People are full of pirates

Chapter 54 Negative gravity field, open!

Chapter 54 Negative gravity field, open!

No, are you kidding me?
Co-authoring this "toothy smile" skill doesn't require my approval at all, as long as you accidentally show eight teeth while smiling, it will be activated directly?

This is too pitiful. Fortunately, I reacted in time. If I haven't figured out this mechanism, and inadvertently activate this skill on an object that shouldn't be used in the future, wouldn't it cause too much trouble?

Noxia looked at Miss Vidona again.

——The blond cook has come to her senses, whistled casually, picked up the frying spoon and washed it under the faucet, but her cheeks still had a faint blush that had not faded away.

He glanced around vaguely again, no matter whether it was Monica and the others behind him, or the recruits lining up at the window next to him, there was nothing unusual, and it seemed that he was not affected by the radiation of his smile.

That's good, there are men in the queue.

He hadn't really thought about lining up with Fiona.

However, why is it just a simple smile without any physical contact, and Chef Victoria was initially attacked by herself?
Nuoxia guessed wildly.

Could it be that before, I misunderstood the definition of the preliminary strategy, in fact, just brushing enough favorability?

Perhaps this is the case. After Shia was rejected outright by herself, she was still judged to be a preliminary strategy. It was nothing more than a favorable impression of herself, much higher than the other girls who admired him.

And those girls who were later attacked by Taotu by mistake, such as Monica and the others, just happened to have further improved their favorability during the process of physical contact.

If this is the case, now that your charm has been further improved, and coupled with the underworld skill of "grinning your teeth", wouldn't it be very easy to directly pull the favorability of others above the threshold?

He absentmindedly carried the dinner plate and returned to his seat. It took a long time for him to clear his mind. While eating breakfast, he opened the task bar and began to browse the side quest that he just swiped.

"Side Quest Name: Hundred People Slash"

"The excessive charm value makes the initial strategy very simple, maybe just a simple smile can make countless people fall in love, so, player, it's time for you to pursue higher goals. "

"Mission content: Preliminary capture of [-] targets within [-] days"

"Task reward: 6 points, A-level gift box *2"


Although I expected it from the name before, but... isn't this mission a bit too underworld?

First ten people beheaded, now hundreds of people are beheaded, after that, will there be thousands of thousands of people?

Well, if you follow this routine, when the Shura field opens, let alone a table of mahjong, you will be able to gather a top battle.

Nuoxia sighed. He believed that he was a person who could stick to his principles in terms of emotions. Even now, he could only put down Taotu and Bellmer in his heart, and didn't want to cause too much debt.

Therefore, this kind of task is really against his original intention.

The only thing that can be accepted is that the requirements for the preliminary strategy are not high, just brushing the favorability, so as not to hurt the girl.

If the task is replaced by a real "hundred-person kill", no matter how attractive the points given, he will definitely not do it anyway.

"One hundred goals..."

He pondered silently, and began to try to come up with a tricky method like the previous two times, bypassing the original intention of the system, and earning points for nothing.

"This time, there is no limit to being a navy soldier, and there are fewer reward points. Maybe it's easier to complete than I thought..."

Seems like there is no limit to species?

[7. The target of the strategy includes all things in the world, not only limited to human beings]

Nuoxia suddenly remembered what he saw in the game rules on the first day he got the system. He had been doing it every time before, but now it seems that this point can be used reasonably?

He looked down slowly, looking at the few pieces of grilled fish on the dinner plate that were placed with the croissant.

One of them happened to be the head of a fish. Under the chandelier on the ceiling of the restaurant, a strange light was reflected in the eyes of the fish.


"Damn, it doesn't work!"

Half an hour later, Nuoxia, who entered the training room, took off her jacket and hung it by the wall, feeling disappointed and sullen in her heart.

I still think too much.

Just now, he went to the sea to catch a net of fish, and he tried every means, smiling and speaking earthly words.

In the end, all the fish burped, and I was stunned that there was no news that the strategy was successful.

It seems that not all carbon-based creatures can comprehend the charm of Mr. Nuoxia. He can only wait for the cooldown of the "Lu Chi Smile" skill CD to cool down tomorrow, and then try a higher-level mammal.

As for now?

Just focus on training.

There were not many people in the training room. It was probably because the assessment had just ended, and their hearts were relaxed. In addition, many people were indeed too tired and had not recovered, so they basically went back to their room to continue to rest.

After all, not everyone is like him, with the ability to recover to the extreme.

Nuoxia opened the backpack bar, first used the "Physical Training Accelerator Card" that was exchanged, and then set his eyes on the icon of "Negative Gravity Field".

Since the time he brushed this item in the morning, he has been very greedy, and now he can finally get what he wants and try the effect of this thing.

"The gravity threshold can be adjusted arbitrarily from one time to one hundred times, and it can be accurate to one decimal place, that is, it can be set to 1.1 times or 99.9 times."

After reading the description of the item carefully, Nuoxia thought about it and decided to be safe. Start with a lower threshold and try it slowly.

[The negative gravity field has been turned on, the current gravity threshold: 2 times]

The prompt text flashed by, almost instantly, Nuoxia felt very clearly that the surrounding air seemed to become stagnant.

However, this discomfort only flashed for a moment, and after a little movement of hands and feet, he was able to move freely and freely.

Almost didn't feel any pressure.

"It's too low, and it has no effect on cultivation."

Nuoxia frowned slightly, and continued to raise the threshold again.

2.5 times, 3 times, 3.5 times...

Every time he moved up to a new gear, he would try his usual training program.

The effect is still not so satisfactory.


———— Shia’s diary————

Love the 324th day of Nuoxia, heavy rain
The father called and said that he had recently found a few good fruits that could be brought to Marin Vando by the guards. Originally, I was not interested, but one of them seemed to be interesting.

Maybe this fruit can help me at this time?
I'm not so sure.

Well, today's Nuoxia seems to be more handsome. I had to take a shower again at noon and change my pants.

Also, when I came back from the bathroom at night, I accidentally saw Commodore Gion hiding on the watchtower, staring at the stern of the boat. He was so sleepy and yawning that he insisted on not going back to rest.

But there was obviously no one in the stern, that woman, it was strange.

(End of this chapter)

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