to complain, when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

The figures of Bingshan and Frankie stepped into the door one after the other.

"Where's Mr. Tom?" Nuo Xia looked back and asked strangely.

"Uh, this..." Franky scratched his head and looked at the iceberg.

Bingshan's eyes were calm, but there was a helpless wry smile on his face. He took out a note from his arms, handed it to Nuo Xia, and sighed:
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General, when we arrived at the shopping street, the teacher had already left. He just entrusted his pet and left this for us."

Nuo Xia took the note, looked at the message on it, and was slightly taken aback, "The raw materials I want to buy are sold out in the capital of seven waters, so I went to another island by boat to buy?"

"Yes." Bingshan rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, "Teacher is so old, and he is still as willful as before... He left without saying anything in advance, let us have a good meal..."

He looked at Nuo Xia who was frowning and said nothing, bowed deeply, and said with guilt on his face: "I'm really sorry, Lieutenant General, it's all our fault, teacher, I'm afraid he will take at least two or three months to come back after this visit." , the shipbuilding business is really impossible to fulfill..."

"Is that so..."

Nuo Xia glanced at a certain direction outside the door, then looked at the two people who were uneasy inside, and stood up indifferently, "Forget it, it happens to be Helena Shipbuilding Company, I don't want to break the contract, and you don't have to worry about it." superior."

He waved his hand, smiled and rejected Bingshan who was about to go out to see him off, and his figure gradually disappeared into the alley outside the door.

Get confused...

Bingshan looked at his back, wiped off his cold sweat, and secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately, this lieutenant general is not an inquisitive person.

Good acting!Frankie, who was behind, quietly gave his senior brother a thumbs up and nodded in his heart.

If it were him, there would be no way for him to face Nuo Xia calmly without showing any flaws while carrying the design of Pluto...


When we got back to the hotel, it was already past eight o'clock at night.

The three girls had already finished packing their luggage, and were lying on the bed reading a few comics with relish. Nuo Xia glanced at the cover, and it turned out that it was the serial comics of the Germa family that Taotu liked again.

This thing is like a super-English cartoon of the earth. It has been serialized in the World Economic News for many years, and it has countless pumps and is quite popular.

"It's so naive to still like to read comics at such a young age."

Nuo Xia gave Taotu a disdainful look, went to wash it briefly, lay back on the bed, took out a "Chain Saw Man" comic book bought for 200 points in the mall last time, and flipped through it casually.

It's a bedtime read to pass the time.

He was absent-minded, flipping through the pages, not focusing on the content of the comics at all, but thinking about what happened in Tom's studio cabin just now.

Tom hid himself and made an excuse for not wanting to see him, something he was sure of.

The reason is also easy to guess.

He and the other party have never met before, so the reason why he is so vigilant is probably because he has scruples about his identity, thinking that he has heard some rumors and came to him because of the design of Hades, right?
Nuo Xia shook her head.

This is really an oolong... Not to mention it's just the design of Hades, but it is not difficult for him as a time traveler to find out where the existing Hades is hiding.

But he is really not interested at all...

A giant battleship that can destroy an island with a single shot sounds terrifying, but it is just a foreign object after all.

In Nuo Xia's view, if you have the leisurely mind to plan this thing like a sand crocodile, it is better to practice more and spend time on improving your own strength.

It is also not difficult for him to destroy an island with one blow after he eats the thunderous fruit, or breaks through the bottleneck of swordsmanship and is promoted to the master level.

As for whether to find Tom and take the initiative to solve this misunderstanding...

Nuo Xia thought about it, and felt that there was no need for it. Anyway, the ship made by Tom himself was not just needed for him, and he had already placed an order with Helena Company, so it is not good to take the initiative to break the promise...

"What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted, and there was a warm breath in her ears. Nuo Xia turned her head and saw that Momotu had got into her bed at some point, curiously looking at the contents of the comic book.

"I want to be Miss Machima's dog..." She read out the content of the dialog box on this page, and her expression suddenly became a little subtle, "Where did you buy the comic book, it's a mess..."

Nuo Xia blushed, and closed the manga decisively.


In the little rabbit's exclamation, he rushed over viciously.

The other two girls were smiling and watching the fun, but they were dragged by a big hand, and for no reason they also joined the battle group...

The last night in the capital of seven waters is destined to be a beautiful and warm night.


Five in the morning.

The alarm clock by the bed was about to jump up, but a hand had already stretched out from the bed and pressed it down.

Nuo Xia yawned and got up from the bed. He hadn't slept in more than a month. The sleep after the exhaustion from the battle last night was extraordinarily comfortable and sweet.

When he came to the window and opened the curtains, Nuo Xia was slightly taken aback.

There was no sunlight falling in, and it was still pitch black outside the glass window. Looking at the far end, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the wind was howling. It seemed that the entire sky was covered with splashed ink.

It's going to rain?
Nuo Xia frowned. If it rained too much and overturned the speedboat parked outside the pier, it would be difficult to set sail...

After thinking about it, he turned around and woke up the girls, intending to leave before the rain became heavier.

Taotu and the others were still a little tired, they woke up in a haze, and they were a little dissatisfied at first, but after looking at the sky outside, they immediately woke up, one moved faster than the other.

Ten minutes later, the group finished packing and came to the first floor of the hotel lobby, ready to check out.

But no one was seen behind the reception desk. Nuo Xia was feeling a little strange when he heard a loud "bang".

It turned out to be a big tree on the street, which was blown to pieces by the strong wind, and just fell right inside the hotel door.

At the same time, a short and fat figure with a big belly came out of the stairs cursingly, rolled up his sleeves, and tried hard to lift the big tree out of the door.


Such a thick and strong tree is obviously not something that ordinary people can move alone. The short and fat middle-aged man's face turned red, and with all his strength, he couldn't move the trunk even half a meter.

"It's the owner of the hotel." Belmer recognized this guy, turned his head to Nuo Xia and whispered, "It seems that his name is Kaduo, and he has a pretty good heart."

Nuo Xia nodded, stepped forward, motioned the hotel owner to get out of the way, bent slightly, exerted a little strength with his right hand, and easily threw the giant tree more than ten meters long out of the door, and closed it smoothly. Glass door.


Kaduo was dumbfounded, staring for a long time before recovering, and quickly thanked Nuo Xia.

"You're welcome." Nuo Xia smiled and pointed to the empty reception desk, "We want to check out, Mr. Cardo, where are all your employees?"

"The homes of those boys are in the slums on the outskirts. I don't worry about the elderly at home. I told them to go back and save people."

Kado wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at Nuo Xia strangely, "You still want to leave? The Gods of Water are coming soon, and the boat will not be able to sail at all. Where can it go? In my opinion, It's better to stay here honestly, the hotel is on a high terrain, at least you don't have to worry about being flooded, it's much safer than outside!"

Gods of water?

Nuo Xia and the girls were taken aback, and looked at each other.

After visiting the Water City for a few days, they naturally knew what the term "Gods of Water" meant.

isn't it?
Their luck was so bad, but when they were about to leave this island, they ran into the terrifying tsunami that happened every year in the capital of seven waters?

"What a ghost!"

Kado didn't pay attention to their expressions, looked at the sky outside, and poohed with a face full of misfortune:
"The gods of water in the past few years came at almost a fixed time. Every year, it was just a few days. This year, it's good, it's more than half a month earlier! And it's still at this point in the morning!"

 My teeth hurt so much in the middle of the night, and my hands were shaking when I typed, it was killing me...

  I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a dental checkup, and when I come back in the afternoon, I'll start breaking out!
(End of this chapter)

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