Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1072 Future Arsenal Planning!

The total length of the heavy machine gun on the drawing is as high as 1625mm, the barrel length alone reaches 1070MM, the design gun body weight reaches 33.5KG, and the weight of the wheeled gun frame is as high as 102KG, not including the weight of the steel shield.

Facing such a heavy machine gun, Grunov's previous evaluation of the big man couldn't have been more accurate.

Such a large size and weight are actually extremely disadvantageous for an infantry battalion-level support firepower. Once the firepower is exposed, the possibility of being destroyed by enemy artillery fire is extremely high.

However, the next various parameter designs of the big man made Grunov's eyes gradually become dignified.

'The caliber is 12.7mm, the initial velocity of the bullet is 850M/S, the maximum range is 5400M, the maximum anti-aircraft height is 2500M, the theoretical rate of fire is 600 rounds/min, and the combat rate of fire is 125 rounds/min. Armor-piercing bombs, armor-piercing incendiary bombs, and ordinary bombs can be used. '

All skills are false in the face of absolute power!At this moment, such a sentence appeared in Grunov's mind.

Because, this is the impact this large-caliber heavy machine gun gave him.

This is not only a heavy machine gun that can be used to provide support firepower for infantry, it can even be used to shoot lightly armored targets, and it can also be used for low-altitude defense. It is an absolute all-rounder heavy machine gun.

Yes, this machine gun is the famous DSHKM heavy machine gun produced by the fighting nation.

The predecessor of this machine gun, the DSHK heavy machine gun, proved its strength in the Second World. The super-long barrel makes it have a powerful armor-breaking ability, which is enough to penetrate a 500MM thick steel plate at a distance of 15 meters. Ordinary sandbag fortifications It is like paper in front of its bullets.

However, after such a strong armor-piercing ability, it also has a very high rate of fire, so that once a fighter jet passing over its head at low altitude is shot by it, the body will suffer heavy damage.

The war-type technology tree of the fighting nation is generally a bit outrageous, and this heavy machine gun is no exception. Excessive weight and overly complicated design are the shortcomings of this machine gun, but its huge power also makes the enemy frightened.

Tang Dao took into account that the Japanese army had sufficient air superiority. Whenever they engaged in large-scale offensive and defensive battles with the Japanese infantry, the Japanese fighter jets would drop heavy aerial bombs.

However, the Oerlikon 20mm machine guns currently equipped in large quantities by the Four Elements Regiment are destined to be insufficient in maneuverability due to their heavy gun weight of 200 kg. What about battalion-level battles?How can the air defense company follow the infantry battalion all the time?
A heavy machine gun with a large caliber that can break through armor and simple fortifications and low-altitude defense functions is an urgently needed tactical weapon for the four-row regiment. This heavy machine gun developed by the fighting nation is very suitable for the current combat needs of the four-row regiment.

The ability to break the armor of 500MM within a distance of 15 meters is completely sufficient. The armor thickness of the Type 94 light tanks equipped with a large number of tank squadrons of the North China Front Army in Japan is only 10MM. , It's really not the opponent of this 94mm heavy machine gun.

Moreover, regardless of its total weight of 100 kg with the wheeled gun rack, if it is replaced with an anti-aircraft gun rack or a tripod, the total weight will not exceed 60 kg, and it is completely feasible to rely on pack horses or even human transportation.

Tang Dao has secretly calculated that if the underground arsenal that has invested a huge amount of money can imitate this heavy machine gun, then each infantry battalion will be equipped with 9 guns, which can not only provide fire support for infantry companies, but also have air defense functions.

Not only the infantry battalion can be used, Cheng Tieshou's air defense company will eliminate all Oerlikon machine guns, and replace all the machine gun platoons with the Su Luotong double-mounted machine guns purchased from Krupp this time. The first platoon is all equipped with this 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun.

Of course, that was slightly different from what the infantry battalions used.In the future, this machine gun will be magically changed again
For example, double-packed type, or quadruple-packed type!
Tang Dao has personally seen the moment when the quadruple-mounted heavy machine gun developed by a certain country that is raging in war spits out four tongues of flames, and the American cowboy's Apache gunship that is racing at high speed in the valley is shot straight into a honeycomb.

As far as the thin skin of the Type [-] fighter currently equipped by the Japanese army is concerned, it can only be said to be nothing in front of a quadruple machine gun firing hundreds of bullets at full speed.

"This heavy machine gun can not only provide ground fire support, but also defend against low altitudes. It is a very comprehensive tactical machine gun!" Grunov was amazed. "I'm really looking forward to the moment I meet the talented designer you mentioned."

"Doctor, I have also mentioned your name to her, and she is also looking forward to it. In fact, if it wasn't for the war, she should have arrived at the Royal Academy in Heidelberg to start her doctoral studies." Tang Dao secretly laughed and continued to talk nonsense .

If I let this guy know that the piracy boss is in front of me, I don't know what kind of expression he will have.

Of course, the most important reason why Tang Dao is so calm and nonsense is that he believes that Teacher Xiao He will never expose his lies.

Following the four-element group all the way, seeing her compatriots struggling in the flames of war, Mr. He, who has a tendency of "blackening", is rushing on the road of designing various firearms. As long as she can kill the Japanese, she will not care The blueprint of how Tang Dao came from.

"No wonder!" Hearing the name of the academy, Grunov believed [-]% of Tang Dao's nonsense in his heart.

The Royal Academy of Heidelberg is one of the top academies in the German Empire, and the Institute of Nuclear Physics is the jewel at the top of the crown.

Countless Germanic elites wanted to go there to study, but they couldn't get it. A Chinese can be admitted there to study for a doctorate. One can imagine its excellence. Compared with this, these two extremely excellent firearms are designed by such geniuses. It's normal.

With this psychological expectation, the third blueprint did not surprise this man too much.

It was a small-caliber mortar with a caliber of 60mm, which was 50mm larger than the 10mm grenadier currently used by the Japanese army to equip the first-line infantry squad.

This time, Tang Dao did not pirate the fighting nation, but pirated the future China, the famous 63-type 60 mortar.

For this engineer from the Germanic Empire, the small 60MM caliber guns are not attractive at all. The 75 mountain cannons of the Germanic Empire Army are equipped to the infantry regiment level in large numbers. An infantry regiment has 12 mountain cannons, and the infantry battalions are also equipped with more With large-caliber mortars, once the front-line infantry encounters obstacles, they will call the artillery fire at the regiment and battalion levels to attack the target, which basically has the embryonic form of modern warfare.

But in the Chinese battlefield, a second-rate military power is very important to an army that is basically not in the ranks and basically relies on a large number of people, and small-caliber artillery is very important to the first-line infantry.

Once in time and space, until the fifth year after the opening of the Great Patriotic War, China, which finally succeeded in imitating the Brand 60 mortar, began to mass-produce what was later called the Min 31 Type 60 gun. Until the end of the war, a total of more than 3 mortars were manufactured , produced more than 400 million rounds of shells, and brought into full play the characteristic of relying on quantity without quality. Naturally, it also made great contributions to winning the final victory in the war.

According to statistics, nearly 10 Japanese soldiers were killed under the fire of large and small caliber mortars equipped by the Chinese army.

During the entire war, the number of Japanese infantry who died or disappeared on the Chinese battlefield was only 40.

Mortars can be described as the most powerful weapon of the Chinese military and civilians in the war of resistance, none of them.

Moreover, this may also be the only equipment in China that exceeds the artillery of the same caliber equipped by the Japanese army in terms of artillery performance and power.

Although the maximum range of the 31-type 60 gun is only 1000 meters, the charge of the 1.3KG shell far exceeds the Japanese 50mm grenadier. It is also used as platoon-level support firepower. When the two meet, the former is almost crushed. Hanging and throwing projectiles.

The 31-type 63 mortar developed on the basis of the Min 60 has an overall length of 618MM and an overall gun weight of 12.5 kg. It can be carried by a soldier, and its mobility is no less than that of a grenadier.

But the power is much greater than the basic model, with the longest range of 1400 meters and the shortest range of 70 meters. The standard anti-personnel grenade used weighs 1.33KG, can be filled with 0.11KG explosives, and the effective killing radius of shrapnel can reach 10.2M. The Japanese grenade grenade kill area is several times.

The 63-type 60 mortar also has another feature, its maximum rate of fire can reach 30 rounds per minute, that is, a skilled shooter can completely fire at a rate of 2 seconds per round, as long as a squad of 3 mortars , in the case of sufficient shells, it only takes 1 minute, and the covering bombardment of 90 shells can completely create a death zone in front of a 200-300-meter defense line of an infantry platoon.

It doesn't matter if the enemy doesn't charge, once they charge, they will be hit by such small-caliber artillery like a storm, which is much more terrifying than the rainstorm pear blossom needle.

Moreover, the 63-type 60 mortar is also equipped with an optical sight. The mirror body has a direction-turning screw and a scale-turning screw, which is enough for the shooter to send the shell more accurately to kilometers away, which is comparable to the bombs used by the Japanese. The barrel is controlled by the long-term actual combat experience of the grenadier hand, and the accuracy is much stronger.

Especially in mountain warfare with complex terrain, the 12.5-type 63 press with a total weight of only 60 kg can be maneuvered and flexible without picking the launch site. It is simply an excellent mountain warfare weapon. Even in the future Southwest jungle counterattack, The platoon-level infantry responsible for penetrating the enemy's rear all carried this small gun, and it played a great role.

With the design drawings and the industrial standard of the Germanic Empire, it is not too difficult to manufacture this artillery, regardless of the fact that the design of this artillery comes from 20 years later.Tang Dao has also been planned. This small-caliber mortar will be the priority equipment manufactured by this underground secret arsenal.

At that time, this batch of 60MM small-caliber artillery will be sold to the entire Chinese army as a product of the Dakouzidong Military Factory. The price is not high, and it can be offset by various materials, even bullet casings.

Even after paying a certain fee, Tang Dao can also provide drawings for imitation by various military factories under the control of the government.

At that time, the 60MM mortars will enter the battlefield 4 years ahead of schedule. It may still not be able to determine the victory of this war, but it is certain that it will cause greater casualties to the Japanese infantry.

Especially the 60th Army, which is infiltrating behind the Japanese defense line in large numbers, if those platoon-level elites are allowed to carry [-] pressure, and with sufficient fire support, they can give the Japanese army who dared to leave the city any time according to the terrain. Come to Sap, there are not enough troops and infantry artillery, and the safety of Japanese troops below the infantry squadron level entering the countryside is worrying.

As for the past time and space, a certain Xiaogang Village, who served as the commander of the Japanese North China Front Army three years later, racked his brains to compress the living space of the [-]th Army and came up with the "cage policy". Killing ordinary people to create a man-made no-man's land, and inflicting heavy damage on the [-]th Army in guerrilla warfare mode in the early stage is purely bullying the [-]th Army's direct-firing weapons that are not powerful enough.

Without waiting for three years, with Grunov, a real gun designer and German Seiko manufacturing, the heavy machine gun pirated from the fighting nation must have come out.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this small version of the "machine gun" is actually prepared by Tang Dao for all Chinese troops who will start fighting guerrillas in the future.

If the penetration of a 500MM steel plate within 15 meters is close to 200 meters, how strong are the Japanese bunkers to block such crazy heavy machine guns?

Even if it can, Tang Dao has yet to come up with a drawing that will be called 40 fire in the future.

The reason why it has not been brought out yet is that Tang Dao is also worried that the Germans leaked the secrets and developed this weapon to change history before launching the war. If possible, this epoch-making weapon that can change the pattern of tanks dominating the land battlefield is still handed over to Teacher Xiao He They are best developed independently.

Anyway, unless it is poured with concrete half a meter thick, any blockhouse will become vain in the face of 40 fire.

"I am Tang Dao, and now I am the head of the Colonel's Infantry Regiment. On behalf of all the officers and soldiers in China's second war zone, I welcome Dr. Grunov to join you!" After designing the drawings, he solemnly extended his hand to Grunov.

After hesitating for about ten seconds, Grunov stretched out his hand and held Tang Dao together: "Colonel Tang, is this considered compulsory conscription?"

Tang Dao's meaning is very clear. If he agrees, he will almost be regarded as a member of the Chinese army, except that he will not be awarded a military rank, and has nothing to do with Krupp. All his previous promises will definitely be fulfilled.

This not only has the toughness unique to soldiers, but also has enough honest character. Tang Dao hopes to have an engineer with enough talent as his subordinate, but he never wants this foreign engineer to step on two boats and earn money that belongs to the Chinese. , but also thinking about doing things for their own country.

Don't the Chinese have a saying!It's better to say the ugly words first than to be vague and ambiguous, and then the two sides have different ideas and then tear your face.

After serious thinking, Grunov did not disappoint Tang Dao, and even expressed his response to Tang Dao's slightly tough attitude in an extremely rare humorous way.

Apparently, the dislike of this brick-maker who is not for the Krupp company doesn't mean that he has low EQ, it's simply that his metal stamping design concept is too advanced for mediocre people to accept.

Of course, the MG42 machine gun that will shine in the future is indeed too ugly in appearance. According to Western weapon experts, it is "broken copper and iron", and even the aesthetic bias is "bulky and stupid". The military design of the durable fighting nation is much more beautiful than that.

"Haha! Dr. Ge is joking, but when I win the Great Patriotic War in China, my Chinese nation will never forget the help that international friends gave me to China, and I believe that Dr. Ge and Mr. Rostav will not regret it Today's choice." Tang Dao replied meaningfully with a long smile.

Except for Tang Dao, no one in this era would know that the Germanic Empire, which has been dormant for more than ten years, will eventually fail again, and all those who have served the war will be liquidated.

Those who are famous like Grunov and Rostav don’t even think about running away. It may be better to fall into the hands of American cowboys who rely on war fortune. As long as they serve them, elites like Grunov will not It is said that there are no war crimes, even if there are, it is beyond doubt.But if it falls into the hands of a vengeful fighting nation, nine out of ten it will end by shooting. For the fighting nation, the designer of the MG42 machine gun that has caused a lot of damage to them is more damning than a ruthless machine gun shooter.

Staying in China, not only will they not be convicted of war crimes for participating in aggressive wars, they will even be awarded medals for supporting the Chinese army.

As for who is just and who is unjust, does it really matter?Wars between countries have always been the law of the forest.

Just like the Sino-Japanese war, it was because the elephant in China was weak that the jackal dared to stretch out its claws and fangs. When the elephant came back to life, the jackal didn't even dare to howl and could only stay away with its tail between its legs.

Of course, Tang Dao knew that after this battle, the people of the country would be more vigilant against the jackal next to him in the future, and they might smash the jackal's head with a hammer in the future.

Bringing it back to the Stone Age, the picture of a group of little children wearing fur skirts dancing around the fire must be the most popular scene for Chinese people.

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