People are full of pirates

Chapter 304 Turned Out to Help Tokushima

Chapter 304 Turned Out to Help Tokushima


While chatting and laughing, the two of them arrived at the pier unknowingly.

Two large warships have been waiting there for a long time, ready to go, ready to go to the new world at any time.

One of them is unremarkable, a temporary ship chosen by Aokiji at random, and it is no different from the rest of the standard warships in the headquarters.

The other one is quite conspicuous and special.

The hull is brand new, with bright white paint. Although it is only slightly larger than a standard warship, the muzzles of the artillery on both sides have doubled.

What was even more eye-catching was the collision of the ship's head. It was a huge blue eagle with unruly eyes and soaring wings.


This was the name of this warship. It had just left the factory a month ago, and it was only delivered to the headquarters last week. It hadn't even participated in a single battle.

That's right.

The Thunder Eagle is a warship designed and built by Murloc Tom from the Capital of Seven Waters for Nuo Xia himself.

half year ago.

Tom once made a solemn promise to Nuo Xia to build him the strongest warship in the world.

But now, the old man is worthy of his reputation as the world's number one shipbuilder, and has perfectly fulfilled his promise.

This "Thunderhawk", according to the professional test of the headquarters, the final performance test results are simply amazing.

In addition to the double firepower, whether it is the firmness of the hull structure or the theoretical maximum speed, the Thunder Eagle is far ahead of warships of the same level, and is the undisputed strongest warship in the entire navy.

At that time, all the lieutenant generals were envious of this warship, and Aokiji touched and looked to the left greedily, and his saliva almost flowed down.

Being able to do this is not only because of Tom's excellent shipbuilding skills, but also because the main part of the entire ship is made of "Treasure Tree Adam" as the raw material.

Because the treasure tree Adam is one of the few strongest trees in the world, it is rumored that no matter how tragic the war, it can stand upright.

So even if it's just a piece of wood, it can often be sold for a sky-high price of [-] million Baileys in the black market, and there is often no market for the price.

Nuo Xia is no stranger to it.

One Piece King Gol D Roger's ship "Orson Jackson" and Luffy's new ship "Wanli Sunshine" in the future are all made of this tree.

Of course, Tom couldn't afford Adam wood. He told Nuo Xia in his letter that the wood used to build this warship was exactly what was left over from the entire treasure tree Adam that Roger had delivered to him.

The same "treasure tree Adam" was used to build the strongest pirate ship and the strongest warship...

Nuo Xia thought it was quite interesting. The former helped Roger and started the era of great pirates. What if the latter ended the era of great pirates in his own hands?
Nuo Xia and Qingzhi each set foot on their own ships.

"Lieutenant General Nuo Xia!"

As soon as they boarded the deck, countless sailors stood at attention and saluted Nuo Xia, casting eager and reverent gazes at Nuo Xia.

A total of [-] marines.

These are Nuo Xia's direct subordinates, and they are also the absolute elite selected by him from the headquarters.

It's funny too.

Before the delivery of the "Thunderhawk", Steel Gu Kong instructed Nuo Xia to start building his own direct troops. As soon as the news came out, it triggered an unprecedented upsurge of registration in the entire Marin Vanduo.

Due to the increasingly prominent military achievements in the past two years, Nuo Xia's prestige in the navy has also increased, and it can be said that there are countless fans.

As a result, there were only about [-] vacancies, but more than ten times as many naval soldiers rushed to sign up. In those days, the thresholds of relevant departments were trampled down...

If it's just the grassroots, it's fine. According to the regulations of the headquarters, each large warship commanded by the lieutenant general of the headquarters will be equipped with a major general and a brigadier general as adjutants.

These two positions were also robbed.

In just one day, more than [-] applications were submitted to the steel-bone empty desk, making this old marshal who has lived for almost a hundred years and has seen all kinds of turbulent waves send out for a long time It took me a while to come back to my senses.

Then he simply handed over the final decision to Nuo Xia.

Nuo Xia flipped through the thick stack of files sent, and made a decision quite quickly, and two candidates were confirmed on the same day.

And these two adjutants are exactly——

"Lieutenant General."

Two tall figures in white cloaks of justice surrounded them from left to right, saluting solemnly, and Nuo Xia nodded at them, chuckling:
"Long time no see, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider."


The flying squirrel opposite smiled and nodded, "It's been almost two years."

The ghost spider grinned. He hasn't been too long. He just fought side by side with Nuo Xia in the Chambord Islands more than half a year ago.

That's right.

The two adjutants selected by Nuo Xia are exactly the two of them. One is a major general and the other is a brigadier general. They were both transferred from other places to the headquarters at the beginning of this year.

The reason why Nuo Xia chose the two of them is also very simple.

First of all, the teacher came from the same sect, not only have the natural close relationship of Zefa disciples, but also have dealt with each other long ago, and know each other well.

come two...

Of course, the potential of the two is considered.

In the timeline of the comics, the future flying squirrels and ghost spiders are all well-known and veteran elite lieutenant generals in the headquarters. They are second only to the three generals in terms of strength and status.

Bringing these two people under his command at the same time will not only be the most capable assistant in the future, but also a sense of accomplishment.

The flying squirrel and ghost spider looked at Nuo Xia with emotion.

Their first acquaintance with Nuo Xia can be traced back to three years ago at the earliest. At that time, they were already the best among the young generals. Nuo Xia was just an unknown recruit whom he met when he visited Zefa.

But now, three years later, the opponent has become the most dazzling lieutenant general in the headquarters, an existence they can only look up to on tiptoe.

They also became the direct subordinates of the other party, but they applied for it on their own initiative. There was no jealousy or dissatisfaction towards this young junior, only full of respect and admiration...

The two watched Nuo Xia walk towards the bow, looked at the sea in the distance, waved his hands slightly, and gave an order in a cold voice:

"Since everyone is here, let's go!"

"Target, New World, Kingdom of Dressrosa!"

The voice just fell.

There was a thunderous response from the entire deck:
"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

Far away, the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

A certain bustling city along the coast is full of gunpowder smoke, and the surrounding streets are in dilapidated condition. It is obvious that it has just experienced a dismal war.

"Finally I can rest for a while..."

In the temporary palace, King Liku sat down, gasped violently, gritted his teeth and said:

"This gang of bastard pirates is really endless. They drive away waves and come again. Do you really think that we Dressrosa are easy to mess with?"

Since the violent turmoil caused by the text of the historical road sign, there have been many pirate groups in the new world, screaming and rushing to Tokushima to kill.

The critical situation along the coast forced him to go to the fringe towns to defend himself, taking all the royal palaces with him.

Up to now, I have fought bloody battles for three days and three nights, and I have experienced countless battles.

"His Majesty……"

The army commander, Cyrus, knelt on the ground with a guilty expression on his face, "All of this happened because of me. Now the country is in crisis. All they want is my head. If you really can't resist it, why not..."

"What are you talking about, Cyrus!"

Before Cyrus could finish speaking, King Liku interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said displeasedly:
"You didn't do anything wrong from the beginning to the end! Could it be that you watched that female pirate named Karina burning, killing and looting the town?"

"Exchange your head for the peace of the country? Hmph, how do you let the people think of this old man, and how do you let that girl Scarlet think of her father?"

Mentioning the wife who was willing to abandon her status as a princess to be with him, Cyrus' body trembled slightly, and he raised his head without saying a word.

"So... don't mention such stupid words in the future!"

King Liku laughed loudly, "Understood, fight hard and live hard! Don't forget, you are a man who has won more than 4000 games in a row in the arena!"

When Cyrus nodded vigorously and stepped aside, King Liku turned his head and asked again:

"Is there any latest reply from the navy, who is it to send, and when will it arrive?"

"It is said that it has already set off several days ago." A minister replied in a low voice, "But it is only said that two middle-aged futures will be sent, and the specific candidates have not been disclosed..."

"Two lieutenant generals?"

King Liku rubbed the center of his brows. This is indeed a terrifying combat power. In normal times, it is definitely more than enough to sit in Tokushima.

But now the situation is special, the new world is in chaos, even the emperors of the sea are involved, I still feel a little uneasy...

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Suddenly, a panicked voice sounded, and a guard rushed in, "Thirty nautical miles to the north, a large number of pirate ships are approaching!"

"here we go again?"

King Liku was startled, and Cyrus below him frowned, and murmured: "It's only been less than half an hour since the last wave of offensive. It seems that there are more and more pirates targeting Tokushima. Ah..."

"There is no way, the capital is behind you, and there are millions of citizens."

King Liku suddenly jumped up from the throne, grabbed his weapon and took the lead to rush out of the palace, roaring:
"No matter how many pirates come, you have to hold back, everyone, charge with me and defeat these bastard pirates!"

There was a dull bang, countless water jets splashed, and the ferocious sea kings wailed, and their bodies sank into the sea.

This big guy really can't think about it, his eyesight is not good, it's not good to stop someone's boat, he has to attack Lieutenant General Nuo Xia's boat...

On the deck of the warship, the sailors shook their heads, watching this giant sea king with pity.

After the slender figure in the white cloak of justice floated down from the sky, he bypassed the corpses of the sea kings and continued to head towards Tokushima at full speed.

"With a single punch, he killed the sea kings with a size of more than a thousand meters."

On the boat next door, Aokiji leaned on the wicker chair and squinted at Nuo Xia, "It's hard for me to do this, your physique is really getting more and more terrifying..."

Nuo Xia smiled and didn't say anything. These four months of mindless practice were not in vain. Apart from swordsmanship and fruit abilities, both hands must be grasped and both hands must be hardened. few.

On the data level, the strength attribute has been increased a bit, from 34 to 35.

"How long is it to Tokushima?"

He stretched himself, and casually asked the adjutant next to him, Flying Squirrel.

"It's very close. If you keep sailing at this speed, you can reach it in up to six hours, that is, before tonight."

The flying squirrel replied in a deep voice.

"That's pretty fast."

Nuo Xia nodded slightly, relieved a lot.

According to the news sent back by the naval intelligence department in the morning, the situation in Tokushima is relatively optimistic.

The leading pirate group mainly took advantage of being relatively close to Tokushima, and their strength is very average. The pirate captain with the most rewards is only [-] to [-] million Baileys.

These pirates were all repelled by the army led by King Liku, and so far they have not even been able to break through a town.

And at night, after the navy arrived, Tokushima could rest easy, and King Liku's army could also go to sleep well and rest comfortably all night.

But right now.

Ghost Spider suddenly opened the door with an ugly face and came out of the cabin: "Lieutenant General, the situation has changed. The situation in Tokushima is probably not very good."

"Huh?" Nuo Xia frowned, "What's going on?"

"Just now, the front line sent the latest information."

The ghost spider handed over the document in his hand, "An hour ago, the three captains all offered a reward of over [-] million to the big pirate group. They suddenly announced the formation of a coalition force, arrived at the southeast coast of Tokushima, and began to attack. The scale is huge, with twenty There are more than [-] troops and more than [-] troops."

"Although King Liku's army has tens of thousands of people, they must defend the entire coastline after all. There are only three or four thousand deployed in this city."

The ghost spider hesitated, "There is a huge difference in military strength, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to hold on..."

Three big pirates with a reward of over [-] million, joined forces to attack?

Nuo Xia flipped through the documents, and exchanged glances with Aokiji, who had rushed over after hearing the movement, with serious expressions on his face.

"Liku Wangjun, definitely won't be able to last for six hours." Aokiji said in a low voice, "It seems that we have to go one step ahead."

"Well, the later you arrive, the greater the casualties, so we can't delay."

Nuo Xia nodded, turned his head and said to his subordinates, "Kuzan and I will set off first, you continue to sail at full speed, follow as soon as possible."

The flying squirrel and the ghost spider nodded: "Understood, lieutenant general, be careful."

"rest assured."

The voyage of more than six hours naturally couldn't be covered by moon steps. Aokiji took out his bicycle and landed on the sea surface. The cold air immediately froze an icy road.

The green pheasant pedaled fast, and rushed out like a puff of smoke at a speed several times that of the warship.

And Nuo Xia...

The navies on the two warships watched him stepping up from the ground with moon steps. The moment his hind feet left the deck, there was a sudden twist of light on the protruding blade of his back, and a pair of blue wings surrounded by thunder appeared. Swish it out.


Under the stunned gaze of countless sea soldiers, Nuo Xia's figure shot out like a shooting star at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

After a while, it easily overtook the green pheasant on the sea surface, turned into a small black spot at the far end, and gradually disappeared from sight...

(End of this chapter)

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