People are full of pirates

Chapter 8 "Man Slash"

Chapter 8 "Ten Kills"

[Sia Klongard has completed the preliminary strategy, and the ambiguous relationship has been established]

[Players get the first point reward: 1000 points]

[The relationship has not yet been established, please make persistent efforts, complete the final strategy as soon as possible, and get the second reward]

[The new side quest "Slash of Ten People" has been triggered, please check it in the task bar in the lower right corner]


Nuoxia snorted and scratched her hair, a little confused.

——He has clearly rejected the pursuit from Shia, and his attitude is firm, leaving no room, why is it still judged by the system as having established an ambiguous relationship?
Does one-sided love count?
Recalling the scenes that happened on the training ground two hours ago, from the rejection of the confession by the street lamp, to the betting and fighting, and then to the back of Xi Ya watching him leave silently in tears...

Nuoxia felt that these scenes might have some charming and ambiguous elements on the surface, but they were far from the "establishing relationship" in his mind.

It can only be said that the so-called preliminary strategy determined by the system seems to be much lower than the threshold he expected?

"Maybe it's good news..."

Nuoxia glanced at the thousand points that had been credited to the account. Well, it was only a quarter of Belmer's.

It seems that, as stated in the rules of the game, there is a proportional difference in the reward points obtained by different difficulty targets.

Shia is the elite of the headquarters, and her future achievements are destined to be higher than most people in this world. Such an excellent girl only has a thousand points to establish an ambiguous relationship.

It is conceivable how low the rewards that ordinary girls who are more likely to be attacked by Nuoxia can be provided.

This made Nuoxia further strengthen her beliefs, and she must not cast a wide net and catch more fish under the guise of earning points, and stray between the flowers.

But what the hell is this suddenly refreshed quest?

Looking at the task name of "Ten People Kill", Nuoxia had an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

Holding the last bit of luck, he still opened the task bar in the lower right corner and glanced quickly.

"Side Quest Name: Slaughter of Ten People"

"Congratulations to the player for completing the two preliminary walkthroughs, within one day! WOW, a great achievement, it seems that love is not so difficult for you, maybe it's time to face a bigger challenge!"

"Mission content: Within fifteen days, initially capture ten navy soldiers and establish an ambiguous relationship."

"Task reward: 10 points, S-class gift box X1"



Nuo Xia rolled her eyes, didn't bother to answer, just turned off the system panel, yawned and went to take a shower.

To attack ten people in fifteen days, do you have to be colleagues?
It's better to wash and sleep early, there is nothing in the dream.

Nuoxia knew that her appearance was unique in the elite camp, and it was indeed easy for girls of the same age to have a good impression.

But this kind of goodwill only stops at the level of knowing Mu Shaoai, not everyone loves him at first sight like Shia, and has the courage to take the initiative to confess to him.

It is absolutely impossible to count on the points that fell from the sky in vain like tonight.

As for taking the initiative?

Not to mention that he can't get through this hurdle in his heart, one Shia is enough to make his head big, and then provoke ten colleagues around him?The rabbit didn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest. Just thinking about the possible ending of the hatchet made Nuo Xia's scalp tingle.

Anyway, it's been a long time since he came to Japan, and he has always been very patient. The big deal is to wait for the next time to complete the appropriate task, and then find a way to complete it and earn points.


A good night's sleep.

At [-]:[-] in the morning the next day, the circular alarm clock on the bedside realized that it was time, and was ready to jump up and make a cheerful vibe.

But there was a hand that stuck out of the duvet long ago, and before the alarm clock jumped up, he turned it off with a backhand, and rolled over and got out of bed.

Looking around, seeing Shiliu and Rosannadi who were still sleeping, Nuoxia breathed a sigh of relief, went straight to the bathroom, took out her toiletries, and came to the mirror.

The gathering time for the elite camp is seven o'clock. Most people don't get up until half past six, and he is used to getting up an hour earlier for extra training.

Over time, a terrifyingly accurate biological clock has been formed.

The alarm clock, the only meaning of existence for Nuo Xia, is to exercise hand speed and allow him to regain consciousness quickly after opening his eyes.

"Good morning, myself."

The person who appeared in the mirror was sunny, handsome and full of energy. Nuoxia grinned, revealing eight white teeth, and then started to squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush.

When he woke up, he felt extremely refreshed from the inside out. The exhaustion and tiredness brought by the hard training all day yesterday disappeared without a trace.

This is the special physique he has had since he was a child, and his endurance and resilience are far beyond ordinary people.

No matter how hard or tired, there is nothing that cannot be solved by eating a full meal or sleeping deeply.

If not, then eat and sleep!

Nuoxia moved very quickly, and when he went out after washing up and came to the training ground, less than fifteen minutes had passed.

He has been like this every day for the past year, so that after an hour of extra training, he can still leave enough time for breakfast before gathering.

The morning light is faint.

Probably because of its proximity to the harbour, at this point, there was a dense fog that could not be dispersed.

There were only two or three figures at the entrance of the training ground, all of whom were acquaintances from the elite camp. Nuoxia took off her jacket and said hello. After hanging her jacket on the wall, she started running a circle to warm up.

After warming up, he found a remote and quiet corner, ready to start with the simplest basic "Su Zhen" for today's swordsmanship training.

Practicing swordsmanship in the morning and physique in the evening is a habit that Nuoxia has gradually developed over the past year, and it is also the most reasonable time allocation plan for him.


This should be the sound of the blade being unsheathed, but in the safety headquarters, in order to minimize unnecessary wear and injury during training, Nuoxia and the others, under the suggestion of Zefa, use bamboo swords on weekdays.

Bamboo knives have no scabbards, so naturally there is no sound of drawing the knives, so this "bass" is actually the voice played by Nuo Xia when he held his two bamboo knives.

The tone goes slowly from high to low, with a long tail.

That's what a man is like, no matter how old you are, when no one is around alone, it's always easy to sneak up on some bizarre mid-secondary movements.

Of course, Nuoxia would not admit this easily. He firmly believed that this was to create a sense of ritual before practicing swordsmanship.

It's been like this every day in the past, and he doesn't feel embarrassed when no one sees it anyway.

Unfortunately, today seems to be a bit of a miscalculation.

"Yohoo, it's a good imitation, little brother."

Suddenly there was a sound above her head, and Nuoxia was startled. She turned to look and found a tall man lying on the top of the wall a few meters away.

In the thick fog, I couldn't see the appearance and expression of the other party, but I could vaguely see the guy yawning lazily with his legs crossed.

 The update is a bit late, thank you for the serious and cowardly reward of 5000 coins, as well as the reward and support of the ancestor of the wolf king and Qingshan Jiluo. In the new week, the new and weak are looking for recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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