People are full of pirates

Chapter 319 3 Days 3 Nights

Chapter 319 Three days and three nights
"Title Page Serialization Four Emperors Chapter 2 "It's Queen Mother's Singing Number!""

"Everyone looked in the direction that Saqi pointed, and their faces changed drastically. The singing voice did exist, but it was not a human being who was singing, but a giant ship slowly coming from the thick fog. Xia Xia on the deck The executives of the Lott family are looking at them with the same astonishment."

"These guys are also going to Har Island to save people? It's such a coincidence that they met... The captains looked serious and were about to draw their weapons, but Whitebeard snorted coldly, brandishing the big knife Cong Yunqie and charged forward first. On the other side of the bow, the crazy laughter of "Mama Mama" was also heard, and the body as fat as a mountain of meat stepped out, and met the white beard head-on."

"The two emperors of the sea fought to the edge of the universe, and the road was wiped out..."


Seeing Morgans looking, the man in the green hood nodded kindly.

Then, in the hand of the subordinate of the news agency, he brought a monocular, pointed it at the battlefield above the sky, and said politely:
"Please lend it to me, thank you."

This thin reporter was sweating profusely from his temples, and his body was so stiff that he dared not move at all. He could only watch helplessly as his telescope was "borrowed".

"Many... many... Dorag!!!"

Morgans managed to come back to his senses. Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, he jumped up and screamed:
"Hey, hey, what's going on here, guy, why did you appear here?!"

"It's raining too much, and it's not very clear from below."

Long didn't look at him, but just weighed the binoculars in his hands, "It's too dangerous to watch from the top of the island. After thinking about it, your place is the most suitable, with a good view and no rain."

"Is this what I asked!!!"

Morgans was shocked. You are the leader of the rebel who is regarded as the biggest threat by the world government. How dare you come to such a place to join in the fun when countless forces are focusing on Hal Island?

If it's just to join in the fun, it's fine, but you still come to rub against my boat without saying a word, trying to scare people to death, you bastard!
Long didn't answer any more, but just raised his binoculars, quietly watching the peak duel over Har Island.

As for Morgons, seeing that the dragon did not show any hostility, he suddenly calmed down a lot, and began to look up and down the dragon in surprise.

It seems that this guy, at the beginning of the year, just overturned a franchise country in the new world on the side of the West Sea, causing a lot of trouble and making the world government lose face.

But now he suddenly appeared in the new world. Could it be that he was planning to attack the country here?
Is it the Kingdom of Dressrosa, or the Kingdom of Prodence?
There are only these two countries in the nearby sea area, but these two eggs have no gaps. Even if your fly belongs to the dragon, there is no way to bite it...

"Stop guessing."

Long's voice sounded faintly, "I just happened to pass by, just to see the excitement."

Pure passerby, who would believe it?
Morgons snorted, but he didn't dare to express his doubts too clearly. Seeing that Long ignored his interest, he had no choice but to shut up obediently and return his attention to the island.

"Romanov Norsha..."

Long stared at the figure in the air, and muttered to himself in a voice only he could hear.

In fact, he didn't lie to Morgonz, he just happened to pass by this time, and he heard that Nuo Xia was here to fight Kaido, so he came here specially to observe.

He was so familiar with this name, whether it was the news on the front pages of the newspapers or the letter warning from Xiong, they all left a deep impression on him.

Even last time, in order to entrust Luffy, he reunited with his father after a long absence;
The old man, who had always been gloomy, was beaming and proud when talking about Nuo Xia's impressive achievements, as if he was his own son.

All of this made him feel endlessly curious about this man.

This guy seems to be in his early 20s, right?Countless miracles have already been created.


The enemy this time is Kaido, who is one of the emperors of the sea and has the title of "the strongest creature in the sea, land and air".

To be able to hold on to it all night in his hands is already quite remarkable.

It was dawn now, and if there were no accidents, within a few hours, the battle would be completely decided, right?



Accompanied by the earth-shattering roar, the two giant dragons stalemate in mid-air for a moment. In the end, the blue thunder dragon was bitten by Kaido's head, and its body suddenly collapsed into countless fragments. Come.

But Kaido is obviously not feeling well either.

Not only was his head scorched black, but his body also had many scales that fell off or were half-drooped, dripping with blood, which looked shocking.

There was even more zesty electric current all over his dragon body, crackling continuously, until Kaido let out a roar, covered his whole body with the dark armed color, flicked his tail suddenly, and wiped out the remaining power of the thunder dragon.

"In the end, it's just nourishment!"

The cyan dragon gasped violently for a while, then raised its head and stared at Nuo Xia on the top of the mountain, with a grin on his face, "It's really good to be able to use such a move, but don't forget, you are not the only one who can control wind and thunder, Brat!"

The moment the voice fell, Kaido suddenly opened his bloody mouth wide open, and a white thunder burst out like a laser cannon, shooting straight towards the top of the mountain with the momentum of engulfing everything!

"The green dragon fruit is quite comprehensive..."

Lei Zhu magnified quickly in his eyes, and Nuo Xia raised his brows slightly, "Why, are you going to confront me..."

His eyes were slightly closed, and when he opened them again the next moment, his dark pupils had already turned into a dazzling blue, and two dazzling thunder rays burst out from the bright eye sockets!

Compared with the thunder from Qinglong's mouth, although the two thunder rays are much thinner, the current intensity is far from comparable to the former.

The moment they collided in mid-air, it was like a hot knife cutting butter, easily piercing the Thunder Pillar, splitting it into three!
But looking along the cut gap, there is no Qinglong figure on the far side.

Nuo Xia's expression changed slightly.

"I've been fooled, brat!"

Kaido's voice suddenly sounded from above his head.

Accompanied by the circular rotation of the dragon's body like a top, more than a dozen huge tornadoes formed in an instant, blocking all directions within a few kilometers of the entire sky.

"I don't have the patience to play with you anymore, let's stop here!"

"Ultimate Tornado...bad wind!"

Kaido looked down at Nuo Xia, and suddenly opened his mouth again, a terrifying white dragon's breath suddenly pierced the entire night sky, spreading mightily downward, setting off a wave of terrifying air like a torrent.

Wherever it passed, whether it was mountains or forests, everything was instantly crushed to powder by the huge pressure difference.

At the same time, the dozens of tornadoes that were originally floating in different directions rose up one after another as if they had been summoned, and converged towards the center.

In all directions of Har Island, people who were staring blankly at the scene of the sky were suddenly shaken by the wind and waves, closed their eyes, and couldn't even open them again.

Only some stronger people, or the lucky ones who were far away, saw the six tornadoes approaching the center of the vortex through their squinted eyes, roaring and rushing in!
The storm finally officially descended, and a total of twelve tornadoes collided with each other, making the movement caused by the collision of the blue and blue dragons just now seem so insignificant at this moment.

The sky was gray and the morning light was chaotic, and at the edge of the aftermath of the air wave, white lines spread outward like a giant python, and were instantly submerged by the roaring waves.

In this environment, just standing on the ground and preventing yourself from being swept into the sky by the strong wind is already a great challenge.

And the huge movement caused by this storm also attracted the attention of Qingzhi who was fighting hard in the distance.

He looked up at the blurred figure of Nuo Xia in the storm, and his face became extremely ugly.

This should be Kaido Shenlong's strongest trump card, right?With this move, I am afraid that Kaido himself paid a lot of price, obviously holding the idea of ​​a quick battle and wanting to determine the outcome with one move.

Such a terrifying destructive power...

Nuo Xia, can you stand it...


Time seems to pass more slowly in the torment.

I don't know how long it took before the wind and waves gradually subsided. Looking up, those terrifying giant tornadoes were also slowly drifting away. The rising sky in the morning had no shelter and became clear again.

The battle... is it finally over?

Everyone seemed to have survived the end of the world, looking at the sky over there in a daze.


Everyone couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

On the crumbled mountain top, which was completely disfigured, a thunder light suddenly lit up, rushed straight into the sky, and went straight to the entrenched green dragon.

That guy, there's nothing wrong with him?
Countless people were breathless, while Aokiji twitched the corners of his eyes, smiled wryly, turned around, and continued to focus on the battle with the two disasters.

What a monster...

What are you are actually worried about that guy, just falling in the storm like this?

In contrast.

I'm afraid it's still the situation on my side, it's more critical...

In the light of thunder.

On Nuo Xia's body, the white shields like thick cocoons dissipated, and the concentrated thunder intensity condensed inside, if released, it could easily level several surrounding hills.

In an instant, the endless electric current was compressed and deformed into a "protective suit" covering the whole body. This is one of the high-level techniques for using the thunderous fruit that he has mastered during several months of practice.

These tornadoes of Kaido are mixed with extremely strong and strong armed colors. After being surrounded by groups, if they want to rely on the elementalization of natural fruits to escape, they have no chance at all.

It was by this method that he was able to withstand such a terrifying storm attack head-on, and he was still safe and sound. Apart from a lot of physical exertion when condensing the shield, he didn't even have any injuries on his body.

"Troublesome brat..."

The cyan dragon's eyes were scarlet, and he was also full of disbelief, but seeing that the thunder light was heading straight towards him, he could only put aside his distracting thoughts, roar angrily, and meet him again.

Although the possibility of defeating Nuo Xia with one blow and ending the battle early has been cut off, until now, he still has the upper hand without a doubt.

Then keep playing!This kind of high-intensity fierce battle, even he can't last long, let's see how long this kid can resist!

This battle lasted for three days and three nights.

The night and morning were constantly changing, and in the blink of an eye, it was late at night on the fourth day. More and more forces came to the vicinity of Har Island to watch, but the fierce battle above the sky still did not tell the winner.

"Cough, cough..."

In the night, Kaido was holding the mace tightly, panting violently, staring at the opposite side with his bloodshot eyes, his eyes were full of fierce light.

At this moment, he has changed from a dragon body back to a human form.

Looking at the whole body, there is almost no intact muscle, and the muscular chest is even more blood-stained. It is not enough to describe it with bruises all over the body. It is like a demon that just crawled out of hell.

When he was transformed into a dragon before, the injuries on his body were not obvious, but after returning to human form, they were fully revealed.


His appearance covered in cuts and bruises looks quite terrifying, but after all, they are only skin trauma, which is nothing to his self-healing ability.

The real trouble is that after the thunder enters the body, it affects the damaged internal organs.

The thunderous fruit is, after all, one of the most powerful natural fruit abilities in the world.

Under Nuo Xia's control, the destructive power is terrifying, even if it is as strong as the Four Emperors, it cannot be taken lightly.


Even so, Kaido's fighting spirit has not diminished in the slightest, on the contrary, there are signs of getting stronger and stronger. A palpitating terrifying aura condenses around him and lingers for a long time.

"Go on, brat!"

After spitting out a mouthful of blood foam, he shouted angrily, his body shot out like a cannonball, he raised his mace high, and threw it at Nuo Xia in the thunder light.

Accompanied by the dull crashing sound, the figures of Kaido and Shano crossed each other, and immediately they both fell back in the air with a distance of more than ten meters.

And the next moment, the two raised their heads at the same time, looked at each other for a second, and confronted each other again angrily.

 It will be 100 million words soon, so fast, I think it took 4 years for Haifeng Jianhao to write [-] million words, haha
(End of this chapter)

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