Chapter 436
In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

The impact of the war on the top is gradually becoming apparent.

The era of great pirates has come to an end. There are no more pirates wandering in the sea. The remaining little shrimps and millets have long been frightened and fled in panic. They cannot escape being arrested and imprisoned in the end.

Only the lucky few can successfully conceal their identities and settle down in a chosen place.

And without the emperors of the sea who ruled one side, the navy has been advancing and expanding unimpeded in the New World, making this land that has been turbulent for decades return to the control of the world government.

A new order is being rapidly established, turmoil, chaos... and constant wars, these words seem to have been swept into the dustbin of history.


Under this seemingly bright and beautiful future, many discerning people can see an undercurrent.It is gradually surging.


The fourth month after the top, the beginning of the month.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

In the meeting room at the highest level, the atmosphere was extremely depressing. Almost all the high-ranking officers of the navy, including Akainu Aoki, had gloomy faces and breathed out clouds.

A thick document was slammed down on the table by Warring States in the main seat. He said in a low tone, "This is the monthly summary report of last month. Please circulate it to each other. Let's have a look."

"What catches your eyes."

Garp picked his nostrils and sneered, "You can guess it with your toes, isn't it the same as the previous two months, it's all those crap things."

The high-ranking navy present here all understood what he meant, and their complexions became a little gloomy.

The Navy Headquarters has always had the practice of conducting monthly summaries every month.

Three months ago, it was the same monthly summary, and it was also in this meeting room, but the atmosphere at that time was completely different.

At that time, the Dingshang War had just ended, the Pirate Alliance disappeared, and the Navy Headquarters took advantage of the victory to pursue and regain a large number of lost ground. The good news from the front line came like snowflakes, continuously.

Wherever the fleet went, the people welcomed it wholeheartedly. It could be said that they took advantage of the time, and the state of vigorous vitality and all things competing was still in front of our eyes.

However, only less than a month later, the situation began to change.

First, the world government issued a disarmament order, requiring the Navy headquarters to disarm by one-third, and the rest of the branches except New World to directly dismantle half.

This is also reasonable, Zhan Guo and others have long expected.

After all, it turned out that the size of the navy increased year after year because of the rampant pirates. Now that the era of great pirates has come to an end, reducing naval expenditure is a matter of course.

To be honest, at most, I feel that this action is a bit fast, there is only a buffer period of one month, which gives people a feeling of haste, and the rest is understandable.

But the series of things that happened later made it difficult for the senior officials of the Navy Headquarters to accept.

Probably because the rampant pirates have been completely wiped out, and the sea today is much safer and more stable than before.

I don't know who started the trend first. The Tianlong people who have lived in the holy land of Mariejoa all the year round suddenly became interested in "cruising" the world, especially the younger generation, they even called friends and went out in groups. run.

The pressure on the Navy's side can be imagined.

Not only must a large number of elite personnel be assigned to protect the safety of these world nobles along the way, but the Tianlong people have caused a big mess, and they have to help wipe their buttocks.

What is forcibly taking young and beautiful girls to be slaves; what is ordering naval fleets to bombard each other and kill each other just for fun; Seeing the king and queen crawling naked among the ruins, laughing while watching...

The list goes on and on.

——Of course, perhaps for the Tianlong people, these are not troubles at all, but things that should be taken for granted.

After all, no matter in the past, now, or in the future, they have always been doing this.

But ah.

Times have really changed.

When the main contradiction disappears, the secondary contradictions will often surface in the first place and become the focus of much attention.

Without the rampant pirates, the era of chaos and turmoil is over, so the various conflicts and contradictions between the world's nobles and the people of various countries can no longer hide and reconcile.

The spotlight is also on the navy. For the public, the former navy is the patron saint of protecting the safety of one side, and it naturally carries the label of being trusted.

But now?

It seems that the only duty left is to be the dog of the Draconians!

With so many negative incidents, a series of concentrated outbreaks, not to mention the boiling of public grievances, even the navy itself can't bear it.

To know.

The current navy has been influenced by Nuo Xia for more than ten years, especially the younger generation. A considerable part of them joined the army because they admired and worshiped Nuo Xia. The overall concept is quite radical, which is far from the previous generation.

So ever.

In just two or three months, thousands of naval soldiers have resigned and retired!
This also includes many school-level officers, and even a few major generals.

All the high-level leaders of the headquarters present here are all simmering with fire in their hearts!

Now, it is the fourth month.

Similar conflicts around the world have not only shown no signs of subsiding, but have become more intense.

According to intelligence, the revolutionaries headed by Long, after several years of low-key behavior, have also started frequent activities again.

The endurance of the Navy Headquarters is extremely close to the limit.

"Although the incidents caused by the Tianlong people have doubled this month."

Warring States glanced at Garp, and said blankly, "But if it's really just these shitty things, it's fine."

Karp frowned, pulled out a document, opened it and browsed.

The rest of the navy's senior officials were also startled, and circulated the rest of the documents to each other.

After a while, everyone's expressions changed.

"It's bullshit!"

Akainu was the first to read it. He was furious and slammed the table hard: "What does the world government want to do? This kind of personnel transfer can also be done?"

"Agatha Gute was transferred to be the chief of staff of the Navy Headquarters, Dulves was transferred to be the chief adviser of the Navy Headquarters... a total of more than a dozen transfer orders, all of them were the bureaucrats of the World Government, and correspondingly, we Many old guys in the headquarters, including several present here, will be transferred to other departments."

Aokiji pushed the blindfold on his forehead and said calmly, "It seems that even after a round of disarmament, the superiors still don't trust us very much."

The rest of the people looked at each other with extremely ugly faces.

The current Navy Headquarters, even though it has been called a dog by many people, is still on the side of "justice".

And when this series of transfer orders is implemented, so many nails are inserted into the navy, what will gradually become the future reputation of the navy, you can imagine it with your butt.

"Replacing so many in one go is just the first wave of action." Garp flicked his booger and sneered, "In my opinion, I might as well change the marshal as well."

"It's really changed." Zhan Guo suddenly said.


Everyone turned their heads in astonishment and looked at Warring States.

"After World War I, the navy's military strength and confidence are the highest in history."

The voice of the Warring States Period was flat, "In the second month after the end of the war, after the situation in the New World was basically stable, the old man submitted his resignation letter to the World Government and elected Nuo Xia as the next Admiral of the Navy."

Everyone nodded slightly, which was not surprising to them. Nuo Xia's current reputation is completely unique in the navy.

If Warring States is really about to step down, then in the eyes of the navy, the next marshal must be Nuo Xia, and no one else is qualified to compete.

Including the red dog Aokiji who is also a general.

"Then what's the result?" Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"The attitude towards the resignation letter has always been very vague." Zhan Guo sneered, "But for Nuo Xia's nomination, it was rejected directly the next day, and the reason given was very simple. The qualifications were too shallow and not competent."

Is it really too low qualifications?

The high-level people present are all silent. Nuo Xia's past "stabbing" performances are still vivid. Everyone is not a fool. Naturally, they know that the world government is worried, or afraid of something.

"Speaking of which, what about Mr. Nuo Xia? This meeting didn't come again." Flying Squirrel suddenly asked, "I haven't shown up much for several months, isn't the retreat over yet?"

After hearing this, everyone including Zhan Guo subconsciously turned their heads to look at Taotu.

This point has puzzled everyone for a long time.

After the top war, Nuo Xia's prestige reached its peak, and it became the subject of heated discussions in almost every corner of the world.

However, Nuo Xia himself, who was at the center of the public opinion field, became more and more low-key. A few days after the end of the war, he directly entered the state of retreat and practice. He did not participate in any actions and meetings of the navy, and refused to see guests.

Nuo Xia is a cultivator, everyone knows that.

But now even Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, has been defeated by the former himself, and has replaced him as the strongest man recognized in the world. Why do you need to practice so hard?
Above that ceiling, is there a new realm to be explored?

Maybe there is.

However, there are no enemies worth fighting. Is it necessary to be so eager?
"Coincidentally, the morning just ended." Tao Tutu smiled, "When I went out, he was taking a bath at home, so maybe he will really come over for today's meeting."

Oh, it's the same answer as before, it's not over, I can't come.

Everyone nodded subconsciously, then suddenly widened their eyes and looked at Taotu in astonishment.


will come? !
The retreat practice that lasted for more than three months is finally over? !

This news surprised everyone present, and the atmosphere was instantly lifted.

However, this was only temporary after all, the meeting was still going on, and soon, as the next topic was brought up, the conference room became dull again.

"The pension has not been paid yet?"

Dauberman looked at the last document in his hand, smoking a cigar, and said in disbelief, "Are you kidding, didn't we apply to the higher authorities immediately after the war ended?"

(End of this chapter)

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