People are full of pirates

Chapter 42 The Four Pirate Captains

Chapter 42 The Four Pirate Captains
"One third of the people left..."

Hearing this number, Aokiji's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't feel too surprised, "Well, it's not easy to have so many people persevere under the pressure of the sudden surge of pirate reinforcements."

These are just recruits who have just joined the headquarters for less than a year. Can they only be said to be disciples taught by Teacher Zefa?

As for the more than [-] pirates, where did they come from...

This seems really weird at first glance.

But standing at the height of the green pheasant, he doesn't need to go down the mountain in person. He only needs to let his subordinates catch a few pirates and interrogate them, and he can easily come to the answer——


"The door fruit ability person."

Facing the question raised by Nuoxia, Shiliu rolled the smoke and slowly spit out such an answer.

At this moment, in the entire alley, there are pirates lying all over the ground.

As for the three people who solved these pirates, only Nuoxia was still full of energy. Both Shiliu and Rosannadi sat down against the wall, looking exhausted, but Shiliu still cheered up and explained to Nuoxia.

Two hours before he met Nuoxia, he intercepted and killed a cadre in a block to the west. Before killing the other party, he used some interrogation methods and obtained a lot of useful information.

Among them are several questions that Nuoxia has always been puzzled about.

According to the cadre, their more than [-] pirates came from an organization called the Xihai Underground Alliance.

There are more than a dozen pirate groups under the organization's name. Capone Beatr, who was born out of the Sopranos, is one of the leaders of the organization.

After learning that his stronghold was attacked by the navy, Beatr was so anxious that he wanted to rush over in person, but he was busy fighting with another group of Sopranos and couldn't get away at all.

In desperation, he had to pay a huge amount of money to send these guys who are half "allies" to come to support quickly.

This group of reinforcements of [-] people consists of four pirate regiments. The four captains are old pirates who have been in the West Sea for many years and have a close relationship with Beate.

Among them, the captain of the Black-brimmed Hat Pirates, named "Big Black Hat" Ron, has a bounty of only 2800 million Baileys, which is the lowest among the four captains.

However, this guy is a rare ability person in the world. As early as more than ten years ago, he ate the fruit of the superhuman system.

When he was about to arrive at Citris Island, in order to avoid the eyes of the navy in the port, Mr. Ron proposed to use his fruit ability to transfer all the pirates directly to the city, killing the navy by surprise.

This good idea was unanimously approved by the other three captains, and the latter fact proved that this assault tactic was indeed quite effective.

Not only the elite battalion soldiers who had the upper hand were stunned, but even the green pheasants who were monitoring the whole island on the top of the mountain didn't react immediately.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let this special situation happen.

"So, the unmanned ship I encountered at sea before was actually owned by these pirates?"

Nuoxia shook the black pirate flag in her hand and tutted.

"Big black hat... So, it just so happens that it's the ship of Captain Ron, who is the fruit of the door. Why did it drift so far?"

"It is estimated that his subordinates made a mistake when they anchored and stopped the ship."

Shiliu took a cigarette in his mouth, exhaled a large mouthful of smoke, and said lightly: "You just encountered an unmanned ship. It seems that the rest of the ships should be safe and sound."

"Well, that's how it should be." Nuoxia shrugged, "Old and unlucky."

——I don't know if I'm talking about this Mr. Ron, or the entire Pirate Reinforcement Alliance.

Obviously, although this Mr. Beatr has been in the Xihai underground for many years, the construction of the intelligence network is not so in place.


If he knew that the naval warship that attacked his stronghold was a group of recruits from the headquarters who came to participate in the assessment.

He would only be so scared that he would immediately give up on Citris Island and cut off all contact, so as not to be followed by others, where would he be doing this kind of loss-making business?
A group of new recruits to the headquarters is naturally nothing to be afraid of.

But... the students are coming to take the exam, then there must be a "teacher" to follow the protection and supervision, this is something that can be clearly figured out with the toes.

Now Beat himself has escaped the disaster, but the fate of the group of allies who came to send the head for him is obviously doomed.

"Does the door fruit..."

Nuoxia threw away the pirate flag and looked thoughtful.

This was indeed somewhat unexpected to him.

In fact, according to his guess, if these pirates who suddenly appeared were really related to the unmanned ghost ship.

It was probably a fat man named Capenberg, who secretly used the castle fruit to transport all the reinforcements in.

Now that I think about it, I'm still a bit preconceived.

Although they are both in the West Sea, this Capone family is not necessarily related to Capone Becky.

And if you calculate it carefully, that guy is only in his early twenties now, and he is struggling on the road to the underworld godfather. It is not certain whether he eats the fruit or not.

"What do you say now?"

After finishing his thoughts, he looked at Shiliu and Ronandi.

"I'm going to try my luck to see if I can run into those captains and raise the assessment rankings. How about you, will you follow along?"


Monica, who was listening silently to the side, was startled and couldn't help but looked up and said:

"Isn't it, Nuoxia?"

Although in her opinion, Nuoxia is indeed very strong now, and has made a lot of progress compared to the assessment more than a month ago, but it would be too exaggerated to target those few pirate captains?

This is not a guy they can deal with as recruits who have been in the camp for less than a year.

After all, among the four, even Ron, the "Big Black Hat" with the lowest bounty, has a bounty of nearly [-] million Baileys!
"What nonsense, do you need to ask? Let's go."

What surprised her even more was that Shiliu directly snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand and stood up.

On the side, Rosannadi did the same without hesitation.

The pace of the trio has always been astonishingly consistent.

"Hey, it's boring."

Nuoxia pouted and looked disappointed, "I thought you were too tired to walk, so you plan to take the credit alone."

"Hey, what the hell do you want to eat?"

Shiliu sneered, "Is it still a monopoly? I'm afraid that if I am besieged, I will lose half of my life. No matter how tired I am, I have to follow. Four captains, how can I get two points?"

"I...I think I can hit two too."

Rossindi was not to be outdone.

"One by one, I can see the cows flying in the sky."

Nuoxia rolled her eyes and said angrily:
"That's fine. When the time comes, let's talk about it first. If you really can't hold on to it, don't push it hard. Give up your seat and watch my performance..."

As the three of them spoke, they walked towards the alley in unison. Along the way, you were arguing for each other, and you could faintly hear the loud noises coming from afar.

"Should be watching my performance, right? I'll keep the words intact, I'll bounce it back to you, Brother Nuoxia."

"Rebound is invalid!"

"Shut up! You two childish bastards are so noisy!"

The few girls who were ignored at the back couldn't talk at all, they could only stay where they were, watching the backs of the three of them go away.

"Damn, these guys didn't plan to take us with you at all..."

Monica stomped her feet angrily, "Hey, Shia, what should we do, do we go with the past, or do we start with the little pirates who are separated?"

After resting for so long, her physical strength has recovered a lot, and she can barely fight, but she still has to let Shia, the strongest of the three, decide.

But for a long time, she didn't hear a response, and suddenly turned her head strangely: "Sia?"

The blue-haired girl who had been watching a certain figure quietly, finally withdrew her gaze.


She turned her head expressionlessly, looked at Monica, blinked, and a rare glimpse of doubt appeared in her eyes as clear as sea water:
"Did you talk just now?"

 I didn't stay up last night, this chapter is considered a supplement, and today's update will be put in the evening.

  PS: I recommend my friend Siyang's new book "Ninja Duel Field". It is an old author. The quality of Naruto has always been guaranteed. There are more than [-] old books. The portal is below. If you like this kind of thing, you can try it~

(End of this chapter)

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