People are full of pirates

Chapter 37 The invincible chapter is here, the actual combat assessment!

Chapter 37 The invincible I am back, the actual combat assessment!

The ship was even quieter than Nuoxia had imagined.

From the deck to the cabin, I could not hear any movement, nor could I see any lights.

T Penn held a saber in his hand and followed behind him. His expression was a little nervous, and his eyes kept scanning the corners of the surrounding walls, in case someone suddenly attacked from behind.

"There really isn't one."

Nuoxia walked patiently through all the rooms in the cabin before returning to the door with a frown.

"But there was no blood, no damage from fighting, some bedding was still open, and the food in the kitchen still had residual warmth..."

This is even weirder.

Obviously, a few hours ago, the pirate ship was still full of people, but what happened later, so that everyone on board disappeared, leaving only the pirate ship drifting alone at sea?
At this moment, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

In the dim line of sight, a dark shadow suddenly jumped down from the top of the mast and came straight towards them.


Penn's expression changed greatly, and he was about to raise his knife to attack, but was stopped by Nuoxia in front of him.


The shadow fell to the ground and hit the wooden board with a soft sound. Penn took a closer look and realized that it was a black cat.

The black cat is chubby, with shiny fur all over his body. At a glance, he can tell that he usually eats well and is well cared for.

It landed on the ground, and after stretching its body lazily, it raised its head and looked at the two strangers in front of it curiously.

"This little guy, scared me."

Only then did Penn breathe a sigh of relief. He squatted down, rubbed the black cat's head with a smile, and then turned to look at Nuoxia, "Mr. Nuoxia, what should we do?"

"If there is no one on the boat, we have nothing to stay on, let's go."

Nuoxia looked a little disappointed. After looking around the empty deck at last, she pointed to the pirate flag flying on the mast and said, "Tear it off and bring it on, maybe it will be useful."


Penn hurriedly followed the order, and when he climbed the mast and jumped down with the torn pirate flag, Nuoxia had already returned to the speedboat, and took the black cat with him by the way.

"This cat should have been abandoned on the boat by the pirates. You are so loving, and you saved it..."

Penn returned to the speedboat with a smile. Before he could finish speaking, he saw Nuoxia suddenly pinching the black cat's neck and pressing it into the sea with a blank expression.

"Eh?" Penn was shocked, "You... what are you doing?"

"Too naive, boy."

Nuoxia said in a sincere tone, "This world is very dangerous. You never know if a kitten that looks harmless to humans and animals is a hidden devil fruit person—"

His eyes were sharp, and his voice suddenly raised a tone:

"In my opinion, maybe this guy is the murderer who created this unmanned ship!"

"..." Penn opened his mouth slightly and fell into a mess in the sea breeze.

Mr. Nuoxia is handsome, kind, considerate to his subordinates... Anywhere is good, the superior in his dreams should be like this.

But this is all right, what happened to the brain circuit suddenly?
Why do you have so much malice towards a poor kitten?

Looking at the black cat struggling desperately in the sea, Peng swallowed his saliva after a long time, and said weakly:

"But it has been soaking in the sea water for so long, and it doesn't look weak at all. It should be... Shouldn't it?"

"is it?"

Nuo Xia glanced at the little black cat who was still struggling to resist, slipped it back, put it on the deck, and shook his wet right hand casually, "Well, I think so too."

"So it's alright, let's continue on our way."

Penn: "..."


At about four in the morning, the speedboat carrying two people and one cat finally arrived at Celeste Island.

This is a medium-sized island as long and narrow as a crescent moon. There is a towering lonely mountain in the north of the island. There are several towns under the mountain. Along the coastline, there are also a few small villages sparsely distributed.

The southernmost is an excellent natural port, which is full of ships of various colors.

Nuoxia looked around by the moonlight, and soon found the particularly conspicuous headquarters-style warship.

In the towns farther away, the fire was soaring into the sky, and even if it was several kilometers away, it could still be faintly heard, and there were bursts of battle screams coming from the depths of the night.

"Mr. Nuoxia, the task of sending you here is complete, and it's time for me to go back."

T Penn gave Nuoxia a standard military salute and said with a grin, "It was a pleasure to spend the past two days with you. I hope I will have the opportunity to meet you on Gur Island in the future!"

"Haha, me too, let's go."

Nuoxia patted the boy on the shoulder cheerfully and watched him leave in the speedboat.

The other party was able to become a colonel of the headquarters later, and it is estimated that he had studied in the elite camp of Zefa, so Nuoxia felt that he would not need to go to the 329 branch by himself in the future. Maybe in a few years, he will be able to see you as a senior brother in Marin Vando. to this kid.

When the speedboat disappeared from sight, Nuoxia stepped on the dock and went straight to the familiar warship at the fastest speed.

He couldn't wait to participate in the actual combat assessment, but before that, he had to find Qingzhi and report before he could officially enter the arena.

In addition, he encountered the ghost pirate ship at sea a few hours ago, and he felt that he should report it to the top. This kind of strange incident may have hidden important information behind it.


After waiting on the warship, he realized that he was like stepping on another ghost ship. Whether it was the deck or the cabin, it was empty, and there was not a single person in sight...

"what's the situation?"

After turning around and returning to the deck, Nuoxia touched the stubble on her chin, frowning in confusion, "Shouldn't be, people? Where did they go?"

The more than [-] members of the elite camp were definitely not on the boat at this time, and they all went to the island for the actual combat assessment, but what about the green pheasant, and those fellow instructors from the headquarters?
If you don't stay alone on the warship, you won't be afraid that the pirates on the island will die and the net will be broken. Seize the opportunity and secretly burn it with a fire?
"Hey, where have all the people gone?"

At this moment, a lazy voice that was so familiar that it could no longer be familiar suddenly came from above, with a teasing chuckle, "Why, boy, am I not human?"

Nuoxia was slightly startled.

He turned around slowly, looked up at the second floor of the cabin, and happened to meet a pair of clear and clean, almost pink eyes, looking at each other from a distance.

alone, looking up;

One on top, looking down.

It was very similar to the scene when he and the owner of this pair of pink eyes met for the first time on this warship when he just left Marin Fando.

"Brigadier General Gion..."

After being slightly absent-minded for a second or two, Nuoxia quickly regained her composure. He looked at Taotu's delicate face with a smile, and shrugged helplessly:
"In the middle of the night, don't suddenly talk over my head, okay? It's scary and good?"

(End of this chapter)

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