Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1020 Naughty!

A Japanese plane seemed to have fallen in love with high platform diving suddenly, and suddenly plunged down, almost perpendicular to the ground at [-] degrees!

"Mr. Asada, pull the rudder, pull the rudder!" The Japanese pilot who followed frantically reminded him on the radio.

Apparently, that was the way he didn't see the head hanging down.

Two seconds ago, a shell exploded at a position less than 6 meters away from the cockpit of the Japanese plane. The flying shrapnel not only pierced the fuselage with several thumb-sized holes, but also opened the Japanese pilot.

A two-centimeter-long shrapnel easily pierced through the relatively thick flight cap and the head of the Japanese pilot. The crazy shrapnel quickly rolled over after breaking the skull.

If the head is described as a pot, then the brain is the steaming porridge in the pot, and this tumbling shrapnel is a stirring spoon, the porridge is still the same pot of porridge, neither increased nor decreased, but the position has changed .

The porridge can be stirred at will, but the brains.
The Japanese pilot actually lost consciousness at that moment, but the sudden loss of senses caused his spinal nerves to respond. He stepped on the accelerator deeply, stretched his arms forward suddenly, and pushed the rudder to the bottom.

With such a wave of operations, the [-] fighters are of course like diving from a high platform, shooting straight to the ground.

With a sound of "Boom!", the plane that hit the ground exploded a cloud of fireworks on the ground.

The Japanese pilot who kept shouting to remind his comrades closed his eyes in pain. This was already his last friend in the Army Aviation Brigade.

Everyone said that Captain Sasaki was the lone star of the gods, a ruthless man who 'sacrificed' his teammates, but perhaps only he himself knew best that in the half a year since he participated in the war, the losses of the front army and aviation were actually not that big, but the battle damage was about There are only twenty or so planes, which is nothing compared to the southeast battlefield.

But among them, five of his roommates in the aviation school were included, and there were six people in one dormitory. Up to now, he was the only one left.

If there really is a lone star of the evil spirit, then perhaps he is the real one.

Or maybe, if it wasn't for this war, none of his five friends would have died in battle?Such a thought suddenly flashed through the mind of the second lieutenant of the Japanese army named Asada Shenjing.

People, only when they feel the pain deeply, will they reflect on the underlying logic behind the loss. Singing and dancing to promote peace and joyous singing and dancing can only continue to encourage the growth of various desires.

This is human beings, a kind of arrogant creatures who have sealed themselves as the top of the earth's food chain.

Unfortunately, Asada Shenjing's reflection came too late.

This is the battlefield, the Japanese pilots’ eyes are red, it’s because they were stimulated by the death of their comrades, while the Chinese’s eyes below are more like green, not only covered by the green mountains and forests, but also so ‘plump’ The lure of birds.

Really, as for the cute little stubbornness of the Japanese who are so beaten up and are still reluctant to drop heavy bombs to reduce the weight of the plane, who would not want to give them a hard shot?No, dozens of cannons!

Second Lieutenant Asada Fukai no longer had to open his eyes, which were closed in pain because of the loss of his friend.

A shell exploded just under the belly of another Japanese plane. The flying shrapnel did not penetrate the 500-pound aerial bomb, but broke the hook where the bomb was placed.

Then, the Japanese fighter plane itself was maneuvering, trying to quickly leave the airspace covered by Chinese artillery fire, and the powerful overload directly threw the heavy aerial bomb out.

More importantly, this fighter plane happened to be about 80 meters above Second Lieutenant Asada Fukai.

The fighter planes are all flying at a high speed of 330 kilometers per hour. From the perspective of reference, two Japanese planes with the same speed look almost stationary to each other, and the same is true for aerial bombs with the same speed.

It's just that this heavy aerial bomb has an extra gravitational acceleration.

So, in the dilated pupils of a Japanese pilot further back due to extreme panic, the aerial bomb just smashed into the cockpit of Matian Shenjing.

How much does a 500-pound bomb weigh?It's almost enough for you to press O'Neill and an ordinary adult on your body. The key is that these two still jump down from a 30-story building and hit you.

Second Lieutenant Asada Fukai didn't even have time to open his eyes before he was smashed into a pulp, and the whole fighter was smashed in half by the huge pressure, like a butterfly whose wings had been cut off, falling downward at high speed.

The 12 fighters of the second formation led by Captain Sasaki lost a quarter of the battle in just twenty seconds.

This result is actually very good. If the bomb that smashed Lieutenant Asada Fukai's fuze was unplugged and exploded due to the distance from the impact, the violent explosion energy group could even knock out several Japanese planes hundreds of meters behind. All swept in.

The Japanese infantry who were still cheering on the ground lost their voices collectively watching this scene.

But the Chinese soldiers waved their fists fiercely in the bunker.

However, this is not the final fate of this huge fleet of Japanese aircraft.

Because, the air defense position of the Four Elements Regiment is not just these 9 cannons, it is as high as 27, forming a huge triangle in the vast mountains, covering the entire group of Japanese planes that swooped down, regardless of the formation of Japanese planes Going left, right or up, a cannon with a range of up to 2500 meters is enough to tear it apart.

Unless the Japanese fighter planes flew nearly 2000 meters away from the battlefield, they might have a chance to escape the pursuit of machine gun shells.

But that, takes at least 30 seconds!
30 seconds is enough time for 27 machine guns to fire thousands of shells.

When dazzling sparks bloomed from a certain mountain peak again, and another Japanese plane was hit and emitted thick black smoke, the Japanese pilots already knew that they had been tricked.

Such a large-scale air defense position is no longer a passive defense, but an ambush!

It should have been a joke to ambush the soaring eagle with ground anti-aircraft artillery, but when the entire fighter formation took the initiative to lower the altitude to a thousand meters for the legendary Chinese artillery position, the joke became a tragedy.

A tragedy belonging to the Japanese Army Aviation!
There is no shortage of brave pilots in the Japanese army. In the face of such a difficult situation, some people still make quick choices.

"Yamamoto-kun, Ono-kun, come with me to attack the Chinese air defense positions. The rest, leave the battlefield quickly." A Japanese army lieutenant with a swollen face burst into fierce eyes and ordered over the radio.

As the order sounded, the Japanese lieutenant took the lead to set an example, pushing the rudder hard with his hand. In the sky full of bullets, the 2 fighter under him did not rise but fell, and quickly dropped the fuselage. With all the bombs mounted on it, it kept maneuvering towards the No. [-] air defense position. In the sky full of artillery fire, the fighter was like a nimble swift in a storm.

Although Captain Sasaki had previously issued a military order not to use airborne machine guns to fight against Chinese air defense positions unless necessary, this brave enough Japanese lieutenant knew very well that if the Chinese air defense positions were allowed to be so unscrupulous forever After shooting, it would be nice if half of the 12-machine formation he led could go back.

Therefore, he made the bravest choice and led two wingmen to descend to attack the Chinese air defense positions to ensure the smooth evacuation of the other nine fighters.

The sacrifice of a few people in exchange for more people living, this kind of case is basically made by the Chinese soldiers on the Sino-Japanese battlefield, and no one thought that one day it would be placed on the Japanese desktop.

But there is no doubt that those who can make this choice are all brave.

Without much hesitation, the two Japanese planes roared down together with their squadron leader.

The moment the three Japanese planes dived, they all dropped bombs.

Nearly ten large and small aerial bombs hit the mountain peak a kilometer away one after another, and flames and black smoke shot up into the sky.

The originally silent Japanese infantry on the ground in the distance cheered loudly!

Even the Chief of Staff of the Second Mixed Brigade, who watched this scene with a telescope, couldn't hold back his excitement: "Please pay tribute to the warriors of the Imperial Army Aviation! In addition, send a message to His Excellency the Brigade Commander, Ask him to give credit to His Excellency Commander for the army aviation warriors!"

It doesn't matter a short-term defeat. The courage shown by the Army Aviation pilots at this time is the real samurai spirit. This is like a shot in the arm for the demoralized Japanese infantry!

However, most of the Chinese soldiers have solemn faces. Not only are the Japanese fighter planes fierce, but they have seen many fierce Japanese on the battlefield. The best way to make them calm down is to smash their flesh with bullets Head, this is already the customary method of the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment.

What made their faces solemn was that there were at least three cannon positions on that mountain, and an anti-aircraft artillery platoon with more than 3 people. How many people could survive the bombing there?

Yes, they are right to be concerned.

The 3 Japanese planes dropped bombs fearlessly, after all, they caused damage to the Chinese air defense positions.

Although a heavy aerial bomb only hit the mountainside, it was still 200 meters away from an anti-aircraft gun camouflaged and protected with logs and branches, but the terrible explosion wave still swept in like a huge wave, just like destroying building blocks Generally, the bunker made of wood as thick as an adult's thigh was pushed down, and the anti-aircraft gun weighing more than 200 kilograms was rolled up several meters high with the shooter sitting on it like a piece of paper, and then slammed more than ten meters away.

The heavy gun barrel was pressing on the sergeant shooter, and when the soldiers who managed to escape the shock wave found him, his thick chest was completely crushed, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out and sprinkled on his beloved anti-aircraft gun.

"Squad leader!" The soldiers called to their squad leader while trying to move the anti-aircraft gun that was pressing on him.

"Kill!" The sergeant only faintly yelled this word at the last moment of his death, and his head drooped heavily.

This is the first sergeant of the Four Elements to die in this ground-to-air battle, but it is by no means the last.

According to post-war statistics, in this battle alone, the Four Elements Regiment lost three anti-aircraft guns. The sergeant or sergeant squad leader who was the main shooter became the martyr of this battle together with their anti-aircraft guns.

Of the three anti-aircraft guns on this mountain alone, one was destroyed by the explosion on the spot, and the other was buried in it by the collapsed log bunker. It would not take a short time to struggle out of it.

There is only one anti-aircraft gun left in the air defense position where the Japanese army rushed down three fighters frantically.

So, this single-barreled anti-aircraft gun fired back, facing the three Japanese fighter planes that were fiercely plunging down.

The Japanese are not lacking in bravery, and the Chinese will not regard them as weak either.

Not only for the comrades who have died, but also for myself.

Just as they will not let the Japanese go, the Japanese who want to survive will not let them go.

If they were allowed to fly over here at high speed, the survival rate of these three Japanese planes would reach 50.00%.

As the Japanese plane lowered its altitude to 600 meters and the straight-line distance increased to 500 meters, both sides could almost see the distorted muscles on the opponent's face clearly.

Of course, that's just a feeling, which comes from the heart.

Staring at the anti-aircraft gun emplacement that became clearer and clearer in the field of vision, the lieutenant of the Japanese Army Aviation first pulled the firing valve, and the two 96mm airborne heavy machine guns located under the nose and wings of the 7.7 fighter fired simultaneously.

The two bursts of fire were like two whips hitting the ground hard, forming two long dragons of dust visible to the naked eye, fiercely biting towards the position of the cannon.

They don't need to hit all of them, but they can easily kill the machine gun shooters with mortal flesh.

For the machine gun shooter, the most sensible choice at this time is to quickly jump out of the machine gun seat and hide in the simple trench on the side of the machine gun, then at least 70.00% of the vitality is still there. A steel shield with a thickness of no more than 8 millimeters is absolutely unable to stop the dancing bullets.

The most irrational choice is naturally to shoot at the Japanese machine. The Japanese machine is not a "dead" target like the Kongming Lantern. They are not only doing small maneuvers, but also have a high speed of more than 80.00 meters per second. This kind of shooting The success rate is less than ten percent, risking an [-] percent chance of being shot.

However, the sergeant squad leader made the most irrational choice, let out a roar similar to a beast, and kicked his ammunition hand into the trench next to him, but he was holding the machine gun tightly. The handle, with a single-barreled machine gun, fired at the two machine guns of the Japanese machine at a straight-line distance of 500 meters.

The long dragon hit by the two ammunition chains bit the machine gun fiercely, and quickly passed the machine gun and continued to the rear. The steel plate in front of the machine gun kept emitting sparks, making a creepy 'clink' sound.

At that moment, at least a dozen machine gun bullets hit the machine gun.

At the same time, three clouds of blood mist burst out from the slightly thin body of the sergeant squad leader.

The flying heavy machine gun bullets did not directly hit the brave army sergeant of the air defense company. The three wounds were basically formed by the ricochets that hit the gun body and the steel shield and were bounced off.

But it is by no means to say that the ricochet is not fatal, on the contrary, it is more dangerous, and the deformed bullet will cause unbearable pain to the victim.

As for the sergeant squad leader who was shot, the ricochet wound on his body was at least as big as a wine glass. Not to mention whether the wound hurt internal organs, blood vessels, or bones, just a large amount of blood loss could kill him.

The squad leader of the sergeant is not a god, and he doesn't have the awesome phenomenon of holding dozens of bullets and still holding the machine gun in the film and television drama. After being shot, his body goes limp and he falls on the machine gun firing position.

Regardless of the fact that there were still two Japanese planes in the rear, the two soldiers had already fired. They jumped out of the simple trench next to them with a simple hemostatic bag, and desperately pressed on the squad leader who was bleeding profusely. It was already the best they had. medical treatment.

All the hemostatic medicines in the hemostatic bag come from various hemostatic herbs purchased from the mountain people in the past month, and then ground into powder. Although the hemostatic effect is not as strong as that of Yunnan Baiyao, it can still relieve the risk of bleeding.

But limited by the conditions, even if Tang Tuanzuo ordered Zhuang Shisan to take charge of the matter himself, he could only issue five to each squad before the battle in Southeast Shanxi.

In order to save their squad leader, the soldiers of the anti-aircraft artillery squad used three of them without hesitation, although they probably knew very well that the squad leader might not be able to save him.

However, there was no hesitation.

The sergeant squad leader who was hit hard had already fired six shells before being shot.

Five of them missed, and only one hit.

20 mm caliber shells, only one round is enough!
The main propeller being knocked away by shells is not the most deadly thing. The most deadly thing is that the knocked-off propeller rushed directly to the windshield. The shards of windshield pierced the face of the Japanese Army Aviation Lieutenant densely.

The Japanese army aviation lieutenant, whose face was covered with blood and screamed loudly, covered his face instinctively, without any scruples about losing the fighter plane whose propeller had already begun to stall.

Then, after the stalled Jiuliu almost dropped hundreds of meters in a dive posture, he slammed into the mountain he had just bombed, turning himself into a blockbuster.

The fate of the other two brave Japanese planes is also very sad. There are not only machine guns hidden in the mountains, but also more than 20 anti-aircraft machine guns.

Even without the use of anti-aircraft guns to focus fire, the Japanese planes lowered to 600 meters are like putting their heads under the guillotine, and the raindrops of bullets flying from below smashed the two Japanese planes in just 10 seconds. hole.

After the inspection after the war, the two Japanese planes were hit by at least 80 bullets.

The plane was not smashed, but the pilot was killed by bullets penetrating from under the belly, and both Japanese planes crashed into the forest.

By this time, the bravery of the Japanese had been torn to pieces by superior ground firepower.

The Japanese infantry on the ground did not lose their voices this time, but got wet.

Wet with rushing tears.

When did the Chinese become so strong that bravery became so fragile?
This is the main reason why the clenched fist of the Japanese army lieutenant was trembling slightly, not because of Parkinson's disease.

When Captain Sasaki, who was the first to escape from the battlefield, counted the number of his fighters, he almost didn't cry.

At the beginning, the huge formation of 24 fighter jets that came here in mighty force was only half full by now!
And the results they have are nothing more than dropping the bombs and setting a part of China's mountains and trees on fire.

What's the matter, playing with fire with your life?

Like a brat who threw a firecracker into the sewer, naughty!

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