People are full of pirates

Chapter 57 Stars and Fireflies

Chapter 57 Stars and Fireflies


Aokiji lowered his head silently, and looked at a guy who was looking up.

"Ah, boy."

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly, "It's not a good habit to eavesdrop on others talking to themselves."

"I've been standing here and haven't moved. Did you turn over the railing yourself and come over me?"

Nuoxia spread out her hands innocently, "I'm a beautiful teenager, I'm not interested in an uncle's self-pity, so I came over to eavesdrop?"

Only twenty-eight years old, are you going to be called uncle?

Qingzhi was silent, and after a long time he shook his head helplessly and said:

"I can't talk about self-pity, I just feel that what I have been insisting on is suddenly meaningless..." He paused when he said this, "How should I explain this kind of thing to you kid... boy, you have Something you haven't been holding on to?"

"Of course there are, and there are many more."

Nuoxia thought about it and said seriously: "For example, insist on exercising for [-] hours a day, insist on soaking your feet in hot water after taking a shower, and insist on drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed every time..."

"I didn't say that..." Qingzhi rubbed his brows, suddenly having a headache.

Gion is right, this kid is more polite and polite to strangers than anyone else, and once he gets used to it, he starts running trains with his mouth full, making it impossible to tell the truth from the false.

Do you practice twenty hours a day?In this world, where can there be such a person...

"I mean belief."

Qingzhi reorganized the language, looked at Nuoxia and said, "For example, justice, boy, this is the word that will be engraved on your cloak after you graduate. What do you think of these two words...?"

This is already very explicit.

After all, she is a traveler. Thinking of the decadence and laziness that Aokiji has revealed these days, Nuoxia calculated the timeline, and it was easy to think of the O'Hara incident nearly half a year ago.

After that incident, Aokiji should have been in pain, right?The "passionate justice" that he originally insisted on gradually faded away, and gradually transformed towards "lazy justice".

"Look at it after translating it into Simplified."

After thinking about it, he curled his lips and said, "There's nothing to say about this, Lieutenant General, everyone has a different way of justice, just stick to it and implement it."

"But this is exactly the problem, boy..." Qingzhi looked up at the night sky. Tonight's night was extraordinarily thick, the crescent moon was like a hook, and there were only a few sparse stars dotted in the boundless night sky.

"For example, you are the star now."

He pointed to one of them and said to Nuoxia faintly, "I'm already trying my best to persevere, but the light emitted is still very small, and the darkness around is still the same, so deep that the bottom can't be seen, it's you, this What should we do then?"

This is asking Nuoxia, and it seems to be asking himself.

"Keep going."

Nuoxia didn't hesitate, and said as a matter of course: "A little bit of heat, a little bit of light, let alone a star, even if it's just a firefly, you can do your best in the dark, you don't have to wait for the torch."

Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, he looked at the young man for a long time, and after a long time he smiled bitterly and said:
"...Does that light make sense?"

"of course."

Nuoxia also pointed to the few sparse stars, "There is another point, you may be wrong, those stars are actually much bigger than the sun, in our eyes, the reason why they are a little bit is only because we are far away from each other. It's too far to see clearly."

"But...for the planets around them, that beam of light is extremely dazzling and dazzling, enough to illuminate and warm the entire world."

Is there such a thing?

Aokiji raised his head and squinted at the distant stars.

For some reason, he remembered the civilians he had rescued over the years, the pirates he had killed, the Sauluo who died in front of him a few months ago, and Nicole Robin, who ran away with tears in his eyes. ...

"Didn't you just ask me what I think about justice?"

Nuoxia's voice came again at this time:

"I can do my best to make this dark world a little brighter, even if it's really just a little less darkness as big as fireflies. This is the way of justice I pursue."

Aokiji withdrew his gaze from the night sky, and looked at Nuoxia again in a daze.

"But I don't think things are that pessimistic, are they?"

"Anyway, there are so many like-minded people in our navy. No matter how small the fireflies, when they gather together, they can at least illuminate a large area."

The young man's eyes met his, and he suddenly laughed, without a formal expression:
"Of course, people's dreams are still bigger in the end. Who can tell me in the future, if I am a little firefly, I can climb to the sky and become a star in the future."

"And then, with a sudden bang, a light that is more dazzling than the sun erupts, clearing all the darkness around?"


Qingzhi watched Nuoxia silently for a long time, and suddenly felt that Teacher Zefa's decision to insist on letting him preside over this assessment half a month ago was extremely correct.

So after a while, he suddenly laughed: "What an arrogant kid, boy, your ambition seems to have been exposed."

Nuoxia blinked and smiled shyly.

"However, it's not that easy to change from a firefly to a sun."

Aokiji raised his head leisurely, looked at the vast Milky Way out of reach, and smiled:
"Before I count on your little firefly to light up the world, it's still up to a little star like me, who is about to touch the sky, and continue to walk inside to see if it can emit more light..."


Two days later, the warship that traversed the entire windless belt finally returned to Marin Vando.

There was no unfavorable weather in the middle, but there was a little funny episode.

A pirate group that had just entered the Great Sea Route from the East China Sea for two months, after seeing the warship coming from the windless belt from a distance, was about to run away.

But the captain named "Black Wolf" Tejerke, who offered a reward of 1300 million Bailey, had no idea where the courage came from, and regardless of the persuasion of his discerning subordinates, he issued a stern order, "Who do you think I am, rely on it! " command.

The ending is of course needless to say.

There was no need for the big guys like Qingzhi Taotu to take action, and even the accompanying instructors did not move. Nuoxia directly grabbed before all the eager companions, and Swim greeted them. In just ten minutes, the whole boat was easily The pirates are all resolved.

At the same time as a small amount of military exploits, the progress of the blood of the sinners required for the upgrade of Yongen's double swords has also been increased from "(278/1000)" to "(430/1000)" in one go.

It was another wave of surprises, and Ba was very comfortable.

After arriving at the headquarters.

Aokiji and Zefa met at the port, resigned as the temporary chief instructor, and completed the handover.

Zefa was very satisfied with the performance of the elite camp disciples in this actual combat assessment.

Several top-ranked players, especially Nuoxia's amazing performance this time, made him even more impressed.

As soon as he brought the recruits back to the elite camp, Zefa directly announced the final ranking of the assessment in front of everyone——

 It's a very difficult chapter to write. Sorry for the delay. This is the first update. The second update will be very late. For those who can't wait, please read it tomorrow morning~
(End of this chapter)

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