Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1006 Nulu One Hand!

Chapter 1006 Get angry!
Three full days!

The two armies of the entire 108th Division were harassed for three days by the hateful "little mosquito" in a non-stop and almost stubborn way.

I originally thought that the "dysentery" that lasted for a day or two would improve after taking medicine, but the effect may be there, but not much.

And in the end, the reason why those unlucky people with diarrhea didn't have much diarrhea, even the lowest-level Japanese infantry believed that it was because the intestines had been emptied, and it was by no means that any medicine had an effect.

The later battle reports of the 108th Division can prove how virulent this unnamed fruit produced in the Taihang Mountains is for laxatives.

The 108 troops of the 2th Division, because of this sudden "dysentery", had to kill 1200 pack horses because they were extremely weak and still unable to walk normally when they finally evacuated.Horses can be killed, but people cannot be killed with a single shot. In the end, nearly a thousand people were carried out of the vast mountains lying on stretchers, and half of these soldiers, commonly known as "severely ill" patients, were ordered to retire from active service that year. Because their intestinal function is permanently damaged, the food is slightly raw and cold, and diarrhea every 3 minutes is a daily routine.

In addition, more than a thousand Japanese infantrymen suffered from psychological abnormalities. The specific manifestations were that their faces turned pale and their bodies trembled uncontrollably when they smelled the smell.

In their original words: When you are conscious, your limbs are healthy and you can control yourself, but you cannot control your chrysanthemum, whether you are lying down, sitting or lying on your stomach, you can only let the uncontrolled Do you know how broken your heart is when the heat is all over your crotch, and the stench is suffocating, and when the people around you, even your colleagues who are usually close as brothers, look at you with disdain?

The Japanese soldiers may be cruel, but they also need dignity in front of their own people, but the Chinese use an unknown poison to trample their dignity into the dust in front of their own people.

No matter how they cleaned it afterwards, the stench seemed to never get rid of it, and the feeling that their butts, thighs, and even heels were covered in feces was even more accompanied for life.

Of course, everyone has passed the destiny, and they are buried in their hearts if they don't see each other. The conflict between the two did not go to the blushing and thick-necked people like Xiangyue Qingshi and Indoor Shroud in the battle meeting. They fought each other up.

What are they trying to harass so hard?And the No.80 Army is gathering its main force to fight against the 16th Division. Why are there two infantry regiments here suddenly?

You know, even though the 16th Division and the 109th Division have not achieved their previously expected combat objectives since the battle, they have attracted a Chinese group army and at least three infantry divisions. 8 troops, otherwise, how could the 108th Division enter the [-]th Army's garrison in the hinterland of Taihang Mountain so smoothly?

Xiangyue Qingshi, who already knew the news that the Chinese people in the area where the 108th Division arrived, was "hardening the walls and clearing the wilderness", was also a little helpless.

Although Xiangyue Qingshi is the highest commander of the entire Japanese army in southeast Shanxi, he is only a lieutenant general in terms of military rank, and he is on the same level as Xiong Yuan, the commander of the 108th division. His merciless questioning is already what he can show most drastic way.

But only a person with personal experience like him knows that the two Chinese infantry divisions in front of him are definitely hard nuts to crack.

Fortunately, China is a big agricultural country, otherwise there are a few factories built in this mountain, and the 108th division must be broken up and down?
But no matter what, Xiangyue Qingshi can find military exploits for every important general under his command, but what is there about Shanxia who is still fighting hard with two infantry divisions in the mountains?
Except for the heavy casualties, it seems that there are no characteristics to be found.

This is a feature of the division numbers of the Japanese invaders. For example, the 109th Division is the reserve of the 9th Division, and the 110th Division is the 10th Division. Why is there no 105th Division? The division is composed of both the regular division and the reserve service, so Mao's fifth division is powerful, because the total strength of the fifth division was close to 5 at its peak, which is a proper establishment for a Japanese army.

What, heavy casualties?That's a good feeling, Xiangyue Qingshi even wanted to slap his hands, the worse he is, the lower the probability of being promoted to lieutenant general of the army, let alone the chief of staff of the front army.

Today, the 108th Division stayed in Yushe, Wuxiang and other places for more than 5 days, burning down more than 70 villages and 15 mountains and forests.

"Xiaxiongsang, why did the main force of your 108th Division retreat? According to the previous battle plan, your division should continue eastward, join forces with the Second Mixed Brigade, and encircle the stubborn enemy with an absolute superiority."

Xiangyue Qingshi was named "Xue Rong" in the front army. At the beginning of the campaign, I heard from internal channels that the chief of staff of the division, Saburo Okamoto, was about to be transferred. Only through mutual tacit understanding can a battle plan be formulated quickly and implemented smoothly.

Although Xia Xiongyuan wanted to vomit thick green phlegm from this colleague of the same level who was holding a chicken feather as an arrow through the phone, he still had to give face to General Shanshanyuan who was sitting in Pingbei City, and patiently told the 108 The division is currently facing difficulties.

Although the Chinese ran so fast that they did not kill many Chinese, more than 70 villages were burned and tens of thousands of Chinese lost their homes. Reconstruction would consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and it would be a heavy blow to the Chinese.

Because it was wartime, the ammunition reserves they carried far exceeded the food, and ensuring that the soldiers could eat and drink for ten days was already the limit of entering the mountains and participating in the Japanese army.

It is unavoidable that the 108th Division will consume more than usual due to the "dysentery" of the soldiers and pack horses. Besides, they have also completed the tasks set by the front army headquarters.

It's just that there is no combat exploit to write about, and the 108th Division can only include it in the battle report.

But Xiong Yuan is not Xia Jiba's military order. According to the combat plan of the Front Army Command, the combat mission of the 108th Division is to invade Yushe and Wuxiang, sweep the core of the [-]th Army's garrison, and execute the "Sanguang" policy' to destroy all personnel, villages and materials in the area.

Because no one could be found, and in order to prevent the Chinese from sneaking at night, Major General Nakano Xiaosan of the 25th Infantry Brigade personally ordered to burn the mountains around the camp.

If it weren't for the help of the plane, the future "Malay Tiger" would even want to give up the so-called military exploits and retreat with his subordinates.

In the last two days of the fight, the intensity of their artillery fire increased instead of decreasing. At the peak, there were nearly 20 mountain artillery firing, and there were also a large number of 82 mortars.

That is a transitional position, but it doesn't mean that any lieutenant general is qualified to be gilded, especially for a defeated player.

It's a pity that the mountains in some areas of the Taihang Mountains are not small, but the vegetation is not so dense, and now it is May, and the shrubs and trees are green. After all, this man-made mountain fire did not really burn much. A few pieces were symbolically burnt black.

This military order made Xiangyue Qingshi, the commander of the Japanese First Army in Lucheng, very angry, and directly called Xia Xiongyuan in Licheng to ask why he dared to withdraw the army without authorization.

However, when Shanxia heard it, he almost fainted immediately.

Well!Dare to feel that the reinforcements he waited for for several days disappeared immediately.

So much so that the Japanese troops of the 108th Division surrendered far more after being captured in future battles than other divisions. Well, compared with it, the honor of the Imperial Japanese Army should be forgotten!
It may be simpler and more straightforward to use the definition of a group member after knowing the incident: "Look, the so-called honor of the Imperial Japanese Army is not as good as a pile of shit!"

There are many factions in the Chinese military, and it is common for them to shirk and argue with each other during battles. It is commonplace to run around with oil on their feet. In fact, the Japanese are not much better. That is to say, they now have the upper hand, and many conflicts are covered by the halo of victory. I mean, if they are beaten to the ground on that day, the ugliness of those high-level people who can't see the light can also brighten people's eyes.

Do you know?In yesterday's battle alone, our army suffered 1600 casualties!As the head of the division, I can accept the imperial warriors to serve the empire and serve His Majesty the emperor, but I cannot accept that they are hungry and dragging their seriously ill bodies to do such honorable things.

But during this battle, Shanxia bypassed Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingshi, the commander of the 'Xue Rong' campaign, and directly asked General Shan Shanyuan for help, which completely angered Xiangyue Qingshi.

The Chinese also suffered at least thousands of casualties. Why, you have a one-to-one battle loss ratio with the Chinese, do you have any face?

The angry Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingshi didn't even read the battle report sent by the Second Mixed Brigade these days. Anyway, you like to find His Excellency the Commander of the Front Army, so send your battle report directly to the Front Army Command.

This retreat, within the Japanese army, has been reasonable and legal.

The 40th Division, which originally planned to join forces with the 108nd Mixed Brigade 20 kilometers away from Dashan and the Chinese for a decisive battle, lost nearly a thousand people in a battle with two infantry regiments of the Chinese army at a mountain pass [-] kilometers away from Wuxiang. Finally, he made an unthinkable but sensible decision.

Thinking about it at a deeper level, if Xiangyue Qingshi wants to become the next commander of the front army, doesn't he have to get the support of the heads of the masters?People have talked about this, and if they pursue it further, it will really offend people.

After Xia Xiongyuan's approval, the 1000th Division, which lost only more than a thousand people and more than 108 pack horses, was about to withdraw its troops, commonly known as running away.

Of course, Xia Xiong Yuan still has the confidence to be a lieutenant general in the army, and he also has reasons to state his reasons. At the same time, he clearly told himself that this colleague at the same level can use the authority of the commander to say that he is wrong, but He can also deny it.

They all believed that he had more than ten thousand elite soldiers, and he was fully capable of crushing the two Chinese infantry divisions.

All this seems to indicate that the Chinese have some bad ideas about his 108th Division.

Fortunately, there is still the Chinese army, the underachiever, who is at the bottom. The logistics support of many Chinese armies is not to mention pack horses, and there are not even a few donkeys.

On the battlefield covering an area of ​​3 square kilometers, the Army Aviation of the Japanese North China Front Army dispatched a total of nearly 60 bombers and dropped more than [-] tons of bombs.

If, Commander, you think I did something wrong, after the war, I will submit my resignation to the front army headquarters, but Xiong Yuan himself will not admit his mistake. "

The Second Mixed Brigade was fighting fiercely. More than 3000 Chinese troops and [-] imperial elites were fighting fiercely. It is said that in just four days, the casualties on both sides were close to [-].

Of course, these are all secondary, the most important thing is that Lieutenant General Xiangyue Qingshi has always had an indescribable thorn in his heart.

But the lieutenant general ignored one point. Almost all Chinese soldiers can live by digging wild vegetables and adding some rice paste to make their stomachs, as long as they get some potatoes, sweet potatoes, cornmeal, or even none of these. At the expense of bearing the shortcomings of its own army's weak logistical support.

On the North China Plain or the southeastern plains of China, the Japanese army could barely satisfy themselves with trains and cars, but when it came to the big mountain of Taihang Mountain, the Japanese army also had no choice but to abandon a large number of cars and replace them with pack horses.

The 108th Division is a second-line division, but it also depends on whose second-line division it is. They are the reserves of the 8th Division. They were reorganized into the 108th Division and put into the Chinese battlefield before the war.

Jianghu is a global thing, not just unique to China.

Xiong Yuan retreated because of his last resort, and more or less he explained to me, the commander, with a smile on his face, and he is still a lieutenant general at any rate. Li, when you become a lieutenant general in the future, you must not trample me to death!

"Mr. Qingshi, the reason why our division is temporarily evacuated from the area this time is that there is a serious shortage of military rations and even drinking water. In addition, dysentery is rampant. Thousands of imperial officers and soldiers are sick, and many imperial warriors are weak after illness. , but had to go to the front line due to illness, which eventually resulted in far more casualties than usual.

This is what Xia Xiongyuan means. I'll give you a reasonable explanation. Everyone is a lieutenant general, and they all have backers. Don't be ashamed of you, Xiangyue Qingshi.

It is said in the military book that "the army is not moving, but the food and grass go first", which shows the importance of logistical support for an army. For the Japanese army, which has completely entered the era of hot weapons, logistical support is only more important than ever.

This means that there is nothing but mountains and trees in the mountainous area. Otherwise, if some bridges are blown up, the livelihood system in this area will be basically destroyed.

That's all. The lack of sleep for three consecutive days completely dragged down the morale of the infantry of the 108th Division. Many soldiers wrote home letters expressing their weariness and dissatisfaction with this battle.

But what about the Japanese army?Not only to fill the stomach, but also enough salt, sugar, tea and other materials, which are much more expensive than the Chinese.With the same force, the logistical support capability of the Japanese army must be several times that of the Chinese army.

However, the more lively the second mixed brigade played, the more guilty Xia Xiongyuan felt.

Thinking of these two old rivals, Xia Xiong Yuan faintly felt something was wrong.

It would be fine if it were someone else, but Shan Xiaxia was extremely arrogant. Before the war, he had disobeyed Xiangyue Qingshi, who was the commander of the garrison army, which made Xiangyue Qingshi very angry. The head of the group directly hugged the thigh of the shroud in the room, and he loved to ignore Xiangyue Qingshi, who was no longer his direct boss.

Therefore, Xiangyue Qingshi agreed to the request of the 108th Division to retreat for replenishment, and reported it to the Front Army Command for approval.

However, the Japanese Army has done a poor job in this regard. The logistics support in the Western world has already used ships, cars, and even aircraft. The impressive Imperial Japanese Army is still using a large number of pack horses.

Moreover, the 108th Division only carried seven days' worth of luggage. The original plan to obtain supplies through war support was completely wiped out after the Chinese moved and retreated. What reason does the regiment not run?
Don't run away, wait for the Chinese to slow down and surround them?

But at that time, maybe it's not the two lieutenant generals who are fighting each other, but the camp behind them.

But what makes Xiangyue Qingshi extremely upset is that reliable sources say that the second mixed brigade major general Yamashita who participated in the war is the most likely candidate to succeed Okamoto Saburo.In normal times, this would be news at best, but Yamashita was ordered to lead the Second Mixed Brigade from Baoding, where it was originally stationed, to participate in the war in southeast Shanxi, and the authenticity of this news instantly rose to more than 90.00%.

Tenacious willpower is one aspect, and people's heavy firepower equipment is by no means as small as some people think.

This may not be worth mentioning for the density of hundreds of fighter jets on the Western battlefield, but it is extremely rare in the Chinese battlefield. Even the 16th Division did not receive such strong air support.

But to be honest, few people know that the real reason that Xiong Yuan made up his mind to run the whole division is that the two infantry regiments working hard in the two infantry regiments of the Yamaguchi and the 108th Division turned out to be the 921st Division of the 108th Group Army Not to mention the strong firepower of the Chinese who harassed the [-]th Division for three consecutive days, the shadow of the Four Elements Regiment is also hidden in the tactics.

The Four Elements Regiment has not yet appeared since the start of the war, and the senior spies lurking in the Second Theater Command of China do not know where the regiment is transferred.

For example, slamming all over the place?
As a result, the two sleepy-eyed infantry regiments gathered their last strength to attack the line of defense where more than 5000 Chinese soldiers were deployed. Coordinated military orders.

The bloody battlefield made it rare for the proud Major General Yamashita to leapfrog the headquarters of the Telecommunications Front and request sufficient air support.

What this means is that the combat mission of our division has been completed.

But now, the battle has been fought for this sake, what should we do?Should we just continue, or run away with thousands of corpses?
The dilemma made Shan Xiashi, holding the Xiangyue Qingshi electric order, stand in the open space in front of his field headquarters for at least 10 minutes.

In the end, he chose to pull out his small pistol and took a shot.

"Baga! Baga! Bastard, two damn bastards!"

Holding a pistol and shooting at the sky to vent his anger, what Shan Xiaxia wants to do most now is not to kill the Chinese, but to kill the two idiots Xia Xiong Yuan and Xiangyue Qingshi.

(End of this chapter)

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