People are full of pirates

Chapter 438 Assemble, Step into the Holy Land! 【season finale】

"Isn't that even more hateful!"

The ghost spider slammed its fist on the table, roaring angrily with red eyes, "Release so many prisoners, causing tens of thousands of casualties... Im... How can such a bastard take so many lives as a pawn?" Game?! Why do you feel that you are superior?!"

He has a violent and straightforward personality, and he always says what he has.

This kind of "rebellious" words, so blatantly scolded, would have been reprimanded no matter what in the past.

But right now, in the entire meeting room, no one refuted, even the Warring States Period who pays the most attention to the so-called "decent" and "rules".

The cigar flickered and smoke filled.

In the strange atmosphere of ice-cold silence, there seemed to be an uncontrollable hostility accumulating and brewing.

No one questioned the authenticity of Nuo Xia's words, and no one asked how Nuo Xia got the information.

Ten years in the robes, ten years in the army, everyone present has absolute trust in the owner of the title "White Dragon".

a long time.

"I'll go too!" The tea dolphin followed firmly.

There are also three generals, Huang Yuan, Peach Rabbit, and Cha Dolphin, as substitutes.

With the sound of the door being pushed open, a blind swordsman in a purple robe and clogs appeared in front of everyone.

Under the stars, the waves surged.

"So, the plan is very simple. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I plan to set off tonight."

"Besides, it's a bit too reckless for Muse to go there alone." Huang Yuan held the teacup and blew gently, "There are eight top fighters on our boat..."

The death and injury of tens of thousands of elite soldiers, this blood debt is really too heavy.

After learning about Muse's inside story from Nuo Xia, the tone of Warring States inevitably had mixed emotions.

Can you be restrained, how many years have you been married, why are you still licking the dog in front of this obsession?

No one thought of it.

Aokiji helped to open an empty chair, and after Fujitora was seated, the tea dolphin on the side couldn't help asking, "Listen to what Mr. Nuo Xia said just now, Your Excellency is very powerful, even if you are facing the general Si Huang, Can you not fall into the wind?"

And now.

Warring States is still silent.

Maybe now, I am the outlier in the navy now?

Shortly after the Dingshang War four months ago, the Shichibukai system under the king was officially abolished, and the once notorious "legal plunder" has since been completely swept into the dustbin of history.


In fact, they are all elites who have been selected from thousands of people, and they are extremely well-trained. However, many of them have been here for decades, and it is inevitable that they will gradually become a little slack.



At that moment.

However, many soldiers were still sleepy, yawning and rubbing their eyes, especially those who were in charge of guarding the stepped gates of the Holy Land.

"There is also the strongest shield, let me try it first, I won't be able to take it for a while, and then let Mr. Garp help me. The animal is a phantom beast, and the person with the ability of the fruit, the name is unknown, but Listen to you, is it the Admiral of the Navy a hundred years ago?"

It was the first time that Fujitora heard someone talk about this incident when he was walking through the streets and alleys after a few days.

No matter what time it is, he is still looking forward and backward...

Chief Instructor Zefa of the Navy Headquarters, Legendary Hero Garp, Generals of the Headquarters White Dragon Nosha, Aokiji Kuzan, Red Dog Sakaski...

Karp rolled the booger he had just picked out into a ball and popped it out, curled his lips and said, "What do you mean I am here to accompany you on a trip? It seems that you are the only one who wants to find fault with those Bubble Bobblers, and you were forced to come here For the sake of it, even if you don't take the lead, the old man still has to go to Marie Gioia."

Akainu squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "I didn't finish the fight with Kaido last time, I hope this time, I can have more fun."

This is the headquarters of the world government. The naval headquarters has [-] or [-] warships coming in and out of here every month. Is this normal? What's the fuss?

Akainu dusted off the dust from the navy cap on his hand, and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Sengoku is the marshal, and he has already made a decision. Would I still go against it?"

Zhan Guo raised his head, looked at the silent faces, met their gazes one by one, and suddenly realized a burst of understanding in his heart.

After all, the original Qiwuhai system under the king was created to maintain the balance of the sea.

Aokiji squeezed his chin, and turned his gaze to Akainu, "The strongest spear is called Hephaestus, a person with the ability to burn fruits of the natural department, it seems to be your next fruit, Sakasky, or hand it over for you?"

"Give this old man some time tonight to write a strongly worded protest letter. Tomorrow morning, this old man will hand over this protest letter to the World Government and ask them to respond properly. What exactly are they trying to do..."

No matter looking around, or looking around, there are magnificent scenes everywhere, and even the air is extraordinarily fresh, making people feel like they are in the sky in the clouds.

And then control the entire Holy Land Marie Gioia in your hands!

Warring States' eyes gradually turned to Nuo Xia.

"Protest letter?"

If the bet wins, Fujitora will abandon his previous prejudice against the navy and come to Marin Fando to become a member of the navy headquarters.

"Really? Nuo Xia!"

Nuo Xia said in a low voice, "I have been waiting for 11 years for this day, I don't want to, and there is no need to wait any longer!!"

The winds and clouds are surging above Ren Hai, and the rise and fall of Ren Kingdom. This holy city hanging on the top of the Red Earth Continent seems to have been as prosperous as before, and has never been affected in the slightest.

The tea dolphin immediately waved his hands again and again, "It's just a moment of curiosity, I don't mean to question it, Mr. Nuo Xia has said so, so it must be reliable."

This is a sacred place on earth that countless people yearn for. The streets are paved with luxurious red carpets, and the magnificent and elegant buildings are row upon row.

after all.

The streets and alleys in the city gradually became a little more lively. Most of the Tianlong masters were still sleeping soundly, and all kinds of servants under their hands—such as gardeners, cooks, and maids—had already busy themselves nervously...

The soldiers guarding the Holy Land also lined up early and went to their respective duty stations.

Huang Yuan was still crossing his legs, fingering his nails, with a lazy expression, "To overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people... What a terrible idea, tsk, will it do me any good?"

Not to mention the lieutenants of the headquarters at a lower level, especially the hot-tempered ghost spider, Dauberman...and the flying squirrel who was once Nuo Xia's deputy.

The sky is getting brighter, and the night is fading.

Rosie Nandy, who was in charge of guarding the door, couldn't help grinning when he heard the voice coming from inside.

"Huh?" Huang Yuan was taken aback.

Fujitora spoke softly, hesitated for a while, looked at the tea dolphin and smiled, "But the big battle is coming soon, if anyone wants to warm up in advance, I can also accompany you to discuss and learn from each other."

"Are we going to fight again? It's very troublesome."

This was an agreement that was difficult to reach, after all, Nuo Xia had just secured his position as a lieutenant general in the headquarters at that time.


Aokiji was startled slightly.

"Do not."

Once Nuo Xia and others landed in the Holy Land, the situation was initially stabilized.

"No, it's nine."

The marshal of the Headquarters, whose voice shook the sea back then, a generation of legendary heroes, for the "justice" he kept in his heart, in order to seek justice for the Navy Headquarters, he broke into the Holy Land and confronted the World Government.

Inside the seemingly ordinary warship, there are almost all the top combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

"What do you guys say?"

Outside the window, the night sinks like water.

Mary Joa.

"You don't have to be responsible for escorting them anymore?"

Sengoku was silent.

Day after day, year after year.

The Navy headquarters has really changed.

Navy Headquarters...

The truth of the Jincheng City incident is revealed, which is the last straw that breaks the camel's back!
Cap was right.

Following one after another figures wearing white cloaks of justice, they stepped out of the port and walked towards the holy steps in silence;

It's been a long time since Garp said something so ugly, and why doesn't he understand the truth?

Then he looked at Fujitora with a little more respect.


Who can't think about it, making trouble in front of the gate of the holy city of the Tianlong people?
And today, it seems, is no exception.

"That's true." The yellow monkey was amused by this guy, and shrugged, "Okay, then count me in, Sakaski, how about you?"

The Navy Headquarters, the largest war machine in the world, will begin to operate efficiently. Under the command of the Warring States, it will be dispatched at a scale several times that of the Demon Slaying Order!

He couldn't refute anything.

It was as cold and quiet as the moonlight in the night sky.

That was when Nuo Xia was newly married and went on honeymoon with his wives.

"Hey, hey, this old man doesn't like to hear that."

Right now.

So he went back and forth all the way, and two days ago, he finally contacted Nuo Xia, who was about to end his retreat, through the brigadier general Smoker who was stationed in Chambord.

"Then there's more..." Huang Yuan narrowed his eyes and turned his head, his eyes stayed on Taotu's face, and raised his eyebrows, "Ah, you shouldn't have to ask, Gion..."

Nuo Xia has already introduced Fujitora's origin and identity to everyone.

Garp picked his nose, and sneered, "That's not true, you are so naive in the Warring States Period, it's just you, an old guy, who doesn't want things to go to that point, what time is it, and you are still playing big things into small things Turned that set!"

Feeling the focused sight, the blind swordsman smiled slightly, "It's the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future."

"I am very grateful for those who are willing to come and accompany me on this trip. It doesn't matter if you have concerns and don't want to follow. After all, it happened suddenly. I can understand everyone. After this matter is over, everyone is still comrades-in-arms and Pao Ze."

"Nuo Xia." Zhan Guo was silent, as if it had been a century before he finally let out a long sigh and said in a low voice, "You decide."

In the end, he chose to give in, and became a servant of Im's subordinates who guarded the gate.

He knew that Nuo Xia's promise back then had been fulfilled, and it was time for him to come to the appointment.

Speaking of the agreement between Nuo Xia and Fujitora.

Qingzhi sighed, "But brother Yixiao... You should be older than me, so I will call you that. It is an honor for our headquarters that you join the army, but it's a pity that you came at a bad time. Don't look at us. The scenery is actually at the most dangerous moment..."

And the rest, except Taotu, also looked at Nuo Xia in astonishment.

Warring States sighed, "It's the Muse known as the "Smart Commander". He was once hailed as the strongest marshal in the history of the navy. According to records, he should have resigned after he was old. I didn't expect that he was still alive. And it's living in that place..."

And the high-ranking world government, as well as Im, who regards himself as a god, will eventually have to pay the price for their arrogance!
"I don't have much to say."

In this moment, after all, convergence.

As a result, the progress was much smoother than he expected.

Qingzhi raised his eyes and looked at Nuo Xia, "Sure enough, I thought something big was going to happen today when you showed up suddenly before, but I didn't expect it to be such a big deal..."

after all.

"Hey, then there's no need."

The morning light penetrates the clouds, cruising in this holy city.

Warring States himself, still staying in Marin Fando, led a group of elite lieutenant generals, mobilized the headquarters, and ruled the entire field.

Nuo Xia spoke suddenly.

"Don't forget, Warring States, now the superiors are forcing us, again and again, until now, do you really think we have other options?"

Even if he has great confidence in Nuo Xia's character, Fujitora is not optimistic about it.

"Smile next time."

Nuo Xia smiled and glanced across the audience:

Then he turned his head and looked at his most... used to be the most proud disciple, "Hey, Kuzan, you don't need to say anything, do you?"

"That is to say, the Five Old Stars themselves don't pose much threat. Apart from Im himself, the main ones to worry about are those two... one is called the strongest spear of the Tianlongren, and the other is called the strongest." Shield guy?"

"Sit down, Mr. Smile."

As for when this change started...

Fujitora likes to gamble, so Nanoxia made a ten-year agreement with him, betting that he can completely abolish the Royal Shichibukai system within ten years, thus taking the first step in the transformation of the navy.

But now that the era of great pirates has come to an end, Qi Wuhai naturally has no need to exist, and the abolition of this system is simply what many people expected.

In the huge conference room, no one objected, and no one was timid.

Aokiji chimed in with a grin, "If you don't have to wipe their ass and deal with those crap things, maybe you can get two full months of vacation a year."

Moreover, it came much faster than expected.

Aokiji looked thoughtfully at the phone bug on the table, and a Sengoku voice came from inside:

As a guard here, in addition to paying attention to winking and not offending the Tianlong people, I live a leisurely life every day, and I am about to get sick. I have never encountered any emergencies at all. It's just days.

When a white navy-style warship quietly sailed into the port, the guard soldiers just glanced lazily, and then looked away, no one took it seriously.

"Wait for tomorrow."

"The old man has an impression."

"That's right, don't listen to this kid's nonsense."

On weekdays, maybe everyone has a different way of "justice", but the core, or the bottom line -


He came very suddenly, and he has not yet officially reported to the Navy Headquarters. It is also the first time to meet with these high-level navy officials.

Zhan Guo sighed softly in his heart, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, his choice just now was correct.

The port of Marin Vanduo was quiet, and a standard warship sailed out, heading straight for the holy land of Mary Joa!


Huang Yuan poured himself a cup of tea and said leisurely, "Although he has the title of the strongest navy in history, I don't think that old man can compare to Nuo Xia... This guy is a monster through and through."

Fujitora shook his head slightly, stroked the bamboo sword in his hand, and smiled honestly:
"I think that now is the best time."

After a few minutes.

And this is just the first echelon of this operation!

inside the cabin.

Zefa looked at Garp with disgust, then looked at Nuo Xia, and grinned, "Count me as an old man!"

He scratched his hair and suddenly laughed, "It seems a pity that I don't join in such a big excitement."

"I didn't have time to introduce it before, but it doesn't seem too late now." Nuo Xia smiled and turned to look outside, "Mr. Yixiao, you can come in."

and so.

I endured it for four months... No, maybe it should be said that I endured it for decades, hundreds of years!All the navies with "justice" in their minds have long had enough of those people on their heads!

"I'm a lot older, and still so naive. Effective protests have never been made by mouth, but by fists!"

Originally, he thought that he needed to spend some extra words to convince some "doves" among the high-level people present.

It really has completely changed.

"Just to my liking."

That night.

"That's Mr. Nuo Xia's absurd praise."

Witness this scene.


Around him, the invisible soundproof walls are as stable as before, like an upside-down bowl, covering the entire warship, and the sea is quiet, without any sound coming out...

Nuo Xia smiled without saying a word.

The green pheasant next to him was speechless for a while.

Nuo Xia glanced at Zhan Guo in surprise, and nodded slightly.

Aren't these people walking the old path of Muse? With such a similar fate, can the ending be different?
"...Don't think too much, Marshal."

Garp interrupted Sengoku's speech, "Is that thing useful? Even if it's a handwritten letter from your majestic admiral, in the eyes of those guys, what's the difference from toilet paper?"

Several admirals and admirals' substitutes have reached a consensus.

Garp laughed loudly, pointed at Nuo Xia and said, "If you trust this guy, we will trust him even more. Otherwise, how could our group of people appear in such a place together?"

"Did you come here for the original that's the case."

"Before dawn, I will be able to reach the Holy Land. At that Marie Gioia, I want to make a final break with the Tianlongren and Im!"

"Soldiers, it is their bounden duty to obey orders."

The so-called change is not achieved overnight, but bit by bit, accumulating over time, and finally gathers sand into a tower.

A group of naval leaders gathered in the command room, listening to Nuo Xia's analysis of the world government's combat power.

This incident did not cause many waves in the world.

This day has not only come.

"Nonsense." Taotu scolded with a smile.

"As long as you talk nonsense, just say no."

"Porusalino." Zefa looked at the orizumi again, "What about you?"

Zhan Guo finally spoke with a hoarse voice:

Along with the soldiers, people gradually recognized that the leaders were the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, and a generation of legendary heroes Karp and Zefa;
As some people wondered in a daze, it seems that the world conference has not been held recently. Why are there so many naval bosses here...

The soldiers guarding the stepped gate of the Holy Land finally woke up suddenly and realized what was abnormal!
"Stop comers!"

While roaring sharply, the guards of the two teams raised their guns in unison, aiming at the white figures that were getting closer!
The leader of the guards was tall and tall, like a black bear. He took a step forward suddenly, his face was cold, and he shouted angrily:

"Bailong Nuoxia! Tekken Karp! What are you guys trying to do?!"

It was supposed to be finished at the end of last month, but it turned out to be a long day of recuperation, and it took a while to hit the Chinese New Year. I'm really sorry, but now that the Chinese New Year is over, it must be finished before the Lantern Festival!

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