Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1023 Growth!

Chapter 1023 Growth!

The mistake Yamashita made was that he underestimated the artillery of the Four-row Regiment, and even underestimated the fighting will of the front-line infantry of the Four-row Regiment.

Originally, the Artillery Battalion was the sequence for launching the first wave of attack before the general attack of the Four Elements Regiment. The time to get up and prepare was early. When the Japanese army started shelling the frontline positions, they had basically finished their breakfast as quickly as possible and were firing the artillery shells behind them in full swing. Transported to the ammunition storage point near each gun position.

It seems that the Japanese army came to strike preemptively, and started to focus their fire crazily before their own infantry entered the attack state. Aren't the artillerymen furious?
Just take the performance of a certain artillery major who had an angry red-to-purple face on the artillery position and smashed his helmet on the ground, and he already knew the degree of humiliation felt by the artillerymen of the Four Elements Regiment.

In less than 3 minutes, the heavy mortar company and the mountain artillery company belonging to the artillery battalion of the Four Elements Regiment entered a state of emergency readiness. In the 4th minute, thick smoke was already emitting from the barrel of the first artillery.

The four-row regiment artillery began to enter attack mode.

It's just that their artillery shells did not hit the Japanese infantry hard, but hit the Japanese artillery positions at least 3300 meters away.

Of course, because the position of the Japanese artillery positions is firstly judged by the scouts reporting the position, and then combining the experience of the veteran artillery.

The Japanese artillerymen were not stupid. Not only did they increase the distance between each gun to 50 meters, but they also took the initiative to fine-tune the gun positions this morning, at least 600 meters further back than yesterday.

It's a pity that the Japanese army didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at them behind the telescope on the top of the mountain on the cliff on their right wing, where even monkeys could not go up.

That was Ming Xin, with Shen Laoliu lying beside her.

This duo is the strongest mountain duo sent by the reconnaissance company.

The reason why it is said to be a mountain and not combat power is because the mountain is too steep. If you want to go around the right wing where the Japanese army has not deployed much defense force, you have to pass through this mountain. The individual combat power is already second. , if you want to get here, you must have the climbing ability comparable to that of an ape.

Ming Xin, who grew up in the mountains and possesses strong national skills, is the first choice, but his companions must also be strong enough. Gu Xishui pulled the original list of 60 people several times, and finally chose a certain old man. six.

Shen Laoliu's mountain experience may be a little lacking, but this guy is a veteran among veterans. He has a strong psychological quality and a very good marksmanship, and he also has the experience of partnering with Ming Xin.

Therefore, the mountain duo, which the reconnaissance company placed high hopes on, had sneaked into the depths of the mountain as early as the night before yesterday, climbing over the cliff with the rope and iron claws on their backs, and approaching the Japanese army with difficulty.

But only yesterday, the duo was still nearly 1800 meters away from the main force of the Japanese army. Observing the location of the Japanese artillery positions was only judged by the gunpowder smoke seen from the mountain, so there would naturally be deviations.

But Tang Dao believed in his soldiers, and they would definitely overcome those seemingly impossible natural moats, just like the 22 warriors of the [-]th Group Army flew over the bridge with only iron chains left.

Man will conquer nature, as long as there is enough firm belief!
Therefore, Tang Dao chose this dawn as the time for the general attack.

Sure enough, Mingxin and Shen Laoliu lived up to Tang Dao's entrustment, and carried a heavy field radio on their backs to the top of this almost 1000-degree cliff, only [-] meters away from the Japanese artillery position in a straight line!
"Report to Eagle's Nest, the shell deviated by 800, corrected by 600 to the right, and corrected by 300 forward!" Ming Xin lay down on a rock, pointing her thumb at the front and gesticulating. The distance measurement method learned from the old artilleryman kept reporting the data.

Without any tools, the coordinates of the enemy can be determined visually and with the help of the thumb, and guide the artillery to correct the trajectory.

Originally, Ming Xin was weak in this aspect, but his natural intelligence quickly made up for his shortcomings. According to Tang Dao, Ming Xin was the most suitable person to be a scout he had ever seen, including himself.

No one knows how high Tang Dao thinks of Ming Xin, because Tang Dao from the future is not only a leader in the field of Chinese special forces, but also ranked first in the world. He has also seen special forces from all over the world from five continents and four oceans .

Those who are better at marksmanship than Ming Xin are like crucian carp crossing the river. Even Tang Dao has seen at least five people who are better at fighting with cold weapons that Ming Xin is best at.

For example, the Maoxiong special soldier who came out of the Siberian training camp is not only equipped with the martial arts of the fighting nation Sistema, but also has amazing ability to withstand blows. Tang Dao punches at least hundreds of catties with a punch, punching there It only caused a short-term dizziness on the face of the opponent, and when the opponent swept over with a leg, a five-centimeter-thick iron pile was kicked and bent. Facing this kind of player who is resistant to high blood and strong offense, even at his peak Tang Dao can only maintain a [-]-[-] winning rate.

But Tang Dao couldn't help but marvel at Ming Xin's super learning ability. If he was given time to study systematically, Tang Dao was even sure that Ming Xin would surpass himself sooner or later.

The 22 cannons of the artillery battalion were at least 10 meters away from the Japanese artillery positions in the first 600 minutes of the battle. The front was a shock to the Japanese army, but after seeing the Chinese artillery after the test firing, the coverage area was the end of the full-scale artillery bombardment. Still gave their side a safe enough distance, and the Japanese artillery gradually relaxed.

In the original words of the commander of the Japanese army's artillery battalion: "The Chinese artillery is already very powerful. They even estimated the approximate area where the imperial artillery positions were located by using the artillery bombardment yesterday, but they were too irrational to waste a lot of shells on On an uncertain target, such ambitious behavior will pay the price sooner or later.

Compared with the "extravagant" Chinese artillery, the Japanese artillery is very pragmatic. They are also estimating the area of ​​the Chinese artillery positions, but after calculation, they have no choice but to give up this plan.

Because the artillery positions of the Four Elements Regiment are different from them. They are not in this hilly area, but hidden in the mountains. Although the mountain roads are rugged, the undulating mountains also have natural protection for the artillery. If they waste precious shells on the This lack of certainty results in a sharply reduced lethality area, which is undoubtedly a crime for the brigade in trouble.

Therefore, the Japanese artillery locked the target on the Chinese infantry, and used precious shells to kill the infantry and reduce the pressure on their own infantry.

For example, this early morning, the Japanese artillery brigade that took the lead poured artillery fire on the Chinese frontline positions. At the same time, the infantry launched an attack on the most advanced trenches that the Chinese dug for a day and were almost next to the imperial infantry trenches yesterday.

Although I don't know how the Chinese are about to launch an attack on their own defense line, the feeling that they are almost close at hand makes Japanese commanders, big and small, feel that it is not very good.

Especially when thinking about the tactics that China might use to blast a large amount of explosives at close range, the Japanese army felt a chill down their spines!
Of course, the Second Mixed Brigade is one of the few elite troops of the North China Front Army. Even if it is a desperate fight, it will never be so stupid that the Chinese hide in the trenches to avoid artillery, while their own infantry foolishly rush into the barrage , That's not bravery, but stupidity, stupid enough to kill his infantry with cannonballs!

Yin Tengyangtai's infantry coordination, the raging barrage has been measured for several rounds, and the distance from the infantry charge formation is at least 100 meters.

This is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous distance. Not to mention that the Japanese have never played this way, even Western military powers have never brought the infantry coordination to such a short distance.

But Yin Tengyoutai has no choice. If he doesn't do this, when the Chinese play tricks, his three defense lines of up to 3500 infantry may suffer even more casualties.

Otherwise, Shan Xiawen would not have specifically told him before leaving last night that the safety of thousands of people in the brigade was in his hands.That clearly told him that Hou Yi was desperate, maybe it was just them who died, but if they didn't, the big guys died together!

However, both Yamashita and his brigade chief of staff underestimated the tenacity of the frontline officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment. Even if they were caught off guard, there were still many Chinese soldiers like young corporals who were going upstream in the artillery fire.

Take the Japanese infantry on the opposite battlefield of the third battalion, at least two infantry squadrons, nearly 400 people, rushing fiercely with rifles on the battlefield filled with gunpowder.

After all, the main force of the third battalion was still avoiding the ravages of artillery fire on the positions bombarded by the Japanese army, and less than one-tenth of them had the opportunity to rush to the frontline positions.

Especially in the three most protruding positions, not to mention the distance from the Japanese army, there are only three infantry squads at most.

The distance of 100 meters can be reached in almost a few breaths. If the Japanese army rushed into the trench, it would be a bloody hand-to-hand combat. Not to mention the dozens of Chinese soldiers in the trench. If you come back, you will probably have to pay a huge price.

It is not that there are no light machine gunners who took the risk to put the light machine gun on the trench, intending to support the comrades in front, but the power of the concentrated fire of 24 artillery pieces is really terrible.

As Boss Cao, who was still curled up in the trenches, felt, the whole earth seemed to be shaking, and it still felt precarious, let alone showing his head in the trenches.

Boss Cao, who could hardly hear any sound, was quickly alarmed, not by the sound, but by the hot liquid splashed on his face.

It was the blood of a brave light machine gunner who was less than 10 meters away from him.

The light machine gunner had just put the machine gun on, and before he even had time to pull the trigger, he was hit by a stone blasted by the shell on his right arm, and a cloud of blood exploded. He was blown away, leaving only a bare stumped arm.

The light machine gunner screamed loudly, but the other hand was still clinging to the precious light machine gun. His instinctive right arm wanted to use his hand to pull the trigger, but the bare half of his stumped arm was no longer able to allow him to complete this tactical action. .

"Ah! Ah! Give me a hemostatic bag, quickly give me a hemostatic bag!" The soldier waving half of his stumped arm screamed loudly, while roaring ferociously to the rear.

But he didn't mean to drag the light machine gun back to the trench.

Boss Cao, whose ears were constantly buzzing, was a little stunned. At this moment, he knew why the hot blood splashed on his face even after such a long distance. It was caused by the soldiers waving their arms desperately. of.

It's just that he didn't understand what the machine gunner wanted to do.

It's all like this, why doesn't he hide?What else could he do with a machine gun in one hand?
He can no longer shoot, but he can use his actions to move the soldiers who are still hiding.

Then, Boss Cao, who was still a little sluggish, watched the two soldiers rush towards the machine gunner frantically.

While desperately pressing the hemostatic pack on his huge wound that could no longer be blocked, dragging him down desperately.

"I can't live anymore, you guys, help me fight the devils, if you don't shoot, the little devils will charge up." The young machine gunner leaned on the wall of the trench, roaring at the two comrades with red eyes.

Boss Cao couldn't hear anything, but he could see two soldiers nodding with tears in their eyes.

Then, one of the two soldiers stood up and raised the blood-stained Czech light machine gun again, and the other held the ammunition belt.

The crisp "da da da" sound of the Czech light machine gun, which damaged its main shooter before firing a single shot, seemed so insignificant in the position where the Japanese artillery fire was raging.

However, that represents the tenacious will of Chinese soldiers.

On the battlefield, there are at least seven or eight light machine guns firing.

There were shooters who fell down like the previous shooter, and were dragged down the trench wall by their comrades in arms. Then, some people raised their guns again and shot at the "shit yellow" people who were faintly waiting in the smoke of gunpowder 200 meters away.

Looking at the extremely pale young face that was only ten meters away from him, Boss Cao felt very heartbroken. It was a face as young as his younger brother!
And that burnt-yellow pallor was like the brother he saw falling off a cliff because he was driving at night to deliver firewood to the city.

"Brother, it's my fault, the firewood is gone!" When the 18-year-old brother saw him climbing down the cliff with a rope to find his elder brother, he said such a last word with great remorse, and let out his last breath.

At that moment, Boss Cao saw his little brother again in this young man. He didn't know where the courage came from. This middle-aged man who only wanted to join the army to earn money to support his family unexpectedly crawled to the side of this machine gunner.

"Brother, do you want to drink soup, I'll scoop you a bowl of mutton soup!" Looking at the dying machine gunner, Boss Cao choked with pain in his heart and could only ask this sentence.

The dying machine gunner tried his best to roll his eyelids and opened his lips that were slightly dry due to massive blood loss. Boss Cao couldn't hear what he said, but he automatically made up his mind: I want to drink!

Yes, what the machine gunner said was: "What a good mutton soup, what a fucking devil, I haven't even had a sip of it yet?"

"Wait, wait, I'll get it for you!" Boss Cao took off the steel helmet given to him by the young corporal, bent over and ran to the side of the soup bucket that had miraculously not fallen over.

The original milky white broth had become muddy due to how much dirt flew into it, but Boss Cao didn't care about that much. He took his helmet to shake the floating ash on the surface of the soup, and scooped up half of the broth. Hugging tightly, bent over again and returned.

The whole process never takes more than 30 seconds!
"Come on, brother, take a sip!" Boss Cao put the helmet on the machine gunner's withered lips.

However, the lips that had completely lost their color did not open again.

The machine gunner's injury was not limited to his severely severed arm. A shrapnel pierced through his chest. Although the wound was not large, if there was a CT, it could be clearly seen that the aorta of his heart had been completely destroyed. cut off.

Being able to persist until now is purely a reflection supported by a strong spiritual willpower!
"Brother, here comes the soup, why don't you take a sip! Take a sip! Really, this mutton is very good!" Boss Cao who stayed for a long time suddenly burst into tears.

The memory of losing his younger brother was intertwined with the pale face of the ventilator gunner before his eyes, which broke the heart of this middle-aged cook.

But there is an inexplicable impulse growing crazily in his heart.

Back then, the younger brother who died wanted to sell firewood to the rich to exchange money for the old father’s medical treatment. Although he was hurt, he couldn’t blame anyone, he could only blame God for being unfair.

But now, it was the Japanese, it was the Japanese who killed the young man in front of him.

If you want to avenge him, you have to kill the Japanese.

And 100 meters away, where Boss Cao couldn't see, dozens of soldiers couldn't care less about artillery fire or not, including the young corporal who spoke to him earlier, all of them just crawled in front of the trench, firing desperately, The bullet in his own gun is fired.

Life and death are no longer your own, and everything is left to fate!
They are just trying to live for themselves.

Killing the opponent is the only way.

The Japanese who are running fast, the Chinese soldiers who are shooting desperately, are all like this!
(End of this chapter)

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