People are full of pirates

Chapter 65 Future Veteran Elite Lieutenant Generals

Chapter 65 Future Veteran Elite Lieutenant Generals

Compared with Shiliu, who was burdened with burdens, another roommate, Rossinidi, was much more candid.

After waking up and seeing Dingchun, this kid almost had star eyes, and he wanted to start masturbating directly when he rushed up.

As a result, the action was too hasty, which annoyed Dingchun. He was bitten by Kangji, and jumped up and screamed in pain.

But he didn't worry, he even rummaged through boxes and cabinets, found the bread he had stored, crouched down and tore it open bit by bit to feed it to Dingchun, which made the latter's attitude towards him much more friendly.

Nuo Xia did not discourage them from beginning to end, watching them playfully happily, thinking in her heart, what would happen if Luo Nandi angered Dingchun when Dingchun grew up.

Then it's not just jumping up in pain, but the whole head will be swallowed...

After Luo Nandi finished washing up, the three of them went out together. After eating in the restaurant, they went straight to the training ground to gather.

For daily swordsmanship and physical training, as well as the "cultural class" part, Nuoxia will still attend with the new recruits of the same period.

When it came time to practice the Six Forms of Taijutsu, he would be separated from the main force, and he would only train alone, enjoying the small stove that Zefa gave him alone.

On the road.

Nuoxia opened the system panel, spent [-] points, and easily upgraded the "rough skin and thick flesh" skill that she had learned earlier from the beginner level to the intermediate level.

The damage reduction effect on blunt weapons was already exaggerated, but this time it was increased by 10%.

Nuoxia was quite satisfied, and even began to wonder, when he turned around and mastered the hardening of the armament color, whether he could find Garp and try the effect of this skill.

Although the opponent is the Navy's "One Punch Man", but if he keeps his hand a little bit, he should still be able to continue, and he won't be directly hit by Zefa for several kilometers as he did three days ago, right?

In addition, after the upgrade, Nuoxia found that this skill can be upgraded further, and the increased damage reduction rate is also [-]%.

However, the required points are a bit outrageous, a full [-].

Compared with the previous upgrade, the price/performance ratio is very low.

Therefore, although he has enough money, Nuoxia has no plans to continue to improve it for the time being. When he has more points in the future and there is a rigid demand, it is not too late for him to upgrade.


Marin Fando on this day, the wind is soft and the sun is warm.

At the far end of the mirror-blue sky, white seagulls flew by.

The boulevard with white maple trees on both sides seems to reflect the color of sunlight. People walking on it breathe the refreshing fresh air, and even feel much more relaxed.

A group of tall figures dressed in white justice cloaks stepped on the soft fallen leaves and slowly passed through this warm boulevard.

"It's been a long time since I came back, and this road is still the same."

The leader was a young brigadier general with a Mohigan head. He looked at the familiar scenery on both sides with nostalgia, "It's really nostalgic. I was still here with Teacher Zefa, and the time when I got up early every day to cultivate... …”

"Yeah, in a blink of an eye, that was a long time ago."

Behind him is a colonel with a long beard like a waterfall. His skull height is different from ordinary people, and his appearance is quite strange. Hearing this, he smiled and said with emotion:
"Since I was sent to Beihai after graduation, I haven't been here for almost three years, flying squirrel, I remember you longer than me, right?"

"Well, it should be four years."

The flying squirrel with the head of Moxigan nodded slightly, "When I was promoted to brigadier general last year, I went back to the headquarters once to renew my post, but that time I came and went in a hurry, and I only stayed for one afternoon, and I didn't have time to come to the elite camp."

"Okay! Why are there so many emotions, they are all big men, Rory is wordy, it sounds annoying."

A cold and impatient voice came from behind, "Almost there, Flying Squirrel, Stoloberg, don't forget that you have to go to Marshal Kong to repost your post in the afternoon."

"Hurry up and go to visit Teacher Zefa, we should go!"

No need to look back, the flying squir knew who was speaking.

——Two years later than himself, just transferred back from Xihai, as a ghost spider of the headquarters.

"You guy, your character is still so frustrating..."

He turned his head helplessly and glanced at the cigar-wielding junior brother, who seemed to want to persuade him to say something, but in the end he shook his head and gave up.

In addition to the three of them, there are more than ten people in the same group, all of whom have recently received an order to return to the headquarters from the Four Seas or the G branch.

Among them, the flying squirrel is already a brigadier general, and the others are not low in military rank, most of them are colonels in the headquarters.

They are all young, even the oldest flying squirrel is only twenty-five years old, and they are undoubtedly the best among their peers.

And the reason why they can achieve such achievements at such an age is largely due to their other common identity, a proud identity——

Former admiral of the navy, disciple of "Black Wrist" Zefa.

This day is actually the day when the disciples who returned to the headquarters at about the same time made an appointment in advance to visit the teacher at the elite camp.


There are people everywhere on the training ground.

It was already about ten o'clock in the morning.

Looking at these young and energetic recruits, the flying squirrel, who was passing by, recalled the time of the past again, and couldn't help smiling, showing nostalgia in his eyes.

The rest of the people behind him reacted similarly, only the ghost spider was still impatient, urging the flying squirrel who was leading the way from time to time to make him speed up.

However, they searched for a long time, but did not see Zefa's figure.

Fortunately, there were still some familiar instructors on the field. Flying Squirrel asked one of them at random, only to know that half an hour ago, Zefa had just left the training ground in a hurry.

It seems that there is an emergency meeting held by the high-level, and even an old guy like him who has taken a back seat has to leave what he is doing and go to participate.

What should I do?
Flying Squirrel frowned, and after discussing with his fellow disciples for a while, he finally decided to stay here and wait for a while.

After all, Zefa has been away for more than half an hour. If it doesn't take long, the meeting can be finished?

Being idle is also boring. These young generals who have just graduated a few years ago simply find a place to sit next to the training ground.

Like an old man, while basking in the sun and chatting, watching the training of the recruits in the field.

"These, should all be the little guys who have been in the camp for less than a year?"

Flying Squirrel watched for a while, with admiration on his face: "Many people have become quite proficient in the Six Forms, which is very good."

"Yeah, after all, they are all good seedlings screened out layer by layer."

Another colonel of the headquarters on the side also echoed with a smile:
"In addition to the teachings of Teacher Zefa, the outstanding ones among them will probably start to practice domineering soon. The future is very exciting."

But at this moment, a somewhat discordant voice suddenly sounded:

"Hey, what are you talking about, just these little bastards?"

Flying Squirrel and others frowned, looked back, and found that it was the ghost spider who made the sound. He leaned on a rock with Erlang's legs crossed, pointed at the recruits on the field, and sneered:

"One by one, this amount of training is full of sweat and exhaustion, obviously the physical strength is not enough, and this talent still wants to cultivate domineering? Hee, in my opinion, when you graduate, you may not be able to do it! "

"Ghost spider!"

The flying squirrel was a little embarrassed at first. After looking left and right, there was a rare trace of anger on his face, and he turned his head and scolded in a low voice:

"Pay attention to the tone of your speech. These are not only recruits, but also our junior brothers. If you say something like this, where do you put Teacher Zefa!"

"Teacher Zefa is Teacher Zefa, and the recruits are recruits."

The ghost spider's face was full of indifference. He was a little impatient and impatient, so when he spoke at this moment, he was not polite at all, and waved his hand carelessly:
"Let's not mix things up. It's not the teacher who is responsible for selecting recruits. It's quite normal to have such a guy who is full of numbers every now and then!"

This is even more rude than just now, and the ghost spider itself has a loud voice, so there is no intention to lower the volume this time.

So when he finished speaking, there were already quite a few recruits who were relatively close, and angrily stopped the training action at hand, and cast unfriendly eyes towards this side.

 In the second update, thank you for the 1500 coins of Ye Luoyan, and the support of m split empty seat, book friend 20200818092849433, [Yunzhongtian], thank you very much~
(End of this chapter)

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