Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1050 Stupid batch, come!

Maybe God also wants to help Chinese soldiers.

The rain that had been pouring down all night also stopped at this time, and even the sun came out.

The scorching sun in early summer evaporates the moisture in the soil, making the originally muddy and difficult road gradually easier to walk.

This is good news for the searchers, but it is not friendly for those who are hiding and escaping. The speed of escape is far from the consequence of the fact that the rain is difficult to wash away the traces of their departure.

This made them have to waste precious escape time to cover up their escape traces, but the Chinese side only needs to step by step to check the net.

As long as a trace is found, it will basically be the end of the fugitive.

Most of the day, the mountains are full of voices!
The three infantry battalions are divided into 9 large groups according to the company-level organization, and then subdivided into 27 groups. The smallest search unit is an infantry platoon with 40 people, but the distance between each search group will never exceed 400 meters.

Unless the Japanese army has the ability to kill an infantry platoon with more than 3 troops within 40 minutes, they will face the siege of an infantry company.

What's more terrible is that the Chinese search force also brought dogs. An hour after entering the mountain, the dogs finally smelled the scent belonging to the Japanese and tracked them to the location where they had rested.

At the important mountain pass, the 17th Division no longer sent sentries, but formed a mobile patrol team with 15 infantry squads as the standard. In the rear, there were two infantry squads with machine guns occupying the fortifications to provide fire support.

The loose fishing net is gradually being tightened.

To paraphrase the phrase that future sports live broadcast hosts often talk about: there is not much time left for the Japanese!
Therefore, after the third hour of escape, Lieutenant Miyamoto, who was still struggling for his own destiny, had to follow Fujiwara Seno's suggestion to divide the 8-member team into 6 groups according to free combination.

It was after passing through several mountain passes in a row, but found that the Chinese army stationed at each mountain pass was at least one infantry platoon. This Japanese lieutenant, who had also been in the army for at least five years, finally understood that his previous emotion was in vain. up.

His boss had foreseen a long time ago that the Chinese would go crazy, and tens of thousands of people were mobilized to besiege and kill them for the sake of a few of them. The bigger the target, the lower the possibility of escaping.

Lieutenant Miyamoto took a sharpshooter from the same infantry regiment as himself to form a group, and the rest were completely based on their own ideas.

To put it bluntly, from that moment on, the 8 elite Japanese soldiers belonged to the pattern of 'comrades in arms are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes'. Whoever survives and breaks through depends on their luck.

However, Lieutenant Miyamoto, who felt that he was being fooled by his superiors, made an extremely stupid coquettish operation. He even violated Fujiwara's order and directly turned on the single-soldier field radio on his back to send a message to the First Army still in Lucheng. The headquarters sent a farewell message.

"The rescue mission failed. We are now surrounded by heavy enemy troops. The chance of breaking out is slim. Your Excellency Fujiwara is running away alone. Minister Miyamoto should lead all his subordinates to fight the enemy to the end!"

The contents of the Jade Fragment message were very tragic, which made the senior Japanese officers of the First Army Headquarters look solemn, and took off their hats to pay tribute to these elites, achieving the effect that the Japanese lieutenant wanted.

But judging by the results, it's actually pretty stupid.

Lieutenant Shigeomi Miyamoto may not have expected that the 17th Division also had an anti-radio device, which was not originally equipped by the 17th Division, but was captured from the Second Mixed Brigade during this operation.

How could the Second Mixed Brigade be trusted by the Front Army Command to attack all the way alone? Yamashita also accepted the lesson of the previous failure of the Imperial Army and brought nearly four searchable radio signal devices before dispatching troops.

It was originally a special equipment deployed by the Front Army Command in various major cities to search for spies in the city, but Yamashita believed that there was a possibility that the Chinese side would send a small group of troops to reconnaissance and send their own important defense positions. Several units were approved.

As a result, during the Starfall War, a team that was wandering in the mountains trying to find a radio signal was caught by a reinforcement infantry company from the 17th Division, who directly killed the team and snatched back this little treasure.

This search for Japanese came in handy.

It's so hard to die, the search radio device that should be installed on the carriage is no more than 3 kilometers away from the area where Lieutenant Miyamoto is located. This will expose the location of a group of unlucky children!

Not only did the four infantry companies frantically surround them after receiving the news, but an infantry battalion staying nearby also simply sent two companies to participate.

It is Shigemiya Miyamoto's stupid decision to prevent the Chinese side from delaying the operation of shutting down the network until night, which would be a nightmare.

In less than two hours, the Japanese special agents who were divided into 6 groups and fled scattered were driven out from all over the mountain like rabbits.

They also perfectly embody the almost perverted samurai spirit of the Japanese. Even if they are surrounded by dozens of times their strength, they still stubbornly refuse to surrender.

There was a group of only two people, relying on a small cave, with a rifle and a submachine gun, they blocked an infantry company of the 17th Division for two hours and shot and killed more than 18 soldiers.

The furious commander of the infantry battalion personally supervised the battle, and did not hesitate to set fire to the mountain. He used the fire to force the two Japanese soldiers into the cave, and then threw grenades into the cave, only to get the two mutilated bodies.

For this reason, the commander of the infantry company was almost scolded by the colonel and head of the regiment who was in command.

That's why they don't know, just this rifleman and that submachine gunman have the title of marksman in Itagaki Shiro's Fifth Division.

The 7th Division with 20 troops has no more than 50 officers and soldiers with such a title. It is necessary for everyone to have a record of killing more than [-] enemies, not just at a distance of several meters How many rings to hit.

Just these two, if they can survive to the middle and late stages of the war, at least they are all at the level of sniper instructors.

Moreover, one of them is the second person under Fujiwara Senxie, wearing the rank of lieutenant in the army, and if he is sent down to the infantry unit, he is also an infantry squadron leader.

As a result, he was buried in this mountain in China.

But this is still lucky, at least, they have proved their status as elites before they died.

The 18 special forces of the Four Elements Regiment followed 3 infantry companies in groups of 6 to search the mountain.The marksmanship that was not inferior to the Japanese army at all, coupled with the support of troops far superior to the Japanese army, almost prevented the running rabbit from being driven into the air from being in a hurry to bite.

At dusk, the bodies of eight Japanese soldiers had been placed in the temporary headquarters of the 8th Division responsible for the raid.

However, according to Tang Dao's request, the large-scale mountain search operation did not stop, because the most important person has not yet been arrested.

Fujiwara Seno, as if he had never been this person, disappeared in the mountains and forests.

Because of the stern warning issued by Tang Dao, and the previous case where all members of an infantry squad were attacked and killed in battle, all infantry companies that had to camp in the wild lit up bonfires, illuminating the campsite and its surroundings brightly. The ratio of sleeping and resting soldiers to guarding soldiers is almost [-]:[-], and there is a two-hour shift, which will not give anyone a chance to take advantage of it.

Because, no one can kill dozens of soldiers who are fully armed and vigilant with pure close combat.

The reason why Mingxin was able to kill more than 30 Japanese soldiers that time was due to factors such as geographical environment and weather. The arrogant Japanese soldiers never expected that someone would attack them in this way.

. . . . . . . . .

In the darkness, Fujiwara Seno, who was sitting cross-legged, was also sighing silently.

He knew that as the sound of the guns weakened before sunset, most of the eight subordinates he threw out as bait must have died in battle.

The reason why he was sure that he was killed in battle and not captured alive was that he had enough confidence in the elite men of the empire under his command.

When selecting these elites, he had already indicated his identity, and promised everyone that the Fujiwara family would definitely absorb those who gained military exploits under his command as their peripheral retainers. The threshold of entering the nobility is far more exciting than being promoted to a military rank. Even those low-level officers with minor noble status cannot resist this temptation.

So when he handed out the instant-death pill hidden in his teeth, no one objected.

In a sense, rather than saying that the kamikaze team is subordinate to the headquarters of the North China Front Army, it is better to say that it is subordinate to his private soldiers of Fujiwara Senxie, all dead soldiers!

Even if Shanshanyuan knew what he was doing, Fujiwara Senxie, he would turn a blind eye and close his eyes. Don't think that General Shanshanyuan can win the support of His Majesty the Emperor, but if the Fujiwara family chooses to fight with him Standing on the opposite side, I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor will make the wisest choice.

From the point of view of executing military orders, this time he has suffered a crushing defeat. Among the 24 elite dead soldiers, there are almost no survivors.

However, they are not dead in vain.At least, it has delayed most of the day for the Chinese people, and nearly ten thousand Chinese people can't sleep at night.

Fujiwara Seno slowly curled up his body again, using a strange breathing rhythm to put himself back into a deep sleep, and then, except for those who observed him at a very close distance, judging from the slightly undulating chest that he was still a living person, a little farther away Looking at it from a distance, this black shadow is like an eternal rock on the mountain wall, lifeless.

This is a ninjutsu handed down by the Japanese from ancient times, and Fujiwara Senxie also learned it by chance. Otherwise, it would not be easy for him to escape the dragnet search of nearly 2000 people this time, even if he took the Chinese soldier to hide in it. In a cave more than ten meters below the cliff.

Every time the crazy Chinese searched for a cliff, they even tied the ropes and hung the soldiers down to check the situation in the bushes under the cliff.

Fortunately, Fujiwara Sengo's unique ninjutsu did not even disturb a couple of goshawks who were actively raising children on the other side of the cave when they arrived here.

The two big eagles that flew out startled the soldiers who came down to check, and at the same time made them defenseless against this dangerous place.Raptors that are raising young eagles will never let creatures that threaten the young birds exist. They are still here, which is proof that no one is there.

Fujiwara Seno used this rare night to recover the physical strength lost during the day.

The darkest time of the day is just before dawn.

That is also the time when the body is most prone to fatigue.

There is an infantry battalion responsible for the defense of the small Yesanpo. The mobile sentries alone have used 6 infantry squads. There are also three trenches, and bonfires are lit between the trenches. There are enough bonfires on the mountain and below. Not to mention more than 30 places, the whole Yesanpo is illuminated like daytime!Looking around, there are almost no too dark corners.

For the sake of safety, the battalion even used 4 heavy machine guns, two with the muzzles facing outwards and two muzzles facing inwards, and each was protected by an infantry squad. At night, shifts were changed every 3 hours to ensure 4 The heavy machine gun is ready to fire at any time.

According to the major and battalion commander of the 17th Division, even if a devil from the infantry battalion came to attack such a large battle, he would be able to withstand it for 24 hours, let alone a Japanese special agent team with less than ten people left. up.

What's more, there are still three infantry battalions searching outside. If the Japanese dare to come, they are really not humans but gods.

In the eyes of many officers and soldiers of the 17th Division, this is indeed a bit of a fuss.

But this is the order of Tang Tuanzuo. Who dares not respect the military order of the interim supreme commander who was notified by the commander of the 17th Division Zhao himself to each regiment?

But no matter how strict the military discipline is, the exhaustion after a sleepless night, and seeing the dawn is coming, many sentries began to relax their spirits, their eyelids drooped, and their perception was rapidly declining.

As a result, they didn't see a black shadow flickering in the silhouette formed by the afterglow of the bonfire. It even used the visual difference caused by the mountain wind to blow through the fire and shake it to hide.

Not to mention that the vigilance of many soldiers has already been reduced to the minimum and they are drowsy. Even if they are awake, they will probably only suspect that they are dazzled when they see this scene.

In less than 3 minutes, Soi Ying continuously broke through the three lines of defense of the 17th Division Infantry Battalion from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and finally, he quietly rushed into the wooden shed.

There is no doubt that the black shadow is still coming towards the mountain.

In Yesanpo, which is tightly guarded, there are no other buildings except the soldiers' field camp.

The three carriages that went through the battle yesterday still stayed in place, the tarpaulin was covered again, but there were no defensive personnel around, only this wooden shed, 30 meters away from it, had more than 30 infantrymen with live ammunition , obviously, they are guarding the people in this wooden shed.

Why is it so far away from 30 meters?Obviously, this is a secret, a secret that cannot be known by ordinary soldiers.

The answer, from the point of view of the black shadow who has been observing here for an unknown period of time, is already obvious.


At the moment when the black shadow flashed into the wooden shed, a soft sound suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Sombra's body stopped suddenly.

Then, a small fire ignited in the darkness, it was a small match.

The fingers holding the match are very slender, but the palm is very wide, which looks extremely powerful at first glance.

In the dim light of the fire, Fujiwara Senxie's face sank like water, and he looked at Shi Shiran's old opponent who picked up the match and lit the candle.

In the firelight, the young man who was only half a head shorter than him was Tang Dao!
"Brother Fujiwara, it's been a long time!" Tang Dao didn't look at Senxie Fujiwara. Instead, he flicked the candle lightly with a matchstick to make the wick burn more fully.

"The last time Zheng Cheng was farewell, Zhanxiong was looking forward to reuniting with Tang Jun all the time, but Zhanxiong never expected that he would be in such a dark place." Don't panic, calmly looked at Tang Dao who was looking straight ahead.

"Yeah! You said that we both miss each other so much, but what Tang Dao didn't expect was that before we met, you gave Tang such a tragic letter of challenge. Tang really wanted to refuse the challenge." There is no way!" Tang Dao looked at Fujiwara Senxie calmly. "But I'm afraid that brother Fujiwara, you are far more homesick than Tang, so I have to treat you to the urn with the invention invented by my ancestors. I hope Brother Fujiwara will take offense at what you have imitated."

Hearing what Tang Dao said, Fujiwara Senxie finally showed a cold look in his eyes: "It turns out, Tang Jun, you have already expected that I would not give up saving Major General Yamashita, but such a big battle has convinced me That's all.

What a calculation! "

"No, you're wrong!" Tang Dao shook his head.

"Huh?" A doubt flashed in Fujiwara Seno's eyes.

In the psychological confrontation between masters of their level, there is no need to cheat at all, only the most authentic can impact the opponent's mind.

"It doesn't matter whether you come tonight or not, because I know you will definitely come to me, otherwise with your skill, you must have broken through the encirclement and escaped from the sky, and the corpse of my ineffective subordinate must have already died." Found by our army!" Tang Dao said lightly. "It's just that I didn't expect Brother Fujiwara to have such a big appetite. Apart from coming to me, you also wanted to leave with Yamashita. Tell me, are you really looking forward to Shu?"

"Tang Jun, why do you care so much about your subordinates?" Fujiwara Senxie showed a slight smile on his face. "Are you really not afraid of being used by me when you actively expose your weaknesses like this? You know, I don't have those worldly views. In order to defeat the enemy, I will use everything I can."

"If you are here, it means he is still alive. If you die, he will be rescued. There are so many twists and turns." Tang Dao also smiled.

"Stupid, come on, get beaten up!"

With a wrong foot, he punched forward with his right arm, the military stab slipped out of his sleeve, and thrust forward suddenly.

The temperature in the wooden shed seemed to suddenly drop by more than ten degrees.

The murderous aura instantly condensed into substance!
A big sword came through the air, like a thunderbolt of lightning.

Fujiwara Seno felt tightness in his chest.

He just finished saying that he would use everything to attack the enemy, but the terrifying opponent didn't talk about martial arts and made the first move.

It's not terrible to attack first, he is confident enough to take down his opponent, even though there are hundreds of Chinese soldiers with live ammunition waiting outside.

Terrific, there is actually a great master who is almost as good as him hiding beside him.

Two on one!

This is also a DER!

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