People are full of pirates

Chapter 6 Paper Painting is Used to Avoid Love

Chapter 6 Paper Painting is Used to Avoid Love
Under the dim starlight, the night was as black as thick ink that could not be wiped away.

And Nuoxia's face at the moment was darker than the night.

To be able to stably be in the top ten in the elite camp assessment is already quite a remarkable achievement. As long as there is no mistake at graduation, I am afraid that the lowest level in the award ceremony is the start of the major.

As for his mid-level and above-average level, if he hasn't improved all the time, he will be a captain of the headquarters.

Gan, it's so ridiculous... Suddenly a slut who has been following for a whole year pops up, so why is she still so strong?

Nuoxia really wanted to travel back and slap himself ten seconds ago, and let him use his brain to remake a better reason for rejection.

"Cough, Miss Shia, assessment results may not necessarily represent strength, only actual combat can reflect it, so you understand..."

He searched his intestines and stomach, struggled for a long time, and finally had a bright light: "I'm good at taijutsu and swordsmanship, especially physique, how about you, Miss Shia?"

"It's a coincidence, I'm also good at physique." Shia said softly, "I have basically mastered the foot and the finger gun during this period of time."

"What about shaving?"

"Well, a little bit, but not very skilled."

"Very good, then let's make a bet, within ten minutes, you can attack me by any means, I only block and dodge, and will never fight back."

Nuoxia was secretly delighted, he pointed to his chest, "In these ten minutes, as long as you can attack my chest once, I will recognize that your strength is higher than mine, and I will agree that you will officially pursue me in the future, otherwise, Please don't disturb me from now on..."

"No problem." Shia nodded in agreement without hesitation.

She had a confident attitude, her eyes lit up, and her gaze towards Nuoxia had obviously changed a little.


Nuoxia, who was interrupted, felt a chill in her heart for some reason.

I always feel that the eyes of the other party are like staring at the prey that has fallen into the trap with half of its foot.

'Forget it, think what you want, anyway, my goal has been achieved. '

Originally, I was still worried about who should I turn to to test the power of intermediate paper painting on this big night. Now not only has the problem been solved perfectly, but I can also use this opportunity to refuse to shirk the pursuit from the slut.

Killing two birds with one stone is a genius plan.


Not far from the southeast of the training ground is the bell tower of the headquarters. Even if it is hundreds of meters away, you can still clearly see the direction of the hour and minute hands.

Nuoxia and Shia opened a distance of more than ten meters. When the time displayed by the clock tower came exactly nine o'clock, she raised her right hand to the girl opposite and made a gesture to start.

Before he had time to put his hand down, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind in the dark night, coming straight to his door.

It was Shia's "Lan Feet".

The so-called "Lan Feet" is essentially a rapid leg out, and after the speed of sound is exceeded, the air in front of the leg is compressed, and the "vacuum" is rolled up, resulting in a sharp chopping wave.

For people who can't arm color or iron, the lethality should not be underestimated.

Norxia also did not dare to be careless.

He stared at the invisible shock wave that broke through the air, and just before it was about to spread to himself, his body suddenly twisted to the right at a very strange angle, as if it was integrated with the air current, and he easily avoided it. A rambling foot.

The shock wave of Lanjiao passed over Nuoxia and exploded on the sandbag several meters away.

Sand and dust splashed and filled the training ground.

The girl with blue waist-length hair was slightly startled, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, but her emotions subsided in an instant, her raised right foot quickly fell, and she stepped on the ground at a speed that was unseen by the naked eye.

The light in the air seemed to be distorted, and Shia's figure suddenly disappeared. The next second, the girl appeared on the right side of Nuoxia, her eyes focused, her whole body was poured into her right finger, and she suddenly stabbed Nuoxia's chest.

Point the gun!

This finger is fierce and domineering, and the penetrating power of the fingertip is comparable to that of a bullet flying at high speed.

So in just one or two seconds, his body, like silky satin, merged into the subtle airflow change, and once again avoided the blow of the veneer.


Shia's eyes widened suddenly, her finger gun was fast, but even Teacher Zefa praised her, how could she be avoided so easily?

——She doesn't believe in evil, and has no plans to keep her hands anymore. After adjusting her breathing rhythm a little, she launches the shave and keeps changing positions. At the same time, the pointing spear escapes the night and stabs Nuo Xia like a gust of wind and rain.


Even though Shia had brought her physical skills to the extreme, Nuoxia was still able to perfectly evade all attacks in all directions.

Even in the constant fights, she could clearly feel that Nuoxia's movements became more and more comfortable, and her pace was more like a stroll in her own courtyard, relaxed and comfortable.

How could this be?
Shia finally showed a look of disbelief.

No one in the entire elite camp of the headquarters understands Nuoxia better than her. Obviously, in her past observations, Nuoxia, in her opinion, should be best at endurance and double-sword swordsmanship. Accustomed to this level?

The Six Forms were officially taught by Teacher Zefa two months ago. Even she has only mastered three of them superficially. Paper painting is still in the beginning stage of exploration!

But with the facts in front of her, she couldn't help but doubt it.

Seeing that the time was approaching the ten-minute deadline, let alone attacking Nuo Xia's chest, she didn't even touch the opponent once. The girl looked at Nuo Xia, who was faintly proud, and felt inexplicably aggrieved and sad in her heart.

Are you really that bad?Even if she doesn't accept her confession immediately, even the opportunity to let her continue to pursue it must be completely extinguished, not at all?
Nuoxia's mood at the moment is exactly the opposite. He is shuttled in various attacking air currents, and the corners of his mouth are almost full of smiles at this moment.

In this smile, there is not only the surprise that the effect of the intermediate paper painting skills far exceeds expectations, but also the subtle refreshing feeling of killing two birds with one stone and the kind of plan.

"Just an intermediate level of paper painting, you can achieve this level. If you go to the advanced level, I'm afraid it's almost the same as the CP9 group, right?"

"These thousand points are so worth it."

- Probably the same idea.

It's a pity that this feeling can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words, and Shia on the opposite side can't understand it. She just thought that Nuo Xia was laughing at herself proudly in her heart when she saw that she failed to attack repeatedly.

Shia felt even more grievances in her heart, and at this time, when the ten-minute timer came to an end, she silently glanced at the clock tower, suddenly stopped and stopped attacking.

Nuoxia also stopped dodging.

"Time's up!" He stood firm, with a smile on his face, "I'm willing to accept the bet, Miss Shia, this time I won, according to our previous agreement, in the future..."

Nuoxia's voice stopped abruptly.

Because when he raised his head, he was surprised to find that the blue-haired girl under the black street lamp was standing there silently, crying silently.

"Sh... Shia..."

Nuoxia stuttered in an instant. He had no experience in comforting girls, and he was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to speak.

He had never seen this kind of battle before - although he used to be in Donghai's hometown, he would often annoy and cry Belmer, but the latter would usually fight back.

The final result is often that the two of them scuffled under the orange tree, and the orange fell to the ground.

And Shia in front of him is obviously not like this, not to mention that he is not very familiar with the other party, he has only been a freshman in the same period for less than a year...

 first update~
(End of this chapter)

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