Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1067 Friends who are as fierce as tigers and wolves!

Chapter 1067 Friends who are as fierce as tigers and wolves!
"Colonel Tang, look how magnificent and vast the rivers and mountains in your country are!" Rostav, who jumped off his horse, pointed at the scenery below the mountain and sighed.

"Yes! But now the Japanese are at war, which has caused my great rivers and mountains to fall into the flames of war. The soldiers of my generation will return them one day!" Tang Dao, who jumped off his horse, strode towards the top of the mountain and replied solemnly.

Rostav smiled slightly. Of course he could hear Tang Dao's meaning. This showed that Tang Dao had enough confidence in winning this war, and he would definitely counterattack the Japanese mainland.

But, for Rostav, this is more like expressing a belief in the future!Because just looking at the current gap between China and Japan, most people will think that China will lose, and perhaps only an idealist like him still has an unrealistic idea of ​​China's victory.

"Does Colonel Tang know why I named myself Lou Dehua in Chinese?" Rostav took the initiative to change the subject.

"Mr. Rostav, for your motherland, Huawei for my China, but I have many Chinese surnames. Mr. Rostav, you chose Lou's surname, but I can't guess it." After concentrating on thinking, Tang Dao spread his hands and said .

"Haha! Colonel Tang, at the negotiating table, you are holding Zhizhu with full momentum and crushing the Lieutenant General Okabe Saburo to death. General Tian and I admire you very much. I didn't expect it, and you don't know it. !” Rostav laughed heartily.

"The surname Lou originated from the lineage of Dayu in the ancient times of your country. It was originally 'Lou'. It is said that after King Wu of Zhou destroyed Shang Zhou, he wanted to pursue the descendants of the previous emperors, so he found No. 30 of the Shaokang branch of Dayu's descendants. The sixth generation grandson, King Wu of Zhou said to him at that time: "Without trees, a building cannot be built, just as without water, a source cannot be formed! "So he gave his surname 'Lou'!" Rostav seemed to be really interested in Eastern civilization. It is estimated that Tang Dao, an authentic Chinese who has lived two lives, would not know these allusions.

Seeing Tang Dao's amazed expression, he really didn't know!

After all, who has nothing to do to study the origins of various Chinese surnames.Come to think of it, this Mr. Lou Dehua has been kicked out of the core of power for too long, and he must have been too idle!
However, Tang Dao can also see from this that "Lou Dehua" yearns for and desires for power, and he always hopes to return to the decision-making level of Krupp, a huge arms manufacturing company.

As long as he has ambition, Tang Dao can give him hope.

The two stood on the peak of the mountain, and the guards who followed each were on defense 50 meters away.

Rostav took out a cigar box from his pocket and signaled to Tang Dao if he wanted one, but Tang Dao waved his hand and refused, and took out a cigarette from his pocket: "The cigar is too strong, I can't enjoy it , the Japanese are not very good, but the manufacturing industry is really good, and this cigarette tastes pretty good, Mr. Rostav, would you like one?"

Rostav was obviously a very assertive person, so he waved his hand to refuse, took out a pair of small silver pliers, and elegantly cut off the end of the cigar, then lit the cigar with a match, took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff. Blue Smoke looked at Tang Dao with a faint smile, "Colonel Tang knows that I will meet you during my stay here, won't he?"

"Mr. Rostav is a smart man, why can't he understand Tang's words of invitation!" Tang Dao replied with a smile.

"Oh? I actually don't quite understand why Colonel Tang wants to meet with me. In terms of its impact on your country's war, General Tian's position should be more important than mine." Rostav said modestly. In fact, the blue eyes are full of arrogance.

Even if he was squeezed out of the Krupp company's core layer, this man still remained arrogant. Apart from the particularity of the Krupp company's status, this was more importantly due to the powerful power of the motherland behind him.

Today's Germanic Empire, under the leadership of the head of state mustache, is taking off economically and has the highest armament in Europe. Even though there are still various agreements that defeated them in the First World War 20 years ago to suppress them, the whole of Europe is We know that the re-emergence of the Germanic Empire is unstoppable.

But I'm afraid this person doesn't know yet. One year later, the whole of Europe and even most of the world will tremble under the roar of the Germanic Empire's chariots, and Krupp is an indispensable part of the huge Germanic war machine.

The riding boots of the Germanic nation will travel all over Europe and even the more distant African continent. Compared with them, the crazy Japanese are like a little boy who can only lose his temper in kindergarten. The Germanic people of that period must be more proud.

"Does Mr. Rostav know what is happening in your country, or what will inevitably happen in the future?" Tang Dao did not answer directly, but turned the topic to the national level.

"I didn't expect Colonel Tang to pay attention to our country in such a difficult battlefield situation! Tell me about it." Rostav frowned slightly, but still tried his best to maintain a gentleman.

This has nothing to do with his impression of Tang Dao.

Really, the topic of Tang Dao is a bit too big.

Not to mention an officer of Tang Dao's level, even the commander of China's second theater general whom Rostav has met twice, is not qualified to discuss the direction of a huge empire whose strength is far above China.

To put it bluntly, this is a dimension problem.

Japan, which began to learn from the West to carry out the industrial revolution a hundred years ago, is only a second-rate country in the eyes of Western countries. China, which is still a semi-feudal and semi-colonial agricultural country, is even less popular in the eyes of Westerners. Even if they can organize a huge army of more than 500 million at any time.

But in modern warfare, determining the dominance of warfare has long since transitioned from the era of the Continental Army to coordinated operations by sea, land, and air.

Do the Chinese have a navy and an air force?
Isn't it ridiculous for a mouse to discuss what elephants and tigers eat today?

"Your country's economy has been on the right track as early as a few years ago, and the rate of economic growth has attracted the attention of the world. However, the progress of your country's military has far exceeded the so-called economic growth!" Tang Dao didn't seem to see With the disdain hidden in Rostav's eyes, he talked eloquently. "For example, Mr. Rostav, as a senior executive of Krupp, you should know how much your company has ordered more tanks and cannons in the past two years."

"Colonel Tang, do you know what you're talking about?" The disdain in Rostav's eyes completely disappeared, replaced by horror.

Everyone knows that the Germanic Empire is becoming stronger and stronger, but no one knows how crazy the Germanic Empire's military expansion and war preparations have been in the past two years, except for the top management of the empire and the arms company.

As Tang Dao said, in the past few years, Krupp has placed so many orders for tanks, cannons and even submarines that it makes several core members shudder.

It can be said that the ordering of equipment by the Imperial Army under the leadership of the Mustache Head of State has reached the point where it is almost insane. In addition to Krupp, there are dozens of arms manufacturing companies in the Empire. Which one is not working overtime?
What does the empire want to do?Everyone knows the humiliation of the Germanic people after the defeat in the First World War, but they are also looking forward to the rise of the empire again and become the most powerful country on the planet.

But this is definitely a secret, a secret that only a very small number of people in the empire know, and even the two neighboring countries that have raised their vigilance against the empire will never know.

But today, it was pointed out by a colonel of the Chinese army across thousands of miles of oceans. How can Rostav not be shocked?

"Hehe! Don't worry, Mr. Rostav, we are friends. Because our motherlands are too far apart, even if we become enemies because of the choice of camp, we will not have the opportunity to fight on the battlefield. Any topics you and I talk about, only It’s limited to you and me today, and no third person will know about it, and I guarantee it on the honor of Chinese soldiers.” Tang Dao smiled lightly and took a puff of cigarette.

"Then Colonel Tang, go ahead!" Rostav breathed a sigh of relief, looking cautiously at Tang Dao with blue eyes.

Tang Dao's energy is far more terrifying than he imagined, and he even knows this kind of imperial secret, and it seems that Tang Dao may know more.

"What kind of person is the head of state of your country? Maybe Mr. Rostav knows better than me. Whether it is economic development or almost crazy military development, Mr. Rostav must have been mentally prepared for what he wants to do!" Tang Dao smiled, pulled out the military thorns inserted in his riding boots, and drew a rather zigzag line on the ground.

"This is the Maginot Line of the French Empire. From the day it was built, it has been the Great Wall of Steel that guards against your country's rise again. Mr. Rostav, you can guess how your country will defeat this 390-kilometer-long line. The super line of defense?"

"You're talking nonsense, our country doesn't have one." Rostav was frightened and angry, growling to stop Tang Dao's unreasonable speculation.

But seeing the confidence on Tang Dao's resolute face, the voice of the originally extremely proud blue-eyed man dropped completely.

Because he knew very well in his heart that this solid line of defense between the two countries' important places has always been choked by the empire. If he wants to defeat that country, this line of defense cannot be bypassed, not to mention that the imperial army continues to use war chess to deduce how to break For this line of defense, even the folks are constantly making suggestions.

It can be said that as long as the empire launches a war, the country that has bullied the empire must be an enemy. This is a fact that the two countries are all too clear to each other.

But how strong the 390-kilometer-long defense line was built by the French Empire for more than 10 years is also well known by the Germanic Empire. To attack that line of defense, at least one million casualties must be paid.

Just thinking about that number can make the scalp of the Germanic people with a population of just over 7000 million feel numb.

"Hehe, don't worry, the head of state of your country may not be a good military strategist, but he is definitely a leader who emerges once in a century. If he wants to fight, he will find a way." Tang Dao smiled lightly at the seemingly casual general The spine moved to the other side. "Your country's first World War 'prospered in one-on-one, died in two lines' mistake, he will not repeat it!"

Rostav's blue eyes were full of wonder.

A lot of what Tang Dao said was beyond his comprehension as a successful businessman, but he still knew the theory of "prosper in single battles, die in double lines".

Because he had also heard similar remarks from a general who came to the factory to inspect the progress of tank production. The name of that general was Guderian.

In the First World War, the Germanic Empire did not concentrate its absolute superiority to defeat the French Empire on the Western Front because of problems in execution, which led to two-front battles, and finally the "Battle of the Somme", "Battle of the Marne", " The Battle of Verdun' suffered huge losses in the three major battles, and was defeated with almost no losses in the empire itself!

If the empire does not want to repeat the same mistakes, it must have more tanks and armored vehicles, and use the fastest central assault to tear apart the opponent's defense line, so that the opponent has no time to mobilize troops before being defeated by the main force entering along the breakthrough.

This kind of thinking is not only used on the battlefield, but also on the front line.First defeat the five-nation coalition led by the two empires of the sun never sets and France on the western front, and then mobilize the main force to defeat the fighting nations on the eastern front.

"Colonel Tang Dao, who are you? With such a talent, how can you only serve as a colonel in your country? If you are willing, come back with me, and I will recommend you to the high-level as a general." Rostav After the horror, he showed the characteristics of a businessman and began to lobby Tang Dao.

Undoubtedly, military talent like Tang Dao is needed in today's empire, and it can also be the best investment resource. For this reason, the proud Germans even did not hesitate to use the rare "you" to address them.

"Thank you Mr. Rostav for your kindness, but my motherland is still in flames of war. As a Chinese soldier, Tang Dao must be here." Tang Dao shook his head and resolutely refused.

"I now somewhat believe Colonel Tang Dao's words of 'must return' that you said earlier. With such a terrible commander like you, China will definitely not lose this war. As I predicted at the beginning, the Japanese , will inevitably suffer the consequences!" Rostav sighed sincerely.

"Mr. Rostav, I just told you this, not to show you my military talents, but to remind you that your country hopes to rise, and there is no problem in strategy, but there is an old saying in China: There are many people who achieve the Tao. Help, those who lose their way will not be able to help!" Tang Dao said suddenly with a serious face.

Before Rostav's face changed drastically, he continued, "And your company is deeply bound to your government. If, what I'm talking about is that if your country loses one day, it will be liquidated after the war."

Rostav did not speak for a long time this time, but chose to sit on a stone and smoked a cigar silently.

He knew that what Tang Dao said was only a possibility, but Rostav, who was well versed in oriental culture, also knew the meaning of the so-called "the one who has attained the Dao will be helped more, and the one who has lost the Dao will have little help"!Once a war is launched, his motherland will fight against the whole of Europe and even the Americas on its own.

What is especially frightening is that the Führer who monopolizes power is an out-and-out populist. Thinking of this, a chill hits my heart.

"Then what should I do?" Rostav, who was already dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, asked subconsciously.

"So, Mr. Lou Dehua, the benefits of your coming to the Far East this time far outweigh the disadvantages. Even if you manage your company's business in the Far East well, even if you encounter the most extreme situation, Mr. Lou Dehua, you will be able to stay away from the vortex of war. Security. At that time, I will go back to rectify your company, and I believe that no one will object to your company." Tang Dao replied.

This time, Tang Dao was called by Rostav's Chinese name, which was very particular, which meant that his friend was a German who came to China, not a German who would participate in the war.

Tang Dao believes that Rostav can understand this point.

As for whether Rostav, who was far away from the war, can return to the core layer again, that is simply an open-book question.

In the future, with the defeat of the Germanic Empire, the core of the Krupp company that followed the head of state was eliminated, and Rostav's nephew was sentenced to 12 years in prison and finally spent four years in prison.

Who can stop Rostav from the leaderless Krupp family?
"I understand!" Rostav's blue eyes flashed coldly.

Nodding solemnly, he stretched out his hand to Tang Dao: "Colonel Tang, we will become reliable friends. From my personal point of view, I also hope that you and my motherland will never be enemies. Because, I don't want my The motherland has provoked such a terrible enemy as you."

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this, Mr. Lou Dehua. Your country's land and air force are strong, but your navy is a bit weak. It's really not easy to travel tens of thousands of kilometers!" Tang Dao smiled and shook the man who offered it to him. hand.

A little ant teasing Tiger's navy is not good, before the two of them talk, they will definitely be dismissed, but now, Rostav can only roll his eyes.

In fact, Tang Dao is not aimless. The navy is indeed the weakest link of the Germanic Empire army.

It's not that the Germanic Empire has no money, but that warships are not like tanks and cannons. They can be mass-produced after the assembly line is built, and it takes time to accumulate.But the empire, which has already taken crazy steps, still has so much time to wait?

"By the way, Mr. Lou Dehua, you just said that we are already friends, right!" Tang Dao asked again out of the blue.

"That's right!" Lou Dehua nodded seriously.

"Then if I do business with your company, I don't know if I can get a discount. We have a saying of 'friendship price' in China. Mr. Lou Dehua, you are so proficient in my Chinese culture, you probably don't know it!" Tang Dao smiled and held the blue-eyed man's hand and did not let go.

Coupled with the bright smile on the face, from anyone's point of view, it is definitely Boya meeting the child, high mountains meeting running water, jeans meeting white shirt.

"Okay! My friend, if you want to buy arms, as long as you can take them away without being discovered by the Japanese, I will give you a [-]% discount. This is already the maximum authority I can do." Lou Dehua thought carefully Finally, give a fairly reasonable discount.

This guy is definitely a gentleman. Even if he knows that Tang Dao may only be able to buy a few hundred guns, and he can make up for the shortfall in discounts, he has to make a decision after careful consideration.

The word friend should not be easily uttered by this person.

But he might regret saying this!
The 'friend' who was holding his hand and had a bright smile on his face was even more 'vicious' than tigers and wolves.

The moment Tang Tuanzuo took out an order form from his pocket and placed it in front of Lou Dehua with a smile, his blue eyes froze instantly.

Suddenly, I really want to hit someone, but I can't do it properly, what should I do?Waiting online, very urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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