Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1057 Scarab!

Chapter 1057 Scarab!
A living Fujiwara war hero is far more useful than a dead body!

In the continuous battlefield of blood and fire, Tang Dao is no longer just the strongest individual soldier with high blood and high spirits. No matter how unwilling he is, he must learn to be a better commander.

Becoming a commander means having to learn to be ruthless and compromise.

In order to bring greater benefits to the entire team, not just because of my own happiness and hatred.

Although Tang Dao had already guessed that Fujiwara Seno must have used some special method to save his life when he chose to jump off the cliff, he didn't particularly care about it.

He still can't escape the siege of thousands of people in a state of complete health, what's the matter, what about him who has lost most of his life?That's really overthinking.

What's more, Tang Dao's kick was very particular. It was not only used to vent his anger, but also kicked from the position called Dantian in Chinese martial arts.

The dantian is the source of Chinese martial arts. Maybe Japanese martial arts has its own special features, but it still cannot escape this system when traced back to the root. It won't take long for Fujiwara Senxie, who has been severely injured in his dantian, to know the consequences.

For Tang Dao, who has defeated Fujiwara Senxie consecutively, Fujiwara Senxie is no longer an opponent. If he meets this guy again, let alone him, even Kuroko can beat him to the point of being unable to take care of himself.

Tang Dao, who gathered four subordinates, didn't even bother to go to the other side of the mountain to track down the half-dead Fujiwara Senxie, but directly notified the major and battalion commander of the 17th Division to bring the entire infantry battalion. Give him the credit.

One of his infantry squads was attacked and all died in battle. Let him capture Fujiwara Seno or find Fujiwara Seno's body, which can be regarded as understanding a cause and effect.

Of course, this is also Tang Dao's intention to prevent Fujiwara Senxie from deceiving him. If he can't find that subordinate according to the area drawn by Fujiwara Senxie, then don't blame Tang Dao for not keeping his promise, even if Fujiwara Senxie is really dead If so, then the picture he described before must also become true.

Fortunately, Fujiwara Seno probably left himself the last escape route to die well, and the location was really not faked.

Soon, an hour later, Tang Dao and Ming Xin found the tightly bound soldiers 10 meters below the cliff.

Although both hands and feet were twisted, his life was saved. If the treatment was timely, the hands and feet might not be disabled.

After being awakened, the first thing the soldiers said when they saw Tang Dao Heizi and others was: "Sir, those devils are very powerful, be careful!" After more than a minute, the soldiers confirmed that they were rescued, but what did they say? Not to mention crying loudly.

Thinking about it, this has always been a thought that lingered in his mind, even if he thought he was hallucinating, he still instinctively reminded his comrades.

As for why he was crying, everyone in the Four Elements Group present knew that it was not because of the severe pain from his hands and feet, but because Old Zheng died right in front of his eyes.

This is the most painful thing for every soldier. He can try his best to suppress his sadness in front of the Japanese, but after seeing his comrades-in-arms, he can no longer control it.

"Notify everyone, change their outfits, and set off immediately." Tang Dao ordered directly.

He didn't want to hurry up and deliver the dead body of Shanxia, ​​but to find the soldiers who rescued him in the big hospital as soon as possible. If necrosis appeared in the fracture after a long time, it would be permanently disabled.

As early as last night, the 17th Division supplemented the lack of pack horses for the secret team of the Four Elements Regiment. Now that Yamashita is dead, there is no need for the Four Elements Regiment to cover up their whereabouts. The two heavy firepower points among the three carriages were revealed with great fanfare for the first time. .

Especially the long and thick barrel of the 20mm machine gun is enough to make any coveted eyes shudder.

There was Lu Sanjiang leading a cavalry squad to open the way. The Four Elements Regiment shocked the entire second theater in the First World War in the southeast of Shanxi. The regiment leader Tang even went out in person. Who would dare to stop it?
A major general and brigade commander of a division of the Central Army who got the news in advance even rushed to Tang Dao's checkpoint more than ten miles away to prepare a banquet for Tang Dao, but Tang Dao tactfully refused on the grounds that he was on a mission.

It only took three days for the team to advance at full speed without encountering any obstacles, and arrived in Linfen, where a group of high-ranking officials from the Second Theater Command were waiting for them.

It's just that Tang Dao went to the hospital the first time he entered the city. After the soldiers were settled and four officers and soldiers were left to guard him, he went to see the stingy old man with a happy face.

The stingy old man who received the news that Shan Wenwen had finished the calf two days ago was so angry that he scolded Tang Dao many times in front of his face and behind his back.

You know, a living major general of the Japanese army was captured by his second theater. He, the commander of the second theater, did not know how much face he showed in front of the soldiers and people of the whole country. Chief Li, who won the great victory in Taierzhuang, could not keep up with him.

But the glory that was about to be obtained was completely wiped out by Tang Dao, whoever you say can't jump three feet high.

But at noon on the day when Tang Dao was about to arrive in Linfen, good news came from the 17th Division that a big fish was caught alive. Intelligence, this guy is one of the most famous nobles in the Japanese island.

The stingy old man turned his anger into joy in an instant, Yamashita died, no matter what, there was still a dead body that could be used as iron proof of his meritorious deeds, the impact of capturing a Japanese nobleman alive might not be worse than that of a Japanese army major general.

A happy ending where one plus one is greater than two!

It turned out that after the Battle of Yesanpo, the major and battalion commander of the army respected and feared Tang Tuanzuo. 'I dare not discount the military order in the slightest.

He just took an infantry battalion and stationed in the entire valley, changed people without stopping, and sent people 24 hours a day to conduct a carpet search of the valley that is almost virgin forest.

As a result, the Japanese devil who was forced to jump off the mountain seemed to have never appeared, not to mention the body, not even blood, but he found the abandoned yellow military pants and white shirt.

It is more likely that Fujiwara Seno will survive.

Mr. Zhao Shoushan, who received the news, was also a ruthless person. He knew too well how useful a living Japanese nobleman was. Tang Dao gave this credit to the 17th Division, and it was obvious that he would give all his strength to help him surround him. To block the favor of the elite squad of the Japanese army.

Under such circumstances, if he couldn't catch a seriously injured Japanese devil, it would be ridiculous to spread the word.

An infantry regiment marched towards this unnamed mountain carrying all kinds of excavating tools. Those who didn't know it might think that the 17th Division was about to fight another big battle!

Zhao Shoushan had also made up his mind, even if he dug three feet into the ground, he would dig out Fujiwara Senxie.

Don't tell me, it really is this digging three feet that has played a role.

It was not until the morning of the third day that an infantry squad dug up the dead branches and leaves under a big tree that were more than two feet thick, and found a fruit man hiding under it.

Except for the loincloth, a man who is completely naked and in a coma, who else could it be if it wasn't Fujiwara Seno?
It can only be said that Fujiwara Seno is also a super ruthless person. In order to prevent being chased by that big dog with a strong sense of smell, he immediately took off all his clothes decisively after jumping off the cliff, and then burrowed into the thick wall like a mouse. Under the thick dead branches and fallen leaves, I don't know what ninjutsu secret method was used to minimize the needs of my body's functions, and I fell into a deep sleep like hibernation.

Obviously, apart from wanting to repair his extremely serious injuries, he also wanted to use this healing opportunity to miss the time period of the Chinese army's search so that he could escape.

It's just that Fujiwara Seno still underestimated the character of his old opponent. His name as a great aristocrat looked high on the Japanese side, but in Tang Dao's view, he was completely a walking golden mountain, a veritable scarab !

"Find the corpse of this guy, a mountain cannon battalion can get it. If you catch the alive one, you understand, Mr. Zhao." This is the telegram Tang Dao left to Zhao Shoushan before leaving.

Isn't it just to let the brothers dig the ground to loosen their muscles and bones?At least one piece of artillery battalion equipment can be earned back, who would not work hard?
If they still can't find it, the 17th Division plans to join another infantry regiment to cut down all the trees in this valley, and dig another three feet if it is not enough to dig three feet.

Don't say that Fujiwara Seno, who has spent so much effort to sneak under dead branches and leaves to be hibernating mice, is the so-called cunning rabbit with three caves. It is estimated that they will not be able to escape the fate of being entangled in the nest.

However, Fujiwara Seno, who was awakened from the secret technique by the officers and soldiers of the 17th Division happily tied into a big rice dumpling, breathed a sigh of relief after a short period of depression, which even he himself could not understand.

As long as it didn't fall into Tang Dao's hands, his little life would be saved.

"Tell you sir, I am a member of the Fujiwara family in the Japanese island! If he doesn't know, he can go and ask." Fujiwara Senxie didn't need Tang Dao to point it out deliberately, so he took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Completely different from those brainwashed ignorant lower-level imperial officers and soldiers, Fujiwara Waro did not have the idea of ​​being loyal to the empire and His Majesty the Emperor.

Either way, he had to survive first.

Because he knew that as long as he was still alive, the Fujiwara family and his unreliable father had to do everything possible to save him.

As for what price the family will pay, he believes that the Chinese will accept it.

After all, apart from his aristocratic name to bluff people, he is not high in military rank, and he is not considered an important figure in the military.

Fujiwara Kazuo is transparent enough, and he has enough strength to survive.

But I don't know that it would be better if he didn't say it, but when he said it, it aroused the anger of the army major. His entire infantry squad died in the hands of this doggy special agent team.

At the moment, with a few company commanders and old punches to serve, the division commander has to live, and you can't hit the vital places, you can always beat hands and feet!

Well!The man with a naked body who had already lost one leg was immediately discounted for the other three, and Senao Fujiwara whose nose was smashed into a flat plate was already very miserable. An infantry company commander smashed the butt of his gun and lost all his teeth. Mostly.

Just like this, the Fujiwara family exchanged him back at a high price, and they probably regretted it in their hearts. Baga, this is a beggar sect disciple back!Still the one without the bag.

But I have to say that Fujiwara Senxie is really resistant to beatings, he has been beaten into such a ghostly appearance, and he is still alive very well.

This so-called Japanese martial art is really a bit of a way, in the future, if you go to be a punching bag, you can make a fortune and get rich!

Therefore, when Tang Dao brought Shan Xiaxia's body to the stingy old man, the stingy old man not only didn't show Tang Dao's face, but also praised Tang Dao in public, and hung Tang Dao's medal on Tang Dao's chest in person. Said that the cash reward brought by a certain principal himself was also cashed in a lot, and he even rewarded the Four Elements Regiment with [-] oceans as the commander of the second theater and the chairman of Jin Province.

I don't know, I almost thought that Tang Dao was the illegitimate son who lived outside.

Of course, with this guy's stingy temperament, it's impossible to even think about taking this Wan Dayang out of his personal purse. It was paid for by the already pitifully scarce funds of the Jin Provincial Government.

Perhaps only Tang Dao knew best in his heart, what about the ten thousand oceans!It is the buyout fee, and the benefits you will get from Shigui Shanxiaxia and the prisoner Fujiwara Senxie in the future have nothing to do with you Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group.

It can only be said that as long as the stingy old man is involved in business, he has no brains, and he is definitely the top among the bigwigs in various provinces in the country.

It's a pity that the stingy old man knew that Tang Dao had already guarded against him.

If Fujiwara Senxie falls into his hands, how can he, as a small army colonel, even if he is a county magistrate's sesame official, be able to withstand the sting from a stingy old man like a war zone commander? With the support of several army commanders behind, I am afraid that they will have to submit obediently in the end.

But Mr. Zhao of the 17th Division is different. Anyone who wants to grab meat from him, even a stingy old man or even the principal, has to save some for him. Unlike Tang Dao, I'm afraid he can't even drink soup .

The stingy old man who felt that he was about to get rich happily appeased Tang Dao, and generously signed a note that Tang Dao wanted to take leave to go to the rear to recuperate.

Anyway, in this person's opinion, the battle in the southeast of Shanxi was a big victory, and it would be difficult for the Japanese army to organize a larger battle in a short period of time. Moreover, the main force of the Four Elements Regiment is still stationed in Taihang Mountain. The chief officer Tang Dao left for a month or two. big.

The stingy old man was almost vomited blood by a telegram from the 17th Division headquarters in the evening.

"Commander Yan Jian: The 17 officers and soldiers of our 15th division were attacked by the enemy after the great war, and now they have captured the leader of the enemy bandit. More than 17 officers and soldiers of our division were outraged and denounced the crime of cruelty to the enemy bandit. It is a heinous crime to massacre nearly [-] Chinese soldiers and civilians in our territory in North China! If you don't kill them, it won't be enough to calm the hearts of more than [-] officers and soldiers of our [-]th Division. If you don't kill them, it won't be enough to calm the anger of our [-] million Chinese people! Also ask the commander to approve our division to kill this bandit on the spot!"

"Liang's leg, what is Zhao Shoushan going to do? Doesn't he know how rare it is to catch a big Japanese nobleman? Even if he can't force the little Japanese to sit on the negotiating table, it would be good to see them come to beg me! Liang Yes, I don’t know how worried I am when I watch the loss of half of Jin Province and being scolded by people all over the country in the past half a year? Kill, kill, I know how to kill, what a bunch of corn-eating bumpkins!” Sitting The stingy old man in the quiet little study was pinching the telegram that the 17th Division had just sent, his eyeballs bulging out a bit with anger.

"Brother, I see, this Lieutenant General Zhao probably doesn't mean that!" Fifth Sister, who was helping the stingy old man, smiled slightly.

"What do you mean?" The stingy old man paused, walked back and forth a few steps, and narrowed his small eyes behind the lenses. "Zhao Shoushan is so brave, he even paid back the price with me first."

"Brother, if it was before the war, a junior division commander would have the guts to bargain with you, but now, it's not the time to employ people! And whether it's Niangziguan or this time in Southeast Shanxi, the 17th Division has played well. . " Fifth Sister patiently reminded herself of the angry elder brother.

On the surface, it is said that the record of the 17th Division is still good, but in fact, he is persuading his elder brother who has always been superior. If he loses the last piece of land in Jin Province, he will be driven to the countryside by the politically savvy principal in minutes to become his local rich man.

What's worse, I'm afraid that the headmaster has been looking for opportunities, waiting for troubles in his second theater, and the deputy commander of the theater headquarters has been waiting impatiently for a long time.

To put it bluntly, even with his honor as the commander of the theater, I am afraid that he cannot easily punish a lieutenant general and division commander. He must now be united, especially the factions other than the Central Army.

Otherwise, if you think that the [-]th Army who beat him black and blue before gave guns and guns, it was all caused by internal and external troubles.

"Forget it, this account can only be written down temporarily." The stingy old man who had been silent for a long time could only be forced to swallow this bad breath first.

"The division headquarters of the 17th Division is to be telegraphed. The Japanese invader is of great concern. Our country is now seeking assistance from Western countries at a critical juncture. It is not appropriate for the Japanese invaders to deliberately smear this matter. Wait a few days. If the enemy military intends to It is advisable for your division to come forward for the negotiation! The Japanese bandits will be deported to the headquarters and imprisoned in your division nearby, and please ask your division to do their best to appease the officers and soldiers of the division!"

The stingy old man read the message to the 17th division with an ugly face.

This is a compromise.

"It's done! That Commander Yan has let go. If the Japanese want to negotiate, we need our 17th Division to come forward. Commander, our division is really going to make a fortune this time." The chief of staff of the major general of the 17th Division smiled while holding the telegram Show it to Zhao Shoushan.

"We want to make a small fortune, but I'm afraid it will be much more difficult than before to find that Commander Yan for military pay and supplies from now on!" Zhao Shoushan had a wry smile on his face, waved his hands and sighed road.

"Brother Tang! This time, you threw me a big hot potato!"

"Didn't Commander Tang call in the afternoon? Anyway, he is in our hands, and he asks for a lot of money to pay back the money on the spot. Offending Commander Yan, all the military supplies and supplies that are missing, we have to ask Little Japan to make up for us. If Little Japan We are not satisfied with the price given, so we simply cut it off.

What's the matter, I really think that the lives of the 17 brothers of my 15th Division are for nothing! "The major general chief of staff sneered.

"That's right." Zhao Shoushan's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a trace of firmness on his face.

"Since the commander has been offended, there is nothing to worry about anymore. I should contact that clever ghost Tang Dao more often. I heard that everyone is not afraid of him with his big lion mouth.

In addition, the guard company of the division headquarters was ordered to watch over that little devil in 24-hour shifts, and anyone except you and me who approached a distance of 100 meters from his prison could shoot without asking for instructions!
In addition, didn't it mean that the little devil's limbs were all broken!Pay attention to check at all times, and if there is any healing phenomenon, interrupt me immediately!As long as people don't die. "

"Yes!" The major general's chief of staff wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Once he, the lieutenant general and division commander, puts aside his scruples, he can do much more ruthlessly than him. It is not enough to lock up a seriously wounded person with iron chains and steel cages, and a guard with 150 people armed with live ammunition. state.

The tragic Fujiwara Senxie fell into the hands of such a 17th division. Really, it would be better to just throw the ball to death at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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