People are full of pirates

Chapter 70 Do I Look Like Someone Who Will Sell My First Kiss for Points?

Chapter 70 Do I Look Like Someone Who Will Sell My First Kiss for Points?

It was probably the prayer in my heart that played a role.

This time, just looking at the name of the items in the mall, it seems that the quality is indeed a grade better than the quality of the previous week.

Nuoxia clicked on the information introduction one by one in order from top to bottom, and browsed carefully.

【M1917 American Smith & Wesson】

【Type: Weapon】

[Description: The seemingly ordinary revolver is actually a remake of life, a must-have for dredging the intestines]

[Remarks: Only four bullets are included]

"I feel that every time the mall refreshes in the future, I have to prepare some eye drops by the side..."

Nuoxia looked at the sky silently, "Otherwise, sooner or later, the invincible Lord Nuoxia will be turned into a blind boy by the description of these props."

Just four bullets?

Damn it, I won't buy it no matter how cheap it is.


[Domineering Cultivation Specialization Acceleration Card (60 days)]

【Type: Consumables】

[Description: After use, your armed arrogance and knowledge arrogance will gain triple efficiency gain during practice]

[Remarks: It can be used together with the Accelerator Card for Taishu Cultivation, and the gain effect can be superimposed]

["How many times have I said it, the overlord's color is born, not in this list!"]

It was something he had been dreaming of last week, nothing to say, a must-buy for sure.


[PPAP video tape (Navy Recruitment Promotional Video): 100 points]

[Type: Permanent Item]

[Description: A video tape that stores "PPAP" video clips, compatible with various terminal devices such as projectors, video phone bugs, etc.]

[Remarks: Polusalino friendship starring]

[“I am retired, can I also use my residual heat?”]

"Wait, it's true..." Nuoxia's expression became subtle, "It's not that I want to be wrong, is it really the PPAP in my impression?"

Although it's useless, I somehow want to buy it and collect it.

The naval propaganda film mentioned in parentheses must be nonsense.

But if [-] years later, when he is tired of fighting on top of the war, and inserts such a paragraph in the live broadcast screen, Nuoxia feels that it may have a miraculous effect of boosting morale.


【Rebirth from a severed limb】

[Type: Talent Skill]

[Description: Your body will be injected with regeneration genes, surpassing the limits of ordinary humans!As long as the head is continuous and the brain consciousness does not die, no matter how severe the physical trauma, even if the limbs are cut off, it can return to its original state! 】

[Remarks: Recovery speed is closely proportional to physical strength, as well as the degree of physical injury]

[“Uncle, I have the ability to reorganize and regenerate cells, stronger than Piccolo and weaker than Tomoe!”]

Without a doubt, this is the highlight of all the props of the week.

Nuoxia's face became serious, and her eyes were thoughtful.

Judging from the description, this skill is more powerful than he expected just by looking at the name. It can be reorganized and regenerated indefinitely if the head is continuous and the consciousness is not completely destroyed, which is almost equivalent to an immortal monster.

"It feels a little weird..."

Nuoxia smacked her lips, she was indeed born with a monster physique, and with the increase of physical strength, she appeared more and more perverted, but this was still in the category of "human" after all.

And if you learn this skill...

It's like he can't really be considered a human anymore.

But in the end, this is a perfect god-level skill, and you definitely want to learn it.

It's just that the price is really ridiculously expensive. With 36 points, even if he digs out the fortune he finally saved up, it's still a long way off.

"The odds of earning so many points in a week are close to zero."

Nuoxia rubbed her brows in distress, "So... you can only buy it with a 2% discount coupon by completing that side quest?"

Discount coupons must be used to buy the most expensive props. The talent skill of "Rebirth from a Broken Limb", which requires 36 points, is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment.

But if you want to complete that side quest, you have to give your first kiss...

First kiss.

Even if he is as humble as Nuoxia, he has to admit that with his current charm and prestige, there are girls in the headquarters who are willing to give him their first kiss, and the number may be from one end of the training ground to the other.

However, for a simple teenager like him from the East China Sea, this kind of thing only happens once in life, and it cannot be done.

In order to complete the task, let go of the bottom line and kiss those sailor sisters who have no emotional foundation. What is this like?

It must be given to a loved one.

If it was to give the first kiss to Taotu, Nuoxia would be very happy, but unfortunately his relationship with the little rabbit was only a slightly ambiguous friend, far from this point.

What's more, the other party is far away on a mission in the new world, and if he wants to meet again, he doesn't know when he will have to wait.


In this world, there is someone who can make Nuoxia feel worthy of giving her first kiss, and who will accept it without hesitation. He thought about it, and felt that it seemed like Belmer was the only one.

The childhood sweethearts have grown up together with each other, and the relationship between the two is as indestructible as the Titanic, and no matter how big the storm is, it cannot be overturned.

If he hadn't left his hometown a year ago and came to Marin Vando, maybe at this time, he and Bellmer would have given each other their first kiss under the orange tree.

I didn't say anything before, that was because the two of them were still underage, and it was not suitable for their age.

"Speaking of which, the letter sent back to Bermel last time was in it, and he completely avoided the topic of marriage."

Nuoxia suddenly felt a little drum in her heart, "She will definitely be angry, she will, will she just find a way to make a phone call to the elite camp these days..."

Although large-scale telephone bugs that can span thousands of miles of sea and make long-distance calls are precious, there are still two or three of them in the 16 branches. With Father Nuoxia's affection, they can still have a chance to use them if they apply for it.

"I still miss her voice, but if I talk about marriage again, I can't explain it clearly on the phone..."

Nuoxia sighed, "It's better to meet directly, talk about it thoroughly, and complete the task by the way."

The mission time limit for the first kiss is quite long, but the props will be refreshed after a week. In such a short period of time, whether he rushes back to the East China Sea or Bellmer comes to the headquarters, it is too late.

Is it destined to miss the magical skill of "rebirth from a broken limb"?
Nuoxia was worried for a while, all kinds of thoughts in her heart.

For a moment, the idea of ​​having sex may not be too dead, and the big deal is to charge roommates first, anyway, it can't be regarded as the first kiss in the true sense.

But the next moment, he was startled by himself, woke up suddenly, and hurriedly shook his head to shake this crazy idea out of his head.

"Let's see the rest first."

When his thoughts returned to reality, Nuoxia settled down and decided to put aside the side quests and "rebirth from severed limbs" and so on.

His eyes moved down, and he landed on the next information introduction.

[Secrets of Double Swords Flow: Lunar Eclipse]

[Type: Special Sword Skill]

[Description: A powerful sword skill that can only be used by a swordsman with two swords. After you release it, a dazzling light like the bright moon will burst out from your blade, causing huge additional damage and at the same time causing approximately blindness to the enemy. effect, and in the next short period of time, it is difficult to capture the phantom position of the blade clearly]

[Note: The additional damage is proportional to the player's swordsmanship level, and the blinding effect depends on the enemy's strength and size]

["Holy Light, this enemy is worth... Gan, I can't see it!"]

"Not only is it a powerful sword skill, but it also has its own control effect?"

After reading this article, Nuoxia's eyes lit up, and she made a decision without hesitation, "And [-] points are not expensive, so I'll buy it!"

The double-sword flow sword skill was one of the things he lacked the most right now.

 I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival family reunion, have you eaten moon cakes?
  This is the first update, and there is another update around twelve o'clock.

  In addition: Belmer, who has never appeared before, has a character card online
(End of this chapter)

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