People are full of pirates

Chapter 3 1st point reward!

Chapter 3 The first point reward!
See the word as the face.

Looking at this familiar handwriting, that girl who is stubborn and sincere on weekdays, who is obviously the same age as herself, but often poses as a big sister and likes to stand out for herself, seems to be in front of her.

Nuoxia couldn't help laughing. While drinking the herbal tea provided by the restaurant to relieve the summer heat, he opened the letterhead and slowly looked at it from the beginning under the envious gaze of Rosannadi.

The first few paragraphs, as he expected, were full of questions about why he didn't contact him for so long.

A series of strong exclamation marks seemed to jump out of the letter, to help the angrily young girl, and beat his head hard.

In the middle of writing, the girl barely managed to let out her breath, her breath began to soften, and the exclamation mark disappeared.

For example, he was worried about whether he was bullied by his seniors in the headquarters, whether the food in the restaurant was good enough for his appetite, and when he left the East China Sea, he was still in his early eighteenth meter, and now he has secretly grown taller, and so on.

"The guess is accurate..." Nuoxia scratched his head. He has indeed risen by several centimeters in the past few months. At this rate, I am afraid that he will break through two meters before the end of the year.

When she sees Belmer again, it is estimated that the other party will only be able to reach his chest if he has to stand on tiptoe. I don't know if she will be frightened...

The eyes continued to browse down, and when I saw the last paragraph, the exclamation mark reappeared.

[Everything that needs to be said is above!Hee hee, are you already moved to tears, think I'm thinking too much? 】

[Finally, stupid Noxia!You promised me that we would get married after your twentieth birthday, and now there is less than a year left. You should be ready, right? When are you going to return to the East China Sea to marry me? 】

Nuoxia gushed out a mouthful of tea, and Shiliu, who was on the opposite side, unfortunately suffered, but at this moment, he couldn't care about the latter who raised his head with murderous intent.

Getting married after your twentieth birthday?
When did I say such a thing!
It is true that he and Bellmer are very close childhood sweethearts, but the two have never had a serious love affair. .

oh no...

The distant memories hidden in the back of his mind were recalled, and Nuoxia suddenly remembered that when he was six or seven years old, Bellmer accidentally fell from the tree while climbing a tree in order to pick oranges for himself. cry.

At that time, I had said everything to comfort her, and it seemed that there was a saying about getting married at the age of [-].


Nuoxia immediately took a sip of the herbal tea.

Isn't it right, this kind of kid's coaxing counts?Back then, he had a lot of bullshit with the girl under the orange tree, how could she just remember this shitty thing?
Nuoxia rubbed his brows, and his head suddenly became big-he had always adhered to the concept of his previous life, and felt that getting married was at least after the age of twenty-five, and he was still far away from his young self!
What's more, he also activated the love cell culture system today, and is counting on this thing to be reliable and help him break through the current physical limit and realize his dream of becoming the top powerhouse in the navy.

If he just became a married man in such a daze, he would still talk about a hammer love, a strategy for a fart...

"Wait a minute……"

Nuoxia suddenly remembered something, and her expression changed slightly - since Bermel has spread the word to such a point, what is the relationship between the two of them now?Does it meet the love relationship determination in the system rules?

He subconsciously reopened the attribute panel, swiped to the information bar at the top right, and sure enough, he saw such a prompt in the blank space.

[Bellmeier has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 4000 points]

[The relationship has not yet been established, please make persistent efforts, complete the final strategy as soon as possible, and get the second reward]

Is there really a reward?
Seeing the balance of points that had turned into "5501" points, Nuo Xia was both surprised and delighted, a feeling similar to being demolished and transformed from a pauper to a nouveau riche overnight.

Of course, this point is not enough to be called a nouveau riche, but it is enough for him to buy the two cheap random items of the week, and he still has the energy to exchange for basic attribute points, so he won't be in a dilemma like before.

"Is it only an ambiguous relationship..."

Nuoxia clenched the letterhead and pondered secretly - he reckoned that it might not be difficult for him to establish a formal love relationship with Bermel. After all, the basis of the relationship is there, as long as you make a phone call and talk about it, everything will come naturally.

But he couldn't do it, and even for the next period of time, Nuoxia had already made up his mind to reply only by letter, and never contact Bellmer on the phone, so as not to be involved in the whirlpool of the topic of "marriage".

In a word, don’t think about it, let’s make good use of the points you have earned before talking about it!

Thinking of the things that can be exchanged from the system at present, Nuoxia couldn't contain the excitement in her heart.

Intermediate paper painting, add some attributes, here I come!
He put away the letterhead, finished the last bit of food in three or two bites, burped contentedly, left the restaurant with his two friends, and excitedly turned back towards the training ground.

Today's training mission has been completed, but the name of Nuo Xia's training madman is well-known in the elite camp of the headquarters, and Rosannadi and Shiliu have long been surprised by this.

However, today's situation is still a bit special. The two looked at Rosie's retreating back with strange faces, then turned their heads in tacit understanding and looked at each other.

"You see it too, Shiryu?"

"Well, that guy, he seems to be surprisingly motivated today..."

The reason is also obvious, and it is inseparable from the pink letter that Lieutenant General Karp brought.

"It's great, if I also have a girl I love to ask for help, let's not talk about extra training, even if I'm exhausted on the training ground in the middle of the night, there's no problem!"

"Um..." Shiliu rarely sneered without sarcasm.

On the night of the early summer of 1501 in Haiyuanli, the air in the corner of the restaurant was filled with a sour smell.

 Mengxin wrote a book for the first time, and asked for a recommendation ticket. In addition, the book has been signed. After the signing process is completed, it will maintain a minimum of two updates per day during the new book period.


(End of this chapter)

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