Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1033 A chain reaction triggered by a pig!

Chapter 1033 Chain reaction triggered by a pig! (Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!)
On a starless night, A-Zhen did not meet A-Qiang!

But Yota Ito unexpectedly strengthened his own strength, although he didn't really think about it very much.

It was a team of about 360 people, not only infantry, but also artillery and engineers.

Not only did they carry rifles, machine guns, and even an infantry cannon, it was a miracle when the Chinese army sent a large number of troops into the mountains to intercept them.

It turned out that the miracle was brought by an old Chinese woodcutter who had lived in the deep mountains for a long time.

The old woodcutter, who was over 15 years old, lived alone in the mountains for more than [-] years. He was almost isolated from outside information. He knew what Japan was not from there. Living alone for more than ten years made him unable to even speak.

Then, he was caught by the remnants of the Japanese army who were eager to escape. The mountains here were a disaster for the Chinese and Japanese armies, but for this old man, it was really nothing.

Originally, the Chinese old man was also stubborn, and kept silent no matter what he said to the foreign people who were yelling ghostly words, but the desperate Japanese army even threatened a little wild boar raised by the old man, but the old man succumbed.

The little wild boar was no more than half a year old at first glance, but it was smooth and smooth, in stark contrast to the emaciated old man. Moreover, his body was clean and there was no rope to bind him. Seeing the old man being caught, he groaned If you want to come forward and bite someone, the old man has to control himself before giving up.

It should be that the old man who has lived in the deep mountains for a long time is too lonely, and treats the wild boar he picked up as his own child, and it is definitely not something to grow up to eat meat.The Japanese are not stupid, and they can still observe the relationship between humans and pigs through bits and pieces.

Whether it is a single person or a small team of dozens of people, there is almost no possibility of survival in the face of this kind of search.

Half an hour later, the reconnaissance results were in front of Yota Yoshita, who was very anxious. It was undoubtedly a painful result.

The reaction of the first row was not unpleasant. Through observation, it was found that the Japanese army was not a few dozen people, but a large force with heavy machine guns and infantry artillery. There were hundreds of people at least, and they fired three red signal flares to ask for help from the company headquarters. , while organizing a counterattack.

It's just that they didn't expect the old man to value the little pig so much that he would give in so easily.

Although he has a lot of complaints about Yamashita, Yin Tengyang knows that in terms of judging the battle situation, he can't keep up with his immediate boss.

You know, Yin Fujiyota is mentally prepared to sacrifice all six infantry squads as cannon fodder.

After all, even if he himself did not expect to miraculously gather so many troops, how could the Chinese make such a budget?
At this time, Yota Yin Fuji couldn't help thinking of what Yamashita said before he was knocked out by the bomb: no matter how bad the cards are, they must be played until the end, otherwise who will know the winner?

What is that like?A group of monkeys?Or the Japanese horse monkey.

The frustrated Japanese army started burning paper, no, flags on the rugged mountain road.

At this time, the sound of distant guns sounded again.

However, the Japanese infantry, who embraced that they would die if they won't win, charged at the first commanding height before their own artillery fire completely stopped.

It's a pity that this person and that person can't have any worries!
The old man succumbed again because of the 'cute' he raised.

In the current situation, perhaps the Chinese held a good hand, but played the wrong cards in order to win more, while he had a bad hand, but had the last laugh.

There will not be more than 100 Chinese here. Even if they have the advantages of terrain, there is a huge difference in the strength of the two sides.

If it was an ordinary Chinese army, they might just watch him take down one of the hills regardless of heavy casualties, and then cover the main force and rush into the deep mountains and escape.

Although they did not find a way to bypass the Chinese army's defense line, they had asked Yota Yin Teng, who was standing on the hillside and observing with a telescope, to draw a rough map of the defense area based on the area where the Chinese army opened fire.

Yota Yoonto, who had experienced a night of pain, hardly bothered to look at the pale face of His Excellency, the head of the Yamabuki Brigade.

How could a group of rout soldiers know that the chief of staff of the lieutenant officer, who looked like a stray dog, didn't even have a field radio station?If you really want to be named as a deserter, your family members in the country will also be affected, which is more terrifying than death.

The soldiers of the 'Steel Company', no matter what kind of situation they encountered, had to stick to their positions like steel until they were melted by the raging artillery fire.

Finally, the advantage of converging more than 360 remnants of the Japanese army was reflected. Yin Fujiyota had a total of 500 soldiers in his hands, at least he had the strength to fight.

The old man led the Japanese army along a small path in the forest. Although it was still rough and difficult, they miraculously bypassed the two lines of defense laid down by the reconnaissance company of the Four Elements Regiment and the First Battalion, until they bumped into the A sentry sent by Yin Tengyouta and his party.

Not only did he know that this might be the last survivor of the Second Mixed Brigade, but what's more, the more people there were at this time, the greater the possibility of being exposed.

Moreover, Yin Fujiyota determined based on the observations just now that the Chinese will never invest too many troops in one area in order to cast a large net to intercept more fish that slip through the net.

It took hundreds of Japanese troops more than two hours to reach the mountainous area that the old man talked about. Most of the Japanese troops stayed in the dense forest, waiting to send sharp soldiers to the left and right wings for reconnaissance.

At the end, the artillery squad that had already moved the infantry artillery up the hillside poured a small number of artillery shells on the hill occupied by the first battalion, second company and first row before the attack of the six infantry squads began.

For quite a long time, the first platoon and the second platoon, which was drawing troops to support them not far away, could only rely on themselves.

To be honest, in the refreshing mountain wind, Yin Tengyouta, who had almost escaped from birth, saw this army of 360 remnant soldiers, even if the number of troops under his command suddenly expanded to 500, he still had four heavy machine guns and The heavy firepower of an infantry gun is not happy at all.

With the help of this infantry artillery and up to ten grenade grenades, the Japanese offensive is quite the same. Amid the raging shells and grenade grenades, the two hills burst into flames. It was just completed last night. The sandbag fortification was blown into a mess.

If the 500 of them want to live, they must leave here before the main force of China arrives here, the farther the better.

Take the kind of path that Chinese soldiers will not take.

It's not that Yin Tengyoutai doesn't want to express his respect for the brigade flag bestowed by His Majesty himself, but the mountain road is too narrow, and it is difficult for two people to stand on it. If the flag guards want to start in a queue , everyone else, including him, the supreme commander, had to jump up the mountain and hold the tree trunk to watch the ceremony.

As long as any one of these hills can be captured, perhaps all the troops can escape from it.

There is no longer the solemnity and solemnity of the flag guards marching in front of the warriors of the empire when the flag was "burned". The oil was directly ignited and covered with dead leaves, and turned into a mass of ashes under the mournful gaze of a few officers.

Lei Xiong was also stunned, but his reaction was also very quick. He immediately mobilized 3 infantry platoons to move closer to the 2nd company and 1st platoon.

But the fact is right in front of our eyes, if there is no such a smooth and half big wild boar, the gray-haired old Chinese man probably would have thought of jumping off the cliff by himself.

This is a dead end, a dead end!

Although recruits accounted for half of them, the skeletons were all elite veterans supported by infantry companies.

There is no choice but to attack the Chinese defense line. If you rush through, you will live. If you cannot rush through, you will die.

Three infantry squads of about 170 people were deployed in each direction, and the attack points were the flanks of the entire defense line, one on the left and one on the right. Although the mountain road would be more difficult to walk, the blows encountered might be a little smaller.

From the moment they entered the second company, the recruits knew how their infantry company got the title of "Steel Company", which was earned by the seniors with a casualty rate of 90.00%.

There are not only Chinese here, but the defense line that the Chinese have set up in this mountainous area is more than 1000 meters long. The areas where there are no Chinese soldiers are either cliffs or cliffs. If you want to take a detour, unless the big guys put on their wings and become - birdmen .

Therefore, in the back, according to the characteristics of the Chinese army's defense zone, Yin Fujiyota quickly adjusted his deployment of troops, instead of attacking from three directions, he changed to two routes.

Although the Japanese army was not a master of mountain warfare, they also had a strong learning ability. They did not take advantage of their own firepower to suppress the Chinese and rushed towards the mountains. Within a range of hundreds of meters, almost no one can escape.They must seize one or two commanding heights to ensure that most of their own people escape into the mountains. At that time, it will be the real dragon returning to the sea, and it depends on who can escape.

Maybe there are still in the rear, but that's for the future. If you can't get out of this line, you don't even have the qualification to see the Chinese behind.

Moreover, the guard squadron with only 140 people left has rations for 3 days. Seeing those guys fleeing in a hurry, except for guns and ammunition, they didn’t even bring a rice ball with them. The Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant Assistant had to live on the northwest wind.

Regardless of looking for the reason why there were so many Japanese troops here, Wei Donglai, who was more than 2000 meters away from here, quickly mobilized troops from the defense line and reported the situation to Lei Xiong by radio.

Moreover, in order to ensure the loyalty of this group of rout soldiers, Yota Yin Fuji ordered the staff officer to record the name of each soldier and the original brigade and squadron they belonged to during the march, and deceived them that if there were deserters, their names would be sent to the radio station. Report to Command.

It can only be said that Yin Tengyouta's luck is really good. If he hadn't encountered the remnants of this brigade, and these Japanese were still carrying infantry artillery, then he would have to wait to die in the mountains, unlike now, at least There is also a chance to fight to the death.

When did the mighty Imperial Japanese Army want to survive by threatening a pig?

A second lieutenant of the Japanese army pointed his rifle at the head of a young wild boar grazing on the grass, forcing the old man who was already extremely tired to continue leading the way.

I can only continue to lead the way for this group of foreigners who speak ghost language. It is difficult for a few Japanese military officers who are proficient in Chinese to understand from the old man's vague dialect of Jin Province. is a must.

An infantry squad is responsible for guarding the commander's safety, 6 infantry squads are responsible for attacking high ground where Chinese people are active, and the heavy machine gun squad provides fire cover for the infantry in the rear.

Yin Tengyang too thought very beautifully.

But all the Japanese soldiers knew that it was impossible for them to turn back. The Chinese who were chasing them and the difficult mountain road would not give them another two hours.

In fact, even if they escaped by luck, the ending without any food supplies in this kind of mountain is still death.

On the nearly 200-meter defense line, the Chinese use the commanding heights of the mountain peaks as the point, and five or six commanding heights staggered at a distance of [-] meters are connected together to form a line.

But Yamashita still had moments of sobriety. He was awake for a few minutes at dawn. However, after seeing the 300 or so remnants in a state of distress, he knew that the brigade's defense line had been breached during the day yesterday. There were still 3500 people left when they left. After the two or three big cats and kittens he saw were left in the army, a mouthful of old blood sprayed on Ito Yota, who was pretending to be courteous, and helped him up.

All the Japanese soldiers knew that the Chinese were impatient to start searching the mountains. They should now use their superior force to blast out the prey that might be hidden in the mountains, and then kill them one by one, just like the traditional hunting.

He knows the personality of the platoon leader under his command very well. If it is not an emergency, he will never use the three red flares of the highest level to call for help.And allowing an infantry platoon occupying a high ground with a strength of more than 80 people to ask for help, it can only show that the Japanese troops attacking its defense line far exceeded their defense capabilities.

Unfortunately, what he encountered was the Four Elements Regiment, and it was the First Battalion and Second Company awarded the title of 'Steel Company' by the Four Elements Regiment.

If it weren't for the need for the mascot of No. 140 of the loyal guard squadron, Yin Tengyang would have thrown this old man into the ravine to feed the wolves too early.

But marching in the mountains, even standing on the opposite side can see the opponent's figure, and it may take a long time to get to the opponent's position.This is also the main reason why young men and women in the mountains are popular with folk songs. You can fall in love just by shouting, and you don't have to look at the face. It is simply a long-distance relationship in the mountains.

In the slightly cold mountain wind, Yin Tengyang couldn't help shivering!This shows that Shanxia, ​​who has entered a coma again, is extremely desperate to get out of this mountain, and even thinks that the last 500 members of the brigade will be overtaken by the Chinese and killed in this Chinese mountain.

It's fine if you don't see it with your own eyes, but when you see this extremely funny scene with your own eyes, Yin Tengyang Tai Zhongzuo, who has a vein in his temple, really wants to pick up a machine gun and chug these shameless guys.

On the Japanese side, through several tentative attacks, there were dozens of casualties, and the casualties were not very heavy, and they were not wasted.

The Japanese soldiers who often conduct endurance training are very confident, and they are very strong when it comes to running.Although it is a bit embarrassing to use the marching ability that he was once proud of to run away, but at this time, no one can care about it.Short legs also have the advantage of short legs, the frequency is fast, isn't it?

"Burning the brigade flag!" This was the military order issued by Major General Yamashita when he fell into a coma again.

Although there is only one mortar at present, it is not for nothing. The Japanese infantry guns are constantly bombarded to suppress firepower, making it impossible for the Japanese infantry guns to cover the infantry with all their strength.

Over there, Wei Donglai was shocked when he received the request for help.

Being so coaxed by Yota Yoshitō, coupled with the already strict concept of hierarchy in the Japanese army, why don't you obey orders obediently?

This line of defense based on the hilltops seems to be very strong, but it is actually very weak, and they are unable to continue to deploy troops to one of the hilltops.As long as one of the points is captured, the entire defense line will be torn apart. Although the defense line will not collapse, it will at least be like a big net that has been torn apart, unable to stop the fish in the net from escaping.

He organized the 500 people who had been completely dismantled into 7 infantry squads, a heavy machine gun squad and an infantry artillery squad. In order to ensure that the 7 infantry squads had sufficient execution capabilities, the captains of the squadrons were all lieutenants of the guard squadron.

As for Yamashita, besides moaning on the stretcher, what else would he do?If it wasn't for his stupid choice, how could the brigade get to where it is today?

However, Iron Company does not mean that going to the battlefield is to die. The first battalion also spares no expense to provide Iron Company with enough sophisticated equipment.

The individual equipment of the officers and soldiers of the steel company is a semi-automatic rifle paired with a submachine gun and a shell gun. Even if there is a single-shot rifle, it is mostly used by accurate shooters.

Not to mention that an infantry squad also has Czech light machine guns and Japanese grenade grenades.

Light firepower configuration, don't look at the 80 troops in a row, which is no weaker than the 340 Japanese troops.

(End of this chapter)

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